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Doctor Catherine Pt. 07 - Barbara

Story Info
Robin and Barbara explore where neither has been before.
6.7k words

Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/22/2020
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BARBARA -- (a.k.a. Doctor Catherine Part 7)

If you have not read the stories in my DOCTOR CATHERINE series I suggest you read part 5 and 6 before you read this story.

This story, and all my stories, contain real and fictional characters and events from memories, my imagination and often recent events in my life.

If you like kinky mature bi women I hope you will like my stories and please comment, tell me what you liked and didn't like, to help me improve.


When we returned from dinner we sat in the cockpit, talked and drank wine. Nishi asked if we could, just to humor her, do the experiment she had done with each of us individually on the beach. We sat with our knees touching and our hands on each other. Except for the occasional sound of rigging clanging against masts it was silent. Then I heard it again, the sound, the feeling, of two hearts beating. When I opened my eyes Nishi was looking directly at me and asked if I heard the heart beat. Then she asked Barbara. We both heard it or at least Barbara said she did. Nishi did not say one way or the other. The three of us then chatted about what it all meant with no conclusion except that it was much more important to Nishi than to me or Barbara.

We were all exhausted so eventually with only kisses and hugs, ok, maybe a little more, I watched Nishi and Barbara play, we fell asleep. When Barbara and I awoke Nishi was gone but we found a note from her in the galley. It read, "I did not hear your hearts beating. Enjoy the sail and love each other with kindness. Nishi."

BARBARA -- (Doctor Catherine -- Part 7)

Barbara had never made coffee and holding her cup she shrugged her shoulders and dismissed it all, "That's Nishi! Want coffee? Let's get ready to leave." She looked at me and touching my arm said, "Robin, your skin, like mine can burn. Now get the sunscreen I put in the sink and on the way back chose a hat from the rack in the navigation station."

I took the coffee, blew on it out of habit more that actual fear of the heat, and sipped it. I smiled, pleased that she remembered how I took my coffee. I was somewhat surprised at Barbara's indifference to Nishi leaving. We had after all delayed the start of this trip to wait for her. I said nothing, it was not my place.


I was disappointed that Nishi left without at least explaining. No time for that now! As Robin approached wearing the hat she had chosen I took the sunscreen from her. She asked if I liked the hat she selected and I told her of course I did I bought it didn't I?

I then told her to strip, everything off, every stitch. I liked that she did not question my request. I liked that a lot. I asked her to sit on a towel I had laid out on the cabin settee opposite me. As she did I picked up her foot rested it on my knee and applied sunscreen to the top of her foot and her calf. I loved the feel of her strong toned calf muscles as I rubbed in the lotion.

I was a little disappointed in myself as I found myself thinking about race when I noticed the pale white (?) of the soles of her feet. As I applied the lotion to her leg I found my eyes following the curve of her inner thigh to the shadows of her vagina with just a tiny bit of bright pink flesh at the center and the pale hint of her pearl clit hiding under its hood. I had been oh so intimate with those body parts only the day before but now with more time and better light I was surprised at how beautiful Robin truly was. My thoughts were not, I believe, racist but........ like I might have looked at the pale almost transparent skin of an Irish girl or Nishi's olive skin I was looking at Robin and marveling in her true beauty and skin color was part of that. Her Creole roots, I think, gave her the darkest almost true black skin I had ever seen.

I then told her to stand with her feet apart. As she did I applied sunscreen to each thigh and her butt pushing my hands between the deep cleft of her cheeks. I love Robin's butt, so much rounder than mine. Tonight I would rim her and give her the pleasure she deserves. She questioned me, "Are you going to put that lotion everywhere?"

I answered, "No, but almost, and I am enjoying looking at all of you. Lots of you will not really need it but I like touching you. Is that ok?"

"Yes ma'am!"


Barbara unknowingly, I think, licked her lower lip as she was applying the lotion to my shoulders, chest, breasts neck and even my ears. As she finished she leaned in and whispered, "I will always look out for and take care of you baby!"

Barbara gestured for me to take the seat she had been in only moments before. She slowly stripped in front of me as I watched. A small scar just above her hip bone, I'll have to ask about.

As I sat she handed me the lotion, and once naked herself sat opposite me and put a foot up on my knee. "My turn!" She spread her legs so I was looking directly at her vagina.

I guess I had put lotion on myself before but never on another woman, not this way. Her feet and calfs became extensions of my growing feelings for her. Her thighs much firmer than I remembered from making love only the day before. As my hand brushed her vagina I saw her legs spread just a little wider. I looked at her face and she said, "Careful now, we do want to leave today." Her butt cheeks, smaller than mine, were hard and smooth. The star burst of her butt hole was perfect. As my hand worked her thighs and abdomen, the area near her vagina, she spread her legs still wider inviting me to explore. I did and she put her hand on my shoulder and said, "Not yet baby, wait." I wanted her naked in bed but it was not going to happen this morning.

As we dressed Barbara gave me two white pills to take with water. I asked and she told me it was a little late in the day but hopefully they would help if I feel any motion sickness. She cautioned me to drink a lot of water all day and promised to show me how to pee overboard later.

I wanted to talk about why Nishi left but Barbara told me there would be plenty of time, we needed to get underway to best use the tide. She asked me to help her get the boat underway first then we would talk, she again stressed that we had lots of time.


I gave Robin a white BG (Barbara Grace) top to wear with her navy blue shorts. My top was also white embroidered with the word 'Captain' under the boat name. Hers just had "Barbara Grace." We got dressed and had breakfast on the fly. I insisted we both remain braless and kidded Robin about giving the fuel dock crew a treat. Robin told me that she had the distinct feeling that she had unnecessarily packed bras. She was correct.

Once underway we moved BG to the marina fuel dock to fill the fuel and water tanks. I showed Robin how to refuel safely. Yes it is a little more complicated than an automobile. No sails up until we are out of the marina and the harbor.


Ok, I learned about releasing (casting off) the lines and pushing the boat from the dock. As we approached the fuel dock Barbara asked that I throw the bow line to the fuel dock crew. She threw the stern line to them herself. They tied the boat to the dock and Barbara stepped off the boat. It was cute, I thought, that the fuel dock guy asked her, "What can we do for you 'Cap'?" She was the Captain after all.

She answered "Diesel, I'll pump, but would you please also top off my water tank?" The fuel dock crew did not miss the bounce in her breasts as she jumped. Barbara had explained that the fuel dock crew would help service the boat so I knew what to expect.

She had told me that it was her rule that no one could be on the boat while it was being fueled so I stepped off when she did and stood near the bow out of the way. Barbara called me to her side and showed me how to fill the tank. The dock attendant handed her the pump handle and she began to pump. When I looked up both dock attendants were watching and I was almost sure the youngest looking guy had an erection he was struggling to hide. I made eye contact with him, looked down at the front of his shorts and smiled. He blushed as only a young guy with a hidden hard on can.

I was standing a short distance away from Barbara and noticed that her tight top highlighted her nipples. The fuel attendant also noticed and was very attentive. He was trying to start a conversation in an awkward way, I thought, by asking her if she was expecting trouble. I couldn't see or understand what was going on really but I noticed that she pulled her shirt down to cover her butt crack and said "Nothing we can't handle!" She followed up with, "We will be gone for three days. If we don't return on time, y'all come and rescue us ok?"

"Yes ma'am we will be looking for Barbara Grace tied to her dock on Friday evening or early Saturday morning."


As we left and were out of sight of the fuel dock Robin asked what he meant by "Were we expecting trouble?" I smiled to reassure her and said again, "Nothing we can't handle." I took my Glock pistol out of my butt crack waist band holster and showed her what he had spotted that prompted the question.

I explained, Robin, we are two women on a very valuable boat. We will soon be anchored in a very remote cove, "Think romance and not danger, ok?" I continued, "Baby, there is no real danger but it's a crazy world and we will be prepared if there is. I am licensed to carry weapons in almost every state and I have been trained to use them and also in martial arts. Dad saw to that while he was alive. Once we are underway I will show you where every weapon is on board and once we are in the ocean I will show you how to use them."

"Robin, trust me to not put you in any danger. You and I together can handle anything."


I love the feeling that Barbara thought we could handle anything together. As I watched her steer I could see the outline of her nipples through her top and for some reason I could not remember kissing and sucking them only two days ago. More importantly, for the first time, I felt that Barbara was the strong self confident woman I wish I was. I felt she could make me a better person.

On the way through the harbor and channels I learned about the red buoys and the green buoys that guide you out and into a harbor or through a river or waterway. I remember, but could be wrong, that Barbara said they were called Nuns and Buoys or simply Cans or channel markers. The Nuns are red but used to be black and that is where the name came from. This sailing is just not as simple as driving a car so I may have some of this wrong. She didn't yell even once as I have heard 'captains' of small boats are prone to do.

Barbara explained how the red channel markers are always kept nearby but to the right of the boat when returning to the harbor and to the left when leaving. As we were leaving the harbor itself Barbara told me that I will have to learn all that channel marker stuff again if we are on the intracoastal waterway because it changes then to direction of travel and not just if you are entering or leaving. I actually missed all she said except the possibility that were going up the east coast waterway can hope. With each passing hour I know I like her more.

I didn't fail to notice how her leg muscles were very clearly defined as she stood at the wheel shifting her weight to each side as she turned the wheel and steered. She moved almost as though she and BG were one being.

Once we were out of the harbor Barbara showed me how to raise the sails and get the boat moving under sail. Actually she let me steer while she raised the sails and explained what she was doing.

The wind was light and as we continued our trip we talked and Barbara taught me to sail. I noticed that she touched me in intimate ways all day long, her hand up the back of my top, the bare skin of the small of my back pushing down into my shorts, her hand high up on my thigh as we sat in the cockpit, her arms brushing my breasts as we worked to move sails and ropes, even a slap and squeeze of my butt cheeks as we finished something she was teaching me. When she was helping me steer a compass course her hands rested on mine on the wheel much longer than necessary. She stood behind me at the wheel and pressed her body into mine from behind. I noticed that she had stopped calling me Rob or Robin. I was now often but not always Baby, Sweetie or Babe. Now understand dear reader that Barbara was giving me no clear signs that any of this behavior was love. She was just her sexy wonderful self and if love was there it was in my head and hopes only.

As we talked she brought up Nishi and asked what I thought of her. Barbara was honest, I thought, and told me that she saw Nishi frequently and that she was a good friend and great sex partner. I told her I had only been with her once and found her to be a giving woman and great lover.

Barbara asked why I called Nishi a "lover." I explained again pthat I did not believe that a person had to be in love to make love. It was about giving more than receiving. Barbara asked, not angrily but very directly, "So for you it's about faking being in love?"

I answered, "Oh no, no, it's about giving yourself completely to the person you are with, being willing to do whatever they need or want with no reservation, expecting little in return."

She said, "I think I understand. I have felt that way with some people, not all but a few."

I was stupid and rash and blurted out, "Do you feel that way about me?"

She thought for a moment and again very directly asked, "Robin, I was Robin again, do you really want to ask that question?"

I panicked, "No, no Barbara, I don't want to put pressure on you to be anything you don't want to be or feel any way you don't feel."

She was almost angry, almost, "Baby, don't be weak. If you want me to love you, tell me. Make me love you." Then she said, "Stop stop, I take that back. The answer is, maybe I feel that way, I'm not sure. I felt that way at your home when you asked for, you know, punishment. It's not something I'm into but you......." she hesitated, "So I did it. I did it for you, I don't like it but you do so I trusted you and did it for you."

We were sitting in the cockpit sailing along in light wind. After speaking, she looked straight ahead and not at me but with one hand on the wheel she took my other hand and squeezed it.

Then she said, "This is really sort of a question and a statement. I have been to bed with a number of women just for sex, my physical pleasure and orgasm. I also have a number of great friends that I do not have a physical relationship with. Baby, you are a problem for me. I want to hear you talk but I want to touch you all the time. I have a problem with you that is more than sex and more than friendship." She paused and continued, "I'll be honest and risk a lot. I know you and I are different races and there is an age difference and that we have only known each other for a short time but.....there is more here for me that I don't dare try to explain or admit to.... not yet, not this soon."

She stopped talking and looked at me waiting for me to speak. I kissed her lightly and said, "I know what I feel and you just made me very happy. Let's just continue the way we are and see where it goes."

Barbara smiled and said, "That is a plan I can live with." "I cant wait to be at anchor tonight." "You know you have to do whatever the captain says, right?"

"Yes Cap!" Barbara laughed and as I stood, slapped my butt.

As we sailed on for a while longer Barbara told me we should have lunch and asked me to get the sandwiches we had bought before leaving the marina and two beers. Made in her favorite little café the sandwiches were great. The cold beer was just what I needed.

We sailed on and talked more. I discovered that you do not want to be on a sailboat with someone you don't like because conversation is important and fills the time. Barbara had Reggae music playing softly from below and the words came easy.

Barbara told me that the situation with her father became impossible when other people started to figure out what was going on. She confessed that she knew that sleeping with him was wrong, just wrong in every way possible but she couldn't escape. He had awakened her mentally and physically and after a time she wanted the sex as much as he did.

She confessed that it finally ended in a horrible way when she became pregnant. There had never been another man, she was carrying her father's baby. A woman in their office noticed and asked her if she was pregnant. Barbara had been in denial hoping it would just not be true but it was, she was pregnant. She did not tell him about it she just took care of the problem the only way she knew, an abortion. She said it was a horrible experience, something she would NEVER have done but FUCK, she was pregnant with her father's baby.

Barbara told me that after her father died she dated and some guys had tried but she couldn't, just couldn't. She admitted that she was not really a lesbian but more likely like me a bisexual.

She was attracted to some men and one had come close but in the end they all went away unsatisfied and feeling rejected.

I told Barbara, for the second time I think, about my failed marriage and how I found out I could not have children. She held my hand tight and said she was sorry.

I explained that I had always probably been bisexual and when Beth came into my life it worked for us. I confessed that I did not start out in love with her but came to love her after a time. I thought we had a committed relationship but Beth needed men and cheated, a lot, and I let her and always took her back. I confessed that I never really felt complete with Beth because I was caught in a relationship and clearly she was not. I offered Barbara no explanation, there was none, but left it at that.

With Barbara, the first time we made love I woke in the middle of the night, looked at her sleeping and realized I was so quickly desperately in love. I was holding on for dear life praying it did not go away and that she might in the future feel the same. I was foolishly 18 again.

Today maybe we were closer.

Pistol and shotgun lessons followed. There were guns in every possible place on the boat and Barbara was a great instructor.

After a while Barbara told me we were near our destination and gave me a quick description of what would happen when we arrived. She explained that a friend had set up a mooring in the cove we were headed toward and we would tie up to that for the night and the following day or two .

We were busy for the next couple of hours as we arrived, secured BG to the mooring and put everything away. I know there are words I should be using to describe stowing sails and all that but I never claimed to be a sailor. Barbara set up a tent (Ok it's not called a tent) over the cockpit and we settled in.

I noticed that there were two other boats in the cove some short distance from us, a smaller sailboat and a power boat. As we went below I glanced over at the power boat and saw a naked man and a woman in the open cockpit. They stood and waved. The man had an erection and it waved as he waved.

Standing in the galley I mentioned to Barb that I had seen them and they were both naked. She chuckled and told me I would get used to it, cruising people in Florida are often nudists. She had seen them here in this cove before. Barbara had no sooner spoken when she took off her top and threw it on the cabin settee. She laughed and said, "Let's Give the old guy another reason to have a hard on!"

She was wearing only her shorts. She motioned with her hands that I should take my top off but before I could she reached out and pushed me back into the sleeping berth. I started to say something and she told me "Shut up, I have been waiting all day, kiss me." As I did she pulled my top over my head. Our kiss only stopped for a moment as the fabric of my top passed in front of my face. Barbara squatted in front of me and pulled my shorts and panties down to my ankles. She kissed my belly and pushed me back and finished removing my shoes, shorts and panties.


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