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Dawn: A Cheating Slut Wife

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Wife is caught and pays.
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Thank you for reading my story.

Once again I would like to thank, JACUZZIGAL for her editing skills.


You could say I was fat, dumb and happy. I'm really not fat--it's just a figure of speech—but I was dumb because I thought I was in a solid marriage. I was wrong--she's a lying cheating slut.

I'm John T. Miller my friends call me JT or BeerMan. They call me BeerMan because I brew 5 gallon batches of beer in my home. Most guys in my Beer Club keg their beer. I, however, bottle mine. My wife, Dawn, drinks wine. She hates beer. No, I don't have a beer belly. I work out 5 days a week at the gym. My family has a history of heart problems so I exercise, watch what I eat and my salt intake. I'm 6'3" and weigh 192 pounds. Eight years ago I left corporate America to start my own company, which is doing very well.

Dawn works for a top 50 corporation. She's been with them for 24 years. She started in the IT department as an analyst a month after our wedding. A little over 5 years ago she moved into a position as an instructor in the education division. The company requires her to attend at least 20 days of education a year to stay current with changing technology.

At 46, Dawn is a knock out. She is 5'8" and weighs 118 pounds, and she does not look like a woman who's had 2 children. She's a runner and meets 6 other women on our block each morning at 6 o'clock to run 6 miles.

Our daughter, Emily, is 22. She graduated from Florida State and she's a 1st grade teacher in Naples. Like her mother, Emily is a runner. She started running with her mom's group at the age of 14. I'm proud to say she likes the beer I make. She found a beer club in Naples and joined. When able, I attend with her.

Our son, Kent, is a 21 year old senior at the University of Florida. It is very entertaining to listen to his sister and him go at each other. Kent will drink my beer (since it's free, the price is right for a college student). He is a good student looking forward to joining my business. I've told him he needs to work in corporate America for at least 5 years before I'll hire him. I believe he needs real world experience.

Dawn does not like beer and cannot stand the smell in our house when I boil a batch. I always schedule boiling a new batch of beer when Dawn travels. She is in Dallas this week, and I'm making an English Brown Ale. I thought life could not get any better. Little did I know it was getting ready to change.

Bobby, one of my beer club members, called and asked if I would pick him up at the airport last Wednesday night at 8:30. Of course I said yes, and it would cost him a six pack of his award winning Porter.

As I walked into the baggage claim area I saw 3 of Dawn's fellow instructors exiting. I wondered why Dawn wasn't with them, so I pulled out my cell phone called her office phone. Normally I call her cell phone—I can't remember the last time I called her office. Her message said "Hi, you've reached the voicemail of Dawn Miller. I will be out of the office in Dallas teaching a class until Wednesday and will be on vacation Thursday and Friday. Please, leave a message at the tone and I will return your call on Monday."

About this time I saw Bobby coming my way, so I walked over to join him. I told Bobby what I knew and how confused I was. Bobby suggested I call Steve, who is another member of our beer club, to get his opinion. Steve is a detective with our local police department.

Before I called Steve, I decided to call Dawn. After she said "Hello" Doing my best to sound normal I replied "Just wanted to call and hear your voice. I can't wait to hold you in my arms." "Well what brought this on? Are you horny?" We both laughed. "Yes, I'm going to make love to you as soon as you get home Friday. I'm sure I can't wait till Saturday." "Honey you know these trips wear me out. I'm scheduled on the earliest flight out on Friday and can't wait to sleep in your arms." "Dawn, do you have to stay and pack?" "Yes, I have to stay and do my part. It wouldn't be fair to them. I love you and will see you Friday." This is the first time I'd ever known Dawn to lie to me.

I know it was late but I called Steve anyway. We talked about our next beer meeting for a few minutes. "Steve, I think Dawn is cheating on me and I need some guidance." Steve responded "I'm sorry to hear this and I will help anyway I can. First tell me what makes you believe Dawn is cheating on you." Taking a sip of beer I said "Bobby asked me to pick him up at the airport and I saw 3 of Dawn's coworkers existing with their luggage. They were with Dawn in Dallas this week. Her office voicemail stated she was in Dallas through Wednesday and on vacation till Monday. Before I called you I talked to Dawn and she acted like she was still teaching a class until Friday." Steve listened to me without interruption and then asked; "How often did Dawn travel?" "About twice a quarter."

"Did she travel with the same group each trip?"


"Did each class last 5 days?"


"Has she always left on Saturday and returned Friday night?"

"As far back as I could remember. She leaves on Saturday morning and returns on Friday night."

"What does she do when she gets home?"

"She is tired when she gets home takes a long bubble bath and goes to bed. First thing Saturday morning she washes her clothes. We go out to dinner and come home for some welcome home sex."

Steve agreed something was going on and advised me to call Frank Jones, a PI he knew, and discuss it with him. I thanked Steve for his insight and said I'd call Frank in the morning.

The next morning I received a call from Frank Jones. Turns out Steve called Frank and asked him to give me a call. I told Frank the same story I told Steve then answered his questions. Frank paused then asked, "You've been happily married for over 24 years. Do you really want to know what's going on?"

"Yes why are you asking?"

"It's been my experience in cases like this that most end in divorce. The questions you have to answer are: how much do you want to know? How far back you want us to go? How much are you willing to spend? Will you be able to handle what we find out?"

I was not prepared for this. I sat there in silence and then said, "Frank, I want to know everything--when, where, with whom--as far back as you can go. I will spend whatever it takes to find out the truth! If I've been shit on I want to know how deep!"

We decided that Frank would contact a fellow PI in Dallas he knew to check on Dawn. He would have someone on his staff check on the training class schedules. They would also contact the 3 instructors I saw leaving the airport.

In the meantime I was to search the house for anything unusual. I wasn't sure what to look for or where to start. I ruled out the living room, the dining room, kitchen, Emily's room, and Kent's Room for the time being.

I decided to start with Dawn's dresser. Everything I saw in her dresser I've seen before. After opening the door to her closet and seeing so many boxes I decided to check the bathroom instead. Her side of the bathroom did not hold any secrets. I went back to her closet and started searching. Starting with her hanging clothes and working my way through each shoe box I could not find anything out of place or raised a question in my mind.

After searching the master bedroom, the guest bedroom, the den, garage and attic I still did not know anymore than when I started.

Frank arrived around 5pm. He installed cameras in all bedrooms, the den, kitchen as well as a recorder for our phone. We went to the airport, found Dawn's car, and placed a GPS system in the trunk and a voice activated recorder under the front seat.

Back at the house, Frank and I had one of my Pale Ales while he brought me up to date. "Dawn's class schedule varies per location ranging from 3 to 5 days. The class in Dallas was scheduled for 3 days Monday through Wednesday. Tom, Paul and Bev flew out on Sunday afternoon returning on Wednesday night. Classroom material is shipped to the class location a week before the scheduled class. Instructors do not setup nor take down; each location has staff to handle setup and teardown." Sitting there taking time to regain control of my anger I thought of my father "JT you must stay in control of your anger. You can't think clearly when anger is in control." Storming of to the kitchen I growled "Damn it! That bitch has been blowing smoke up my ass! She will pay."

"Did you find anything during your search?"

"No" I got us another beer this time an IPA (India Pale Ale) and told Frank I hadn't found anything out of place.

The only red flag we could see is Dawn's need to wash her clothes. After some discussion we decide Frank will intercept her bag at the airport and I will research how to disable the washer so it won't work immediately.

Before Frank left he told me his Dallas contact is on-site at Dawn's hotel and he'll talk to his contact in the morning and then call me. Frank left, and I had another beer wondering how to break a washing machine.

I couldn't bring myself to sleep in the master bedroom. I slept in Kent's bed. Needless to say I slept very little. To keep up my routine and get my mind off things, I went into the office. Frank call about noon, and we agreed to meet at my house that afternoon.

Frank arrived at 2 with an armful of files. He passed on my offer for a beer--this time he was all business. The Dallas contact emailed his report with pictures attached. Frank pulled out a picture of six people sitting around a restaurant table. There were 3 women and 3 men sitting in couples.

Frank asked, "Do you recognize any of these people?"

I looked at the picture for awhile before saying, "The only person I recognize is Dawn." He then handed me a picture of each person for a better look. Once again, I studied their faces several minutes without speaking. I handed Frank one of the pictures and said, "I think I've seen this person before but I don't know where."

Frank said "while they were eating video cameras were installed on each floor of the hotel facing down the hallway of each floor."

The next series of pictures showed them leaving the restaurant entering the elevator and all six getting off on the 7th floor. The women entered room 707 and the men entered room 709.

Pictures from 10:15 am Friday morning showed two of the women exiting room 707. There were pictures of two men exiting room 709 Friday morning at 10:29 am.

The next batch of pictures showed them exiting the elevator, walking through the lobby then out the front door. These pictures gave me the impression this was a group of friends or business associates, not lovers.

Frank told me they went down the street to a restaurant for lunch. Each paid for their meal and returned to the hotel.

There was a batch of pictures showing them exiting their hotel rooms carrying their luggage to the elevator. Each approached the front desk and checked out.

Frank turned to face me with a serious look on his face and asked, "BeerMan I'm going to ask you once again...Are you sure you want to know everything?"

Without blinking I said, "Hell yes!"

Frank paused, still looking me in the eye then proceeded "On a scale of 1 to 10, how blunt do you want me to be?"

"Eleven! Don't hold a damn thing back!"

Another file was handed to me as Frank gave me a narrative of what I was observing. Without going into the whole conversation I found out the Dallas agents went into rooms 707 and 709 with the cleaning crew videoing both rooms. Turns out 707 and 709 are connecting rooms with a connecting inside door between them. They took the sheets off of the beds, sent them to a lab for DNA analysis, bagged their used glasses for fingerprints and went through the trash. The Dallas PI said the rooms reeked of sex and all four beds had been used with stains all over them. Until the lab results came in we wouldn't know if Dawn had participated in or just watched, but there had definitely been an orgy in the rooms.

"Bullshit we both know she was in that room getting fucked. Looks like the bitch I married is a lying cheating slut!" I said. I paced around the room cursing for about 5 minutes. I stopped, looked at Frank and said "Fuck her! What do we do now? The bitch is due back tonight."

"First, let's go disable the washing machine." We pulled it away from the wall and cut one of the wires going to the motor. I think Frank wanted to do this first just to give me a simple task to do giving me time to get control of myself.

We went back to the kitchen and Frank hit me with something I never considered possible. He wanted to take a DNA sample from me and wanted to know if I could find a hair bush with hair from each of the children. I sat down and asked, "What makes you think the children are not mine?"

"I don't have any idea. You wanted to know everything, and this is just one item on our checklist." I thought for a minute said, "We have a clipping of their hair before their first haircut. You only need 1 piece for each, right?" He said "That will work." Frank placed my sample in a bag numbered 1, Kent's in number 2, Emily's in number 3. We got a hair out of Dawn's brush and numbered it 4. He would send them to the lab in the morning.

Frank had a contact at the airport that was going to try to intercept Dawn's luggage. She would be late getting home because of the time it takes to report missing luggage.

Those tasks were out of the way so we discussed my ability to act normal around Dawn. Could I welcome her home with a hug and a kiss? Could I sit and listen to her lie about her trip? Could I take her to dinner tomorrow and have sex with her? How long and how well could I lie to her? Frank explained his staff needs time to obtain and analyze the evidence. It may take several months to understand everything going on with Dawn. Could I hold it together for months? I told him, "I'll do whatever it takes. I want to know the truth!" Frank reached into his pocket and handed me a bag of Viagra just in case.

He then asked, "Would it be possible for you to go out of town on a 3 to 4 day business trip?" I thought about whom I could go see on short notice without raising a red flag to Dawn. A smile crossed my face I looked up and said "Yes, I can go to St. Louis and see one of my oldest customers. We will play golf, smoke cigars and drink my beer. Damn Fred really enjoys drinking my home brew. I will tell Dawn I'm going to leave Monday morning returning Thursday afternoon. Will this work? Why do you want me to go?"

Frank said "Good question. I figure if Dawn is up to something she will not do anything to make you suspicious. She may let her guard down with you out of town, slip up. I'm betting she had a great weekend and can't wait to talk to them again. The only place we don't have a bug is in her office. Wait a minute, is there something she always wears or carries with her. Maybe we can attach a small bug to it. Do you have any idea?"

We stared off into space thinking for awhile, and I said, "The only thing I can think of is her briefcase."

Frank's responded, "It's not the best but it's better than nothing. I'll leave a bug with you and you can attach it to the briefcase tonight. It's time for me to leave, are you ready for show time?"

I simply said "Yes."

Before Frank got up, he said "If you get a chance tonight or in the morning check Dawn's panties to see if she leaked any fluids. My guess is these guys rode bareback. You may want to get checked for STD's and HIV. Goodnight, give me a call if you get a chance this weekend. Remember to stay calm."

I sat on the back deck with a Porter and let my mind wonder. Other than Dawn's desire to wash her clothes first thing Saturday morning I could not think of anything that would give me a reason to doubt her.

About ten minutes before Dawn arrived I got a call from Frank telling me they retrieved her luggage and it was on the way to the lab. Again, he reminded me to stay calm.

Dawn arrived as always tired from her trip, but this time she was upset with the airline losing her luggage. She complained about 2 pairs of slacks she bought last week. Everything else was replaceable what was important she had in her carryon. She came into my arms gave me a hug saying "I love you and I'm glad to be home. I've missed you so much." After another hug and a kiss she went upstairs for her bubble bath. I attached the bug to her briefcase then watched TV, reviewing our 10 minutes together.

Letting my mind drift back over Dawn's arrival I couldn't detect anything but love from her to me, tired from her trip, somewhat pissed about her luggage and happy to be home. I'm not sure my performance was in the same class as hers but I tried. I realize I need to work on it or she would see through me. I pushed these thoughts out of my mind went upstairs and prepared for bed where we would sleep in each others arms.

I guess Dawn slept late Saturday morning because she did not have to worry about washing her clothes. Before getting into the shower I checked out Dawn's panties in the dirty clothes hamper. Talk about feeling like a pervert--I never imagined I would be checking out the crotch of her panties. I'm not an expert at this but I couldn't see anything unusual about her panties. After taking a bath, I went downstairs started the coffee went outside for the paper and waited on Dawn.

She came into the kitchen while I was getting my 3rd cup of coffee. She was wearing her robe with a rested look on her face. I gave her my best smile saying "Good morning sleepy head. You look well rested and ready to start your day. Would you like a cup of coffee?" She smiled then said "Yes, thank you I'd love a cup. I should lose my luggage more often, if I'm going to get this kind of treatment."

After eating breakfast together I went outside to take care of my "honey do list." A couple hours later Dawn came outside telling me she was on the way to the grocery store, she wanted to know if I needed anything. I told her no, I was going to clean up and move my batch of English Brown Ale from the primary to the secondary while she was gone.

We had dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant chatting about our week apart and discussing the upcoming week's schedule. I told her about my trip to St. Louis, she was happy to be home. She said "I'm glad you're traveling instead of me. It's great to be home for a while, traveling just wears me out. If my luggage is not found by Wednesday I'll go shopping for replacements after work Wednesday. To tell the truth, I hope they don't find it so I can go shopping everything but those slacks I've been wearing for ages." I laughed and then told her all about my latest batch of English Brown Ale. We went home, I took a Viagra, we made "welcome home love", but really I just fucked the slut.

I packed two cases of my home brew and head off for St. Louis. Yes, I know it takes over 8 hours to drive there, but what can I say I like to drive. It gives me time by myself to think. I usually think about my business; however this trip my thoughts were about Dawn.

I called Frank from the road. I gave him an update of how my weekend went. He didn't have any new information but would be in touch.

I was lost in thought and four hours went by before I knew it. I called Frank again and asked "Frank I want it straight up what does your gut say?" Frank took a breath and said "I've discussed this with Joe in Dallas; we believe Dawn was involved in the orgy and this affair has been going on for years."

"Why do you believe that?"

"It's highly unlikely for one person to sit and watch hours of sex without being involved. Plus they are very comfortable with each other. They weren't rushed, they didn't look nervous, they didn't hang on each other, they entered separate rooms, and they did nothing to call attention to themselves. It takes years to get that comfortable with each other. My gut tells me you are not going to like what we find out about this group including your wife."

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