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Doing the Dishes

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Bad things can happen down there in the kitchens.
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Sindy leaned into the wet sink to relax her face as she gazed at the mountain of greasy plates. It wasn't allowed for the servant girls to let their faces tense up in case any of the guests, at this exclusive hotel, should chose that moment to look at them. Slowly Sindy breathed out to allow a smile to arrive on her lips just as the door behind her came crashing open.

Polly, the head waitress slammed another dozen plates on top of the teetering pile.

"Get your thumb out of your arsehole girl and start washing those. I don't want to be here all night waiting for you."

Polly stood with a gnarled hand on each of her large hips, the wide expanse of her spotless apron seeming to make the shape of a smile where the crease of her ample belly drifted over the tops of her thighs. However much Sindy detested the overbearing woman, she couldn't help thinking about what lay behind that apron and what it would be like to get lost in those soft folds.

Sindy's ranking in the kitchen staff was such that she was not permitted look Polly in the eyes, so instead, she now found herself looking at Polly's terrible teeth. As Polly launched into a tirade about how slowly she was doing the dishes Sindy attempted to keep her face soft by tuning out the sound and instead looking intensely at Polly.

Polly had such a leery grin, that as she spoke, Sindy could clearly see inside the whole of her mouth. The gums had completely receded from the tops of the teeth making it appear as though they would fall out at any moment. Fearful of her letting her face belie her feelings of disgust, Sindy shifted her gaze again so that now, she was looking at Polly's huge breasts. She imagined Polly had large puckered nipples nestling in an enormous nursing bra. Nipples that Polly might ease out at any moment, to push deep into Sindy's mouth forcing her to gag and suckle.

"Yes Ma'am" Sindy said demurely hoping that this elevation of her status would soften the old hag and was happily surprised to see Polly's breast jump in acknowledgement that they were being stared at.

"Polly will do, none of your sucky arse bullshit " growled the waitress, hardly making the door bang at all on her way out.

Alone again with her stinking china towers there was nothing for it but to get on with the dishes. Reaching forward Sindy started filling her bowl with boiling hot water. The kitchen floor tiles were cold against her bare feet. All the servants had bare feet to remind them of their status but most of the floors were heated wood, only here in the kitchen the floor was kept cool to preserve the food. The warm steamy air was a welcome relief to the bitter cold that chilled Sindy to the bone.

Suddenly though Sindy had the feeling that she was not alone, tiny hairs on the back of her neck stood up as Sindy's whole body became alert to a noise that seemed to be coming from below her waist. Surreptitiously she cocked her head to listen carefully. What she thought she heard was the sound of a wooden door sliding open in the cupboard below her sink. Despite the roar of rinse water on the steel drainer Sindy was sure she could hear the sound of some kind of creature coming out.

Adrenalin rinsed through her body, she had heard stories about the 'creatures' but until now had not believed in them. She had been told of secret passageways that linked strange parts of the hotel together, passageways that would allow the more shy guests to travel all over the building, if they chose, completely unseen. Sindy had never dared hope that her washing station could be a place that one of the guests might want to visit, why in the world would anyone be interested in her dank dungeon of a kitchen outhouse?

Sandy stiffened as she felt the wetness of a warm fat tongue slowly start to caress her cold ankles. Shock and arousal shot through her making her drop the plate she was cleaning back into the hot soapy water and the creature withdrew at the clunk.

Sindy knew that she had to keep on working, in fact she had been extensively trained in how to pretend she could not feel them when they touched her, how to in fact keep completely still if she ever encountered one of these creatures. To continue with whatever task she was doing while simultaneously opening herself up so that they could access wherever they chose to on her body as she worked.

Sindy imagined that the creatures were very rich shy girls that wanted to sex other girls but couldn't bear the normal interactions that usually occurred. She fantasized that being so extremely shy they could only bear to do what they did if they were completely unnoticed in any way. Any attempt to engage or interact with them, or stopping what you were doing to enjoy whatever they were doing to you, would result in them withdrawing back to their hiding place.

Trying to keep the clatter of plates going, Sindy waited and hoped for more of that delicious tongue slipping around her feet but it seemed like ages till it came. Sindy knew the slit between her legs was getting wet at the mere idea that the creature would start up it's heavenly licking again. Then, what seemed like ages later, as she reached for the next in her never diminishing pile, Sindy felt the unmistakable lick of something between the toes of her right foot. Sindy couldn't help gasping with pleasure that she tried to cover by coughing. At the sound of the gasp the creature stopped stock-still. Sindy forced herself to put down the plate she had finished mopping with as much ordinary clatter as possible and pick up the next. She was attempting to convey through those sounds that she was blithely carrying on with her duties and so encourage the creature to go back it's delicious warm licking of the skin between her toes.

Slowly, and soft as an eyelash the creature began again to bathe Sindy's freezing cold feet in warm silky wetness. The feeling was melting her insides and sending excited blood up to her brain making her temples throb. Still she had to continue the mundane activities of the sink, picking up filthy plates and swabbing them till they were clean. She could feel her legs shaking and aching to open wider to allow whatever, or whoever was making that slippery sensation, access to her thighs.

As the soft urgent muscular tongue licked it's way on a slow cruise up her calf, Sindy bite down hard on her lip to try stop the moans from escaping from her mouth. Sinuous as a snake the creature with it's long tongue lapped around her legs carefully coating every centimeter of skin in silky liquid spit.

Sindy found herself swaying backwards and forwards with the dreamy sensation of her legs turning to liquid. Frightened she might fall over, she took a risk and pulled her feet apart. The creature responded by immediately withdrawing but Sindy was treated to a dribble of saliva left running blissfully filthy down the back of her knee.

Mercifully the creature resumed it's creepy licking and sinuously rubbed it's bare skin between her feet as it curled around Sindy like a cat. Pretending to wash dishes by lifting and releasing the same plate in and out of the water with a splash, Sindy allowed herself to open her mouth in silent desire as the creature licked and curled it's way up her legs and up under her skirts towards the bare flesh that lay between her now saturated thighs.

"What the fuk do you think you're doing?"

From across the room Sindy could feel the Polly's spittle land on her neck. Sindy's body unable to control itself, convulsed with fear. Her hand opened automatically, sending the wet plate she was holding skidding to the stony tiled floor with an explosive smash.

"Or more to the point what aren't you doing? Is it too hot in here? Making you all dreamy and go slow?"

Polly apparently unaware what was happening between Sindy's legs, marched away from the mess on the floor and started dragging open the huge kitchen door that led to the vegetable garden. As the huge door opened a flurry of snowflakes floated in from the forbidding December night. In a voice that could have cut cheese, Polly shrieked at Sindy:

"You, slack faced girl, I've had enough of this. Get outside right now and strip all of your clothes off, right fucking now."

Sindy's breath was broken and ragged as she tried to move her mind towards what she was being ordered to do. Her swollen cunt lips throbbed with a thunderous storm of desire for the soaking tongue that had just been on the verge of reaching her soaking cleft. Trying to forget the painful ache to return to the delicious licking, instead Sindy found her heart jumping in her chest with fear.

Polly was vile, her whole manner was cruelly obnoxious but her status in the household meant she could do anything she liked to keep the serving girls in line. Several times Sindy had been forced over her fleshy knees for a bare arse spanking with any large wooden spoon clean or dirty that happened to be handy. Sometimes she had even poked around Sindy's hole like she was going to fuck her with it just to make Sindy cry and beg to be let go.

Now, as she pulled her thin dress over her head in the frozen courtyard Sindy's whole body was shaking and it wasn't simply from the snowflakes landing on her skin. Polly left the door open as she came into the courtyard with one of the wooden chairs. Sindy could see that she had smothered her whole hand in goose grease from the crock bowl kept by the oven.

"I'm going to teach you the price of a broken plate so that you'll never forget it, you useless slattern" Polly's stinking breath rose like smoke pouring out of her mouth as she spoke. She placed the chair in front of Sindy and bent her over it's back. Then standing behind her Polly pushed her feet apart so that everything Sindy had was on show and open to the freezing night air.

"Well, well well. What have you been up to down here then?" the curl of Polly's bitter delight at the sight of her swollen cunt bore into Sindy like a worm. She felt the shame burning up her neck and cheeks as she forgot about the cold night air that surrounded them. Sandy imagined Polly to be crouched down and looking closely at her private parts. The truth of which was confirmed when, before Sindy could calm her blushes, a stream of loathesome comments were spat at her.

"You filthy fucking slut, been trying to get my attention all evening have you? Is that why you are so bulging purple down here? Is that why you dropped that plate to get me inside you eh, well you are going to get more than you bargained for my girl."

At the same time as she was talking Polly was somewhat casually smearing goose grease around the whole of Sindy's cunt.

Sindy breathed in suddenly with shock, as two fingers slotted inside her. "Oh and nice and warm it is too in here for me, do my arthritis no end of good this will"

Bracing herself with both hands on the chair seat Sindy found the fingers remarkably efficient at probing inside her. Then she remembered the woman's teeth and how repulsive she was to look at, how could a woman so vile in manner and physical form be making her feel so open and hungry for her fingering. Humiliated as she was, Sindy found their rhythmic pushing actually very pleasurable and despite trying to stop herself, heard a little moan escape from her mouth.

"Oh yes, wanted a good seeing to that's what this one wanted" Polly's vile words spoken to herself like a mad lonely old hag seemed to encourage a loss of inhibition in Sindy. Yes she was that 'wanton slut' that needed these jabbing fingers knuckle deep inside her. Sindy couldn't help herself lean back into this repulsive woman's fingers was grateful to be away from that never ending pile of dishes and let herself be played like a lusty piano.

Sindy heard herself moaning hungrily in a regular reaction to the smooth penetration of those incredibly skillful fingers. She felt desire lurching in her stomach and moving up to her chest till her face and breasts were covered with a fine mist of sweat.

One more finger was added to the two already inside her and Sindy could hear herself singing like a mermaid. Calling out her urgent pleasure at the reach of those velvety fingers with moans and yelps of craving like a hungry bird. Sindy heard her high pitched sounds flourish in the cold air like the tinny ring of a hand bell, and she hated what it meant. If only she could prevent Polly from knowing exactly how much she was pleasing her, it wouldn't be so humiliating. But Polly was sniggering and snorting with glee at the slurping sounds of Sindy's grateful burrow. Try as she might Sindy could not seem to stop herself from revealing how gratifying she found those expert fingers as they drove inside her. Over and over again they ground in and out of her, just as Sindy had seen Polly do to spices with the pestle against the ceramic wall of the mortar bowl.

Sindy managed to open her eyes just to see if she could spot the creature below the sink that had aroused her into such a state of desire. She hoped that it could see her because she was imagining that it was not the ugly old waitress that was pushing inside her so deftly but the creature. Sindy imagined the creature as a girl her own age touching herself, as she watched Sindy getting royally fingered, from her secret passageway below that vast sink.

Polly however was not satisfied with three fingers and was slipping a fourth little finger into Sindy's hot slippery cunny. She was shouting her sickening expletives about the state of Sindy's opening cunt so much so that people leaving the dining hall began gathering at the windows to watch the spectacle.

"More fucking fingers? You greedy piggy piece." Polly called out slapping her buttock hard with her other hand. "You want my whole fucking hand do you? You think you can take my whole fist do you?"

Terrified Sindy started to wail at the idea; she had never been fist-fucked before and didn't know if she could take it. "Please no, please, please stop." Terrified she was going to have call "safeword" thereby stopping the whole fucking scene and never get the huge orgasm that was now building inside her. Sandy was shocked by the fingers were interrupted too by the sound of a door opening and the imperious tap of boots on the cobbled yard floor.

The collapse of the hard fucking made her cunt contract with alarm, those buttery fingers had become her whole world and Sindy's cunt squeezed down upon itself hard trying to fill the space they left behind. Her heart started banging in her chest and making her chest heave even more with the emergency of losing the inevitable orgasm that had been building in her.

The repugnant Polly had been stopped from fingering her by some superior force. Sindy felt her whole body spasming with shock and her noises were silenced while she waited, desperate to know her fate.

Sindy knew that whatever happened she was not allowed to turn to look at whoever it was that approached them. Even though the exchange they were having with Polly was conducted in silence Sindy could feel that the horrid greasy fingers of the waitress were being rapidly slid from her cunt. She couldn't help but blush deeply at the sloppy sucky noises her body made in the process. Suddenly Polly was up at her face end but it wasn't her ugly mouth that Sindy could see in front of her. In fact it was the very recognizable view of the hem of Polly's skirts being slowly raised. Sindy watched in fascination as the large skirts gave way to luscious thighs and a surprisingly lovely pair of cunt lips. Who would have thought that a woman so ugly in her head and face and personality could be so pretty beneath her petticoats?

Sindy watched as naked nether regions sat down on the chair seat over which hung her head. The fleshy lips were swollen and glistened with exhibitionist desire. All of it was so near that Sindy could smell the strong scent of rum from deep inside the lips. Polly obviously drank more than a little tipple of an evening. Such thoughts that scattered through Sindy's head were suddenly rudely interrupted as a firm hand from behind her head pushed her mouth in for a deep drink of that fumy grog. The smell almost overtook her senses and made her head reel as Polly rudely controlling her face from the back of her head rolled her face around in the sticky folds smearing it all over her.

Sindy opened her lips to suckle on that the pungent cream and let it slip down her through her mouth oozing down her throat. But before she had time to spread her tongue in order to lick it properly. Recalling all those delicious hours at servant school where her mouth had been filled with so many different slippery swellings of flesh while all of her face was smeared with sticky stinky cum and Sindy could hear Polly reveling in the power her position gave her. "Don't be shy girl use your lips as well as that lazy little tongue. Come on, that's it. Kiss me baby, use your lips"

At the same time though someone was touching her arse from behind. A slim smooth set of fingers found their way in barely touching the sides as they did so. They hit the spot though, the spot that made Sindy moan loudly into Polly sopping cunt lips.

"You can cry out if you want to you bit of rubbish, but you are staying right there till the job is done." Polly had obviously misinterpreted the noises but this only made Sindy spread her tongue wider. She was being fucked in the face at the same time as an unknown person was pushing their way into her cunt. Sindy could feel that it was a much smaller hand than Polly's had been and that even though she was already taking three fingers that she really wanted more. Could it be that she was going to get that fist fucking the idea of which had so frightened her not ten minutes ago? Oh how far away her arduous day of washing dishes was now.

The rich smell of cum was filling her nose and mouth and Sindy could tell that Polly was getting ready to spurt cum deep into her mouth. She licked and kissed the cunt with all of her mouth like she was deep kissing her first ever love at school. She could here the ugly Polly making a strangled cry of pleasure as she swore a stream of disgusting invective over and over again. Sindy welcomed the feeling of drowning that so matched with the diving in and out of her that was happening to her down below. She fancied that somewhere she could hear people calling out to her and she had the sensation of a crowd gathered around but Sindy had given herself to opening up herself to that hand and making it welcome inside her. Snow fell like tickling feathers all over her arse but her pussy was blood red hot and she couldn't get enough. Not get enough that is until she felt the distinctive scrap of a set of knuckles forcing her wider that she ever wanted to go and then relief as the hand found it's way home.

Grunting like a pig and rutting backwards and forwards onto the arm that controlled her like a glove puppet, Sindy found her head let free. Now she saw what a huge crowd of women were gathered around her. Watching. All of them were staring at Sindy most with tongues lolling out of open mouths with desire. Some of them had already pulled their breasts out and were pushing faces of serving girls deep into hard nipples making them suck with hands behind their heads. Others had raised their skirts to force other willing maids between their thighs and were bending at their knees to quicken the motion and add to the friction. Still more were fucking themselves with stiff fingers pushing in and out of their lips and coming out of their holes glistening with honey cum.

Sandy couldn't believe what she was seeing. It seemed the whole guest list of the hotel were crowded into that cobbled yard. All the rich ladies in their fine heavy fabric dresses were pushing one another out of the way to catch a better look at her the lowly dishwasher perched over a wooden chair naked to the night air, her face dripping with salty cum. Suddenly Sindy felt like some kind of star, not the lowly scullery servant she had been all day. Now she was making a spectacle of herself good enough to make all these fine ladies want to see, impervious to the cold outside on that freezing cold night. All because of her.


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