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Dead and Horny Ch. 12

Story Info
HFHM Spin-off starring Dana, Lily and the mimic Tick Tock.
  • April 2021 monthly contest
13.7k words

Part 12 of the 24 part series

Updated 10/26/2023
Created 05/24/2020
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Hi all!

Here it is, the final chapter of my succubus/zombie/mimic adventure starring Lily, Dana and Tick Tock. I started this story a year ago. It's been a long hard year for many of us, and I certainly hope that I've been able to bring you just a little bit of extra joy. If it has, please make sure to leave me some stars and tell like-minded readers where to find me!

If you're a new reader, you should just pop on back to Chapter 1 so you can binge a year's worth of writing. It'll be fun, there's a Bigfoot cameo, you'll love it.

Returning reader? Welcome back! Our magic road trip is officially at an end and I want to thank you for taking this journey with me. With Dana in horny jail and Lily on the loose, there's only one place left for us to go, and that's


Lily soared over the ocean, her wings spread wide as she was carried on the currents of the wind. The water of the Pacific Ocean had turned an ominous gray, a color only slightly brighter than the thick storm clouds that loomed on the horizon. She had a large backpack slung below her belly, giving her the appearance of a demonic kangaroo with wings. In one hand she held a GPS unit, in the other a pair of binoculars.

On the horizon, she spotted a dim shape and lifted the binoculars to her eyes. It looked like a container ship, but was it the one on which she had left Dana? With the storm closing in, she was hopeful that her luck had changed. If she didn't land soon, she would have to fly far above it. Not only could lightning fry her GPS, but she would also fall into the ocean. This would mean teleporting home and starting from scratch.

Unable to make out the ship's name in the rolling waves, she went in for a closer look. She was flying at about a hundred feet, but climbed higher into the sky to evade detection. She would have to hope for the best in case her silhouette was spotted against the dwindling light.

Once she was closer, she moved to the starboard side to check the vessel's name. She pumped her hand in victory when she realized it was the right one.

Taking care to keep out of sight, she swooped onto the deck from behind the bridge, landing just as the first few drops of rain fell. She picked her way among the containers before finding the one she needed. When she put her ear to it, she could hear the sounds of moans over the waves slapping against the hull of the ship.

"Sounds like you've been busy," she muttered, then looked up at the sky. The lead storm clouds had blotted out the sun, and the overhead deck lights had already turned on. She was far enough down amongst the containers that it wasn't likely she would be spotted, but caution would be for the best.

Pulling a length of rope from the bag, she created a safety loop on the front of the container. The last thing she wanted was for the open door to attract attention. The rope would prevent the door from opening more than a foot. Lily squeezed inside with no problem, then pulled the backpack through.

Once inside, the smell of wet pussy was overwhelming. Lily set her backpack down, then pulled out the flashlight to shine it on the sports car.

"Let's see if horny jail did you any good. Time to check your cell for contra—" The words faded from her lips when the beam of light hit Dana.

The zombie had positioned herself so that she was riding something on the center console, and her skin was covered in dark marks that looked like soot. However, the soot was shifting as Dana moved, and Lily realized that they were Dana's veins, shifting about just beneath the surface of her skin.

Dana looked up at Lily and let out a growl. Her eyes were bloodshot, and her forehead now had a prominent ridge that pressed against her skin.

"Oh, fuck me," Lily muttered.


Dana heard Lily's voice as if from far away. It was so hard to think, to concentrate for more than a couple of seconds on anything but the heat that flooded her body. It was dark, wherever she was. Sometimes she could hear the wind, and it occasionally carried a throaty moan with it.

Shhh. Go back to sleep.

She had first heard the voice days ago, only hours after being locked away in the shipping container. Between orgasms, she had felt her mind slipping away from her body as she completely lost control. The Seed had trapped her in a permanent state of arousal, but as her desperation for climax had grown, she had slipped into the void of her own thoughts.

"I don't sleep," she muttered. For just a moment, she was back in the car. Someone was shining a light in her face, and she wanted to call out, to warn them that she would attack. The seed had kept her fed at first, but now she was hollow, eager to fill her belly with the flesh of the living.

That's because you're a monster, the voice reminded her. A shell of your former self. Why bother trying to change the impossible?

Dana nodded. The voice, as always, was right.


Lily watched Dana's face shift from hopeful recognition back to something more sinister. She had wondered if Dana would puke up the Seed, or even just be really happy to see her, but other than its shape, the creature that looked back at the succubus car lacked any sort of humanity.

Dana growled, her teeth reflecting the light ominously.

Shit. Lily turned off the flashlight and frowned when she saw that Dana's eyes were glowing. "Looks like someone is having a bad reaction to something she ate."

Dana shifted and lifted off of the center console. Curious, Lily approached the side window to get a look inside. The interior had been clawed apart, and it wasn't until Dana was almost in the back seat that Lily saw what had kept her busy.

It was Tick Tock. The center console of the car had been ripped out and replaced with the mimic in the shape of a horse's saddle. There were a pair of phallic knobs in the middle that were slick with moisture, and a little hand popped out of the pommel to wave at Lily.

"What a brave little toaster," Lily muttered in appreciation. "Looks like you two have been busy."

Dana growled again. Her breath fogged up the windows, and the light in her eyes intensified. She tried the handle to open the door, but Lily held it shut, suddenly wary of how hard the zombie was pushing. If she retained enough of her faculties to use the latch, was enough of her friend still in there to bring her back?

"Brought a snack for you, in case you're interested." Lily opened her mouth and summoned a glob of sperm onto her tongue. "But I need you to play—"

Dana shoved the door hard enough that it popped open, but Lily managed to hold it shut. The zombie let out a shriek that resonated through the container, then pressed her face against the window. She stuck out her tongue and dragged it over the glass, as if trying to get at Lily.

Lily scowled at the forked tip of Dana's tongue. Her friend was trapped somewhere between zombie and dragon, and it would only get worse.

"The tongue thing is hot, but you've been fucking a car all week. Time to be a big girl and participate in some self-care."

Dana screeched and slammed her head against the window, causing the glass to crack.


"A week? It's been a whole week?" Dana tried to open her eyes, but they were too heavy. Lily's voice had been fading in and out, but she had heard that last part clearly. The darkness was suddenly heavy, as if trying to suffocate her.

She left you behind, the voice reminded her. They all leave you behind. Because you don't belong. You're dangerous.

"That's right," Dana whispered. "She left me behind."

That's your future now. Everyone will die, leaving poor confused Dana behind.

"I just wanna sleep," she whimpered.

Here, in the dark, the world was no longer scary. She didn't have to worry about being alive or dead, and could just be at peace with herself. There was no hunger, no missing Alex, and no questioning of her sanity.

Sleep, the voice told her. For just a moment, she recognized it as her own, and then let herself float some more.


Lily saw Dana pause, her eyes twitching in her sockets as if lost in contemplation.

"That's right, it's been a week. Bit longer, actually. There were complications, and I'm sorry. I tried to come back for you, but I had to drop off the choir boy and his pet soldier, and by the time I made it out here, I couldn't find this fucking boat. Dana, I'm sorry."

It was hard admitting to herself that she had screwed up. Once Lily realized that she needed help, she had teleported home right away. However, Mike had been missing and the home was under attack by Amir and the society. Afraid to get captured while Dana's life was on the line, Lily had fled to Oregon to get Eulalie's help in tracking a ship in the middle of the ocean. The GPS unit had been programmed with the ship's predicted routes, and she had been scouring the waves for a couple of days now.

Still, the last part of the plan had hinged on getting one final batch of Mike's sperm. Lily hoped that whatever the Dragon Seed had done so far could be undone with a fresh feeding. Once she was ready to chance another trip home, she had been grateful to discover that Mike had returned and succeeded in chasing off the society again. After a quick suck and swallow, she had hopped on the first plane she could find, desperate to get back.

And now, she wondered if maybe she was too late. Had the Seed taken over Dana's mind? Or was it something else?

Dana's features hardened again, and she slammed her forehead against the window, causing the glass to spiderweb.

Lily glared at Dana and placed her hands against the glass. Dana had gone feral. "Don't make me do this," she whispered.

In the silence that followed, she could hear the steady patter of rain on the walls of the container and the deck of the ship. Thunder rumbled overhead, and she was suddenly aware of the motion of the ship. It was likely that the seas were becoming violent, and the container suddenly felt so tiny.

Dana let out a loud cry and launched herself forward into the front of the car. Lily blocked her exit there, but watched in amazement as Dana threw herself through the front windshield of the car. The zombie tumbled across the hood and landed on all fours with a loud hiss.

"Fuck me in the ass," she muttered as Dana lunged and tackled her to the ground. They rolled across the floor in a tangle of teeth and nails before Lily was able to pull Dana into a chokehold and stand. Dana threw herself backward, smashing Lily into the wall of the container hard enough that she lost her grip.

Determined, she wrapped her tail around Dana's arm before she could flee.

Dana grabbed onto the tail with her free hand and swung Lily through the air. The succubus fought to escape, but was smashed into the hood of the car hard enough that it caved in.

"Oh, you're being a huge bitch right now," Lily yelled, then summoned razor-sharp talons. The more they fought, the stronger Dana grew. Was it the seed that drove this surge in strength? Or the hunger of a desperate zombie?

Dana jumped onto the hood to choke Lily, but Lily turned to smoke just long enough to move behind her. It was going to be a suplex, but Dana jumped backwards, slamming them both into the door of the container.

The rope snapped, and the door swung open. They tumbled onto the wet deck of the ship and slid. The rain was coming down in sheets now, and Lily lost her hold on Dana again.

Dana, now naked on the deck, let out a howl of delight, then raised her face to the sky. The dark marks on her arms were glowing now, and she ran her fingers through her hair. She paused during this act and sniffed the air like a wolf on the prowl. She turned her attention toward the bridge of the ship and snarled, drool dripping from her mouth.

"Oh, I'll be damned if I let you do that to yourself." Lily got her footing. She had never spent much time on boats, and hated how slippery they could be. She unfurled her wings and used them with her tail to keep her balance. "If I have to carry your ass to a deserted island just to beat it some more, I will."

Dana sprinted toward the bridge, but Lily launched herself into the air to catch her.


There was a loud thud, and the sound of screaming. It sounded like Lily, but it was so hard to tell. When Dana opened her eyes again, all she saw was darkness in every direction.

There is nothing but pain if you go back, the voice warned her. You're safe in here. Out there, you will have to confront everything.

"I deserve this," she replied. "Because of what I did." Suddenly, the darkness was gone, and she could see herself in the hallway full of blood. Her hands were covered in it, and she could taste it in her mouth.

"Eat," Alex said, then held up a piece of flesh. "Every bite takes you further away from me."

"No!" Dana tried to push the meat away, but shoved it into her mouth instead. "Alex, I don't understand!"

Alex laughed, then vanished. She reappeared further down the hallway, and when Dana tried to chase her, she receded into an infinite void.

You can't catch her, the voice reminded her. Alex no longer wants you, remember? You eat the flesh of the living. You've destroyed your body and your morals. You fuck demons and eat sperm. You've become something she could never accept. You've become something that even you cannot accept.

"I didn't have a choice!" Dana watched the hallway turn black. The air became so thick that she felt like she was back in the Berkeley Pit again, surrounded by poisonous water.

If you really felt that way, then why are you here?

Dana screamed. Nothing but bubbles came out.


Lily had Dana pinned against a container now and tried to break her legs with her tail. Unfortunately, the bones realigned shortly after breaking, and Dana had thrown a haymaker that had caused the world to spin and go black.

Don't fall asleep, don't fall asleep, Lily begged. She seemed to be free of the Dreamscape, but if Dana hurt her badly enough, would she slip away while her body put itself back together? What would happen to Dana?

Dana stood over Lily now and was shaking her like a dog with its prey. She even tried to bite off Lily's nose, but Lily used her horns to deflect the attack. She felt bad goring Dana in the cheek, but the macabre wound stitched itself shut before much blood could be spilled.

How long could she keep this up? The rain was starting to sizzle when it landed on Dana, and Lily wondered if Dana would start breathing fire. The Seed had soaked up all that onerous magic from Tristan's deeds, and now had somewhere to put it.

Shrieking in rage, Lily struck Dana in the throat and then used her tail to knock her back. She turned to smoke and threw herself across the deck, reappearing just before contact. They collided with a container and dented one of the support bars.

"Dana, please," Lily begged.

Dana punched Lily in the face hard enough to snap her head backward. The world went dark again. Lily wrapped her tail around Dana's neck and squeezed, knowing it would have no effect.

But she would be damned if she ever let go.

Dana punched Lily in the chest and then slashed her face with dark talons. Lily said nothing as they knocked each other across the ship. The rough waves caused them to bounce around as if on some giant pinball table. This was a fight of attrition, which the zombie was sure to win. At some point, would Dana start growing scales? Maybe even wings?

At what point would she be more dragon than human?

"Is this what you really want?" Lily asked her as they smashed into a dark green container. The rain was steaming off of her skin as she allowed hellfire to roar through her veins. "Do you want to become a monster like me?"

"I'm already a monster!" Dana screamed, then grabbed onto Lily's horns and smashed her face onto the deck. This caused her tail to slip free and the world began to fade.

Dana froze, her eyes going distant. Her lips were moving, but no sound came out.

One last trick, Lily thought, then dispelled her wings, tail and horns. Her skin darkened and her hair shrank, tightening into thick cornrows. If I can't reach her...

Then maybe Alex could.


That's right, admit it. Admit you're a monster!

"I don't want to be... monster," Dana whimpered. The liquid slurred her words, and she tried to swim. With no visual reference, she decided to swim up. She wasn't even sure if she was moving, because her limbs were mostly numb.

But you are. A sick, disgusting thing that feeds on the living.

"That's not true."

It is. The voice was louder now, and Dana could see something shiny in the distance. She kicked her legs, grateful that she could feel them again. You're no better than Lily. She's a literal demon from hell, how much worse can you get!

Dana stopped kicking, suddenly content to float in the dark.

She recognizes herself in you. If not for what happened, you wouldn't even associate with her. And how many times have you lusted for her? It's disgusting. You don't even love her. Every time you crawled into bed with her, you were shitting all over Alex.

Doubt creased her brow, and she looked up at the distant object.

"Alex would understand."

She would be devastated.

"Would she?"

Knowing that you willingly touched another woman? Or worse, ate a guy's baby batter. What's next, are you going to suck his dick? Fuck him? The voice was sending waves through the fluid that pushed Dana back. What would Alex say? How would she act?

"I don't know." But in the back of her mind, she wondered what would happen if she needed to feed and Lily wasn't there. What other options would she have? How would she judge herself?

I think you know. The voice spoke with glee, and Dana felt the darkness swallowing her up once again. She would see you for what you've become. You've betrayed your love for her and your own identity. While you were locked in that box, all you could do was cry out in misery as your mind shattered.

"Who are you?" she asked.

The voice didn't answer.

Dana swam toward the light. As she moved closer, she saw that it was a mirror floating in the void. It had intricate edges that looked to be carved from a single piece of wood, and she steadied herself by grabbing the frame. Her reflection regarded her with scorn, a living version of herself wearing the Dragon's Seed around her neck.

"You're me?" Puzzled, Dana tapped on the mirror.

Her reflection scowled. I'm more you than even you are.


I'm what you used to be. Her reflection sneered. Not that I'll ever get a chance to be me again! How are we supposed to live with ourselves, after everything you've done? This stupid little trip has been a disaster, and all you've accomplished is exactly what you were afraid of. This time, her doppelganger's lip quivered. You became the one thing you promised you wouldn't.

Dana looked down at the pendant. It was glowing, casting an eerie light into the void.

"Tristan," she muttered. How much of why she was here was because of the Seed? Was it controlling her thoughts? Magnifying her fears? She couldn't think, the void was pressing against her so hard.

Look at you! Her doppelganger clawed at the air, and suddenly the mirror functioned normally. Dana saw that she was naked, and her features were distorted. A bony ridge had risen in the middle of her forehead, and she was covered in blood. Whose blood was it? Look at what you've made us into!

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