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Do It Like You Mean It

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Ms. Colgan invites her aide to a party.
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"Ms. Colgan. I've finished grading this week's papers."

"Thank you, you can set them on the corner of the desk. By the way, you're still coming tonight aren't you?"

I was hoping she wouldn't remember. "I'm not sure. I was thinking about it. But I just don't know."

"You know how much it would mean to me."

"I know. And I appreciate the invitation. But."

"But what?" she cut me off. "What else could be so important that you can't take one night off to have some fun?"

"I have a lot of homework to do. I have that Data Analysis paper due for you next week. A Physic lab to write up. Mix Signal's home work due on Monday and I have a Calculus exam on Wednesday."

"To hell with all that." She said startling me. In the past Ms. Colgan had always used perfect English, pronouncing each syllable with just the right amount of emphasize. Never using slang terms or swear words. She spoke almost as if English was her second language, but the only accent she had was the one that comes with wealth. It didn't take much to see that she lead a privilege life. Private schools, Ivy League colleges, expensive clothing, nice cars and by the looks of her fit body, a personal trainer. To hear her swear now, for the first time, caught me off guard.

"When you're a 90 year old hag lying in a nursing home, what's going to help put a smile on your face? Quadratic equations, or the good times you had?"

"But I'm on a scholarship program. I have to maintain my grades."

"Give me a break. When was the last time you didn't get an `A', or at the very least a `B+'? Certainly you have nothing to worry about in my class. Do you think they pick just anyone to be a TA? Do you think I would let you grade my papers if I didn't think you had what it takes? Lighten up. Have some fun. You won't be in college forever. When was the last time you went on a date? I bet you can't remember. Let me ask you something. You trust me don't you? You know I would never do anything to hurt you?"

"You've always been nice to me."

"Dame straight I have. And I think I've been more then patient. How many of my parties have I invited you to?"

"A couple."

"Four." She said holding up 4 stern fingers. "And you've never been to one of them. I'm beginning to think you don't like me."

"It's not that."

"You're an adult now. You need to make up you own mind. Stop straddling the fence and pick a side. You do know what type of party this is don't you?"

"I have an ideal."

"Then you know there's a good chance you could meet someone you like. Perhaps you'll find that special someone. Or perhaps you'll meet several special someone's." She said with a devilish grin. "You would like to meet someone wouldn't you?"

"Of course. And I appreciate you inviting me, I really do, it's just that I don't think I would fit it."

"Do you know what the University would do to me if they knew we were having this discussion? Hell, if they knew about my lifestyle I would be out the door. I've risked my whole career for you. I don't think it is too much to ask that you come to one of my parties. Do you?"

"If I did go, I'm afraid I might disappoint you. I don't think I could do the things that you want me to."

"Well of course you can. What a silly thing to say. Are you too shy? Is that the real problem?"

"A little bit. Yes. Plus, I don't know if this is the sort of thing for me."

"Have you ever done anything like this before?"

"Sort of. I mean, I've never did anything myself, but."

"So your not sure what to do? Why didn't you come to me sooner?" With that she stood up, walked over to the office door, locked it and sat on the sofa.

"Come over here, I want to show you something."

I walked over to her and started to sit down.

"No." She stopped me. "I want you to kneel, so you can get a better look."

"Ms. Colgan." I said surprised.

"Fuck Ms. Colgan, call me Judy. Now get on your knees." I didn't move. I was too stunned to move.

"You heard what I said." With that she grabbed my wrist and pulled me down. I was paralyzed. Shock. Frozen. Unable to move or say anything. I had only wanted to turn in this week's papers and some how I ended up between my Professor's legs.

"Calm down. It's not the end of the world." She said stroking my hair. "I just want to show you something. Are you going to be alright?"

I didn't say anything.

"Shake your head or something. Let me know you're alive in there." She said waving a hand in front of my face.

"I'm okay."

"Good. That's what I wanted to hear. Now, do you know what a pussy looks like?"

"Of course."

"No, I mean what a pussy really looks like. Have you ever looked at yourself with a mirror? Have you ever taken a mirror, held it between your legs and really looked at it? Exploring all of different layers, all of the little nooks and crannies? Really discovering everything that makes up a very important part of our lives."


"Of course you haven't. Would you like to see mine?"

In truth there was a part of me that found her attractive. After she invited me the first time, I knew she liked me, and I couldn't help fantasying about her. There had been many nights where I had fallen asleep with her image in my mind, and my hands between my legs. Granted she was at least 20 years my senior, but she looked great. It was obvious she took great care, and personal pride in her appearance. A little part of me, the part I keep hidden from everyone, the part I never let out, was saying `Yes', but the rest of me was screaming `No'. This was wrong. I shouldn't be here. What would my friends say? What would my family say? I was confused and needed time to think. The smart thing for me to do was to get out. I started to say `No', but instead my head nodded `Yes'. Some how logic had lost, and I was betrayed by myself.

Not giving me a chance to change my mind she scooted to the edge of the sofa, slid back the hem of her gray Liz Claiborne suit, arched her back and wiggled off a pair of red and white plaid panties.

"There. Now does that look so scary?"


"Of course it doesn't. You have one that looks just like this. Granted it may be a little different. Yours is probably darker than mines. You probably have more hair than I do, has you can see I keep mine trimmed really close. Unless you shave that is. Do you shave you pussy bald?"

"No." I said with a bewilder look on my face. I was still trying to come to terms with myself. I was finding it hard to believe that I was having this conversation with my professor.

"Since you have one just like this, how can you be scared, nervous or shy about it? You can't. Or at least you shouldn't be. How old did you say you were?"

"I'll be 20 in February."

"20. It's time you became a woman." Taking my hand she guided it gently over the top of her blonde pubic hairs. Goose bumps filled my arm has I felt the sensation of her hairs tickling my palm.

"Now isn't that nice?"

"Yes. Its very pretty."

"Well thank you." She said surprised by my response. "I'm glad you like it. And as much as I am enjoying you rubbing her, it isn't doing much for me. What do you think I would like you to do?"

Not wanting to answer her question, I simply avoided it by shrugging my shoulders.

"Well, I like it when its licked, sucked and fucked, and since you don't have a cock, I suggest you start licking."

Placing a hand behind my head she gently forced my face down between her legs. Not knowing what to do I started kissing the top of her bush. With soft moans Ms. Colgan, I mean Judy, rubbed the back of my neck.

After a few minutes of me doing little more than kissing her, she started to get frustrated. "Don't forget the rest." She said while arching her pelvis up until her moist lips were staring me in the face. Not giving me an opportunity to chicken out, she placed a hand on top of my head and forced me down until my lips made contact with hers.

"Lick me good. I want to feel your tongue inside of me. Taste how wet you're making me. You come in here everyday teasing me with your tight little jeans and tank tops. You make me so damn horny. I can't count the number of times I've had to frig myself off after you've left. Rubbing my horny little pussy, hoping I can get 5 minutes of peace before some student feels a need to knock on my door."

Looking up at her I tried to figure out what I should say.

"Don't stop" she said, pushing my head back to where she wanted it. "You just keep doing what you're doing. You're making me a very happy lady. See how my pussy is starting to run? I want you to lick every drop. We don't want to leave a stain do we? I do hope you are enjoying yourself?"

"Mmm-Hmm" I mumbled, and to tell the truth I was enjoying myself. Although yesterday, If someone had told me that I would be having oral sex with my college Professor, and enjoying it, I would of thought they were crazy. But it was happening, and I didn't know how to explain it. It was almost as if I was a spectator in my own life.

Putting both of her hands on the side of my face, she gently tilted my head until I was looking deep into her hazel eyes.

"Do you know what a clit is?"


"Do you ever play with your clit?"


"Does it feel good when you play with it?"


"Do you have orgasms playing with your clit?"


"I want to have an orgasm now, with you. So I want you to lick my clit." She said pointing to it with her index finger.

"You see this little bit of skin? It's kind of like a hood. Under it is my clit. I want you to pull back the hood and lick it. Do you think you could do that for me?"

Still staring into her eyes, I nodded "Yes".

"Good girl." She said, pushing my head back between her legs.

Using my thumb and forefinger I pulled back her hood exposing her clit to my flicking tongue.

"That's right. You're doing a fine job. God that feels so good."

Judy's stomach was becoming harder and I could hear her breathing becoming more rapid. I knew she was getting close.

"Don't be afraid to suck on it. Yes that's it. I love having my clit suck. Can you feel how swollen it is? Press you chin up against my pussy lips while you're sucking. I want to feel your face grinding into me. I want my juices smeared all across your face."

Firmly inserting my chin in the entrance of her pussy I started sucking on her clit. It was hard and pulsating. Talking to me in a rhythmic language, as if to introduce herself. While I continue sucking her, I rotated my jaw, stimulating her pussy lips. My chin was acting like a dam, trying in vain to hold back her erotic juices. Her wetness traced a path down my naked neck, into my blouse and finally coming to rest in cups of my bra.

"I'm about ready to cum. When I do, I don't want you to stop. No matter what happens. You keep sucking. Do you understand?"

I nodded my head slightly.

"Keep sucking till I tell you to stop." She warned me, not that she needed to. At this point that last thing I wanted to do was to disappoint her.

"Oh God. I'm so close. A little faster. Faster. Oh yes. Oh yes. Oh Gggggggoooooodddddddd yessssss.. " and with grinding teeth Judy started to cum on my face. The face of her student.

Every flick of my tongue against her swollen clit sent waves of sensations rippling through her body. Has the moments went on her body became more and more sensitive. Eventually ripples of pleasure changed into jerking, almost spasmatic shocks, rifling through her . But no matter how much she bucked or thrashed about, I wasn't letting go. I wanted to savor every moment.

It wasn't until Judy reached down and stopped me that I pulled away. I must have looked like a wild animal caught gorging on the remains of another. Wide-eyed I stared at her while her juices covered my face and my heart raced uncontrollably.

It was several minutes before both of us were breathing normal, and another few before she spoke.

"That was wonderful." She said giving me at deep wet kiss. "You enjoyed yourself didn't you?"

"Yes." I shyly said. Half proud and half embarrassed at the same time.

"If I had know you could suck pussy this good, I would have had this talk with you months ago. Now I want you to do something for me. I want you to go sit on the desk facing me." Not quite sure where she was going with this, I just stared at her. "Go on. Go over to the desk and scoot your little butt up on it."

With a little nudging on Judy's part I finally left her and sat on edge of the desk.

"Good. Now I want you to open up your blouse for me."

Obeying her I started to undo the buttons.

"That's right, all of them. I've been waiting to see those lovely breasts ever since you first walked into my office.

Without being told I also undid the front hook of my bra.

"So lovely and firm. You have such a nice tan. And look how perky you are!"

Feeling almost proud of myself, I smiled back at her.

"Is this making you horny? Rubbing your perky little breasts while watching me play with my pussy? You want to cum don't you?" She said with a snarl to her face.


"Does my little slut of a TA want to cum for me?"

"Yes." I said not caring that she called me a slut.

"Take your jeans off. I want to see that hot pussy of yours."

After sliding my jeans and damp panties off, I could tell by the intense look on her face that she was pleased. In a way she reminded me of my cat when he stalks a bird. So focused and intense. Doing whatever it takes to catch his prey, but at the same time being oh so careful not to scare it away.

Still watching me from the sofa Judy continued to trace the outline of her cum soaked pussy, occasionally pumping her fingers inside, flirting with the edge of another major climax. Constantly keeping herself in a state of arousal.

"Spread you lips open for me. I want to see how pink you are."

I did.

"Very nice. So very pink. I do love a pink pussy. Now stick a finger in for me."

Throwing aside what little dignity I had left, I did as she asked.

"That's right. Play with yourself. I want you to cum for me. I want you to rub that sweet little pussy to a climax while I stare into your eyes. Next week while I'm sitting at my desk, I want to be able to take a deep breath and smell your pussy in the air."

Driving two fingers in and out of me, while rubbing my clit with my thumb, I stared into Judy's captivated eyes.

"Are you wet? Show me how wet you are."

Pulling my fingers out, my pussy juices clung to me like clear melted cheese on a hot pizza.

"You are wet!" She said with startled look. "Now I want you to cum for me."

It has always been easy for me to achieve an orgasm, and with Judy lustfully looking on, I was sure there wouldn't be a problem. Unfortunately my first climax always takes a few minutes.

"Hurry, I want to see you cum."

I rubbed faster, but that didn't seem to make a different. I needed a little more time.

"Oh for Christ's sake. Do it like you mean it."

Closing my eyes I tried harder. I was getting close.

"I can't fuckin' believe this." With a frustrated look she came over to me and replaced my fingers with her own.

"Now you're going to cum. Do you hear me?" She said while pulling my head back with a fist full of hair. Trapping my clit between two of her fingers she began to rub vigorously in a circular motion.

Almost immediately I began to feel an orgasm rise in me. I'm not sure if she was scaring one out of me, or if she was turning me on more then anyone else ever did.

She could tell I was very close, and started to coach me on. "That's it baby. I want you to cum for me. Cum for Mommy. Cum all over my fingers. I know you want to. That's right, do it."

Has the first wave of a most intense orgasm hit me, she covered my mouth with hers and sucked the energy of my orgasm deep inside her.

At first I held my breath, but as waves after waves hit me, my lungs burst open, causing my nostrils to flare wide in an attempt to survive. I tried to pull away, but she held firm.

I'm not sure how long she made me cum, but I do know I almost blacked out. If Judy hadn't held on to me, I'm sure I would have collapsed on the carpet.

"Now tell you didn't enjoy yourself."

"I did." I said still trying to catch my breath.

"The first time you came in here I knew you were a hot little number. Now get dress, its getting late. You will be at the party tonight won't you?" She stated more than asked.

"Yes." I agreed.

"Good. When you show up, wear these." She said tossing me her used red and white plaid panties. "That way the rest of them will know who you belong to."

* * * * *

*** My name is Janelle and these are my stories. ***

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