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Dinner Party Mystery Ch. 06

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Strange behaviors begin to make sense.
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Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/26/2020
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Dinner Party Mystery

A Girl Friday, Risk Versus Reward crossover story.


Chapter 6: The Dragon Lady Part Deux


I touched my fingers to Miss Chowdhury's business card, the one that she had slipped into the inner pocket of my thrift store suit coat as she kissed me adieu. My hand brushed against my still erect nipple as I did, giving me a pleasant, tingly reminder of our brief time together. I'd never really considered myself a maven in the kitchen, that was Charlotte's department, but I was seriously looking forward to taking some cooking classes from this woman.

Charlotte had already finished laying an extra five lashes on the lovely pink bottoms of Miss Chowdury's trio of sous chefs. Charlotte gave me a wink and a sly grin as I walked from the kitchen—probably striding in slow motion, at least I was in my mind—while I wiped my mouth and chin with the back of my hand. It wasn't not just Miss Chowdhury's kitchen creations that had me looking forward to a little one on one culinary instruction.

"You look happy." Charlotte was still grinning.

"And I suppose fifteen lashes on three gorgeous, young behinds was a hardship for you."

"I never said that." Charlotte leaned in to kiss me. "You taste like curry."

"Now who's being culturally insensitive?"

Charlotte's smile fell. "I didn't mean it that way. I meant after what we ate for—"

I silenced her protest with another, longer kiss. "I know, honey. Now let's go interview the dragon lady."

Charlotte's elbow connected suddenly with my ribs. "Not nice, Juliet."

The two of us took turns elbowing each other all the way up the stairs, all while grinning like fools.

* * *

It wasn't hard to find our two remaining suspects. I just followed the sounds of Miss Natasha's gasping, followed by moaning, followed by giggling. That was not something I ever would have expected from the woman, to hear her giddy like a school girl. She always seemed so even keel. Devious sometimes, yes, but always in control and never one to lose herself.

As we got closer, I had a strong suspicion as to what was causing it all. I heard a crack that sounded like twelve inches of hardwood on skin, another gasp and moan, all wrapped up in a cloud of lust. The stink of sex in the air was think enough to cut with a knife, or to poke holes in, like Desi's pie. I strongly suspected there was much more of the poking going on as Detective Charlotte and I approached the door separating us from Miss Natasha's home office.

I looked over at Charlotte. Surely, she had to have some inkling of what was going on behind that door. But, surprisingly, the Charlotte who lost her cool at dinner and nearly sent everyone packing was nowhere to be seen. Instead, my fellow detective's face was serene, almost angelic, as she moved her fingers toward the office doorknob.

"Shouldn't we knock first?" I asked.

Charlotte looked at me and then fingered the lapel of my thrift store suit. "We're hard-boiled detectives, Juliet. We don't knock."


While I was busy checking my emergency stick-on mustache to make sure it wasn't falling off again, Charlotte's shoe had already connected with the door. It swung open fast, and with a bang. It was the kind of noise that left me thinking about how I might be filling a doorknob-sized hole in the plaster. But, when I saw the room's two occupants, my thoughts turned and my jaw dropped.

Miss Natasha is endowed with what is perhaps the most fabulous chest I have ever seen in my life. She has admitted that it's not one-hundred percent what the good lord gave her, but that has never stopped me from staring like an idiot any time those tits came out to play. And tonight was no different. Miss Natasha's flushed and heaving chest was out on full display, except for a bit on the right side that was blocked by the dragon lady's fingers roughly tugging at her nipple.

I looked at Charlotte, expecting a crimson face and steam coming out of her ears, as she marched forward to smack to hell out of the woman who held Charlotte's wife on her lap and pinched at her flesh like it was a toy. I didn't witness any of that. I saw Charlotte's lips spreading and starting to turn up at the corners. She quickly straightened them out again.

"Freeze, dolls," Charlotte said, in her hard-boiled detective voice. "Somebody here's had their fingers in Desi's pie and ain't either of you gals goin' anywhere until I get a confession."

I looked at Charlotte. She was still trying to play the hard-ass, but there was a twinkle in her eye. I looked at Miss Natasha next—like besides just her tits—and her brow was all scrunched up like she'd just been busted in the back seat of her prom date's car. And I don't think the mention of Desi's pie factored into that look at all. Dragon Lady, on the other hand, simply looked mildly amused as the situation played out.

"And just what do you think I'm going to confess to, little one?" Dragon Lady had her gaze locked on Charlotte.

Charlotte never missed a beat. "The pie tasting, toots. I know you had your finger in Desi's pie tonight, and I aim to prove it. And I know your little naked floozy here was in on it too."

From the expression on her face, Miss Natasha had apparently worked out any trepidation she had about the current situation, and focused her attention strictly on the word floozy as she raised an eyebrow at Charlotte.

Charlotte walked forward. "Stand up. Detective Juliet needs to measure your fingers."

Don't throw me in the middle of this, is what I thought as soon as the words left her mouth.

"That might prove somewhat difficult," Dragon Lady said. "We are currently joined at the hip, you might say."

Miss Natasha's face flushed a deep red.

"Listen, doll," Charlotte said. "Stand up so my associate can measure your finger, else I'll come over there and drag you out of that chair and into a cell downtown, capisce?"

"By all means. Measure away." The dragon lady began to rise from her chair, and as she did, Miss Natasha was pushed forward, with her beautiful boobies pressing into the hardwood surface of the desk. Her face was contorted and she was biting at her lower lip as she tried to catch herself with splayed fingers. She let out a long groan.

As I advanced slowly, calipers in hand, I saw the reason for the contorted face and the groan. It was a thick shaft of shiny black silicone attached to the dragon lady with a strap around her waist, and attached to Miss Natasha by means of being buried inside her. As I got closer, I understood that the butt plug I spied earlier was not just for fun, but served a purpose of preparing her for this very moment.

Dragon Lady extended her hand in my direction and spread her elegant fingers. "Do get on with it," she said. "As you can see, I'm very busy ce soir."

I swallowed hard and glanced at Charlotte. She had moved up to the front of the desk and was stroking Miss Natasha's hair, peeling away sweaty clumps from where they stuck to her face. Charlotte had her head cocked to one side and was scanning Miss Natasha up and down with a sort of wan smile painted over her lips. There was no redness of the face or gnashing of teeth that I would have expected.

Dragon Lady pushed forward to close the distance between us. Miss Natasha grunted as the rest of the thick black appendage was hidden from view. Charlotte kept on stroking Miss Natasha's hair throughout. It was eerie.

"Are you finished with my finger?" came the weary voice of the dragon lady.

"Hmm?" I said, forcing myself to move my eyes from Miss Natasha's flushed and heaving naked body, back to the suspect at hand. I glanced at my notepad and then looked her in the eye. "Madame, your finger is a precise match for having been in Desi's pie," I said.

"Not surprising. And I won't deny it. I often have my fingers in Desi's pie. Sometimes all of them. It's a unique and wonderful experience. Much like the feeling of taming a fiercely dominant woman like the one we have here," Dragon Lady dropped her hand, palm side up, and dragged the back of her nails hard over Miss Natasha's skin. "Do you know she begged me for it?"

Miss Natasha shivered as I watched the four pink tracks beginning to rise in the wake of the Dragon Lady's rough touch.

I looked at Charlotte and she looked at me. Neither of us wore much of an expression.

"Shouldn't you be measuring your last suspect, Detective?" Dragon Lady taunted.

"Oui, madame," I said, getting myself back into character.

I moved to the front of the desk where Charlotte was standing. She was still stroking Miss Natasha's hair. I could only just barely see the whites of Miss Natasha's eyes. The rest had rolled up inside her head and her lids were mere slits.

"Are you alright, Miss Natasha?"

A long, lust moan followed.

"Mon Dieu."

Contented that a moan was all I was going to get from this suspect, I reached out for her hand and took a measurement of her index finger with the calipers. I quickly compared it to the last remaining unmatched numbers on my notepad.

"Did you have your finger in Desi's pie, Miss Natasha?"

"Mm-hmm, so good," was all she said before checking out again.

"Detective Charlotte," I said. "We have all of our suspects. I suggest we round them up in the parlor until such time the police can take them into custody."

The dragon lady smiled. She pulled back a little, letting the slick black appendage peek out before ramming it home again. "Don't you want to know what we've been up to this whole time?"

"Madame, it is quite obvious to me that the—"

"Besides taming your mistress, we've been discussing a fair amount of business this evening."

I reached up to check my emergency stick-on mustache again. With all the surprises today, I was surprised to find it still holding tight.

I looked at Charlotte. She was still holding it together.

Dragon Lady raked her nails over Miss Natasha's back again, but quicker this time. "Why don't you tell them what it is we've been discussing, girl?"

"Yes, Mistress Nguyen." Miss Natasha then paused, at a loss for words.

I knew why. While Dragon Lady Mistress Nguyen was waiting for Miss Natasha to respond, she had resumed the rocking of her hips and the accompanying thrusts into Miss Natasha's beautiful backside. At first it was slow, and just a little bit of the thick shaft peeked out. I almost wanted to reach for my calipers and determine just how thick that monster was, but Mistress Nguyen was picking up the pace as well as the force of the thrusts. I wasn't sure I could get in there for a measurement and not get my hand crushed.

Miss Natasha was back to grunting. Charlotte continued stroking her wife's hair with that slightly amused grin creeping over her face again.

"Well, hurry up, girl," Mistress Nguyen commanded.

Miss Natasha tried to open her mouth to form words, but every thrust of the shaft attached to Mistress Nguyen's hips sent her back to square one. Finally, she gave up and began humming.

C7 E7 G7 E7 B6 E7 G7 E7

I recognized it immediately. It was the same little two bar melody that was stuck in my head when I woke up this morning—the melody that Charlotte and I used to make up an entire short animated picture about our sad little balloon and her porcupine friend. But it wasn't helping me figure out what they'd been up to, unless it was making an animated short, which from the stale stink of sex hanging in the air, I didn't think they'd spent much time on it.

I looked over at Charlotte. She was no help. She just kept stroking Miss Natasha's hair as her wife continued getting stretched and pounded from behind. Charlotte still had that cheeseball grin on her face too, like she was beginning to enjoy this whole thing. When Charlotte began planting little kisses on Miss Natasha's face, I figured she probably was. It still didn't help me with the humming.

"Figure it out yet, detective?" Mistress Nguyen needled me as she pulled back for an extra deep thrust.

How much of that thing is there? I wondered, as Miss Natasha took it all with a grunt.

"I'm working on it," I shot back.

I scanned some of the other items on the desk, things I hadn't noticed before while I was busy watching Miss Natasha's tits jiggling so pleasantly as she got bent over her own desk and plowed mercilessly by the lady in black, Mistress Nguyen.

I walked around to the back side of the desk, standing practically shoulder to shoulder with the strap-on wielding mistress. I was momentarily distracted thinking about how Miss Natasha wouldn't be able to sit down comfortably for a week at least, when I noticed the laptop was connected to its dock and powered up. I reached to jiggle the mouse, half expecting a porn video to appear.

What I got instead was a web site for one of those digital document signing companies, the kind where you scribble your John Hancock on a touch screen and call it good enough to be legally binding. There on the screen was Miss Natasha's full name, along with one Betty Nguyen.

I took another look at the dragon lady currently bent on impaling Miss Natasha hard enough to be tickling her lungs with that massive appendage. Betty. It seems a name more fitting for the kindly neighbor lady who brings you a jar of homemade raspberry jam during canning season, or maybe a fresh baked cherry pie like Desi's. Never in a million years could I picture a Betty with an anal fetish. But there she was, contenting herself with remodeling Miss Natasha's rear entrance while she waited for me to connect the dots.

I turned my attention to the monitor again. In the smaller text I read words like, "The Nile Queen, herein known as The Production..." and "agree to finance The Production in the sum of five-hundred thousand in return for a royalty of..." and "maintain that full creative control rests with the film's director and musical score composer."

Holy shit, that's me, I thought as I read those last few words. I'm the one in charge of the musical score. The whole soundtrack for the film I was contracted to work on was in my hands. Except the film had been canceled a month ago, when the original investors decided it was too avant-garde for mainstream audiences and pulled their funding. Well screw them. Short-sighted sons of bitches.

I shifted my gaze to Mistress Nguyen, Betty, who was still busy polishing the hardwood desk using Miss Natasha's body and steering her efforts by way of the back door. I reached out and laid a hand gently on the back of Dragon Lady's neck. I tried to think of her as Betty, the kindly woman offering raspberry preserves, as I kissed her full on the mouth.

"Thank you," I said.

When I came up for air, Mistress Nguyen was staring at me, still fucking Miss Natasha within an inch of her life, but staring at me, her lips pursed. I began to regret my hasty decision. But then Betty was back—the nice lady who offers fresh raspberry preserves—and Betty was smiling. Well, as much as I imagine the woman ever smiles.

"You're welcome," she said. "Now be a dear and find me a leather strap, I believe this lovely thing on the desk is ready to climax, and I want to give her something nice to remind her of my visit." Mistress Nguyen waved her hand in the air. "Karin had one with her when we arrived, find out what she's done with it."

"It's here, Miss. I have it." Charlotte reached inside her suit coat pocket and retrieved the short leather strap she had used on the naked sous chef brigade during their interrogation. She passed it over to Mistress Nguyen on the other side of the desk and returned to stroking Miss Natasha's hair and kissing her cheeks.

"Almost time," I heard her whisper.

Mistress Nguyen was absolutely ruthless, and I must have jumped a foot into the air just at the sound of that first kiss of leather on Miss Natasha's left butt cheek. Miss Natasha moaned, and the pace of her breathing quickened, until the strap came down hard again, this time on the right side. Miss Natasha held her breath, and them let out a mighty groan from somewhere deep down inside.

At the same time, Mistress Nguyen was driving the thick, black strap-on deeper and harder. Miss Natasha had taken to bucking her hips and meeting each thrust head-on, ensuring that there was nothing left peeking out between Mistress Nguyen's hips and her jiggling backside.


The strap came down again. Miss Natasha shrieked, and then settled into a long, lusty groan. Charlotte was still stroking Miss Natasha's hair, and keeping it from falling into her face, as her wife's shuddering body was mercilessly shoved this way and that.


"Oh, fff—" Miss Natasha expelled over her lips right before she began panting so hard I thought she might be hyperventilating.

But, just as I was about to run for a paper bag, she calmed herself into a regular pattern of moaning. When the strap came down again, it was met with an "ahhh," instead of a shriek, even though the blow rained down just as hard.

I had a tough time believing she hadn't exploded yet. If it were me on the desk, being treated to such attention, I would have sent my juices running down my thighs at least twice by now.

"Mmm... Mistress Nguyen," Miss Natasha moaned.

"Yes, girl?"

"Mm—may... May I come now?" Miss Natasha heaved. "Please?"

Mistress Nguyen locked eyes with me for a moment and smiled. It was a gaze that said, 'Look what I have your mistress doing. Look at how I have her begging me to orgasm. Isn't it sexy?'

She laid the back of her hand to rest in the small of Miss Natasha's back. "You may," she said.

And while Miss Natasha was busy heaving and grunting in the throes of her passion, Mistress Nguyen was painting her ass pink with the short leather strap, and Charlotte was at the other end holding her Mistress's face in her hands, planting kisses up and down her cheeks.

"Oh my gawd!" Miss Natasha screamed, as she bucked and heaved, laid out over that hardwood desk, caught in the middle of Charlotte's loving tenderness on one side and Mistress Nguyen's absolute unadulterated fucking on the other. I've never seen her look quite so content.

And much to my surprise, Miss Charlotte as well.



The remaining assaulters of Desi's pie have been rounded up, and Detective Juliet has managed to find a couple more clues to help explain the earlier offer of five-hundred thousand dollars from the mysterious woman bent on taming Miss Natasha.

Find out how it all ties together in Chapter 7: Desi's Pie a la Mode.

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stroudlestroudleabout 4 years ago

Stonking chapter Wax. I do like to see someone giving it their all and M Y is definitely giving Natasha her all.

The fog of mystery is thinning as our pair of detectives close in on the mysteries of the pie and offer for money

Thank you Wax


🚪I think Natasha needs a new office door

💫Natasha us seeing alot of these

🎶Humming the tune

🇦🇹The pattern on Natasha bott

🖐️All fingers accounted for

MaonaighMaonaighabout 4 years ago
Bicycle rack

After what the Dragon Lady has done to her, I reckon you could use Miss Natasha's rear end for a bicycle rack. You can always rely on these girls to find something new and interesting to pass the time!

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