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Doctor's Orders Pt. 03

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Ellie gets a new wardrobe.
8.5k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/17/2021
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I woke up the next morning relaxed and refreshed. Saturday. Sitting up in bed in my dimly lit room, I stretched my arms to the ceiling. The covers falling and revealing my bare chest. I leaned over to the night stand and grabbed my phone off the charger. The first thing I noticed was the time, 7:15. The second thing I noticed was a notification from DocsApp. I hadn't messaged Dr. Brooke again after the shower. I hoped she wasn't upset. Quickly opening it, I saw the time stamp was from this morning. 6:45.

Hey! Sorry to bother you. I took off early this morning for a getaway trip to the beach. I think I may have left my stove on after cooking some breakfast. Would it be too much to ask you to check?

A getaway trip to the beach? We lived in a suburb of Chicago. What beach was she going to??

Sure! No worries at all. I'll get over there soon. Send.

I literally rolled out of bed. Standing up and stretching out tall like I always do. I pulled down my simple, black, bikini cut panties I usually slept in and tossed them in the hamper. Pulling open my dresser drawer to find a pair of Lululemon running shorts. Not the skin tight shorts. These have a little bit of room in them, and the fabric is silky smooth. Usually I don't like to draw a lot of attention to myself, but with a name like the "Hotty Hot" short, I had to have them in bright pink.

I checked the weather app on my phone to figure out my top. In Chicago, you never know. Looks like low 50s here this morning, and then up to the high 80s by early afternoon. I planned on running after checking on her house, so I pulled a black sports bra over my head. Along with a tight fitting, long sleeve, black workout top. I pulled my hair into a simple pony tail. Brushed my teeth. All good.

After I laced up my running shoes I quickly made my way upstairs and out the door. I skipped breakfast altogether, in case her house was burning down after all. I told my Mom who was in the kitchen I was going on a run.

It didn't take me but five minutes to jog there at a good pace. When I got closer I started typing,

I'm here! How do I get in?

I waited a second, but I didn't see any typing. And then, right before my eyes, the garage door started going up. I slowly walked in the garage, seeing only one of her two cars there. I looked around outside to see if someone was there too, but nothing. Finally, there was her notification.

Did that work?

Yeah! It did, I'm in. How did you...? Send.

I can just walk in? Any security system or anything that's going to send me to jail? Send.

She was already typing.


Haha...I kid...I had it installed a while ago so I can do it from my phone. In this case...from the plane.

Comes in handy!

There is a security system but I just turned it off...you should be okay.

This was crazy. So she was on a plane. I wondered to where! I walked through the garage and towards the door into her house. I left the garage up and made my way inside.

I'm in! Send.

I slowly made my way around the corner and into the kitchen. I heard the garage door shut after I took a couple steps inside.

"Well I guess she got my message..." I said to myself. I walked right up to the stove, clearly off. It looked like it had barely been used. Everything was so clean and tidy.

Everything looks good here! Looks like it's off. Send.

I waited a second, looking around to see if anything else was out of place. But no, it almost as if no one lived here.

Oh, I know. Her text came through. What? She knew?

I didn't cook this morning, I had a 5:30 flight. I grabbed breakfast at the airport.

I wondered what was going on. Wasn't I over here too...?

That was just to get you over here.

We were going to work on you being more comfortable in your own skin.

My heart started beating harder as I read. Where was this going? And she was typing all of this from the plane?

I figure it's not so easy for you to do that at home and all. With my house being empty for the weekend...it's the perfect safe place to start.

"Uhh...what?" I said out loud to myself in the empty home. I hadn't even turned any lights on.

So....better get out of those pink shorts. They are certainly cute, though!

My eyes widened. WHAT? How did she possibly...? I looked around. She had to be here. I walked over to the front window quickly to see if she was standing outside or something. How did she possibly know--

And don't worry...I only have cameras outside the house. I didn't mean to freak you out if I did.

I waited some time, not even knowing what to say. This was all so weird and progressing in such a weird way. I had to know.

Are you really on a plane?

I waited a couple seconds and a picture came through. It was a shot down the aisle of a plane with a flight attendant standing in front of her. Well well well...okay, then.

So...what exactly am I supposed to do? Send.

It didn't take her but a second.

Take your clothes off.

Actually....head into my room. And then take your clothes off.

I did just as she said. I kicked my shoes off by the door and slowly made my way into the living room, and down the short hall to her bedroom. What was even going on? This was all happening so fast, and for some reason I wasn't resisting. I was almost like a robot, and..it was kind of fun. Not having to think. She was so detailed with her instructions.

I walked right up next to her bed, tugging on the tie on my running shorts to undo them. Pushing them to the ground quickly. I picked them back up and laid them on her bed. These had built in underwear, so I was already bare from the waist down. It didn't take me but a second to pull my long sleeve shirt and bra over my head. Placing them on her bed as well.

I glanced at my phone and saw another notification.

And once you're done with that...go to the dresser. The big one. You can pick a pair of panties...but that's all. They're all in the top row.

Of course, I already knew this. I remembered the first drawer was all black. The next was all white. But what about the other four? I went straight to the third drawer now, pulling it open. Red. Pink. Everything in the spectrum, from dark maroon to a shiny hot pink. Any shade you could desire.

I shut it and went to the fourth drawer. All animal prints. Cheetah, leopard, zebra, everything you could desire. As I picked a couple pairs out and held them, I realized that there were even some floral and polkadot prints mixed in as well.

The fifth drawer was greens, blues, and some orange. Some neon colors of these as well. I closed it and went to the last.

The last drawer was mostly beige/nude/tan colored. Along with some shape wear mixed in of various colored.

Choices... Send. I felt like I needed to give her a small update. I couldn't decide. I wanted to wear them all. And then my phone buzzed.

I can never decide either. Hence, the selection...

Finally, I went back to the animal print drawer. Pulling out a couple different pairs, but finally I decided on the perfect one. Since I obviously wasn't going to be wearing much else, I chose one with a thick, black, lace, band. The front was small, but it was a classic brown and gold leopard print pattern. I stepped into it and pulled them up, wiggling them into place. They sat low on my hips but they were so comfortable, it was like they were barely even there. I'd always assumed thongs were meant to be uncomfortable...not these.

All set. Send.

So...I just, hang out? Send.

I walked out of her room into the living room. This was a whole new world for me. I'd never just...hung out like this. Sure, I slept in underwear...sometimes. But...most of my day I was clothed. Even in my private dorm room. I held my phone up as I felt the buzz.

Oh yeah? Prove it.

Prove. It? And just what exactly did that--

There's a tall mirror in the foyer.

Of course she'd call it a foyer instead of an entry way. I found my way back down the hall, walking slower than ever. I knew it was just me here, but still, I felt...exposed. Thinking someone was watching. My breasts weren't large by any means, and very firm, yet of course they still bounced ever so slightly with each and every step.

I turned the corner away from the living room and down the hall, towards the front door. Or at least I assumed it was towards the front door. And then I saw it. Along with the stairs to go up. The downstairs must be hidden somewhere else. As I got closer to the front door the large mirror came into view, and she wasn't kidding. It was almost floor to ceiling with a large, beautiful black frame. It was truly a statement piece.

I walked up closer, maybe a foot away. Taking a deep breath I clicked the photo button on the app. Part of me was nervous, and part of me felt alive and...risky. Almost excited knowing what I was about to do. I would've never, ever, done anything like this if it was my own idea. But with Brooke telling me to do it...that changed the story.

I stood at a 45 degree angle to the mirror. My left side closer to the mirror, stepping back with my right foot. I put my hand on my left hip, popping my hip a bit. Holding the phone with my right hand I smiled just enough. I made sure all of myself was in frame and snapped. Not even thinking twice, just sending the photo. Before she could even comment, I turned around with my back side to the mirror. Snapping one more photo of my ass and sending it. I didn't know when it happened, but I was undoubtedly horny.

I walked back to the living room while I waited for her message. Having a seat on the couch. The very couch she had been on last night. The leather was cold on my bare bottom, but I quickly got used to it. And there it was--

Very good.

Those are very flattering on you.

Very good? I guess that wasn't the exact response I was anticipating. But it was weird the way her approval made me feel. It took a second for me to figure it out, but it was actually...hot.

Where are you now? Her next message asked.

On the couch. I didn't really...I don't know I guess I didn't know what else to do? Send. I sounded so dumb.

Well that's what I'm here for.

Were we not done with the...instructions?

You hurried over there didn't you? Skip breakfast? Why don't you help yourself? Kitchen and pantry should be well stocked. Make yourself whatever you like.

My feet found the floor quickly. My bottom shooting up and out of the couch. I hadn't even realized it, but I was starving. I walked over to the kitchen slowly. My feet felt every step of her cold hardwood floors.

I opened the fridge slowly for some reason. Almost as if I was trying to be quiet. The entire bottom half filled with drinks. Cans, mostly. It looked liked mostly healthy carbonated waters and some teas. As my eyes went up the fridge I saw eggs, yogurt, many fresh fruits and vegetables, and so much more.

"Looks like breakfast to me." I said out loud to myself.

I pulled the eggs out of the fridge, turning around and setting them next to the stove that was positioned in the middle of a large, beautiful island. The granite had to be at least two inches thick. It was mostly white, with black swirls marbled in. They were shiny, almost reflective, and they looked lovely paired with the white cabinets and stainless appliances.

I found a frying pan in the cabinet beneath the stove. Turning it on a medium heat and cracking a couple eggs into it. I wasn't an amazing cook by any means, but I could certainly manage to cook some eggs.

As I whisked them up in the pan I realized it was far too quiet in here. I felt like I was trying to be quiet for absolutely no reason. Almost like someone was asleep in the other room and I was trying not to wake them. I could hear every single one of my foot steps, every stir of the metal whisk on the metal pan, it was painfully quiet.

So I grabbed my phone off the counter and opened Spotify. Finding one of my favorite country stations. It played all kinds. New, old, classics, everything. Thomas Rhett came on first with "T-Shirt". A song from quite a few years back, but it always got me dancing. I turned up the phone speaker as loud as it would go and started singing along a little as I stirred the eggs.

I found myself getting more comfortable as the music went on. As I waited for the eggs, I turned back around and opened the fridge, talking to myself,

"Now let's see..I know I saw some strawberries, annnnddd..." I pulled the strawberries out and set them on the counter behind me. As I turned back to the fridge I started digging around for other fruit, finding myself bending over at the waist to look far in the back. When I realized just how far my bottom was sticking out I had to laugh a little to myself. Imagining this would be quite the view if I wasn't alone.

"Oh, did you see something you like?" I said in a teasing phase. Looking back behind me as if someone were there. But of course...it was only me. "I swear I'm just trying to find some blueberries..." I laughed a little to myself as I turned back around to dig some more.

With my head back in the fridge I said, "Dr. Steeeeeevens..." in a playful and flirty voice. "Don't think I don't see that..." I stuck my bottom out further, bending over more now, and wiggled it dramatically back and forth.

"Don't do...what? This?" I asked an imaginary Brooke.

"Or...what?" I teased. My voice changed up it's tone when I pretended to hear her answer. "Oh reeeeealllllly?? Is that so?" I smiled to myself as I looked in the fridge to keep up the charade.

"Then I guess you'll just have to spank me..." I dramatically wiggled my ass in the air one last time before I grabbed the blueberries all the way in the back, standing up quickly.

"Too slow...maybe next time." I laughed a bit.

I plated the strawberries and blueberries along with a little yogurt, dancing a bit to the music as I did. After plating up the eggs I sent a quick picture of my creations to Brooke with a caption,

This is fun!

I grabbed the two plates and my phone, which was still playing music at full blast. With a bounce in my step I made my way over to the kitchen table and set them down, feeling my phone vibrate. I read the message.

Looks delicious. And healthy! Why don't you eat it outside on the back patio?

"Outside..." I said out loud, to myself.

"Like...this..." I looked down at myself.

I left the food on the table and made my way over to the back door. The door walked out onto a large deck that had a set of stairs down to the patio. On the deck was some simple outdoor furniture. Two chairs and a couch, along with a rug that they sat on. Just down the stairs and off the patio was the large, rectangular shaped pool and a circular in ground hot tub next to that. The pool had lounge chairs around it that looked exceptionally soft and comfortable, along with a couple umbrellas for shade. The whole back yard was outlined by a classy, black, metal fence. And the fence had tall trees all the way around the inside. It did look to be..mostly private.

I sighed. This was a bit much for me.

"They're just boobs..." I looked down at my almost nude body again. "Don't be such a pussy." I convinced myself, softly under my breath.

I opened the door to the deck and slowly took one step, followed by another, followed by another...until, I reached the edge. Looking back at the house behind me and forgetting all about the breakfast. I looked out as far as I could to the left. And then went to the other side of the deck and looked our as far as I could to the right. There really was nothing on either side. I couldn't see anything or anyone, even from the upper level of the deck.

At a much quicker speed this time I made my way back across the deck and inside, grabbing my breakfast and my phone, which was now playing "Doin' What She Likes" by Blake Shelton. Maybe not one of my favorites, but still a good song. I fumbled with the door, having everything in my hands and obviously no pockets, but I eventually prevailed and made my outside, down the steps, and to the outdoor table on the patio.

As I sat down I took a deep breath, remembering no one could see me. However weird this actually was for me, there was a certain amount of...empowerment and freedom that I had never felt before. I listened to the peaceful built in waterfall that the pool had and turned my music down slightly as I ate.

This is nice...very peaceful. Send.

I figured I had to let her know I did it. I turned on the camera and took a picture of my food on the table and sent it.

It is, isn't it? I like having my morning coffee out there when it's nice enough.

I took in the moment. Realizing this was certainly a first for me...and strangely enough I hoped it wasn't my last. After about ten minutes my eggs were gone. Followed by the fruit. I stood up and walked around the pool area a bit, dipping my foot in the water. Warm. Almost bath water warm. It had to be heated. After a bit, I picked up my plates and made my way back up the stairs to the deck, and then inside.

As I walked in I thought I heard a noise and froze. Closing the door behind me. With my plates in my hands I stood there for a second, wondering what it could've been. Motionless, I leaned forward with my neck only, thinking that would somehow help me hear better.

After a minute I decided it was nothing and continued through the dining room to the kitchen and set the plates down on the counter. Just as I did, I heard the garage door open and two soft footsteps followed. My eyes were fixated on the door. Who in the hell....I thought, she was out of town? Was she being robbed? And then the figure appeared. A fairly short in stature Latina woman came around the corner with a bucket and what seemed to be cleaning supplies. I didn't cover my chest in time and stood there, behind the counter.

"Hola!" She said, happily. She barely paid any attention to me as she went back out to the car, presumably for more cleaning supplies.

"Hi!" I said, dumbly. Standing up on my tip toes in surprise.

You have a cleaning lady? I texted Brooke.

Oh! Goodness, yes I do. Maria. I'm sorry, I should've said something. She's sweet...quiet, you won't even know she's there.

Well, I do know she's here. And she...saw me. And weirdly enough I suppose it didn't really bother me that much.

Not that it matters actually...you'll need to leave soon. You have a 9:30 appointment with Nicole.

I read the message a couple times.

"Nicole?" I said out loud, dumbfounded.

Nicole? Was all I sent back.

Ah, right. Nicole is my personal stylist. I don't know what I'd do without her. I told her you were starting a new job and needed some professional clothing to go along with it.

My eyes were glued to the screen, as it said Brooke was still typing.

Your appointment is 9:30 at Bloomingdales. Do you know where it is? Just ask for Nicole.

She was still typing, but I checked the time. It was 8:45, and at least a twenty minute drive. I'd need to get hurrying. I stood there, motionless in the kitchen as Maria came back in and started making her way upstairs. I wonder what she possibly had to clean up there?

In my closet, on the left side you'll see the dresses. Far on the left side you'll see a golden yellow sundress with white polka dots. Go ahead and wear that to the fitting. It'll look lovely.

I followed her directions closely, making my way into her room, through the bathroom, and into her large closet. Scanning through the clothes I quickly found it and pulled it off the hanger. I didn't even recognize the brand. But I suppose that's because it wasn't Nike or Under Armor or something sporty.

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