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Discovery in a Mailbox

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What she finds opens a whole new world.
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Misty strode confidently into the student center at her university that spring afternoon. She had just gotten out of her least favorite class, and had in her hands the test from last week. The surprising "97%" was written on the top in a red pen. Now she could just check her mail, and sit down and read for a few hours until dinnertime with her friends.

As she went to her mailbox, she looked in and noticed that she couldn't see any light through the window, meaning it was full. She wasn't expecting anything, so it was another pleasant surprise. It's always nice to get actual physical mail, even if it's just junk mail.

She spun the dial, and opened it up. There was a cardboard box tucked in there, just barely small enough to fit in the slot. Misty pulled it out, surprised. She wasn't expecting a package from anyone. And this didn't look like it was from anyone she knew. There was no return address, and it really wasn't even addressed to her. Just to her mailbox number, on a small computer-printed address label.

Curious, Misty went over to the small lounge underneath the stairs to open it up and see what she had received. The lounge was surprisingly empty, and she sat down on the couch all by herself. Using her room key, she cut through the tape on one side of the box. Tilting it on its side, two Rayovac AA batteries fall into her lap, and then an odd object in a clear plastic bag.

She sees a shiny metal egg-shaped object, connected by a small wire to a white plastic thing. There is a piece of paper inside the bag, a warranty slip. The word "vibrator" seems to leap out to her, and she drops it into her lap, covering it and blushing furiously. Misty looks around furtively, but no one seems to be paying attention to her.

"What the hell is going on?" she wonders. "Why the hell is someone sending me a sex toy?" She blushes again even thinking the phrase. "There must be some mistake." She looks at the box again, and notices once more the lack of a recipient's name or a return address.

"Either one of my friends is playing some kind of a joke on me, or someone else really got the wrong box number. But with no name, I have no idea who is supposed to have it, or who to give it back to. Gosh, this is really embarrassing."

She shoves the toy back into the box, with the batteries, and buries it deep in her bookbag. She can't let anyone see her with it, not here. She could get written up! Or expelled even! The conservative Christian university most certainly would look down on something like that.

Misty opened up her book, but couldn't concentrate on reading. Her thoughts were dominated by the forbidden object hidden in her bookbag. She'd never seen one before, only heard very vague references in some of those womens' magazines. She wondered how it worked...no! Those were bad thoughts.

Finally her friends showed up. "Hey there, Miss!" shouted her good friend Allysa. "How's it going?"

"It's going great, Kitty," Misty replied. "Got a 97% on my test. Hey, did any of you guys send me a gag gift in the mail?" Looking at their confused faces, she realized it wasn't one of them. "Nevermind, it was just a bunch of trash. Probably got put in the wrong box, I just threw it away. C'mon, let's go eat."

She picked up her bookbag, thinking it slightly heavier with the weight of the forbidden fruit inside. She followed her friends in to dinner, but was slightly preoccupied the whole meal. All she could think about was how her roommate was out of town for the week, and she had the room to herself all night.

The meal eventually ended, and Misty headed off to her room alone, pleading lots of homework that had to get done. She went inside, and locked the door. Setting her bookbag on the floor, she pulled out the toy and the batteries. She looked at them for a few minutes, trying to decide if she really wanted to do this or not.

"What the heck, it's mine now anyways. I can't exactly give it back, I have no idea where to start. And it's not like anyone is going to know." She opened the package and felt the item in her hand. It was a lot lighter than she expected. The silver part looked fairly solid, so the batteries must go in the white plastic part. She easily popped it open and put in the two double-As.

Holding the whole thing in her hands, she turned the dial on the side of the white part, and jerked back a little when the silver egg started vibrating in her other hand. She experimented with the dial, and found that the further it was turned, the stronger the vibration. Feeling pleased with her discovery, she turned it off and set it down on her bed.

Misty went over and closed her blinds all the way, so there would be no possibility of anyone seeing in. She then went to the full-length mirror, and took a long look at herself. She thought she was fairly attractive, with her medium length brown hair, and her cute face. But the boys weren't exactly beating down the door, and she wasn't even sure how she would react if one did.

After kicking off her shoes, she pulled her shirt over her head, then reached behind her to unhook her plain black bra. Letting it fall to the floor, she cupped her 36B breasts in her hands. They were fairly good-sized, and firm. She was happy with them. As her fingers accidentally brushed her nipples, she felt a thrill run from them down her body to that place between her legs. She smiled, and unbuttoned her pants.

They slid easily off her long smooth legs, leaving her in just socks and a pair of black panties. Those were the next to go, and after removing her socks she stood stark naked before her mirror. A fine figure of a woman, with slightly trimmed dark brown hair covering her most private place. She liked to keep it trimmed, for swimsuits, but was hesitant to do anything more than that. She'd heard that some women shaved everything off, but only those sex-crazed sluts.

Moving over to her bed, she lay down on her back and set the toy beside her. She'd only done this a few times before, and usually just somewhat hurriedly in the shower. All she knew was there were some places on her body that felt really, really good to touch, and made tingles run down her body. So she closed her eyes, and her hands moved to her breasts. Squeezing them, moving them around on her chest, and occasionally touching her nipples, she simply enjoyed the feelings in her body.

Soon, almost without conscious thought, her right hand slid down her stomach and started rubbing her inner thigh. Her legs opened slightly, and her fingers probed down into her pubic hair. She sat up with a shock, finding that she was wet down there. Had she accidentally wet herself? But this wasn't urine, it was a different consistency. She then remembered reading something about how women got wet when they were turned on. She'd never noticed before, in the shower.

Relaxing again, her hand went back between her legs, and this time she enjoyed how smoothly her fingers moved when lubricated. She slid one of her fingers between her pussy lips, and moved it inside her. It felt really nice, and she wondered what it would be like to have something else, or someone else in there...but then she shook that thought way, not wanting to worry about it. Not right now at least.

Suddenly, Misty got a wild urge to see what her girl-fluid tasted like. She brought her finger up to her mouth, and licked it off. It was odd, unlike anything she'd tasted before. But for whatever reason, she liked it. She stuck her finger back inside her, and wiggled it around a little bit, causing more happy tingles. She then brought it back up and licked it off again. Definitely a good taste.

Putting her hand back down between her legs, Misty's fingers searched out that special spot she'd found. When her finger brushed against it she felt that jolt of pleasure, and she let out an involuntary gasp. As she started to rub it, her legs spread farther apart and her breathing started getting heavier. She'd never had this much time to herself to do this, and she was really enjoying it.

She then remembered her new acquisition, and the reason for this entire experiment. She took the white controller in one hand, and took the silver egg in the other. She moved her hand down, and slid the egg slowly inside her, moving easily on her juices. She lay for a moment enjoying the feeling of something inside her other than her fingers, then she turned it on low.

She immediately felt the vibrations coursing through her, and her body twitched. She lay there and waited, but aside from feeling nice, it didn't seem to be all that amazingly thrilling. She tried turning it up a little higher, and that did feel a bit nicer, but nothing like what she'd been led to expect. She pulled on the cord a little, making it move back and forth inside her. That worked for a bit, but after a minute it seemed to be more effort than was worth it.

"Ah well, I guess it was all overhyped. Or maybe my body just doesn't like these as well, or something." Misty sighed, and slowly pulled the still-vibrating egg out from inside her. Pulling it up, she fumbled with it and it fell onto her special spot. She almost screamed and only stopped by biting her lip at the last second. So *that's* what all the fuss is about!

Smiling broadly now that she'd figured it out, Misty carefully set the vibrating egg back down onto her spot, her "clitoris" if she understood correctly. Wow. They weren't kidding when they said this spot drives women wild. She was almost moaning now, her body writhing on the bed. It was all she could do to hold the egg to her clit, but the last thing she wanted to do was remove it.

Suddenly it felt like her body exploded, and she let out a small squeal before clamping her mouth shut. Intense waves of pleasure racked her body, emanating from her pussy outwards. She had to drop the egg, and it vibrated away on the bed while Misty vibrated above it, slowly coming back from cloud nine. She finally got the presence of mind to turn it off, and then just lay naked on the bed, sweating and remembering how amazing that felt. She must have had an orgasm, something she'd only read about but never actually experienced before.

Well, no matter who was supposed to get this gift from the gods, it was hers now and she was never getting rid of it. Not when it can provide that kind of pleasure to her. And she hadn't even gotten a chance to try any higher vibration speeds with it...the thought filled her with a naughty glee. Looking over at the clock, she realized that everything she had done had only taken about an hour, meaning she still had plenty of time before she needed to go to bed...

The next morning, Misty woke up from the best sleep she had had in a very long time. Slowly, the memories came back of the previous night, of the numerous times she had come with her new toy, over and over again, enjoying this new power to its fullest extent. She was still unclothed, having simply passed out at the end of one of her sessions.

As she stretched, her hand went under the pillow and bumped into her toy. She pulled it out and looked at it, then at the clock, wondering if she had enough time this morning...but no, she just had enough time to take a shower and get ready to go to chapel. She thought about just blowing it off, but then felt an odd kind of guilt about all the fun she had had last night. She should probably go, in case what she had done was wrong (but how could anything that good be wrong?).

Gathering her clothes and shower supplies, she threw on some PJs to go to the shower room. She carefully hid her toy in her underwear drawer, where no one else would be looking. Heading out the door, she ran into Allysa, who was also on her way to the shower.

"You look a little tired there, Miss. Get much sleep?"

"Uh, not really, I was up late...studying." She wondered if Allysa had caught her pause. "Gotta take a nice shower and wake up now."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Catch you in a few!" Allysa went into her stall and pulled the curtain shut, and Misty did the same in the stall on the other side. Shucking her clothes off, she took a moment to run her hands over her body, remembering how much fun she had with it the night before. Her pussy started to get wet a minute before she turned on the water.

Allowing the soothing liquid to flow over her, Misty washed her hair thoroughly. As she rinsed it, her hands almost unconsciously slid down her body with the shampoo and touched her breasts. Her nipples were sticking up, and she really couldn't tell if it was from the temperature of the water or her own excitement.

Misty cupped her full breasts in her hands and closed her eyes, remembering how good they made her feel. When she opened them, she caught a flicker of something on the floor. Looking down, she suddenly realized something that she'd never noticed before. When the light hit the wet floor just right, it became a sort of a mirror. She could look down and see almost all of Allysa's body from the other shower stall.

Misty had never thought about her friend in this way before, but now it was like she was seeing Allysa in a whole new light. Her best friend was really an incredibly attractive woman. She had a gorgeous body, nice full 34C breasts, and smooth sexy legs. Her long blond hair went down to her shoulders, and although Misty couldn't see it from this angle, she remembered a very pretty face with a lovely smile.

She couldn't believe she was even thinking this. It went against everything she had ever believed in. Women didn't find other women attractive, not like that. Except for sick perverts, like lesbians. She suddenly had a memory flash of how her own pussy juice had tasted, and she wondered if Allysa's was anything like that. No! Stop!

Once the thought had entered her mind, though, it was hard to get rid of. Her eyes strayed down Allysa's body to that spot between her legs, hoping to catch a glimpse. Unfortunately, her hands were in the way. She must be cleaning herself there...no, wait. Misty's jaw dropped. She definitely *wasn't* cleaning there. Her fingers were moving in a now-very-familiar way. She was touching herself, touching like Misty had been doing to herself only those few hours ago.

Misty stared at Allysa, transfixed. For some reason she couldn't describe, the sight of her friend masturbating was incredibly arousing. Allysa's left hand moved up to cup her perfect breast in her hand, and Misty watched her fingers pinch the nipple. Misty wondered what those breasts would feel like in her hands, and the thought made her hands move down between her legs.

Both girls now had their hands between their legs, masturbating as the water flowed over them. Misty stared at Allysa, amazed at her friend's sexuality, and even more amazed at her own reaction to it. Suddenly she saw Allysa slip on the wet floor and fall down. In a flash, she was out of the shower and over checking on her friend. Fleetingly she realized she was still naked, but there was no one in the bathroom except the two of them.

"Are you OK? That looked like a pretty bad fall!"

"Yeah, I'm fine. It was nothing." Allysa got up, then paused. "How do you know it *looked* like a bad fall?"

Misty's face turned beet red as she was filled with shame. How could she have done that to her friend? "The, uh, I happened to, uh, glance down and saw the reflection of you on the floor."

Allysa looked bemused. "Were you watching me in the shower, Miss?"

Misty had no idea what to say. She was caught, stuck in a trap with no way out. "Um, of course not! Why would I ever do something like that!"

"I wanna tell you something." Allysa leaned over to Misty's ear, and whispered, "I was watching *you*. And you were very hot." Misty felt a tongue on her ear as Allysa licked it, then leaned back with a strange smile on her face.

Misty had no idea at all what to do or think. *Allysa* was watching *her*? But that meant..."What? I don't understand!"

"I think you know what I'm talking about. You were watching me, and it was turning you on. You were even masturbating to me."

"But, I'm not like that! And you, you're getting married?"

"So? It's perfectly OK to like women as much as men, or even more. I like both, quite a lot. Women's bodies are just so sexy."

"What about Paul?"

"Oh, he knows all about my bisexuality." That word? Allysa? "In fact, he encourages it. Most guys love watching two women together, and he's no exception."

"This is crazy...I don't understand..."

"It's OK, Miss. Here, let's turn off these showers, and you can come over to my room and talk about it some more. I know my roommate is gone to chapel by now and we won't be disturbed."

In a daze, Misty gathered her stuff, put her PJs back on, and followed Allysa. They got to her room, and Allysa locked the door behind them. Misty sat on the bed, in shock.

"Now, I know it seems like a lot to take in, but it's OK. Just because you're attracted to women doesn't make you evil, or a lesbian. It's very natural, and can be quite a lot of fun. What did you think when you saw me in the shower?"

"Uh, I don't know, I've never thought of you like that before. Or anyone, really. But I just saw your body there, and it....it excited me."

"Misty, I don't know how to say this. I think you're incredibly beautiful, and I've thought this for quite some time. I'd never have imagined that you might have been interested, but if you're willing to give this a try I know we can do some things that we will both enjoy very much. What do you say?"

"Gosh, uh, well, uh..."

"Do you trust me, Misty?"

"...yes, Allysa, I do."

With that, Allysa leaned in and gave Misty a soft kiss on the lips. It was so warm, so soft, so gentle, so caring, like nothing Misty had ever felt before. She was unsure at first, but quickly started kissing her back, their hands on each others' shoulders.

Allysa's hands started caressing Misty's back through her PJs, and Misty returned the favor. Their kiss, so gentle at first, was slowly becoming more passionate, more sensual. Misty felt something at her lips, and opened them slightly to allow Allysa's soft tongue in. Misty caressed the tongue with her own as her hands were caressing the other girl's back. She was quickly losing most of her nervousness and fear, and was even starting to get wet again.

Allysa slowly broke the kiss and pulled back to look Misty in the eyes. "If you have any questions, anything at all no matter how silly, please ask them. I want to help you. OK?" Misty simply nodded. Allysa reached over to take Misty's pajama shirt in her hands, and pulled it up and off of her. Not having put her bra back on after their shower adventure, Misty was now topless in front of her best friend.

"I always knew you would have the most amazing breasts," Allysa said adoringly. Her small hands reached out to touch them around the edges, and Misty felt a thrill run down her spine. "I've wanted to touch these, to taste them, for so long...may I?"

Misty didn't know what to say. Allysa took her silence as assent, and slowly bent over Misty's chest. Her long blond hair fell onto Misty's smooth skin, and suddenly she felt something wet flick across her nipple. Both her nipples were hard with excitement, and this caused her to gasp.

Suddenly both of Allysa's hands were cupping and caressing Misty's firm tits, and her mouth was closed over one of the nipples. Misty couldn't help herself, and let out a low moan. This only served to encourage her friend, and the mouth began to suck on the nipple.

Eventually she released her hold, and leaned back up. "Did you like that?"

"Did I! That was...wow...I just...can I see yours?"

"All you have to do is ask," Allysa said with a smile, as she pulled her shirt up over her head. Misty now had an unobstructed view of Allysa's bare chest, and she could do nothing but stare. Her best friend's boobs were so amazingly round, and firm, and enticing. "You can do more than look, you know."


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