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Does My Body Distract You? Ch. 03

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A breathtaking tale of intimacy, love, and desperate lust.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/26/2018
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New Ellie and Maria content is finally here! I worked really hard on this chapter. It's my favourite one yet. I hope you all enjoy. It was a pleasure to write!


I hummed nervously. I felt I was doing that a lot, lately.

"Is that to drink in or to take away?"

I looked at the young, tattooed barista (whose name was Jack, apparently, according to his grubby name tag) whose fingers were hovering over his touchscreen. Then I glanced over at the door of the cafe.

I was waiting for a coffee - totally normal. What was not quite as totally normal was that the lecturer I'd been sleeping with for the past two months was also waiting for her coffee. With some of my other lecturers. Maria was stood further up the counter with four other university lecturers, clearly all waiting for their respective orders. I did not want to end up roped into a conversation with that particular group of people today.

I looked back at the barista, who had raised his eyebrows in annoyance at my hesitation, despite the lack of customers queueing behind me. It was now or never, I had to decide: stay and have my coffee indoors and risk having to converse if they sat near me? Or leave with my coffee and risk bumping into them all outside?

I looked back at the group of lecturers. One of them I didn't recognise; a tall, slender, handsome man of around fifty years. He was dressed in smart casual clothes, grey like the colour of his trimmed facial hair. He was attractive and had kind eyes. He was laughing and placing his hand on the arm of the second lecturer, a young, overweight woman with her hair in a pretty brown bob. She was very pretty, but looked like she'd rather be anywhere than in that cafe socialising with her colleagues. I didn't recognise her either. The third, however, I did recognise - he was a business lecturer I'd had back in first year. Short, old and fat, he kept his glasses permanently on a chain around his neck. Grumpy sod of a man. Good lecturer though. He seemed a lot less grumpy surrounded by people he liked, so it seemed. The fourth lecturer I also immediately recognised as one of my favourite lecturers at the university, Professor Lloyd. Professor Lloyd was a bubbly, funny lecturer, middle-aged and wise. She always wore classy, smart clothes and, like Maria, always found it easy to communicate with students.


There she was.

I watched the back of her head bob up and down as she spoke enthusiastically to her colleagues. I was so glad she had her back to me, as I'd been caught in the rain earlier in the morning and my hair had gone wild as a result of the humidity.

"It's the same price to sit in as it is to take away, you know," an angry voice piped up from my left.

My head snapped back in surprise. I'd forgotten about the damn coffee.

"Uh, to take away. Thanks. Sorry." I shoved some change into the moody barista's hand and stepped backwards while he made my overpriced cup of milky, sugary caffeine. I hurriedly turned my back towards the group of lecturers as they accepted their drinks and headed out of the door.

Phew, I thought, they're gone.

A few minutes later, the barista grunted at me, which I assumed was the universal hipster barista signal for "Your coffee is ready."

I left the cafe, pulling my thick winter coat tighter against me with one hand, my warm coffee clutched in the other. The rain had stopped and I was confident that the rest of my day would go undisturbed.


I froze. Slowly turned around.

Professor Lloyd had called to me from her group of lecturer cronies. Darn. I'd left the cafe and turned right... they'd gone left.

I smiled and walked over to their small group, trying to hide the shaky hand that was carrying my coffee cup.

As I joined the group of five I greeted each lecturer in turn. Grumpy Business Sod nodded in my general direction, while the other two unknown lecturers smiled warmly and waved. I swallowed hard and forced myself to look at Maria, who was wearing an expression of mixed politeness and amusement. She looked as beautiful as ever, dressed in an all-grey shirt suit and high heels, adorned with a bright red scarf that matched her lipstick. She smiled and waved.

I winced as a bit of scalding-hot coffee slopped over the edge of my cup and burnt my shaky hand.

Professor Lloyd bounced on the spot and pulled at her scarf. "Ah Ellie. Did you get my email last night?"

I clutched my coffee with both hands to stop any further spillage due to my trembling hands. I forced myself to sound as casual and confident as my usual self. "Oh, I didn't, I'm so sorry. I'm bad at checking emails on a Sunday."

"No matter!" Professor Lloyd smiled and bobbed up and down, presumably to keep herself warm.

It was making me feel queasy.

I suddenly wished I'd flattened my hair down.

"It was just to remind you to send me your research proposal again, after our discussion on how best to re-write it."

I kept my eyes fixed on Professor Lloyd and opened my mouth to give her a response, but Maria spoke instead, forcing me to actually look at her.

"Ah yes, I'm told you chose a really interesting topic. I still haven't had your assignment off you though." Her eyes twinkled, though the rest of her face gave nothing away.

I looked straight back at her and tried to control my breathing.

Do your colleagues know that I was lying naked in your bed this morning, just hours ago? That the reason I haven't submitted my latest assignment, nor emailed my revised research proposal, is because I spent the entire weekend with my mouth on your skin? Do they know that you worship every fucking second of it?

"Ooh- watch your coffee!" Shrieked the tall, handsome lecturer.

I looked down and cursed under my breath as more coffee trickled down my wrist. At this rate there'd be no coffee left to drink.

Maria smiled that infuriating smile. I knew she could see into my brain, feel what I was feeling, know what I was thinking. She loved to torture me in front of others.

"Thanks," I said to the unknown male lecturer. "Yes," I said, directing my reply to both Maria and Professor Lloyd, "I do need to get both of those things done! For now, though, I'm going to enjoy my coffee and make the most of this rare dry spell." I smiled and politely moved away. "Have a nice day."

All five lecturers chimed in with their respective "Thanks!" "Bye!" and "You too!".

I turned tail and walked as casually as possible to my favourite university library, painfully aware of Maria's eyes boring into my back as I walked away.

The second I got to the top floor of the library, I dumped my things in my usual little corner by the window and practically ran to the bathroom. I needed to splash my face with cool water.

Once inside the newly refurbished bathroom I slammed my hand down on one of the taps and twisted it to get some water, but received a sharp pain in my hand instead. "Ow!! What the hell?" I looked down. "Oh for Christ's sake."

They'd decided to re-do the bathrooms with all that tuition money they received, but had clearly decided to go for the futuristic approach. I squinted at the tap and waved my hand around. Nothing. I prodded and poked the tap. Still nothing. Obviously one of those infuriating modern taps where you need to do tai-chi under it to get the water to flow. After another minute of frustratingly twisting and hammering the tap, I gave up. All I wanted was to wash my face, how hard could that be?

I looked at my face in the mirror, now flushed from my exertions. My long blonde hair was curly now, thanks to the rain, and it just would not lie flat. I sighed. I decided that splashing my face with water would not relieve my previous coffee-lecturer-disaster discomfort.

Back in my study area I threw my coat down and sank into the chair. As I stared out of the window I saw a few drops of rain splash against the glass. From up here, I could probably see my lecturers somewhere on the street if I looked hard enough.

At the thought of my lecturers my stomach lurched. Maria had looked so beautiful, so casual, so... authoritative. I wasn't going to lie, as awkward as the situation was, there was nothing more of a turn on than to see her in a professional setting, especially when she had to pretend I was no more than a student she sort-of knew. I remembered how just last night she had made love to me as though it would be our last night on earth. My skin tingled.

I picked up my coffee and took a few deep gulps. I decided I felt better already.


A few hours of hard study later, I rapped on Professor Lloyd's office door. I looked around me as I waited, observing the noticeboards. Why were there so many Summer Ball posters still up? Come on guys, that was months ago. It's not even like there's a shortage of people in the-

"Ellie, do come in!"

My irked inside voice was forced to stop talking as a ruffled Professor Lloyd opened the door to beckon me inside. She looked distinctly more ruffled than when I'd seen her earlier, but no less restless.

"How are things? Are you here to give me your re-written proposal draft?" She asked, smiling as she slumped wearily back into her office chair.

I kept my bag on my shoulder and sat down opposite her desk. "I am! Here," I said, reaching into my bag and pulling out a folder, "All done."

Professor Lloyd beamed at me and clapped her hands together before taking the folder out of my hands. "Fantastic! I look forward to reading it."

"I'm afraid I had trouble with the referencing though. I'm not used to this method, I've always used the Harvard style. Is there any way you could send me a document or worksheet explaining it in detail?" I asked.

Professor Lloyd leaned back in her seat and toucher her forefinger to her lower lip in thought. "I'm not sure I have access to that, but I know Maria does, she recently taught a workshop on how to reference. I'll give her a quick call."

And, to my horror, Professor Lloyd picked up the receiver on her desk and began punching in numbers.

"No, no, wait!" I realised my voice was betraying signs of panic, and I calmed myself. "I wouldn't want to disturb her, I'm sure if I look online I'll find some more information."

But Professor Lloyd merely smiled and placed the receiver to her ear. "Oh no, no, she won't mind! She has a couple of hours free before a staff panel this afternoon, I'm sure she'll be happy to help."

My face reddening, I slipped down in my seat and wished the ground would just open up and send me sprawling into my grave. I slouched so far down that due to the Professor's wooden-backed desk she could hardly see me.

"Maria? Hi!" Professor Lloyd drummed her fingers on her desk and beamed at me. In response I bared my teeth in what I hoped was a grateful smile. "I have a student that needs some handouts on Harvard referencing, would you mind popping them in for me? Yes. Okay. That's great, thanks very much!"

A very, very uncomfortable minute of chat later, the door opened. I stopped slouching and sat bolt upright in my chair. Maria's eyes locked onto mine and she froze in the doorway. Her cocky, unruffled composure was shattered in a millisecond as she spotted who was in Professor Lloyd's office. My heart pounded. Maria quickly composed herself, but it was too late - I'd seen that look on her face. And, despite my fear and embarrassment, a thrill shot through me at the power I had had over her for just a split second.

"Hi! Do come in!" an unfazed Professor Lloyd cried, waving an arm. Maria shuffled inside, a calm smile back on her face. "Sit, sit," she said, gesturing to the empty seat to the right of me. Maria promptly threw herself down next to me and placed a big file onto the desk and opened it.

"How are you, Jane?" Maria asked Professor Lloyd, all smiles and confidence. Professor Lloyd launched into a rant about the weather, followed by another rant about meeting times being rescheduled.

"Sorry, Ellie! That's not why I asked you here, Maria. We'll have plenty of time to rage about the rain another time. Could you just explain to me your workshop on Harvard referencing so that we both learn something? That way I might not look so unknowledgeable next time a student asks me a question," Professor Lloyd laughed, winking at me. I laughed back.

A few moments into her detailed explanation of referencing, I thought I felt something brush against my knee. I looked down and nearly gasped out loud. I hastily looked back up at the sheet of paper on the desk that we were all supposed to be studying as Maria gave her little talk.

Maria brushed her fingers against my leg again, then placed a warm hand on my right outer thigh. I took a shaky breath in and asked a question about an example on the sheet, at which point Professor Lloyd launched into a little anecdote about her own experiences of essay-writing as a student.

At this point, I was barely listening. It took all of me not to flutter my eyes and sigh. Maria's hand was on my tight jeans and was snaking her palm to the inside of my thigh, all while chatting earnestly with Professor Lloyd. I hummed my agreement where I felt it necessary, and slipped a bit further down into my seat. Maria's fingers traced the seam of my jeans, slowly working their way upwards. I pulled my woollen jumper down and placed my left black high heeled shoe onto the wooden bar of the underside of my chair, which lifted up my left leg, giving Maria's delicate hand more room. I felt myself getting wet, and my face felt hot. I mumbled something in response to Professor Lloyd's question, but I needn't have worried. Maria saved me by directing another question back at Professor Lloyd, drawing the attention away from me.

I felt a sudden, overwhelming rush of affection towards Maria, so strong that it brought tears to my eyes. I bent over my copy of the worksheet and in response Maria brushed her fingers against my clit. Even through my jeans, it felt wonderful. I was fighting desire like a tortured animal, sat there pretending to engage in conversation. I didn't know how much longer I could take it.

As though she could read my mind, Maria slammed her right hand down on the desk and withdrew her left hand from my thigh.

"Oh no! I forgot to email Dr Johnson, he asked me to send him the meeting times. Damn! I'm sorry ladies, I hope you grasped enough about referencing because I need to dash. I'll leave this folder with you, Jane. Just drop it back in my office when you get chance." Maria stood up and straightened her blazer jacket. As though it were an afterthought, she looked directly at me, eyes blazing, and said, "If you like, I have another stapled copy in my office that you can take, if you come with me."

I jumped up, grabbing my bag. "That would be great, thank you." I turned shakily to Professor Lloyd and smiled. "Thanks so much for your help!"

She bobbed up and down in her seat and grinned, tapping my project proposal, "That's quite all right. I look forward to reading this second draft!"

I left the office and shut the door.

Maria looked at me, steered me with one hand on my back, and pushed me into a small stockroom just steps away from Professor Lloyd's office.

The moment she entered the tiny broom cupboard-turned stockroom, she shut the door behind her, locked it, pulled my coat off and threw it on the ground. She then grabbed me by the jumper with both hands and slammed me up against the closed door.

"Oh my god," I whimpered.

"Do you know how hard it was to not be able to really touch you in there? You should have heard the way you were breathing. So soft, so fucking soft..." Maria kissed me tenderly, her hands gently placed around my neck, fingers in my hair. "So breathy, so horny, so desperate to be kissed..." She planted kissed on my cheeks, my nose, my forehead, my chin, my lips. I whimpered again and let my head loll back against the door, surrendering myself to her.

"Maria," I mumbled dreamily, "isn't Professor Lloyd's office connected to this stockroom?"

She placed a finger against my lips, shushing me. "You'd best not make a sound then." She pushed the finger into my mouth and I sucked on it obediently. My legs felt so weak with desire that I slid down to the floor. Maria knelt over me and sat on my legs. She took my face in her hands and kissed me slowly.

So fucking slowly. I wanted to scream. My body was on fire.

"Touch me, please touch me," I gasped quietly, tugging at her blazer lapels. Maria slid both hands under my jumper and ran her hands across my back. "It's not enough, I need to feel you, I need you." I gulped for air, pulling my jumper off and ripping off Maria's blazer. She began to undo her buttons, but she wasn't fast enough. My desperate need to feel her skin against mine was almost painful. I pulled her half-undone shirt over her head, unhooked her bra and pushed her onto her back on the carpeted floor. I yanked off my own bra, jeans and high heels and watched breathlessly as Maria pulled off her trousers and throw her heels behind her. I ran my warm hands over her from her face to her stomach before pressing my body on top of hers. Our breathing came in gasps, our hands were everywhere. I began to grind against her, the fabric of our underwear creating friction. Maria let out an involuntary cry of pleasure and I clamped my mouth to hers. I could feel the wetness of my pussy and hers as I rubbed against her. My clit found hers through the thin fabric, and we both groaned in pleasure. I pushed harder against her and sped up, my hands in her hair.

"I've never felt like this. Maria, I've never felt this good," I gasped into her neck as I got closer to the edge.

"Fuck. Oh my fucking god. If you say that to me I'm going to come. Oh fuck! Oh fuck!" Maria moaned into the darkness, pressing harder and faster against me.

"Oh my god. Maria, oh my god, ohh my goddd!" I clawed at her skin, my mouth wet against her neck.

My brain suddenly exploded with euphoric ecstasy that made me see white stars in the darkness. My entire body shook with blinding pleasure and I screamed soundlessly against Maria's body as she dug her nails into my back. Maria's body convulsed under mine as both of our orgasms washed over us like a paralysing wave.

What felt like hours, maybe even days later, I lifted up my head and placed a hand on Maria's warm, sweaty face.

"What are you thinking about?"

Maria was silent for a few seconds. Then: "I'm in love with you."

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

please write a 4th chapter 🙏🏼

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I really hope you come back to this story someday. Like the one comment said, it’s truly rare to find a story this good

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

WOW now this is my kind of story!!! It’s rare (at least for me) to find hot and fiery passionate stories with a similar dialogue to this one.. this made me so incredibly wet and excited imagining the scene play out in front of me. Whew anyways with that being said- author if you’re reading this I really hope you continue this chapter! don’t leave us hanging for too long ;) (even tho it’s been 3 yrs since the last submission)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

This is such an underrated series. I love how well you capture Ellie’s tumultuous inner dialogue. I hope one day you’ll find your way back to this series to continue it.

cot_dammit_elcot_dammit_elalmost 3 years ago

Fok! Next chapter 4da love of christ 🙏😭..

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