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Day Off Interrupted

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Wife, her only day off, interrupted by husband and coworkers.
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It was my first weekend off in 3 months. Recently my company had assigned me to a huge project. Between the weekends with family obligations and some last minute assignments, I was looking forward to the peace and quiet. I shipped the kids off to grandma's and prepared to do nothing.

I was relaxing in the living room when the doorbell rang. My husband came bounding down the stairs to open the door. I heard voices coming my way. I wondered who it could be, then thought, dammit, I look like a slob.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not bad to look at. I'm 35 years old, 5'5" 135, I keep myself fairly toned and I have pretty hair, but at that point I had no make up on, I was wearing a white ribbed wifebeater, a pair of loose workout shorts that I pulled off my bedroom floor, and my hair was barely brushed.

My husband walked in the room with 4 guys. I knew 2 were guys he worked with. I did not know the other 2. I felt embarrassed when they walked in. I was not expecting anyone. I was not dressed for anyone, and I did not want anyone there.

I looked up and said hi. I realized I had to stand up. I stood up and looking quizzically at my husband and went to get introduced. I had no idea why they were here. I was actually a little pissed that they were.

As I stood up I saw all the guys look at me. Ok, I realized I was seriously being checked out. It was kind of creepy. Then I realized I was not wearing a bra and my thin wife beater clung tightly to every curve. I am maybe a 36C but all of that 36C was on display. My shirt stopped above my navel and my shorts started 2" below showing a good expanse of belly. Now, I was even more pissed. I really could not run and cover myself and I still had no idea why they were here. Wryly, I realized the good news is no one noticed my lack of make up.

My husband just said, "Hi babe, did not see you there. The guys came over to watch the game."

In my mind I was strangling him. This was my only do nothing day for the next few weeks. I did not want to "do nothing" with his friends, especially guys I really did not know.

Instead of strangling him, I held out my hand and introduced myself. The 2 guys I had met before were Bob and Paul, both worked with my husband. They were average looking guys, both in their 30s. Nothing great, nothing bad. I seemed to remembered Paul was married. The other 2 I had not met. They were from out of town. They were on the same team as my husband and they were working on a project together.

One was Gary, kind of the same mold, cute nothing special. The last guy was Tom. Tom was older. I found out later he was 45. It was obvious he was the leader in the group. You could tell just by the way they all looked expectantly at me as he was introduced. I don't know what reaction they expected. Maybe I was supposed to genuflect? He was tall, handsome, and had a great smile. He did not ogle me like the other 3. He did give me an appreciative look and then stayed with my eyes. If I had not been so mad at my husband, I would have enjoyed meeting this man.

Since I was mad at my husband, I was not enjoying meeting anyone. I needed to deal with him. I looked at him and said, "Honey, I did not know we were having company."

He told me Gary had just called him so he invited them over. I don't know if there was a good response to my statement but that was certainly not it. Then to make it better he said, "You said you did not want to go out, so I figured they could come here."

He did this sort of thing a lot. We had discussed it before.

I glared at him but he was oblivious. He might not have noticed but Tom did. Tom quickly said he thought they might be intruding and maybe they should head to a local bar to watch the game. I thought, great idea.

My husband said, That's dumb, we have a huge TV, plenty of beer and Jill can make some sandwiches."

That was it. I knew I was going to kill him as he slept that night.

I, in the most gracious voice I could find, said, "Please, it's no big deal. Come on in."

The guys came in and I started to pick up around me. As I bent over to pick up a pillow I heard a soft gasp. I realized that my shorts were pretty short and loose and they must have seen a great deal of my ass as I bent over. Dammit, now I was really mad. His friends are all ogling me, taking up my day, and they want sandwiches. I did have an evil thought. My husband has a bit of a jealous streak. He had not caught on to me being checked out, but I knew once he did he would be mad.

I figured a little irritation would be good for him. I told them to sit down, and I would get the beer. I went to the kitchen, grabbed 6 bottles and held the cold wet bottles against my chest. My nipples reacted to the cold. The condensation made the shirt stick to my skin and become a little transparent. I pushed my shorts a bit further down on my hips and brought the beers in. As I served them I made sure I bent over each one and gave them a beer.

They tried very hard to pretend they were not looking at my tits. I kept my ass towards my husband and whoever was near him, so he could see the shorts slide up and show my ass cheeks as I bent over. I handed Tom his beer. He smiled, looked me in the eyes, and said thank you. I was beginning to like him.

I finally handed my husband the last beer. He saw my top, he realized what everyone had been seeing. I could see him get tense.

Not wanting to make a scene, he just said, "Thank you babe. Do you want to change?"

I stood up. I was where everyone could see me. I stretched my back really showing off my tits. I said, "I wasn't planning to. I can if you want."

He glanced at me and at his friends who were mostly ogling me, and said he thought I should.

I went upstairs laughing at myself. He could be such a jerk. Tom popped to mind. He seemed nice.

I got to my room and turned to think if what to wear. Dammit, I was comfortable. Why did have to change? I really did not want to change. I only had to change because he ruined my day.

On the other hand I am a girl and do like to look good. I was still annoyed at my husband. An evil thought came to mind. I went in and brushed out my hair and put makeup on. Not a lot, just my usual fresh face look. I went and grabbed the clothes I thought I would wear.

I grabbed a summer outfit. It had a bustier style crop top with shoulder straps and 4 buttons down the front. It definitely pushed up and showed what I had. By undoing the top button, I showed even more. The outfit came with a short matching denim layered skirt. The skirt sat low on my hips and landed at most half way down my thigh. Between my top and skirt my belly was exposed from ribcage to hip bone.

I grabbed my flirtiest thong panties. They were tiny, pink and white with ruffles around the edges. I ended the outfit with a strappy pair of sandals with a slight heel. I looked in the mirror. I looked good. In fact, I looked hot. Not slutty hot, but girl next door hot. Perfect. Just to be on the mean side I bent over to check my cleavage. No nipples. One more button they would be on display. I checked my backside. Well, what lady bends over straight legged from the waist anyway. I was ready to go.

As I walked down the stairs Tom saw me first. He gave me an appreciative look, a thumbs up, and a smile. I smiled back. The other guys saw Tom and turned to look. All their faces lit up except for my husband's. He had a definite scowl.

I just said, "Anyone need another beer?"

As I walked through the room towards the kitchen and counting who wants beers, I may have swung my hips a bit more than usual. I certainly did not have to bend over and pick up that bottle, but I did. I stood up. Again I saw my husband's scowl, 3 guys looking shocked, and Tom with an amused smile. It was as if he got the joke.

My husband followed me in. He was mad. He spoke to me in an angry whisper. "What are you doing?"

"I'm getting beers."

"I mean, what are you wearing?" He said raising his voice a bit.

I pouted and said, "Don't you like it?"

He then said the words he'd come to regret. He said, "You look like a slut".

I turned, looked at him, got my face in his face and went off on him, "First you bring a bunch of strangers home on the only day off I have in months. Then when I am nice enough to not say anything, and get you snacks, you call me a SLUT? Really? A slut? You don't even know what a slut is."

He now knew I was angry. He stammered a response turned and huffed out of the room.

I was now really mad. I mean, he was right, I was dressed to tease, but screw him. I was comfortable before all his friends showed up. I gathered up the beers put them on a tray and thinking, I'll show him slut, walked in serving beers off the tray.

I bent over and offered the tray to each guest making sure my ass was facing his other guests. I am sure a bit of my ass cheeks showed. The guys just gawked silently. Tom took his beer, thanked me, and said they were lucky to have such a beautiful hostess. He had class.

I blushed a bit and said thank you. I got to my husband. He scowled and his eyes burned through me. I handed him his beer and then bent over more exposing more of my ass to his guests.

I whispered to him, "Is that slutty enough?"

I smirked at him, turned and walked away. I was starting to have fun.

At the kitchen door I stopped twisted looked over my shoulder and said, "Are you ready to eat?"

Turning like that really showed off my legs.

My husband said nothing, just scowled. The guys were not sure what to say. Tom, again the gentleman, said, "Please, don't put yourself out. We can order snacks. You should not have to wait on us."

I smiled. I was definitely liking this guy.

I softened and said, "I don't mind, be right back."

My husband again followed me into the kitchen. In an angry whisper, probably a bit louder than he intended, he said, "You're embarrassing the fuck out of me. Stop acting like such a fucking slut."

I was about to scream at him and start throwing things. Tom saved him. Tom walked in the kitchen. He'd obviously heard what was said. He put his arm on my husband's shoulder and said, "Back off. We interrupted her day and Jill is being very accommodating."

My husband started to say something but I guess Tom really was in charge, he just stopped. Tom said to my husband, "Go sit down. I will take over here."

Take over? What did that mean? My husband gave me a look, turned to Tom, sighed, and went back to his seat.

Tom smiled at me and said, "We obviously interrupted your day".

I brushed it off and said it was no big deal. Tom put his hand on my arm and told me he was sorry they interrupted my day, but not sorry he got to meet me. It was a sincere compliment and given my day, a complement was appreciated.

I became fully aware of his hand on my arm. I looked at him. Again I noticed how handsome he was. I felt a little self conscious under his gaze I looked down, but did not move.

He put his finger under my chin and pulled my head up and said, "I think you are beautiful. I don't think you are a slut." I smiled. He then added, "But I bet if you wanted, you would be an amazing slut."

My mouth dropped open, but he had a smile on his lips and a twinkle in his eye. I punched him in the arm laughed and said, "You'd like that wouldn't you." I pointed to the counter and said, "Let's makes snacks."

I turned to walk away, he gave me a playful swat on the ass and said, "But yes, yes I would."

I looked at him, stuck my tongue out, wiggled my ass, and said, "Snack time."

He laughed. I then got the double entendre. I blushed, laughed and said very slowly, as if speaking to an idiot, "Time to MAKE the snacks."

He feigned innocence, and with faked hurt in his voice said, "Of course, that's what I meant."

I went to the fridge to get some cheese and salami. It was in the bottom fresh drawer. I thought what the hell. I bent straight over from the hip to get it. I am sure most of my ass was on display. Tom stepped up to me and I reached back and I handed him the cheese and salami. I stood up and smiling said, "The knife is over there."

Tom went to cutting, I got out the crackers. I'll show him who's in charge. I was still mad at my husband, but Tom was making it better.

I brought the crackers and a plate over and started arranging them on a tray. Tom stood next to me and put his hand in the small of my back. Actually a bit lower. I think he was at least touching the waist of my skirt. I stiffened up. I could not remember the last time a man other than my husband touched me there. I looked at Tom. He had that confident smile. I realized I liked his touch. I smiled and finished the platter. I pointed to the door.

He said, "Ladies first."

I walked to the door, stopped, wiggled my ass, and brought out the snacks.

I grabbed a beer and sat down to watch the game. My husband was in his chair. The couch was full. The only chair was in a spot to the side. I sat down. As I did my skirt slid up. I noticed it. Everyone noticed it. My husband's face turned a little red. Obviously not happy. The other guys pretended not to look.

Tom looked, he looked me in the eye, nodded approvingly, and smiled. I was enjoying it all. I liked seeing my husband mad and nothing he can do about it. I liked the guys trying to look and trying not to get caught, and I was really enjoying this good looking, confident man's attention.

I was on my second beer. My husband was trying to avoid looking at me. Pretending he was ignoring me. Tom, looked at my legs and then my eyes and nodded his head upward. Really? He wanted me to show more leg? What the hell. I was feeling flirty. I had nice legs.

Why not. I put my beer down and pretended to adjust my skirt. I actually lifted up the hem enough so Tom could see my panties. I dropped the hem so far up my lap that my panties were obviously showing.

My husband noticed and started to say something.

He got "Jill" out, when Tom said, "Leave her alone."

My husband started to say something, but just sat back in his chair and opened another beer. It was pretty clear who was in charge. The other guys kept trying not to get caught looking. Tom looked, and nodded approvingly. After 2 beers his approval was starting to make me horny. I gave him a flirty smile and this time gave my skirt a very obviously tug up. There was no question I was showing off. My husband was stewing in his chair.

Tom's control was exciting me. My husband was an OK lover. He was always in charge during sex but it was always about him. I managed to cum most of the time, but I was definitely responsible for my own orgasm. Tom was teasing me. He was taking control, but it was not about him. It was about me. He made me feel sexy. He made me feel like responding.

We needed more beer. They were in the garage. I got up to get them. Tom offered to help. The thought made me a little wet. I was going to be alone with him. As we entered the garage

Tom put his hands on my hips pulled me up against him and said, "I see there is a bit of a slut in there."

I was very aware of his hands on my hips and his breathe on my neck. I should have pulled away, instead I leaned my ass into him.

He kissed my ear and said, "I like it."

He grabbed a six pack and headed back in. I stood there for a minute catching my breath. Standing there I realized I was sorry he had not tried something. I sighed and went back with another six pack.

When I walked in the room I started to head for my chair. Tom said to Gary, "Why don't you sit over there so Jill can sit next to me."

My husband's head whipped around. Tom just gave him a look. My husband turned to the TV again. Gary did what he was told. I walked over to the couch. Tom reached out, grabbed the hem of my skirt, and pulled me into the couch. I knew when he pulled me back my entire ass was exposed to him. When I landed on the couch my skirt was not under me in back and the front was high enough to again show my panties. My husband looked at me, then at Tom, he sighed and turned his head back to the game.

Me? I was starting to get horny. Between the beer, my husband, Tom's attention, and the three guys trying not to get caught, but paying more attention to me than the game, I was definitely turned on. Tom, put an arm around me. It landed on my bare shoulder.

He looked at my Halter top and said, "Is that supposed to be worn that way? I know someone who has one just like it. It looks like you have too many buttons done."

I looked down. It had 4 buttons, I had buttoned 3. One more and from his angle my nipples would definitely be showing. I said, "I don't think so."

He responded, "Let's see."

He reached over and undid a button. Again my husband started to say something but a look from Tom shut him up. I wondered how Tom had so much control over my husband. I then realized he also had control over me, and I was liking it. In fact he was in charge of the whole room.

He undid the button and looked down my top. He said. "You have very pretty nipples."

I blushed. I did not know how to answer. He then said to my husband, "Your wife has beautiful breasts."

My husband meekly replied, "Yes."

Tom said, "What? "

My husband in a louder voice said, "Yes, my wife has beautiful breasts."

It felt surreal sitting here listening to them talk about my breasts, but I liked it. I couldn't believe my husband was not trying to kill this man, but he just sat there.

Tom reached, over slid his hand in my top, and felt them. My nipples instantly became hard. All the guys, including my husband, were watching. My husband no longer looked angry, just resigned. Tom stood up. He took my hand, pulled me up, and led me to the kitchen. He put his strong hands on my hips and set me on the table. He pushed my skirt up to my waist. He unbuttoned the next two buttons on my top.

Except for my panties I was completely exposed to him. I looked at him and said, "Are you going to fuck me now?"

He kissed my breast and sucked on my nipples. His hand slid up to the crotch of my panties. He slid his finger inside and felt how wet I was.

He kissed me lightly on the lips, pulled back, and said, "Not yet."

Not yet? I'm here on the table, legs spread, his fingers inside me, and he says not yet? I said it out loud. Meekly but I said it. "Not yet?"

He said, No, you have not yet discovered your potential inner slut."

Inner slut, I thought. I'm sitting half naked on a table, with my husband and three other men in the other room and he wants me to be sluttier! The thought scared me, but also excited me. I was not sure what was next, but I was enjoying the ride so far.

He said we should go back in the other room. I started button my top. He stopped me and said, "Let's go."

I don't know why I was letting him do this. Part of it I was still mad at my husband, after all, he called me a slut, but I knew that was not the real reason. I was enjoying this. I was enjoying giving up control. I was liking the idea of being a slut.

I walked back in the other room. Everybody looked. It was obvious my top was undone. Tom walked in behind me. He said, "Jill, you don't need that top anymore."

All eyes were on me. I was enjoying being on display. I shrugged the top off, and was going to let it drop to the ground. Tom stopped me and told me to hand it to my husband. I walked over and gave it to him. He meekly took it from me and stared at it.

As I stood there, Tom came up behind me and put his arms around my waist. He pulled me close and looked at my husband.

He said, "It was obvious when we got here that Jill did not want us here. It was also clear you were not paying attention to her. Since we are here I am going to make sure that this is the best day of her life."


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