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Dear Susie - Letter 03

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Sun, sea and sex – a holiday for a girl… with 4 mature men.
5.2k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 07/12/2023
Created 07/09/2023
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Dear Susie,

Oh, what a lovely letter from you and that postcard of the Black Forest as well. You are getting around! I can imagine both music and the cake. Not a lot of cake here. More cock than cake, hee, hee!

Well, my dear, Gérard does sound quite a young man. You didn't really tell him, did you, I'd asked for measurements? No! How embarrassing. What he must think of me. 18 centimetres, ooh 7 inches. That's quite a cock, girl. And I thought, OK, I shall measure my gentlemen for you and did, shortly after reading your letter. I rather thought you were going to win there. Certainly, that proved true as far as Ramesh. His is a dear little cock. You'd like it I'm sure, Susie. I think you'd like them all. I do wonder what Gérard's cock -- his spear - is like in the flesh. I want pictures, girl!

It sounds lovely what you've been doing. I do like the sound of that particular walk you did in the forest. I mean, me on the beach naked with my gentlemen is almost -- well, there's not that much to take off, but you and Gérard just leaving you clothes and walking barefoot down that track! What if you'd forgotten where your clothes were? The thought of you walking naked like that, and with Gérard naked too. And then telling me you made him hard. Do tell me you have a photo or two. DO! You and him all naked in the forest -- and him hard, really HARD. Don't you just love hard men. What a lovely scene. A lovely picture in my head. And did I like your description of 'making love' hidden just off the track? Did I! I read it out to my boys, and they got hard too. Animal like on the forest floor. On a bed of dry leaves indeed. And, actually, having people walk past who you could see, and they didn't see you. You are both so daring.

You know I told you on the first night Ted came to me and then Alec, then Bill and lastly Ramesh came to see me one by one. See I remember the order! The third night, I think it was, I went visiting. Knocking on their doors and asking each whether there was 'anything I could do for you, sir?'

Funnily enough -- there was! We had been playing around earlier. The 'boys' seem to be after their money's worth! Or is it they want to get to Alec's (the Prof's) pint of semen target? Not that that had been mentioned by then.

Only none of their stuff got into me -- well, earlier by the pool... It was a different matter when I made 'my rounds' later! Here I go again, Susie, you probably want to hear about nice days on the beach, lovely lunches in cool, breezy, romantic outdoor restaurants or places we visited, but all I seem to write to you about is SEX! Well, I really can't seem to get enough. I hope Gérard is enough for you, but I've got four -- yes, four penises to play with. And play I do. But I must get around to writing about the restaurants. That place up the hill with the view down over the forest and out to sea... I'll come back to that later.

Earlier -- before my going visiting - we had all been on the loungers by the pool. Can you imagine the scene? The sun low on the horizon but it just so deliciously warm. The cicadas buzzing away in the trees and bushes, butterflies occasionally making their way and, even for a time, swallows skimming over the water of the pool seeking a drink. The white painted concrete of the villa and walls, the stone of the patio and the stone arches forming the way into the villa and the shaded logia. The flowers overhanging. And we there all naked and chatting away. I know you've said men look silly with their soft dicks just lying limp on their thighs but I think they're just different. And I can't help loving playing with them. I wonder what it's like for them having me naked around all the time. Do they get a bit bored seeing my breasts, my bottom and my hairy puss?

I got up and went inside but nice to see how they all looked up and watched me when I came back. "I'm going to measure you all," I said, and had a tape measure in my hand. I'm sure Bill knew just what I planned to measure but he asked me anyway, all sort of innocent like. Perhaps just to make me say, "Your cock, Bill. I'm going to have to make it hard first."

Just great, Susie, having all those soft dicks to myself. Yes, I'd have liked you here. You helping get them hard. You or me holding a cock whilst the other measures. But I had to do it all by myself. They're so soft and floppy when not hard. Almost a different thing to hold. So soft and squidgy in your hand. Or isn't Gérard's soft long enough for you to feel! You are so sexy, I'm sure he's in a constant state of hardness!

I started on Bill, but it is funny isn't it, how contagious having an erection is! Oh, I suppose you don't know, not having had more than one to play with at a time! But it is. As I wanked Bill I saw Ramesh's cock stir and then the others. I didn't need to touch -- or suck! But I did! Didn't want to miss out on feeling that swelling. And soon, so very soon, there they all were up and wavering around as the men just lay on their loungers.

The men are getting more daring together. I do believe they were a bit shy to start with about their erections and I felt I needed to take them in hand about that. Get? I like to think of you laughing at that. They are quite unfazed now. So I'd got them up ready for the measuring and we all had a bit of a play around. And by 'playing' I do mean sex-play, Susie. Their fingers playing on and in me and me playing with their things. Ted and Bill went off to get some more beers and I watched them go across the patio. Naked of course, their bums rather less pasty white than they'd have been had they kept their trunks on -- which they don't -- and with their cocks so upright. Well, they had just been in my hands! And they were just ignoring that fact, chatting away and not feeling it at all odd, seemingly, that their knobs were wavering around in front of them. No less hard when they came out again with a bottle in each hand. They still had a bottle in each hand when I sucked both of them.

"Cold beer, not cum, Jenny, cooler in this weather." Bill really said that. I'd like both of course. Swop from cock neck to bottle neck!

Anyway, back to the measuring! Firming each of them again, just to make sure. Here's what I wrote down on a piece of paper for you:

The Prof (Alec) - 17 cm 6 3/4 inches

'Pa' Ted - 16CM 6 1/4 inches

Bill the Coot - 19cm 7 1/2 inches

Ramesh - 13cm 5inches

So, at least on the day, Bill wins even over your Gérard. But wouldn't it be fun to measure them against each other. Would you let me do that, Susie? Hold Bill's cock against Gérard's. And what would Gérard think of that I wonder? Can he be as naughty as me, Susie? I think Bill would just laugh.

Bill was not a bit smug about it. He must have known or thought he was the longest anyway. Saying size wasn't everything and it was what you did with it that counts. The Prof said there was more to penises than length. What about thickness -- girth, I think he said. And Pa Ted asked me what I thought made the perfect penis. Now that's a question, Susie. What do you think? Definitely something for a late night girlie chat, eh? What else? How well it stands up -- angle? How big the balls are? How yummy looking is the knob? How long it stays hard? How much comes out -- you know what I mean -- and, I don't know, how far it goes? What it looks like soft... Tell me about Gérard's in detail. What about photographs. Even it cumming!!!!!!!!! Aren't I bad, Susie.

And then the Prof did start going through such things. He thought of more than me! He seemed to think the amount of cum important. Back to his pint I suppose! So funny seeing him there professorising, or is that pontificating and gesticulating, all naked with those round glasses of his held in his hand and used to emphasise a point. Hardly really the right image of a professor in full flow at a lecture! Not naked and erect behind the lectern! Tall and lanky with his greying hair still mixed with his original fair hair, and down below his upright cock going to left and right, sticking up out of his fair curls. His balls all drawn up but so very visible with his penis up and not obstructing the view.

He talked about each of the other's cocks. He seemed to me to particular emphasise Ramesh's. One of them had to be the smallest of course, but his dear little cock is quite a bit smaller. The Prof said Ramesh's probably produced the most.

And it was me who said, "shall we see." I did. I really did! I'd had them in me -- and in my mouth but I hadn't really compared, and they certainly hadn't had quite the opportunity I had!

And they did, whilst I lay on my lounger and they all stood around it. What a sight, bottle or glass in one hand, and each with his cock in the other whilst Prof Alec proceeded to make much the same analysis of me except pretending there were other girls present to compare with. It seemed, or at least on what Alec said, I came out rather well! He is certainly observant. Quite strange having my pussy described in such detail, comparing my lips to the other girls, my hole, my little sticking up clit... wouldn't it have been fun if you had been there too and the Prof describing you and me and comparing as they all loomed over us wanking!

Can you imagine -- well, I can -- you and me on the loungers. The Prof reaching to spread your lips even more than they were spread between your open thighs, fingers of one hand on one lip and fingers of the other upon the other peering and talking about your girly bits, and then doing the same to me. Would he comment how much you were moistening as he examined or would it be me he said he could see the liquid rising? I mean, how could we not with our thighs spread apart in the sunlight for all the men to see, the sea breeze blowing across our folds but not really cooling our excitement at all.

Might he proceed to rub as he talks all serious about our vaginas, perhaps slowly fingering each part of our pussies as he keeps talking so professorially, as if giving a lecture to a group of students with us as the demonstration subjects. "This, then, is the vagina. We have the vestibule and then the long sheath or birth canal. See, my finger can easily enter. Indeed I can place two or three inside the woman. That is because she is sexually aroused. You can see that arousal by the leakage and the dark red colour here, here and here. The vagina should be well lubricated to receive the male organ, the penis. I have one here to demonstrate and you can see how large it is and how the vagina needs to be readied -- hence my finger work. Does anyone else want to try? No? Well, I shall want you to try with your own penises later so don't be shy at coming forward then... " Oh, aren't I being silly, Susie, but it was something like that, only the Prof used a lot of long words I just can't remember!

They certainly loomed over me wanking. And not just wanking -- they all came by their own hands. Cum just raining down on me. Puddles everywhere -- and I mean everywhere, girl! But even so, it was clear whose was whose! And I think, and said so, that Ramesh's little pile was the largest. What a thing, though. My four gentlemen wanking and depositing on my little naked body. Doing it almost together. Just wanking freely and making themselves cum at the four corners of my body.

I was telling you about me going from room to room wasn't I? That was at the end of the evening of course. My getting them to cum all over me rather stopped things for the evening -- those sort of things. We went out to a nice restaurant down at the harbour and had a lovely time. Sitting there watching the boats coming in. The calls of the fishermen. The water lapping at the restaurant's edge. We were outside, inches from the water. Such a romantic place. Lovely food too.

When we got back the men all said they were going to bed. I remember the Prof saying he was tired. And so I went visiting. Little me tiptoeing down the corridor and opening first one door then another. But only going to another door when I'd got my fill! Hee hee! I started with the Prof because he said he was tired.

I opened the door and crept in. Darkness but no snoring.

"Is that you, Jenny?"

"Who else would you like!" Aren't I naughty! He said he wasn't sure he was up to it. He might not have been sure, but I was pretty sure having an eighteen-year-old naked girl crawl up your bed ever so slowly and take the whole of your soft penis and balls into her mouth was going to have an effect. What do you think, Susie!

Well, it did! My little experiment with the Prof! So good for me too. Something quite special being there in the darkness -- sort of just me and a very male cock to suck. And from Alec saying he was not sure he could get it up, it wasn't that long before he was asking me to 'be careful.' I asked if he wanted to 'mount me'. They're the words I used. Imagine you'd been there, Susie, and I'd said to him would he like to 'mount' you. Imagine that, me offering your pussy as if it was mine to offer! Would you offer mine to Gérard, or do you want to keep his cock all to yourself? I bet you do! A bit different, as I've got four cocks here. Plenty of stiffness to go around! Not a romance like you and Gérard: just the sex here!

Alec mounted me there in the dark and he didn't spend that long 'mounted' -- I think he really did want to go to sleep. Not so Ramesh, when I sneaked into his room. He was reading in bed. Not a stitch on -- of course, because it's really rather hot even at night. He was lying there all soft but pumped up as soon as I came into the room. "Is that for me?" I asked. And, of course, it was!

Fuck me! But was he good. That was quite a go with Ramesh, Susie. Never mind he's got the smaller cock, but boy is he good with his tongue! Talk about being pleasured. Ramesh put his book down, turned off the light and then the fireworks started for me. He was all over me. Fingers and tongue. His penis didn't come into use until quite a bit later. I should really have been worrying the others would have gone to sleep by the time I got to them, but it was just so fucking lovely -- it was Susie, it was! Such a long time getting to my puss, but when he did... His tongue is just so long and mobile. I'd forgotten to warn him I'd already been with one of the others, but he didn't seem to mind at all. He must have been slurping up Alec's cum just like I might. No, I don't mean out of you, silly, but from one of my holiday cocks. Though I remember being so worked up that... I might have! Slurped Gérard's cream right out of your... no, don't throw my letter down in horror, Susie. I just get so worked up.

Ramesh must have realised and said, from between my legs, "Just don't tell me who," and went on licking and slurping away. On and on. And I came like that. Fireworks, Susie. Fireworks! And when I left, I didn't tell him who I was visiting next as that would have narrowed down whose cum it was! Ramesh fucked me first, before I went on my way -- replenished the cum in my vag! Me kneeling on the bed and him just ramming away behind and in me, his hands firmly attached to my breasts -- as firm as his cock inside me! It made a lot of noise. So much so that when I opened the door to Bill's room he was sitting up on his bed, hand around his erection. 'Been busy, Jenny?' he asked, or something like that. 'Noisy little thing, aren't you?' I put my hand around his cock instead, and asked if I could make noises with him!

And we did!

Last visit of the evening. Last of my rounds! I called in on Ted. Steady breathing but no other sound. He was asleep! I wondered if I should just leave him but I'm just so naughty aren't I? He didn't move when I got on the bed. It must be so many men's fantasies mustn't it? If not creeping in on a sleeping girl and exposing her -- is 'charms' a good word, Susie? I'm sure Gérard appreciates your 'charms', you're such a pretty girl after all. And don't you have 'charms'!

I mean, if not creeping in on a sleeping girl, have one creep into their bedrooms, all naked and wanting sex. Perhaps not every man's fantasy to have the girl already -- ready fucked -- is that how I was? Lying there and this girl creeps in and starts touching and... I found Ted's penis straightway in the dark. All soft and floppy. I curled my fingers around it and his balls and just pushed it into my mouth. Of course it grew. I do like feeling that swelling in my mouth. But not a sound from Ted so I just kept mouthing and sucking wondering if I could really bring a man off whilst he slept. Imagine me telling him in the morning. Perhaps telling him all about my night adventures like I'm telling you! So there I was, in the dark with Ted, him unmoving, and me with his cock all hard in my mouth, sucking and licking away. Being all quiet about it. So different from being with Ramesh! Mouthing away, stroking his smooth knob with my lips and tongue. Aren't men so different from us, Susie, such a mouthful!

And he did come. All of a sudden that hot, liquid spurting in my mouth -- you know how it is, I know you do, Susie! That lovely warmth straight from him, that sudden salty taste, not sweet but somewhat astringent. It came so fast it was difficult to swallow and I just let it fill my mouth. I could have been better clamped around it, as I felt some trickling out from between his flesh and my lips. I swallowed and then had to find where the rest had gone to. I just had to find out! It had run down his cock, like melting ice cream, and got right into his curls. So I pushed my face into their softness, rubbing my cheeks and getting them all sticky! Aren't I the one! Oh dear. I sure love semen don't I! Have you done that with Gérard, just got so carried away, just rubbing yourself madly with his cum?

And when it was finished I got up, ever so quietly and gently, from the bed, swallowed (of course) and whispered, 'Thank you, Pa!' How naughty was that! There was, though, a chuckle from the bed. Ted had not been asleep after all!

They bought me a sarong in the market. Lovely blue and yellow -- you'd like it, Susie. They seemed to like me in that, even around the pool. Them all naked and me dressed, albeit in just the sarong. Nothing under it. Not that they let me have anything to go under anything! You don't think I'll have to go to the airport and be on the plane with no knickers, do you?

Of course, you can imagine they all were quite free with where their hands went under my sarong. Such fun around the pool after dinner in the dark. The men all naked and me sort of dressed. Their hands being so free at touching me. Erections coming and going. All this went on for quite a time. In between some swimming and things like that. I had them lining up at one point all hard. Do I like hard cocks or do I like hard cocks!

They'd been so much play that, well, Bill said he wanted to cum and the others all agreed. So, I just settled down on a lounger and spread my legs. I really did. Sort of casual like. I'd already cum twice with all their playing, yes TWICE, Susie, so it wasn't going to happen again for me. Fingers up my sarong just so much! I felt a bit like a tart -- but that amused me -- a whore just taking man after man. I'm sure it was -- is? -- like that, say back in the Wild West when the cattlemen or prospectors came to town, or when the Navy came in, or at some army base. My hole for men to deposit in -- and I don't mean a savings bank!

They had all been so good to me and made sure I came first (twice!). But they did line up and one by one got on top of me, sarong pushed up, and deposited. One of my gentlemen out and the next one in to pump away. Four loads, one after the other. Boy, was I full! And Bill got me to stand up afterwards with my legs apart in the dark and shone a torch right at me as it all came out. All dark around and just my... you know, spotlighted. I don't know if that'd do anything for you, Susie, but they seemed really to like seeing -- and hearing that. All that cum just dropped out of me with the most peculiar sucking gurgle. Not like a fa--t (excuse my French) but their four pricks did seem to have pushed air into me as well. Had you and Fiona been there, apart from me dying with embarrassment, you'd have collapsed with giggles together. It certainly made my men laugh.


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