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Dear Susie - Letter 02

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Sun, sea and sex – a holiday for a girl… with 4 mature men.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 07/12/2023
Created 07/09/2023
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Dear Susie,

That was a nice surprise getting your letter. I hadn't expected it at all but there it was, just after I posted my letter to you.

Well, my dear, I didn't expect that either! He sounds such a nice boy -- Gérard - and I am so pleased. I'm certainly getting the sun, sea and sex (lots of it) but you've got the romance as well. Lucky you!

I did so like your description of you and Gérard in the sand dunes. So sweet and soooooo sexy! Loved your description of him. Is he really that tall (and let's be frank 'big')? I do hope you take photos -- and I mean PHOTOS! I wanna see that cock, girl, when I get home!

Sounds such a lovely place to be. Not that this isn't lovely too. So lovely. I wish you here, but I'm sure you don't miss me there when you're with Gérard! Right gooseberry I'd be, whereas here... well the boys would be more than happy to see you! Nothing gooseberry about a second girl with the four of them.

Hey, I looked up Gérard, it means 'spear-hard' from the German. Go on, tell me, how hard does he get before you make him soft! Is it quite a 'spear'? Tell all!!!!

It's funny how the men, my men, act differently when alone rather than in a pack. Bill just makes me laugh. Do you know what he said? He said this was like a package holiday and I was the package! Cheeky monkey! But he did say the economics weren't at all bad from his point of view. Shared villa cost amongst four -- and the car -- yes, there was my air fare and board to pay for but shared between four and given the added benefits... cheeky monkey, referring to my pussy as an 'added benefit.' He said £360 air fare divided by 4 was £90 and if he had sex with me thirty times on holiday that was three quid a fuck or suck. I kicked him in the balls for that, Susie! He was laughing so much, and I ended up, just the same, and then he just fucked me -- so another of his 'thirty' ticked off!

The professor... I mean Alec. He is so professorial, so that's how I think of him. I am sure he is writing up his sexual activity with me. Do you know what he came out with after Bill had repeated his three quid a fuck comment to them all that evening around the table? He said if it was thirty ejaculations from Bill then that would suggest 120 from them all and at say 5 millilitres an ejaculation (is that right Susie, I have no idea, but, there again, probably nor have you, even if you were better at science at school than me) then that would be about a pint of semen 'pumped' into me. Pumped! Well, you can imagine I said something about that and received another 5 millilitres from each, yeah, 20 millilitres in return before bed -- pumped!

'Around the table' does not do justice to sitting out in the warm evening air. I expect you've found the same, but it is just so not England. It's never cold. Mostly I have something on for dinner by the pool, but it's not needed, just seems right. One of my little dresses normally but nothing else. No knickers! The men have shorts and shirts on. I feel just so sexy with no knickers, and I know the men feel the same about that -- me with no knickers!

Ted confiscated my knickers on my second night. All of them! I'm just not allowed knickers anymore. I have to go 'commando' under my dress, skirt or shorts. What would you think of that, Susie, having your knickers confiscated? The whole drawer full! Even when we go out. I have to be a bit careful, especially when as yesterday it was a windy day, and I was in a dress out and about sightseeing. We were looking at this Roman site and I was climbing up these steps at an amphitheatre and, all of a sudden, my dress blew up right over my head. It must have been a sight! Well, I know I was because Bill took a couple of photos and showed me. Luckily there was hardly anyone else around. Just a young couple and she looked just amused -- and her boyfriend looked pleased!

Now Ted. 'Pa Ted,' that's how they all refer to him after he 'claimed' me at that restaurant. He insists, if we go out to dinner, he wear a blazer and cravat. It's a bit warm really for all of that but he won't take it off. Sits like that looking cool, calm and just so smart. Handsome, I think. I know, Susie, you're thinking what am I doing with these old boys and even seeing one of them (or is it more!) as 'handsome'? Well, you always thought Mr Brennan back at school was just the bees' knees -- didn't you? I bet you imagined all sorts of things with him at night in bed. Go on, I bet you did. Tell me!

I like going into the restaurant on Ted's arm. Do people think I'm his daughter or his 'floozie' I wonder? Do I care? I don't know anyone. They never do anything untoward out and about. Well, just maybe the odd hand comes onto my knee under the restaurant table. Maybe hands... and maybe the odd finger does stir my little 'pot', if you get my meaning!

Should I perhaps get them out under the table one night? What do you think, Susie? If you were here, would I be more daring? You and me acting together -- as a pack! What fun. You and me unzipping all four and getting them out and getting them hard under the table. Giggling together as we know they all have their cocks out and upright and the other diners have no idea what we're giggling about. I can imagine Ted telling us not to be so 'naughty' or we'll both get a spanking when we get back to the villa. And I'm sure we would. No sooner back than our dresses lifted and we'd be over knees. Our pink bottoms side by side as we're spanked! We had better not cry out or our mouths would be stuffed -- and I'm sure you know by what! Aren't I bad imagining that, Susie? But I wonder if you feel a little bit of a tingle at the idea? Perhaps that depends what Gérard's been up to. Has he spanked you... yet!

What do I tell you? We're halfway through our fortnight here. I'm so glad it wasn't just a week as I'd be heading home now. Seven more lovely days in the sun. All that lovely food, the swimming and, yes, a lot more sex

The men hired a boat. A nice little boat with an outboard motor for us to go up the coast. Not really big enough for me to disport on the prow in my bikini and sunhat. It wasn't a yacht! I'd have liked that.

Alec was after us landing at a little bay -- apparently there were a lot up the coast -- the idea we would have it to ourselves for a nice little picnic. Our own private beach. Can you imagine that, Susie? Of course I had no illusions about what the private bit meant. It would be like at the villa -- only out in the open. I could see it coming -- four naked men, four rampant pricks and little me and no one to defend my virtue. My little bikini would not be much good at that. You'd have loved it and, as I keep writing, I'm sure you would too. You in that little blue bikini of yours -- for a time!

In we nosed in the boat into this little bay. Nobody there. No other boat beached or moored. We just came in and 'bump' on the sand. Obvious we were alone -- and do you know what they all did, all four men. They just pulled their trunks down before they got out of the boat and then the four of them pulled the boat up onto the sand a little way with me still in it. Four naked men. I know, Susie, they are not Josh, Dan, Tom Stavely or even Moses Baker (hey!) but four naked men with bottoms and thighs straining and four -- yes four -- willies hanging, was a bit wow! Of course, Josh and all would have been something. Can you imagine that, Susie, being helped, you and I, out of the boat in our bikinis by them all naked and exposed FOR OUR PLEASURE. Josh, Dan, Tom and Moses starkers! I bet that makes your mouth water.

Not boys, but I certainly had my four gentlemen starkers. I remember thinking as they pulled me in the boat up onto the sand, those penises were all for me. I was going to be making them hard and come. It gave me quite a feeling.

They wouldn't let me come ashore until I'd taken my bikini off! 'Naked exploring,' Alec said and went on quite a bit about 'Robinson Crusoe' and his desert island. I think he rather liked the idea. I hadn't realised there were so many different stories -- 'Crusoe stories.' I think I've got some reading to do when I get home. And he talked not of 'Man Friday' but 'Girl Friday' and they all called me 'Friday' for the whole day. Four 'Crusoes' and one 'Girl Friday' -- she'd have had a busy time!

It was rather exciting looking around the bay without my bikini and them without trunks or shirts. Bare foot and bare everything else. Stepping away from the boat and my bikini into a place that was strange to us. It was not a big bay. Sandy with pebbles behind and rocks here and there and at the edges. Funny seeing the men with their willies and balls all swinging around on a beach. I suppose our boobs do much the same. Perhaps more you than me. Aren't you a big girl, Susie! Does Gérard appreciate your tits? I bet he does.

'Just a place for a picnic,' I think is what Ted said and Bill said something about he was looking to tuck into a little something. And he was looking right at me as he said it. We all laughed. And do you know what, his penis got all hard, just pumped up, which made the others laugh again. Three naked men with soft floppy willies and Bill standing there, bald head and all, with his cock right up in the air. Bill said something about the sun being very hot and he touched his bald head and got me to run back for his cap. They were all grinning and talking as I ran back with it. I'm sure they were talking about my bouncing boobs.

Bill's such a joker. He didn't put his hat on his head to shield him from the sun but hung it on his other 'bald head.' Yep, Susie, he hung it on his prick like it was a peg, like we had at school for our berets -- remember?

I mean, what more can a girl want. A group of funny and attentive men -- paying for you -- a day by the seaside on a 'private' beach, picnic (and all made and packed by the men) -- and, yes, as much cock as you could want! He, he -- I'm still trying to shock you.

No rock pools but plenty of sand and quite a lot of shingle. Nobody else, which was as well. Unless they'd been naked too. That might have been fun.

At the back of the bay there were steps leading up, so it wasn't as private as I'd thought. The bay wasn't only accessed from the sea. Alec started leading us up and I said we couldn't go up. What if we met someone? But Alec was obviously intrigued to know what was at the top. That professorial curiosity, I suppose, so up we went. Yes, all of us naked without even sandals. Not that they would have hidden ANYTHING! So starkers, well, yeah, -- apart from Bill's cap.

Up we went, men first. Nothing up there, I was pleased to find. Not a house or even a hut. Just cliffs and a little track leading off. Perhaps a fisherman came that way. Wonderful view, down to our little bay and the beached boat; along the coast either way and out to sea. We could see along the coast to our left another beach with quite a lot of colourful towels and even parasols but no path that way, no risk of others walking along exploring. We could make out people and it was obviously not a nudist beach -- unlike our own. And no boats coming, so we were quite alone.

I think you'd have loved it, Susie, but would you have helped me with what I did next. I know the men like to put their hands on me. Hands on knees under the table. Hands feeling me in the swimming pool. Does it get annoying? I don't let it annoy me. I just take it as a compliment. But I like to take the initiative sometimes and surprise them. I did then. I just started wanking them. I did. That's where you could have helped. With our four hands we could have wanked them all at once but I'd only two hands. I suppose I could have used my mouth but that came later! And I'm sure your pretty mouth could have helped too. I bet Gérard's liking that. I wonder what you look like with a big, fat cock stuffed in your mouth? Oh, sorry, Susie, I got a bit carried away there!

I got them all up. My four gentlemen standing at the top of the steps and looking out to sea with their cocks all hard and up in the air. And they were just talking away as if nothing was unusual at all. Alec talking about the geology of the coastline. Bill saying it looked a bit like something Slartibartfast might have designed. You remember, the character from that 'Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' we listened to? And there was I, just going from man to man and stroking their penises. No one said anything about it, except Ramesh who said 'thank you.' Thank you! As I was sliding his foreskin up and down his ever so brown prick. He's such a dear.

Susie, I did wish I'd brought a camera. I stepped back and looked at my group of gentlemen. Really not bad looking despite them, yes, I know, Susie, being all old or rather 'middle-aged' as Ted says. Standing there all naked, apart from Bill with his cap (on his head proper now!), naked and hard. That'd have been a photo to show you. Lotsa cock!

Ted's hair is all crinkly and white.' Lots of it, no baldness there at all (unlike Bill) yet the curly hairs around his penis are still all dark. Quite a contrast. A bit of a tummy. Well, they are men of a certain age. Not Tom Stavely. Do you remember that time he changed his shirt and all the girls suddenly went quiet when he was in just his football shorts? Now that's what I call a physique! And you whispered 'sex on a stick' -- yeah, you did! Ted's tall, whereas Bill is more round. His is a bit more of a tummy! And I really don't know what his natural hair colour is. Fair or brown I suppose but as I've said he's as bald down below as he is on top. Makes his cock look big and I think it's the biggest. I'm going to have to measure, aren't I? You'll ask, I'm sure. Well, I'll do that if you measure Gérard for me. Us girls need to know such things! He's really got droopy balls too. Real swinging 'eggs.' He is such a hoot -- as well as being a bald coot! Always at least half smiling and looking at me over the top of his 'half-moon' glasses.

And the 'Prof', Alec, standing there too. Lanky and tall. Such knobbly knees. Greying hair, still a bit of fair there, and those round glasses. There he was, gesticulating away, with his pink cock right up in the air, sticking out from lots of fair curls. Even in the heat his balls quite drawn up. I'm trying to paint you a picture, Susie. I know a photo would have been easier. Four naked men with nice erections -- and you know where all four stiffies were going to go don't you, Susie!

And then Ramesh. He's quite small with his jet-black hair. It's got to be dyed. It's just got to be. Black hair down there too, all curly, around his lovely penis - all sticking up. His cock is darker than his skin, it gives it a funny emphasis. I know, Susie, I do like looking, can't help looking at cocks. It's not as big as the others but he certainly uses it as well. It's lovely to suck -- oh, sorry, Susie!

There they were, standing and talking, looking out to sea and all so manly and hard. What a sight -- one you don't see very often. I'm sure you never have! Well, I have! Four men with erections taking in the scenery! What would it have looked like to someone with binoculars? Well, four hard men and a girl I suppose! You'd have thought they had no interest in me, talking away and looking around at the view, but their erections betrayed them. Did they see me lick my lips. I did lick, Susie, I really did. I didn't want them drying out and cracking did I? Not with me about to suck all four. I could have done with some lip balm I suppose. That yummy vanilla one you use. Have you made Gérard's cock all vanilla-ery, I wonder?

I knelt down and just started sucking Ramesh. That got their attention as well as his! Three other hard penises coming close to me and there I was on my knees going from one knob end to another. No sooner one out than another in. All pointing in at me. And I fondled all those hanging balls too!

It was Ted who pushed me away. He said something about 'saving it' and doing 'more' on the beach. I had thought we might explore further. Go along the little path but instead Ted led us back down the steps. Ted first, then Ramesh, then me with Bill and Alec following on. My four men all going down with hard upright penises. What a thing. What would that have looked like from down below? And when I turned back to say something to Bill, I got his cock in my face. Splat! Yes, of course I sucked it -- wouldn't you?

Down the steps and back on our beach and then it was swimming. Skinny dipping! Of course I'd swum naked in the pool at the villa. Lots of times every day, but this was the sea. Sooo good. The men and me all naked and the water so warm and crystal clear. No need to hurry out of the water. No need to get out at all, it was just so warm. I was swimming with Ted and we stopped and put our feet down on the sand and I was saying just how lovely this all was and he said he thought so too, especially as I was there: he said really nice things about me, so I gave him a kiss and I felt 'it'. Ted had gone all hard in the water. So, do you know what I did, Susie? I put my arms around his neck, pulled myself half out of the water and let myself down on 'it' with my legs around him. I sort of floated down onto him and there we were with his big cock inside of me fucking in the water.

It must have been obvious what we were doing because all at once the others were swimming towards us.

"Pa Ted," called Bill, "what are you doing with your daughter? Let us help. It's not really for you to do that. Let us help!"

A circle of cocks underwater, Susie, that was what it was, and I was bounced from one to the other, round and round in the sea. It wasn't my feet on the sand anymore. Such a game, onto a cock, up down, up down and then WHOOSH up out of the water, pulled upwards by strong male arms and caught by the next man and down onto his cock. Up down, up down and WHOOSH! Were we all laughing? What a beach game. What an adult beach game! Well, I am an adult, Susie! Really, we are. OK, certainly there were four adults playing anyway.

I was certainly all tingly from that. I didn't quite come. We came almost out of the sea and played just where the little waves were washing the margin. All of us on hands and knees, feeling the waves washing over us. Ted mounted me from behind. Yes, Susie, just like doggies on the beach.

"Pa Ted!" the others all called, "you shouldn't be doing that to Jenny. You shouldn't!"

And then Ted started making gasping noises and we all knew what he was doing. Hey, Susie, I could feel it. And the others all said in unison, "You REALLY shouldn't be doing that to your daughter!"

But then they all did. A pack of doggies indeed!

"Ready or not, here I come," said Bill in my ear -- and he did. Adult games, eh?

"May!?" And Ramesh slipped into me. "So nice, Jenny, with the waves just coming and sort of stroking. Can you feel them? Do you like that?"

I did. Not just Ramesh's cock stroking away but the waves washing over my 'bits' as well. I expect they were moving his brown balls around. Tickling his bottom as they were tickling mine.

"This is just so animal like," whispered Alec in my ear at his turn. And that sort of tipped me over. I was coming, Susie, I really was, as I felt him do the same. Doggo after doggo, Susie. Just imagine what anyone else on the beach would have thought. Little me being fucked by these four mature gentlemen as if a pack of dogs at a bitch in heat. I can call me a 'bitch' even if you can't! Properly fucked. Their cocks were all soft and swingy afterwards. Quite clear they had all 'done the deed'.

Naked cricket on the beach then a running race. Can you imagine, Susie, what four sets of cocks and balls look like all flapping around? Well, I know. I do wish you were her too. It'd be such a laugh.

Picnic lunch. The boys (ha!) had packed, but I was in charge of setting it out. Just so lovely sitting in the shade of a rock and being a little picnic party. After lunch we all had a bit of a nap. Yes, a nap before it was time for our afternoon games. I awoke and there they all were, my four gentlemen quietly snoring. Yes, it'd have been nice to have had boys there - Josh, Dan, Tom and Moses maybe. And you as well. Why not? But my old boys looked nice and male enough if a bit worn around the edges! Four penises and eight balls all to myself -- all for me, again. And one was sort of hard. Ramesh's dear brown penis was definitely a bit inflated. I lay there watching it. Penises do have a bit of a life of their own, don't they Susie? Do you watch Gérard's when he's asleep? Have you had the chance? Have you touched it -- sucked it -- whilst he slept? I want to know these things, girl!


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