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Devil's Bargain Ch. 01

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A lucky guy is offered a very naughty deal.
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Devil's Bargain

Author's Note: All characters engaging in any sexual activities are 18 years or older. This story is a work of fiction, and any similarity between any characters and any person, living or dead, is only in your dirty little mind!

The day after Dawn Doormouse began working for our company, I could not wait to get to my office weekday mornings.

Her mother Sylvia worked there, too, and when I went to her desk to help her with a computer issue, always saw framed photos of her displayed there, so I felt like I knew Dawn for years before we actually met. She was only a girl in most of those photos, but had one of those faces that capture your imagination. The day her daughter turned 18, just after graduating from high school, her mom landed her a job here.

I'll never forget the first time I saw her. She looked magical, like a Pixie or an angel. Very blonde and very tiny with eyes of very blue, I wondered if she weighed 85 pounds. Usually, I prefer more voluptuous women, with a lot of cleavage and booty, but every single one of Dawn's pounds was perfectly formed and in exactly the right place in the right proportion.

It wasn't a movie-star beauty she had—although she could have been one—but more an otherworldly cuteness, the kind you might see once or twice in a lifetime.

Of course, Dawn barely noticed me. Why should she? I was twice her age and not the type of guy women like her notice. She was nice, though—nicer than most of the other hot women in the office. When she had a computer problem, she was always friendly while I fixed it, and thanked me afterward. Sometimes when I got back to my cubicle downstairs, she sent a thank-you e-mail with smiley faces.

I felt bad when her computer went down. But I knew how to make sure to schedule a problem every couple of weeks, and when I fixed one glitch, I slipped in a little booby trap scheduled to blow up before too long. I'd been doing that for years for the hottest girls in the office, but the only one I felt a twinge of guilt about was Dawn's.

"Hi, Miss Doormouse. What's wrong with your PC?"

"Oh, thanks for coming, Carl. It's frozen up, same as last time."

"Hopefully the same problem. Let me take a look." I was already taking a good look. Sky blue eyes that seemed to glow with an internal light, and she had a tight top on that showed off her tits. Barely a mouthful, but they looked carved from marble.

Dawn only wore jeans on casual Fridays, and sometimes I timed her next crash for Fridays, but not this week. Don't want it to be too predictable. The way her butt filled out her tight, white pants was nice, and you could make out the outline of white panties underneath. Not a thong—hot as a thong would look on her, it would destroy the illusion of innocence.

Sure enough—same problem. I rescheduled the next crash for the 16th and told her she was good to go.

"What would I do without you, Carl?"

What would I do without you, Dawn, I didn't say, but she read it on my face and smiled sweetly.

That night, in my apartment, I missed her already. Following a pre-dinner wank remembering Dawn's panty line, I drove for a burger and fries at the drive-thru then played Grand Theft Auto. I fucking rock at Grant Theft Auto! I have a couple of photos of Dawn, taken when she was not watching—in the hallway, in the lunchroom, the parking lot.

I pulled them up on my computer.

"Dawn will never let me touch her. I'd give anything to be with a girl like her!" When you live alone, sometimes talking to yourself helps. "Guys like me never get girls like her. I'd pay every penny I own if I could screw any woman I want. All some guys have to do is ask and they jump into bed with them! Hell, I'd sell my soul for the power to fuck every hot woman just by asking."

In one photo from the lunchroom, Dawn was eating a banana. I like that picture. I blew it up to nearly life-size and was about to undo my pants when a sound behind me caught my attention.

When you live alone, the only sounds in your apartment are the ones you make.

Since I did not make that sound, I turned to see what did. There in the corner just past the window stood the hottest woman I have ever seen.

She was red: red hair, a blood red dress, red high-heels. The upper part of the dress bulged from two round breasts, D-cups at the least. Pokies strained the fabric, perfectly centered and aimed straight at me, and between them the center plunged down to reveal the center third of each tit. Her long dress was slit on one side all the way to her hip.

"Who are you? How did you get here?"

"I am someone who might be able to help with your problem, and I got here because you invited me."

I had no fucking clue what was going on, but she wasn't just the hottest woman to ever set foot in my apartment, she was the hottest woman I have ever seen. Hotter than Scarlett Johanson or Gal Gadot. Her dress looked hot as one of those thermal camera views.

"How long have you been standing there listening to me?"

"Carl, you are asking the wrong questions. Now, do you want my help or not?"

"You mean, my problem with girls?"

"Women, Carl. They are women. That hint is free. And, yes, your inability to get a woman is the problem I can solve for you."

"Oh, cool." I unbuckled my belt.

"Keep your pants on, Carl. The solution I have to offer is much better than one night with a woman. Much, much better."

Remembering my wish a few seconds before, I asked, "You can give me the power to have sex..." I choked a little saying it in front of a hottie like her, "with any woman I wish to?"

"Any woman you desire can be yours, just by the asking."

"What do you want for this power?"

"Well, Carl, you offered the terms yourself; have you forgotten already?"

"So, if I pay you every penny I own, you will give me this power? Sounds like a scam to me."

"We are not interested in your money, Carl. We find your other offer much more enticing."

"We? Who is we?"

"Carl, try to follow along. You offered your soul in exchange for the powers usually associated with the likes of Cassanova and Don Juan. We find your terms acceptable."

"You want my soul?"

"We already have your soul. We took it the moment you made your offer."

"What if I want them to like it? For them to enjoy screwing me?"

"Greedy, aren't you?"

"It's for my soul. That's almost as bad as a title loan."

"Well, Carl, I think we can arrange for that. At a price. If you want a woman to enjoy the otherwise sickening experience of being fucked by you, we will ask something additional from you."

"Like what?"

"Oh, a small price we will ask of you...afterward."

"That's it?"

"That is all there is to it. Do we have a deal?"

"So, I can have any woman I want, just by asking?"

"Yes, you can."

"Alright, then let's start right now." I started with my pants again. "I want you to fuck me right now."

"Carl, it only works on women, and I am not a woman."

"Okay, this has been funny, but I call BS. I know when I'm being punked!"

"Oh, I can assure you, this is quite real. Can a woman do this?"

She began to unbutton a line of red buttons down the front of her dress, and I started getting interested again. When she undid the last button, and the dress hung loose, she turned her back to me and flung open the dress. Then, as I watched in shock, the dress somehow morphed into wings, jagged ones like a Pterodactyl and flew the hell out the window!

It was the most amazing and most disappointing thing that ever happened. The sexiest woman on earth took off her dress in my room, only to turn around so I could not even see her tig ol' bitties. Then she turned into a demon or dragon or something and flew away, which was cool as hell!


By morning, I convinced myself that it was a dream or hallucination. The mirror confirmed that I had not changed overnight, so what woman in their right mind would fuck me?

Dawn ate lunch in the lunchroom the same time each day, so that is when I went to eat. She was sitting there with some friends and smiled at me when I went by. My timing was perfect—I met her at the garbage can throwing her trash away.

"Dawn, I was wondering, would you go out with me this weekend? I am free Friday and Saturday night if you..."

"Oh, Carl, that is so sweet. The thing is, I have a boyfriend, so... I'm sorry."

Well, that was that. Dream, hallucination or bizarre prank, I had no fucking powers over women.

When I got home, I Googled how to summon a demon and read off a few incantations.

"Those don't work, Carl. You cannot Google me." I turned to find her standing there looking exactly like she had right up until she unbuttoned her dress and turned into a flying red dinosaur.

"It worked, didn't it?" I had her there.


"Worked better than our supposed deal."

"Our deal works, you can be assured of that."

"Okay, then how is it I asked out Dawn Doormouse and she said no?"

"Remember your propensity to ask the wrong questions?"

"What are you talking about? I asked Dawn out for a date and she said no."

"Exactly. You did not request the power to date women. Your powers are greater than that, and bypass all that nonsense of taking them out to dinner, to a show, buying them flowers and chocolates. We have saved you all that time and...expense."

"You mean..."

"All you have to do is ask."

"That's it? I am just supposed to walk up to some hot girl and..."

"Woman, Carl."

"Some hot woman and ask her to fuck me?"

"You work out how. The details are up to you. All we owe you is they will say yes." This time, her exit was even hotter. A ball of flame, a flash of light, and she was gone!


Yeah, I thought it was bullshit, too. Dull and boring and flabby as I may be, I am not stupid.

One of my ticking time bombs went off this morning, in the computer of this MILF in accounting. She was a little older than me, from Costa Rica with this hot little body with all those hot Latin curves and probably C-cups on a small frame, and I was scurrying up the stairs to the fourth floor because it was faster than the elevator.

At the turn of the staircase, Dawn came into view, coming down the staircase wearing a long, ankle-length skirt and a white top that fit her like skin. "Hi, Carl. I hope you aren't too upset about yesterday."

"No, of course not. Do you really have a boyfriend?"

"Yes. We've been together since 11th grade."

"Oh, I see."

"Well, I am glad we are still friends."

"Me too," I said, and as she started back down, I asked, "What about being friends with benefits?"

"Excuse me?"

I remembered the hot demon woman's words. All I need to do is ask the right question. "Will you fuck me?"

"What, right here?"

"Why not?"

She smiled, and it was the sweetest smile I ever saw. " Yeah, why not?"

All the porno I've watched over the years, you'd think screwing on a stairwell might be easier to imagine than it was. Dawn slowly walked to the landing, where at least it is flat for good footing.

Since I'd never done anything remotely like this, I had no idea how to start. The railing went all the way, and on the landing was a straight bar about waist height, so I held her hips and lifted her up to sit on it. She giggled and I got an erection just from touching her hips. Her feet moved up and down, playful, almost like riding an invisible exercise bike when I lifted up her skirt, and she laughed and slipped her panties down her slender legs.

That skirt had all kinds of volume, and bunched up on her thighs like that, it hid her bush. I always imagined blonde, and really wanted to look, particularly when she hooked her heels in my back and pulled me to her between her legs, but looking down, the bunched-up fabric hid her crotch more effectively from this angle.

When I tried to kiss her, she giggled and looked down at my pants and started unlatching my belt. "Oh, my," she said, "looks like somebody is ready!"

Yeah, I was ready. My cock popped out of my pants and she pulled it from my boxer shorts. Dawn Doormouse was playing with my cock! This must be another dream, and any second she'd sprout pterodactyl wings or burst into a ball of light and disappear.

But she didn't. Instead, she pulled me to her by the shoulders and kissed on my neck, sucked on it. My cock rubbed against wetness, and when I squeezed a boob, she let out a deep moan.

I tugged my boxers so they fell to my ankles with my pants and took one of Dawn's titties in each hand and started playing with them through her shirt. The wetness against my cock grew hotter and there was more of it.

"Fuck me, Carl. I want you to fuck me!" Dawn's breath felt hot on my neck, hot as the wetness rubbing up and down my prick. I started jabbing it against her, and she squealed. "I don't think it goes there!"

"Where does it go?"

Tiny, fragile fingers took my cock and guided it into her, and warm liquid covered the tip of my rigid dick. As I thrust up into her, she closed her beautiful blue eyes and bit her lip. Dawn was so tiny, and my cock felt too big, which must be why she grimaced so much. But she was also warm and smooth and soft, yet held me tight inside her despite how soft she was.

I squeezed her titty and stabbed at her over and over with her ass perched on that rail.

It was over in seconds. Worried someone would come down the stairs, I told her, because it felt too fast, but when I came inside her, it felt more incredible than I imagined. Probably came so easily because of how tight she was, or maybe because I was fucking Dawn Doormouse, someone I never believed ever would look at me.

When we finished, there was blood on the inside of her legs. Had I injured her somehow?

"No, I'm fine," she assured me, "it was my first time is all."

"What about your boyfriend?"

"Oh, he's real religious. Made me sign the Purity Pledge with him."

Holy hell! It seemed impossible that Dawn Doormouse had given me her cherry in the stairwell at work. So I was not the only one, but I wasn't going to tell her that. That's when I decided this must be a dream. A very powerful, very realistic dream! Must be a wet one, too.

Luckily, I carried a handkerchief in my pocket so she could clean up. That bloody memento of my first conquest is in my drawer to this day.

The rest of the day, I just stared at my computer, unable to work. I fixed the Latina MILF's PC remotely. She thought I must be a genius. If this is a dream, it is the longest, weirdest, most detailed dream I ever had, because the rest of it felt exactly like a regular day. Hours later, it began to sink in that—impossible as it seemed—this was a real day at work. The bloody handkerchief in my pocket made clear I had not drifted off for a few minutes in my cube.

That night, I expected the demon woman to show up, barely sleeping waiting for her to fly in, but she didn't show.

The next morning, I arrived bright and early and planned my day. Not the typical planning. I needed to test this new power! The usual crap came in, my manager assigned a few tasks. Some guy's PC went haywire, and the last thing I wanted to waste my time on was some dude's computer. His browser history showed hits on unsecure porno sites.

"I'm not going to tell anyone where you've been surfing," I told him, "but this all goes through the central server, so my boss can run it. Might be a good idea to do this at home." Then I went upstairs.

"Hi, Dawn."

She looked up from her work and, if anything, looked more beautiful than ever. Her eyes glowed, a pink glow spread across her cheeks and she smiled sweetly at me. "Hi, Carl."

"Do you have lunch plans?"

"No. Eating in the cafeteria."

"Will you walk down with me? I thought maybe we could have more of what we had yesterday."

"Oh, that sounds wonderful!"

When we got to the landing where I deflowered her the day before, I grabbed her from behind, squeezing a lovely titty in each hand. Dawn might be tiny, but her boobs are a handful and firm! Oh, are they firm!

She wore pants that day, knit that hugged her round ass which felt firm as her boobs against my loins. My cock had been hard all this time, now straining against my Dockers. She undid her pants, which was nice, because I really didn't want to let go of her titties. Underneath, she wore granny panties, which that perfect little tushie managed to make look sexy.

Oh, damn! I needed to drop a boob to undo my pants. I got it done with one hand, so I could squeeze away while the other fumbled with my belt and zipper. Her nipple was hard now, and I played with it through her shirt and bra.

My belt clattered on the concrete landing, and we stood there both with our pants around our ankles buck naked from the waist down.

I did not tell her I was a virgin yesterday. Nor was I going to tell her I had no idea how to screw a woman from behind. I mean, anal would be fine with me, but I really wanted to be inside her snatch again, and I sure did not want to let go of those tits again.

There I am, jabbing my prick between her cheeks hoping to find an opening when tiny fingers grabbed it and pulled it between her legs, where it was warm and wet as it rubbed against the top of my cock. Those fingers felt wonderful along my shaft, aiming it.

Dawn bent forward a little and braced both hands against the wall, and my tip touched wetness. Bending forward a little more and I was in!

A brisk thrust and I was inside Dawn Doormouse again!

Her little ass fit so well against me, as I bent forward, too. Her titties made great handles to pull her onto me, driving deep inside. It was so tight in there, I barely fit! We made a little wet slapping sound as I pounded away.

I love her little titties, and decided to slide my hands up under her shirt. I tried to put my fingers inside her bra, but instead it pushed up, off her boobs. Oh. My. God! Skin so smooth and silky and the nipples twiddled between my finger seemed to set fire to her. Dawn made grunting and moaning noises I never expected to hear from her!

Her little white butt thrust back into me with each thrust I made, and her back arched, head moving up and down. She was fucking loving this, too! Exciting as yesterday was, this was magnitudes hotter. Playing with those wonderful little tits would have made anything hotter. How many times had I imagined how they felt?

This time, I lasted longer, too. She started playing with herself above my cock and started making some noises in a voice much deeper than her usual voice before I unloaded into her. By then she was gasping and moaning—this is what it is like to come together simultaneously! Oh, hell! My knees almost buckled and I struggled to stay on my feet.

Coming felt infinitely better than the day before. Then it escaped in a combination of excitement, awe and terror that my boss would come down the stairs before I finished. This time, it was pure, unadulterated pleasure and debauchery. No longer holding onto her boobs as handles to pull her to me, now I held on to keep from falling to the floor on my weak knees. I nearly let go of one to brace on her back as she still braced herself on the wall.

Sweat ran down my forehead and temples, and I could not help grunting like Dawn was, although hers sounded better than mine. Even to myself, I sounded like a pig high in slop. Dawn's orgasm seemed to go on forever, but soon as mine subsided, I pulled out. The longer we remained on the stairs half naked, the bigger the risk.

Breathing heavily, Dawn leaned against the wall facing me, and for the first time, I saw it. Blonde bush! Dayum! Twice I had screwed her brains out, and only now did I see this most beautiful of sights. Hard to see in the emergency lighting of the staircase, but it was either trimmed or sparse, but as I tried to get a look, she bent over and pulled up her panties.


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