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Deliver Me from Temptation

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She delivers him from temptation...
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Vikas squinted his eyes open as soon as the alarm went off. With a groan, he fumbled for the button and turned off the damn thing. He sat up and glanced at the other side of the bed. Rishika was fast asleep and he couldn't help but lean towards her.

'Good morning, baby,' he wished and pressed a kiss to her cheek.

Rishika curled away from him and burrowed into the covers. With a chuckle, he let her sleep and climbed out of the bed.


Vikas had just placed his toothbrush back in its place, when he saw the washroom door open. Rishika stood near the door wearing a slip that put most of her delectable body on display and chewing on a couple of breath mints. Her eyes were still sleepy and her hair was all disheveled. He offered her a smile and beckoned her inside.

'I was cold,' she complained and let him pull her close and wrap his arms around her. 'Good morning,' she mumbled and pressed her lips to his.

'Sorry... And morning, love,' he wished against her lips. 'I wished you when I woke up. But you were fast asleep,' he said, with a smile.

'Hmm mmm,' she murmured and leaned forward to rest her head against his chest.

'Hey, no falling asleep on me,' he remarked and pulled her back, gently. 'Go back to bed and get some sleep. I need to leave for the airport in an hour,' he said, dismissing her and turning towards the shaving mirror.

'Don't go,' mumbled Rishika, playing with the hem of her slip. 'I already miss you so much,' she added.

'I am going for just four days, baby,' he said, pulling her close and rubbing her arms. 'I will be back on Friday to celebrate our anniversary,' he pointed out, with a wink.

'Promise?' she offered in a wishful tone.

'Yes, I promise. I know how much you hate spending special occasions away from me,' he murmured, dropping a kiss on her forehead and turning towards the sink.

Rishika pouted and watched him reach for his shaving foam.

'Can I?' she asked, indicating the can of shaving foam in Vikas' hand.

'You want to help me shave?' he asked, cocking his head and looking at her curiously.

Rishika nodded excitedly and looked at him expectantly; hoping that he wouldn't refuse.

'And how much experience do you have, woman? What if you nick me?' he asked, thoughtfully.

'Huh! Stop being such a spoilsport, mister,' Rishika muttered, with a frown. 'I want to try. Sit,' she ordered, indicating the washbasin counter.

Reluctantly, Vikas leaned back against the counter. Rishika grabbed the can of shaving foam from his hand and pumping out a generous amount, lathered it over Vikas' stubble.

'Mmm... I didn't know this activity came with so many advantages,' he whispered, pulling her close and placing his hands on the curve of her ass. 'Otherwise, I would have asked you to do this long back,' he whispered, against her ear; before squeezing one of her ass cheeks.

'Vicky, don't distract me. I will nick you,' she nervously warned and grabbed the razor.

'Aren't you supposed to ignore all distractions and concentrate on the task at hand?' he prompted, before spanking her quick and hard.

Rishika yelped and punched Vikas' shoulder. He shrugged in response and indicated the razor in her hand. Taking a deep breath, she started shaving Vikas' light stubble. She kept the pressure light and couldn't control her happiness, when she successfully shaved his cheeks; without nicking him in the process. She continued shaving the rest of Vikas' stubble and she couldn't help but feel proud of herself; when she finally wiped his face clean with a wet tissue. Dumping the razor into the sink, she snuggled into him and pressed herself against him.

'Are you taking undue advantage of your customer, Miss?' he asked, as she breathed in the lemony after smell of the shaving foam. 'I will complain to the management that you are being frisky with the customers,' he said, as she traced his jawline with barely-there kisses.

'I love you,' she whispered and tentatively pressed her lips against his.

'And I love you too, wifey,' he said, stroking her jawline with his index finger and taking her lips into a smoldering kiss. 'You okay?' he asked, gently pulling back and watching her wrap her arms around him and hug him close.

Rishika nodded in reply but Vikas knew her better than that. He gently tipped her chin up. She shook her head and began to move out of his hold; when he placed his hand on her shoulder and held her back. In the process, one of the shoulder strings that held her slip together gave way.

'Oops!' he murmured, watching the strings fall to her side and expose her left breast in the process.

Vikas couldn't move his gaze, even if he wanted to. He devoured the sight before his eyes. Under his intense glare, her nipple puckered. As if on auto-pilot, he covered the distance between them and leaning forward; captured the exposed nipple into the heat of his mouth. His fingers tugged and played with the other one, forcing her to shiver and clasp his head against her chest.

'Vicky! Please,' she cried out, when he suckled her nipple. 'Slow down,' she pleaded, as he bit down on the tightened bud.

Vikas heard Rishika's plea, but there was nothing he could do now. The damage was already done. He shifted his mouth to the other nipple that was still covered. But that wasn't going to stop him. He suckled the bud into his mouth; all the while playing with its twin with his fingers. Rishika's moans only seemed to add fuel to the fire burning inside him. He suckled at the skin of her breasts, leaving behind a hickey. The need to mark her was so primitive that Vikas couldn't fight the urge, even if he wanted to.

Not wanting anymore barriers between them, Vikas ripped the other string that held her slip together; forcing it to fall to the ground. Grabbing her thigh, he wrapped it around his waist; giving himself the access to grind his now hard cock against her pussy.

'Shh... Easy, baby,' he soothed, as she began to climb his body; wanting more of him. 'We don't want to wake up Sasha, do we?' he prompted.

But Rishika seemed to have other intentions as she didn't respond to Vikas' rhetorical question. Lowering the waistband of Vikas' shorts, she cupped him in her now warm hand. She stroked him with a familiar rhythm, forcing him to throb in her palm. She complemented the stroking by dropping a string of kisses over his chest, overloading his senses. Vikas cursed aloud and dragged her hand away from his cock. Rishika pouted and began to get down on her knees, when Vikas stopped her.

'But I ...,' she began to protest and Vikas cut her short.

'Let me make love to you,' he said, cupping her breast and playing with the nipple with this thumb.

Rishika looked away with a shy smile and Vikas shucked off his shorts. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he lifted her and impaled her pussy onto his already hard cock. If Vikas had been worried that Rishika wasn't ready for him, he was proven wrong. Her pussy juices coated his cock as soon as he entered her warm core. She moaned and dug her nails into his back at the sudden attack.

'So wet and so damn juicy,' he whispered against her ear.

Rishika shivered as Vikas began to pound her dripping pussy with his cock. The mere fact that Vikas was fucking her in the air was enough to make her pussy melt. Unable to bear the pleasure, she bit down on Vikas' shoulder, forcing him to pin her back to the nearest wall and drill her with new vigor. Rishika moaned in approval and nibbled at his earlobe. Her pussy simultaneously milked his dick; forcing Vikas to groan at the onslaught of sensations his body was being subjected to.

'Fuck me harder, Vicky,' whispered Rishika, urging Vikas on. 'Yeah, just like that. Harder and faster!' she moaned, forcing Vikas to abandon all restraint and fuck her with long and rough strokes.

'Fuck baby! Are you there yet, Rishu?' he growled. 'Fucking get there,' he groaned, delivering her quick smack to her well-rounded ass cheek.

'I am there... I am there,' murmured Rishika fervently, wrapping her legs around him and pulling him even deeper into her. 'Cum in me, please. Cum in me. It's been so long,' she added, on a whimper.

'Oh fuck!' screamed Vikas, as he felt his cum rise up his cock and shoot into Rishika. 'I am cumming, love,' he grunted, his cock having a mind of its own as it kept stroking Rishika's pussy.

Vikas heard Rishika cry and her pussy walls squeeze his dick. He pressed his lips to hers wanting to absorb her cries and wanting to enhance her pleasure with his kiss. After what felt like the longest time in eternity, Vikas felt his cock soften and slip out of Rishika's wet core.

'Shh... It's okay, baby,' soothed Vikas, as he felt Rishika tremble and shiver. 'Okay?' he asked, lowering her onto the floor.

Rishika raised her face, offering her lips to him. With a low groan, Vikas took her lips into a deep, eating kiss. Rishika pulled back gently from the kiss and murmured how much she loved him innumerable times, forcing his heart to swell. And just like that Vikas felt her sagging to the floor and immediately wrapping his arms around her, he swept her off her feet.

'Where... Where are you taking me?' she asked, nervously.

'You worry as if I am some random stranger,' he murmured, with a tsk. 'Go back to sleep,' he said, lowering her onto the bed. 'I will go and take a shower,' he added, adjusting the pillow and pulling up the comforter to cover her.

'Join me,' she whispered, grabbing onto his hand. 'We can cuddle for some time,' she offered, expectantly.

'I wish I could, but I don't have much time left, sweetie,' he said, stroking her pouty lips. 'Let me take a shower first,' he murmured and dropping a kiss on her lips, walked away in the direction of the washroom.


Vikas sprayed on the deodorant and capping it, placed it back on the dresser. He turned around and looked at his wife, who was dozing. He let out a sigh as he saw that the comforter barely covered her delectable body now. With quick steps, he walked up to her and sat down on the bed, next to her.

'Rishu... Sweetie, I am leaving,' he whispered, stroking her hair.

'Mmm... Come back to bed,' she protested, opening her sleepy eyes and regarding him fondly. Sitting up, she snuggled into his side. 'You smell so good,' she complimented, breathing in the smell that was uniquely his. 'I am still warm and wet from all your cum,' she whispered against his ear with a breathy moan, making him groan.

'Fuck, love! You are a witch,' he said, shaking his head in exasperation. 'As tempting as that proposition is, I already have the cab waiting for me downstairs, baby,' he reasoned, with a smile. 'Just wanted to give you a goodbye kiss,' he said, leaning forward and pressing his lips to hers.

'Hmm... Have a safe flight and let me know once your flight lands. And good luck,' she mumbled against his lips, her voice groggy with sleep.

'Thanks, love. Have a great week at work. Take care of yourself and Sasha for me,' he said, taking her exposed nipples into his mouth and kissing them softly. 'I am going to miss you guys. And go back to sleep. I love you, Rishu,' he whispered earnestly.

'We will miss you too and I love you more,' she said, before falling back on the bed and drifting off to sleep.

With a chuckle, Vikas stood up and pulled the duvet over his wife. Planting one final kiss on her forehead, he collected his bags and walked out of the bedroom.


Vikas ended his call with Rishika and reached the receptionist desk in the lobby.

'Hi! I am Vikas Mehta from R&R Associates. I am here for the ILU Conference,' he said, with a smile.

'Just a moment, Sir. Let me check in the system,' replied the receptionist, with a polite smile.

Vikas nodded and then his gaze fell on the women standing next to him. He saw that she had already collected her pass for the conference and her room key. Oh! At least he wasn't the first one to reach.

'Sir, here is your pass for the conference. You will be staying in room number 1108 and here's your keycard. Do you need any help with your luggage?' offered the receptionist.

'No, thanks. I got it,' he said and pocketing the keycard and pass, grabbed his trolley and walked towards the elevators.

'Can you please hold the door?' he shouted, as the elevator doors began to close.

He saw someone press a button and force the doors to open again. With two quick steps, he entered the elevator and turned to thank the other person. And that was when he actually saw her.

\Wearing a peach-colored sleeveless shirt and black knee-length formal skirt, she looked like a model out of a magazine. She had let down her hair and a few wild strands brushed against her cheek. He was standing a few feet away but still her perfume hit his nostrils, making it almost impossible for him to ignore her. And just then he felt someone nudge his shoulder.

'Which floor?' she asked, with a smile.

'Eleven, please. Thanks,' he replied, returning her smile.

He watched the doors close and he saw her tuck the loose strands of her hair, behind her ear. He couldn't help but find himself itching to do the same. Fuck! What the hell are you talking questioned his inner voice. Did you forget the fact that you have a wife and daughter back home it prompted. With a sigh, he boxed himself into one of the corners; not wanting to do something reckless.

And just then the elevator doors opened with a ding. Not wanting to waste time, he grabbed his trolley and walked out of the confined space. He saw her from the corner of his eye as she also stepped out of the elevator. No! This wasn't happening to him.

Shaking his head, he walked towards his room. He saw her stand in front of a room, that was just a couple of rooms away. Grabbing his room key from his pocket, he tapped it against the door panel. The door opened with a click and he entered into the room, closing the door behind him.

He placed his trolley next to the nightstand and took in the layout of his room. Not bad he thought to himself. He grabbed his phone and began to text Rishika, when he suddenly realized that she would be busy dropping Sasha at her play school. No sooner did he pocket his phone, than his room bell rang.

He walked up to the door and opened it, only to find her standing before him. He could immediately spot the worried expression on her face, kicking in all his protective instincts.

'Hey! I am sorry to disturb you,' she said, softly. 'I am unable to open the door of my room. I was wondering if I could use your phone to call the Reception,' she added.

'Sure. Not a problem. Please come in,' he said, holding the door wide open for her to enter.

With a grateful smile, she entered the room. He watched her walk towards the phone and make the call. Not wanting to keep staring, he busied himself in making some coffee for the two of them.

'Sure. Thanks,' he heard her say and then end the call.

'Would you like a cup of coffee?' he asked, offering her the cup of coffee.

'Yes. Thank you,' she mumbled and accepted the cup with a kind smile. 'They said that they would be sending someone with the replacement key,' she said.

'Oh! Okay,' he said, with a nod. 'By the way, I am Vikas Mehta,' he introduced himself, offering his hand.

'Nice to meet you, Vikas. And I am Neha Srivastava,' she introduced, shaking his offered hand.

'Are you also attending the ILU conference?' asked Vikas, indicating the conference badge wrapped around her wrist.

'Yeah! I am representing Diamond Partners law firm,' she answered, with a smile.

'What about you?' she asked and took a sip of the coffee.

'Yes, I am attending the conference too. I am currently working with R&R Associates in Delhi,' he answered, unable to take his eyes off her pink glossy lips.

'Oh! No wonder they are doing so good these days,' she commented, giving him a quick once-over.

Vikas offered her a shy smile and bowed slightly. 'Are you planning to jump ship?' he asked, inquisitively.

'Not at the moment,' Neha replied. 'It's only been a year since I joined my current firm. And I would like to handle a few more big cases before moving out,' she added, with a smile.

'Are you from Mumbai?' he asked, noticing the lack of luggage; except for a tote bag.

'Yes, born and raised,' she answered, with a nod. 'But since they have decided to provide accommodation for all the attendees, I decided to make the most of it,' she added, with a wink.

Just then the doorbell rang. Vikas walked up to the door and opened it, only to find a bell boy standing before him with a keycard in his hand.

'Ma'am, your replacement key,' offered the guy, holding the card up in his hand.

'Can you please check if it's working?' she asked, placing the cup of coffee on the nightstand and walking out of the room.

'Sure, Ma'am,' replied the bell boy, politely and swiping the keycard against the lock, unlocked the door.

'Thanks for the delicious coffee,' said Neha, with a grateful smile. 'Save you a seat at the opening event?' she offered, making him nod in answer. 'See ya!' she said, with a wave and walked into her room.

Vikas walked back into his room after closing the door behind him. Well, that was interesting he thought to himself, settling down in one of the chairs in the room and toying with the remote for the air-conditioning.


'Oh my God! Did you try this sticky toffee pudding, Vikas?' asked Neha, with a giggle. 'It's so yum,' she revealed, excitedly and offered Vikas a spoonful.

'Thanks, Neha,' said Vikas and accepted the offered bite. 'Yes, it is delicious,' he remarked, with a smile.

'Do you want another bite?' she asked, leaning into him and raising her hand to wipe a piece of pudding stuck to his lips.

'No, thanks,' he murmured, pulling himself visibly back.

And just then it struck him like a lightning bolt... What had he been doing for the last four days? Flirting with some hot woman at a work convention while his wife made elaborate plans for their fifth wedding anniversary, which was just a day away.

He detested men who couldn't handle some random temptations and eventually cheated on their partners. And now he was walking down the same path which would eventually destroy his family and his happy life? And for what? Some momentary pleasure which would mean nothing the next day... Disgusted and disappointed, he began to walk away from Neha, when she grabbed his hand and held him back.

'Where are you going, mister?' asked Neha and he couldn't help but notice that she had left the top two buttons of her blouse undone, which put her ample cleavage on display.

Really, moron? Again? poked his inner voice, forcing him to avert his gaze and walk away before the temptress standing before him could sidetrack him any further. Excusing himself, he made his way towards the stairs and opening the stairwell door, pulled out his phone from the inner pocket of his blazer. Navigating to the call logs, he dialed the last dialed number. Hoping and praying, he patiently waited for his call to be answered.

'Hey Rishu... Are you busy, baby?' asked Vikas, as soon as Rishika answered his call.

'Hey! I thought you would be busy with your networking lunch,' remarked Rishika, surprised at Vikas' sudden call. 'And no, I am not busy. Tell me.'

'I want you to take the next flight to Mumbai,' he murmured, making her heart race.

'Why? What's wrong? Are you okay?' she asked, trying hard not to panic.

'I am fine. Please don't worry. I ... I just ...,' he faltered and let out a sigh. 'They have organized a gala dinner tomorrow night and they have asked us to bring our plus ones,' he informed.

'Okay. But I thought you would be back by tomorrow afternoon for our anniversary dinner. I even made reservations at ...'

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