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Donald Mallory


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"And you're definitely going to tell mom and dad, right?"

"Just as soon as I can."

"You won't forget."

"I'll get a tattoo on my ass that says 'my twin's fuck toy'. Would you like that?"

"I would actually."

"Then I will. But now I hope you see you have something to live for."

"I know. I didn't volunteer because ..."

"You volunteered?"

"Yes. My country needs me. They need this mission. If not me than who?"

"Literally anyone else."

"I've already got orders. They can't be changed now."

She pouted and pulled him close to hug him. "You have something to live for. Fight and then come home to me. Please."

"I'll try. Will you wait for me?"


They had to take a break from sex because a virgin pussy can only take some much in one go.

"I can't believe I'm naked in bed with you." he said as he looked at the sunlight coming through the window.

"Me neither."

"Really, I'd figure if you ever slept naked you'd be in bed naked with yourself. Seems obvious if you think about it."

"You got that from grandma."

"Yeah. Man, she was a crone. I could never do anything right for her. She seemed to love you, though."

"She loved you, too. But not as much as I love you."

"Who would have ever thought that we'd do this? And strangely, I'm not even put off by it. You'd think I'd be wanting to puke but no."

"Me neither. That is weird. Do you think, maybe, we're not really related?"

"It would make sense why mom and dad sent me away."

"Yeah, I'm going to have to ask them cause if I think about other siblings who aren't us, I'd think it was sick. But not with you."

"It's a mystery."

"Well, while I have you here, I want to try something. I read about this in a novel."

She got on top of him and lowered her pussy to his dick. She slowly pushed herself farther and farther down until she was fully impaled on his cock all the way to the base.

"That is good." he said.

She scrunched up her face and then started shaking slightly again.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"It's just so amazing. I love you." Her jaw went lax and her mouth was hanging open for a while before she gathered her wits and then started to move up and down on his cock. In no time at all, he started to cum into her again. And again. And again.


The next morning she went with him all the way to the gate of the base. They had to say their final goodbye there and she asked him again to make sure to come home to her.

"Don't make me lose you again. Even if you have to walk half the earth, come home to me."

"I'll try."

"You better do it or I'll come looking for you."

"Oh, that's a threat."

"I love you."

"I ... love you."

She smiled and then let him go.

Once Don got in formation with the rest of the men, it seemed that there were enough volunteers for the captain not to have to choose any. The group was separated out and brought to be briefed on their mission. Tom Black was there standing right next to Don.

"I thought you didn't want to go." Don whispered to him.

"Someone has to look out for your little ass."

... ... ... ...

Four years later.

The occupation was going into its sixth month and the locals had finally gotten used to American troops being everywhere. The once proud people had been beaten and devastated and each man and woman lowered their head in shame after it became widely known what their military had done during the war and leading up to it.

Ken knew of a certain problem. Now that the Americans were in control and no one questioned it, he was hoping that the problem would go away. But it didn't. There was an island that was not returning to civilian control. It was a small bubble of war continuing.

The Americans were always talking about how they were honest and trustworthy. Well, let them prove it.

"Our fishing ground still war." he said in broken English.

The officer looked at him and Ken had to repeat himself and finally just say it in his native language and have the translator tell the officer.

"Explain." the officer said.

"This island need for fishing. But soldier still there. They still war."

"Your soldiers?"

"No. Americans. They there for years. You no know?"

"Americans? Who?"

"I don't know. Nobody know. But they there. They have big gun. They don't know war over."

The story went up the chain of command and a small ship was sent to the area to investigate. From sea they observed artillery and fortifications. There was also an American flag flying but it was in tatters. Around the island there were three sunken enemy ships with heavy battle scarring.

"Outlaws?" the first mate asked the captain.

"Difficult to say. We can't get any closer with those guns they have. We don't know how many men they have or whose side they're really on." It was a common practice of the enemy to use either a white flag or an American or British flag to lure troops in and then ambush them.

The ship sent a remote controlled small vessel over to the island with some provisions and a letter stating that the war was over and asking them to come out of hiding and lay down their arms. The islanders didn't touch the boat when it landed on their beach while the daylight was up. However, the next morning the ship caught sight of the small craft and the islanders had taken the provisions and set it back out to sea.

A team of guys went out to intercept the craft and check it for tampering while they were bringing it back. They team gave the clear and radioed that a letter from the islanders was there.

The islanders stated that they had orders to hold the island for the US war effort and only someone with the proper command codes could relieve them. They further stated that any Americans or Brits who wanted a safe place away from enemy capture was welcome to join them.

Well, that was a mystery. The ship radioed HQ and asked them for any intel in regards to the island. There didn't seem to be anything that anyone knew about.

"Well, they're inviting us. I say we send someone over." the first mate advised.

"You're not going alone." the captain said. "Take two men. If you smell trouble, get the hell out of there."

"Aye, sir."

The first mate and two other men left and they were watched by the ship as they landed on the beach. From the ship they saw the first mate use the bull horn to address anyone who would listen. At first nothing happened but then a large battery seemed to come out of the foliage and turned towards them. The first mate went alone and the other two men stayed with the boat at gun point.

The first mate wiped his brow as he calmly walked towards a small light in the bushes ahead. He looked back at the sea and hoped he'd see it again. There was a very well camouflaged bunker and the door opened for him as he got closer to it.

Once the first mate was in the bunker a soldier came out from nowhere to close the door behind them.

"Name." the soldier said.

"Richard Evans. Commander. US Navy."

"Come on."

"Did you get our message?"

"I don't answer questions. Come on."

They went through a series of small tunnels and then took a short trip down some dark stairs in pitch blackness. At the bottom they went through some more tunnels and the first mate was all turned around. The room he was brought to was very dark but there was a bit of light being funneled in from the surface somehow. He was told to sit in a chair and then he waited for a bit.

As he waited he tried to look around and get an idea of what exactly was going on here.

"Have you come to join us?" a voiced asked. Just as the first mate was about to answer the man who'd asked came and sat in another chair that was right in front of the first mate. "We'll take as many as want to come."

"No. The war is over." the first mate said.

"We've heard this story before. Pardon us if we don't believe it."

"It's the truth. How many men are here?"

"Enough to hold this island no matter what the enemy throws at us."

"Who's orders are you operating under?"

"If you were really US Navy you should have that information."

"Sorry. We don't. Can I have your name?"


"You know, even if I was working for the enemy, you have to give your name, rank, and service number."

"Only if we're captured. We've never been captured and we're not going to start now. I like my head being exactly where it is."

"I see. Can you give me anything to tell my captain? We're here to try and help."

"You can tell your captain that there is no way ANYONE is taking this island. We will hold it to the last man."

"You mentioned command codes. Can you give us an idea of what we should be asking HQ for?"

"No. If you were really US Navy, you'd have that already."

"So, what? I'm a prisoner here now?"

"Indeed not. Since you're an American, we'll let you go if that is what you wish. Spread the word if you can. This is a safe place. The enemy can't get us here."

"I understand. Can someone lead me back to my men and my boat?"

The man who was speaking stood up and snapped his fingers. The soldier came close and the two of them went over by the light that was coming down from above for just a moment and the first mate got a better look at the man's face. It seemed to be that the one who'd been speaking was in charge. He used very few words and a couple of hand gestures and the soldier said "Yes, sir." in a low voice.

The first mate was brought back up to the surface and they were allowed to leave the beach in peace.

Back at the ship the first mate told the captain what had happened. He only saw two men but there was evidence of many more. They were organized and they had a leader. They didn't give the first mate any names but that didn't mean he hadn't gotten one.

"Mallory." the first mate said. "I remember him like it was yesterday. He really walloped me good. Broke my nose. Donald Mallory."

Donald Mallory was listed as MIA but presumed dead. His last mission had apparently been a success but there was no possibility for extraction. Because of that team the US had been able to shave years off the war and cripple the enemies ability to strike US soil.

"He's listed as a private in the army. He broke your nose?" the captain asked.

"Aye, sir. He took exception to me wanting to date his sister. I misunderstood and thought she was his wife."

"She must have been damn pretty."

"That she was, sir."

"He sounds like one tough son of a bitch."

"He must be to survive out here this long."

Two more ships were called into the area and then three boats carrying three captains came to the beach. Commander Evans called out Donald Mallory by name and then sounded off the command codes. They waited. The big guns on the island didn't move. In a few minutes one man came out of the bushes.

Commander Evans walked up to him with his hand extended in friendship. Mallory shook it and then stood at attention.

Next to the commander a US Army major stepped forward. "Report, soldier."

"Lieutenant Donald Mallory reporting. Mission accomplished, sir."

"You're a lieutenant now?" Evans asked.

"Field commission by Colonel Ferris."

"Is the colonel with you?" the major asked.

"No, sir. I'm in command here."

"How many men are with you?"

"Sorry, sir. Before I answer any questions, I need to inspect your vessel."

"Excuse me?"

"My men will not give up this island until I give the signal and they know I will not give the signal until I inspect your vessel. The enemy has tried a lot of tricks to get us to give up so we have to be cautious."

Don was given a seat on one of the small boats and they brought him out to the larger ships. There he was able to see that this really was an American ship and they confirmed to him that the US had indeed won the war. They showed him the pictures of the enemy commanders as well as their king signing the instruments of surrender.

"Ok. I'm convinced." he said.

"Great. How many men do you have over there."



The story Don told was a four year long struggle to assist the US war effort in any way they could and not be captured in the process. Of the three officers and five enlisted men on the original mission, only two were still alive. They hopped around from place to place and eventually saw a group of enemy soldiers getting ready to execute US service men that they'd captured. The enemy had let their guard down and were only carrying swords at that specific moment so two men with machine guns were able to kill 27 of the enemy and rescue the men, including Colonel Ferris.

With no knowledge of how to get back to US forces, all they could do was continue to survive and rescue pows whenever they could. Eventually they found the fortifications on that island and learned that the enemy was controlling passage around this entire region from there. Colonel created a command structure among the men he had and organized the attack. They were able to take the island and successfully repelled 13 attempts by the enemy to retake the island.

From that island they were able to deny the enemy easy access to the ocean and so keeping it was vitally important.

Unfortunately, during one of the attempts to retake the island, Colonel Ferris died, as did two other officers higher than Don. So that left Don in command for the last three years over which time he continued to hold the island attack after attack.

In addition to the almost 400 American and British soldiers on the island, they also had 70 enemy prisoners of war in their care who were treated to the letter of the law.

Everyone listening realized that this was going to be a much bigger story than just a few service men surviving in the jungle for a few years.

Don returned to the island before nightfall and several senior officers went with him down to the network of tunnels and bunkers underneath the surface. They soon discovered that there was almost a sort of cult of personality level of devotion that the men had for Lieutenant Mallory.

When Don announced that the war was over and they were all going to go home, they all cheered and asked permission to break out the booze. The lights were turned on, the radios were switched on, and the prisoners were freed; though that last point was just a matter of telling them that they were no longer prisoners as they weren't kept in cages or cells but had been integrated into the operations of the island. The party spilled out onto the beach itself and once the mood set in, boats went back and forth from the three ships with men who wanted to participate.

The party was so grand that it only really ended early the next morning and so the evacuation of the island didn't get underway until another day later.

Word spread to the mainland before the soldiers could be brought themselves. Upon their arrival, the highest officers were there with a large greeting party. The defeated king was also there. When Don formally released his prisoners to the civilian leader of the local government, the king himself walked up to Don and knelt down. The king prostrated himself and lowered his forehead all the way to the ground as a way to express thanks for caring for those men and as apology for the crimes committed against US prisoners during the war. When the king rose again he presented Don with a sword that had been a family heirloom of the royal family for many generations. Don didn't know the meaning of it at the time and when he discovered it later he attempted to give the sword back but in the end he was persuaded to keep it.

In the press event after this, the king started to refer to Don as either Lord Mallory or as the duke. Thus, even though he hadn't officially been given a title, the press picked up on it and mistakenly reported that a British Lord from America had been in command. Corrections would later be published but the mind of the public was already made up.

It was a whirlwind few weeks full of metals being awarded and traveling around to give talks. Don and a handful of others were brought back to the island for a time to explain exactly what had happened and how they organized themselves.

Interviews, interviews, interviews. And then the historians got a turn.

Two months after accepting that the war was actually over Don was finally touching down on American soil. He honestly felt a little lost in DC. At his discharge ceremony he finally felt a sense of closure as the President of the United States shook his hand and they smiled for the cameras. The rest of his life could begin. But what would that be? He had no clue at all what he wanted to do. It almost seemed unreal that he wasn't there with his men holding that island. He had temporary housing for the immediate future but nothing beyond that. He had a ton of backpay he was entitled to so money wouldn't be a problem for a little while.

At the end of the ceremony he found himself with Tom Black. Both of them were standing there in front of a monument with soldiers carved into stone. It was all white. All bloodless. Clean and smooth. It looked almost valiant and carefree like the men on those horses were off just joy riding. Not like the real thing at all. There was none of the serious moment by moment pressure to just survive where even the smallest actions would have huge consequences down the road.

"Figure out what you want to do?" Black asked.

"No. You?"

"Gonna go home with my parents and then maybe buy the farm next door."

"Maybe I'll buy the one next to you."

"You can't. Have to be Indian to buy land round there. But you're welcome up on my land whenever you want. We don't get nobles and royalty often."

Don chuckled. "Hey, sergeant, don't be a stranger."

"Never for you, sir."

They saluted each other and then each man walked off.

Don wondered aimlessly for a bit and took a moment to admire the new designs of automobiles. For an hour he just walked the capital and moved aside when someone else seemed to be in a hurry. A lot of people seemed like they were in a hurry.

He eventually got a ride back to the barracks where he was allowed to stay until he could make other arrangements for himself. There at the gate he thought he had to rub his eyes. That woman almost looked like ... his mother, or at least the picture of her.

When Don walked past he stopped to look and the woman stood there shaking. "Donald Mallory." she said.

"Yes, ma'am."

She quickly closed the distance to him and hugged him. "My boy. They told me you were dead."

As she was hugging him others came over. His father was also there and also gave him a hug that Don was not entirely prepared for or used to.

"Lord Mallory." his father said. "I'm so proud of you, son."

And then she came. His sister. She was still very pretty with her blond hair that had a hint of red in it. And she wasn't alone. With her were three small children.

"Who are these little guys?" Don asked.

"The boy is Edward. The girls are Rain and Vision."

"Beautiful names. You got married?" he asked.

She shook her head no but didn't say anything.

"Do you have any plans?" his father asked. "We'd love it if you could come visit for a bit?"

"Yeah. Ok."

Don had dinner with them and even went back to the hotel where they were staying. They all kept things cordial and Don knew this was not the right moment or mood to bring up his anger about his childhood. After what he'd been through in the war, honestly his childhood had been a cakewalk. Time to forgive and move on.

As the night got late, the grandparents took the triplets and Donna took her brother out to get a good and proper drink. After a few rounds sitting together at a quiet booth in the bar, he finally asked the question he'd had since he first saw the kids.

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