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Donkey Ch. 02

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Jenna Coleman gets to ride with the donkey dicked driver.
8.6k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/05/2018
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Disclaimer: All right, this story is not real. NOT REAL! Not to be read by anyone under the age of 18/21 yadda yadda yadda! I'd love to hear some feedback as per usual so please feel free to leave me a comment in the comment box at the end of the story! You see those big empty stars down there as well? Did you want to maybe fill them up? We don't want them empty and all alone like that. You're not a monster are you?

Also, please don't post this on any other site without my explicit permission. I've had to bring the hammer down on two thieves right as of writing and don't want to bring it down again.

Codes: MF, Cons, Oral

Celebrity: Jenna Louise Coleman


Sitting in the rented car that had been especially rented for the evening, I sat in the front seat of the expensive looking vehicle with my newspaper fully extended so I could read all of the articles. It had been a couple of weeks since my last major pickup and my last major sexual experience with the star of British morning television in Holly Willoughby and while I had certainly not forgotten it, it seemed like Holly had done as I hadn't heard from her, or any of her people since then. I had settled with the idea that she had had her fun with me and now I was back to reality. Only problem with having the job I had meant that it was pretty difficult to even get laid regardless of whether she was a celebrity or not.

Still, the money was good and when I had picked up a drunken socialite I'd have a juicy paycheck with tips and I could live easy for a bit longer. Not that I'd be interested in any of that of course. The last time I had gotten laid, it was nuts beyond all sorts of my wildest dreams and I really wasn't sure if anything else would even come close to living up to it.

Reading the paper, I coughed to myself slightly, popping a cough sweet into my mouth and sucking on it while I read the paper, occasionally looking at the dashboard clock that was slowly ticking by. I was sitting in my car outside of a fancy banquet hall in the middle of a nice part of London, not the main area near the famous Leicester Square Theatre but in one of the outer suburbs. The hall looked like it was one of those old libraries that had been converted into more of a meeting place. There were a couple of spotlights that had been anchored to the front of it, two thin beams of light were cutting through the near midnight air and slowly spinning in circles, rotating and drawing attention to the front of the hall. Looking back to my paper, I had finished a couple of lines of the article before I heard a general pattering of noise coming from the front of the hall. Looking out of the car's window, I could see that people were starting to file out of the hall.

The award show must have finished.

Getting out of the driver's seat, I stood up and walked over to the passenger's side door, a hand on the door handle and my eyes looking out towards the people who were filing out of the front of the hall, the people were all making their ways towards their own individual cars and my celebrity guest was nowhere to be seen. I had been briefed on who I needed to pick up, Jenna Louise Coleman, from Doctor Who fame. Looking through the crowd of people, it was there that I saw her being propped up by one of the people who was wearing a tux and one of those big plastic name badge things that covered their official identification. He had an arm around her waist, seeming to keep her upright while he was desperately looking around to try and find whoever was picking her up, me in this case.

Shooting him a wave, both he and Jenna looked over at me and slowly, the two made their way over to me. Jenna seemed to be stumbling a lot but with that grab the guy seemed to have a hold of her on her it did make sense that she would be stumbling a lot as well. The guy managed to get her to the car door and as I pulled open the door for Jenna to get in, the guy shook his head to me.

"You want to watch her mate, she's absolutely wasted."

"Oh I am not!" Jenna protested as she was struggling with the seatbelt harness. Leaning in, I guided her hands to make the seatbelt clip in place and she was now marginally safe. "I've just had a couple."

The guy shot me a look before shaking his head gently. "Whatever man," He started, whispering to me before clapping a hand on my back. "Good luck."

Watching him walk up, I turned to look at Jenna who was trying to focus on her phone. Closing the door on her, I walked back to my driver's seat and pulled out of the parking rink. Moving onto the main street, I rolled down the partition and formally announced myself to her.

"Miss Coleman? My name's Adam Parks. I'm going to be taking you straight home, is that still correct?"

"That's fine Adam, and don't call me Miss Coleman. Makes me sound like I'm fucking sixty!"

Sighing, I nodded my head and pulled out into the horrific London traffic. Of course, the best course of action with the London traffic was to just pretend your car was the only one on the road and you'd need to just go a little slowly and try to inch your way in front of any particular big red bus that was just sitting there being obnoxious and such. Pushing my car forward and joining one of the many glittering rows of car lights, I made sure to keep my eye on the rear view and looking at my passenger who had her eyes open but her eyelids looked incredibly heavy as well. Almost like she was struggling to stay awake. Shaking my head, I tapped in the details on my phone and hit the big red button on my phone's screen to direct me towards Jenna's trendy flat in Soho.

My eyes were focused on the road for a brief moment, my gaze drifting from side to side as I watched all the other idiots on the road try to cram their way home before I could take my passenger home. Shaking my head casually, my eyes floated back up to the rear view to see Jenna staring right back at me like we were in a horror movie. Almost jumping out of my skin, I watched a sly smile creep across Jenna's face before she sat back down. She seemed to pause for a moment before she spoke to me.

"You know, I heard something about you. I want to know if it's true." Jenna said, her thumb coming up and rubbing against her peach coloured lipstick. She leaned forward and then backwards, wriggling herself on my backseat as she tried to find a position to get herself comfy. "Is it true you drove Holly Willoughby home the other day?"

Now how the hell did she know that?

Chuckling, I shrugged my shoulders to her, trying to work out a decent way to answer.

"Don't you famous people have anything better to do than gossip about who drove who home?"

Jenna chuckled and shook her head.

"I think you know why I know you drove Holly home." Jenna licked her lips and moved forward so she was now peering over the little window divider so she could see my lap. "Is it true? Do you... You know? Have a donkey dick?" There was a brief pause before she spoke again. "Can I see it?"

"Miss Coleman!" I exclaimed, this was probably the more weird of the two encounters I had had with the two celebrity clients. With Holly she had at least had the decency to surprise me from my long distant past, Jenna was talking about an event that happened within the fortnite.

"Come on, I won't tell anyone. I've never seen a huge one in person before. Closest I ever got was one of those sex shows in Prague. I won't tell anyone." She further encouraged, her voice now a sing song sweet tone.



"Jenna... I really can't comment on what past clients have said to me."

"I wasn't asking what Holly said, I wanted to see your dick." Jenna said matter of factly and that only made it more difficult to focus on the road in front of me. "How about... You take your dick out and I'll pop my top off? You don't want to see my tits?" Jenna teased.

I was kind of tempted to tell her I'd already seen them in the movie Room at the Top but I decided to bite my tongue and just focus on driving. Nodding towards one of the small cameras in the front of the car and then the one behind me focused on where she was sitting.

"Well Jenna, there are two cameras here. If I just unzip for you without any sort of audio it could really fluff my job opportunities here."

Jenna made a soft noise and sat back, looking at the two small, long and thin cameras, she raised an eyebrow before smirking.

"So what? Is this like Fake Taxi or something? We pull over and you just climb in the back with me?"

Rolling my eyes, I shook my head.

"The cameras don't have any audio so as far as they're concerned we've just been having a lovely chat. I whip my dick out and boom, indecent exposure to a customer. Especially one as famous as you are."

"Well can't you kill the cameras?"

"I do that and I lose my job for tampering with very expensive equipment. Unless you want to pay my bills for me, I'd rather not."

"I can think of a couple of things I'd pay you for."


"I just don't understand why you're blocking me on this? All you have to do is unzip, hell come up to my place and I'll do all the work. Take a seat, I'll wrap my hands around it, stroke it and play with your balls. Isn't that like every man's dream?" She made a very good point there. I could disappear into her room, unzip and she'd be able to answer all the questions she had about it.

But it wasn't right.

She had definitely had a couple of drinks, with her being so close to the window divider I could smell the wine on her breath. I just couldn't do it.

"Jenna, you've had some drinks in you." I admitted, a heavy sigh. Not quite wanting to really give in to my modern sense of decency but I had to.

"So you're really going to pass up a chance to shag me because I've had a couple of drinks?"

"I worked in bars for a couple of years, that smell on your breath is not a couple of drinks. It probably is more." I said with a simple shrug of my shoulders, focusing my attention on the road ahead of me. Occasionally looking down at the GPS to make sure I was going in the correct direction, I did want to look into the back of the car to see what Jenna was up to but I also had to resist the urge. Because while I knew what I was doing was morally correct, I also felt pretty fucking stupid for declining the offer as well.

"You sure I can't change your mind Mister Donkey?"

"Jenna, please. We're nearly at your home now so you can get a pot of coffee on and we can both forget this ever happened."

"Oh, I probably will forget this happened but will you? I bet you'll spend a long time thinking about this and wondering just why you turned this down." My eyes did float up to the rear view and it was there that I saw Jenna had a handful of her chest. Shifting in place, very uncomfortably with how this conversation was going. Wetting my lips, I shook my head and just focused on getting the woman back to her flat and I'd have to just go home and jerk off pretty hard to try and deal with the frustration that was building up.

"Sorry, that was rude of me." Jenna continued, her hands coming down to rest on her lap in the back of my car. "How about we kiss and make up over it?"

Bloody hell, she was relentless! Running my fingers across the wheel, I shook my head and just focused on the GPS and taking the woman home. Finally breaking through all of the boroughs and towards the trendier part of the capital, I pulled the car up to one of the stairwells and looked up towards the top of the apartments.

"Okay, we're here." I said, almost bluntly as I slipped out of the car and made my way down towards the back. Opening up the door for her, I watched as Jenna slowly wriggled her way out of the car and then took a stumble forwards.

"Bloody cobbles!" She cursed, despite there being absolutely no cobbles on the street. Lifting an arm up for her to grab a hold of, she seemed resigned to the fact that she would need to. So, her arm linked with mine and we slowly began the climb up to her flat at the top of the building. Reaching her door, Jenna fumbled with her purse before finding a set of keys complete with a TARDIS on the keyring. "Here we are..." Jenna purred, managing to slip the keys into the lock and undoing it. Crossing the threshold into her flat, Jenna turned to me and placed her dainty hand on the front of my crotch, giving it a firm squeeze.

"How about we really get down to it now? No cameras in my flat." She said, a dirty smirk on her face as she did so.

Finding the last bit of strength in my body, I sighed and took her hand up off of my lap and placed her to the side of her tightly clothed body. Walking into the flat, I made my way straight over to her breakfast bar and made a start on brewing her a big pot of coffee. I heard the door close behind me and Jenna had made her way inside, kicking her heels off so they hit the wall with a gentle thud. She followed me into the kitchen and made a very audible groan as she saw me fiddling with the coffee pot. Before she had a chance to even fight me on it, I was brewing the coffee and I had one of her small porcelain cups down on the counter.

Turning to face her, despite her being so close to me again, I looked down into her face.

"Okay Jenna, I'm brewing you this coffee pot and I'm going to come back in," I paused briefly to check my wrist watch before continuing. "A couple of hours. I'm fully expecting to see most of this pot gone and then I'll leave you alone, you understand what I'm saying?" I asked her, taking a step to the side and looking over at her. Jenna made a face but nodded her head at me.

That was good enough for me.

Nodding my head, I placed my hands on her shoulders and patted them gently, almost patronisingly as I slipped out of her kitchen and walked out towards the cool outside of London. Closing my eyes as I slipped out of her flat, I closed my eyes and silently wondered whether I had made a terrible mistake but... I hadn't been raised to take advantage of drunken women and I certainly wasn't going to start now.

Walking down to my car, I quickly got in and grabbed my bottle of water, taking a swig and looking up to Jenna's apartment, I saw her staring down at me. I offered her a smile but she just turned from the window and walked back, to hopefully have some of the freshly brewed coffee. Looking around the streets, I worked out the best way to get back to the home base and quickly pushed out onto the roads of London. Brushing my thumbs against the steering wheel, my eyes were quickly floating from side to side as I tried to spot the nearest underground station that could get me back to Jenna's place. The trip had been more of the same in terms of wrestling myself onto the road and back to the correct part of the capital.

Checking out and picking up my working hours for the next week, I changed out of my driver's uniform and into a more casual look of jeans, a button up shirt and then a blazer to go with it. Looking over what I was supposed to be working, I stuffed my hours into my pocket and left the station and headed over to the nearest underground station. With a couple of swipes of my Oyster card and a few swaps on the underground, I was now well on my way over to Jenna's flat. Checking my wrist watch again, it had been a couple of hours since I had last been there and while I wasn't a coffee fiend, Jenna certainly had the paraphernalia in her flat to suggest that she did have something of a fondness for coffee. Hopefully, she had managed to work her way through the pot and we'd be able to have a decent conversation.

Stepping up and out of the underground station, I ignored some of the drunken cries from weekend revellers and made my way over to Jenna's flat. Walking up the steps again, I got closer and closer to the door and thoughts were floating through my mind as to what I was going to see. Was Jenna going to be frustrated? Angry? Still absolutely hammered? I wasn't sure but I also wasn't exactly happy with the idea of the fact that I had essentially put my foot down with her and made her take care of herself. Knocking on her door, I took a step back and casually rested against the railing of the small balcony platform that sat atop the set of stairs. I listened to the sounds on the other side of the door before the sounds of a lock being undone was heard and the door swung open.

On the other side of the door stood Jenna Coleman. Standing there, she did look a lot better and the alcohol did seem like it was flushed from her system but that wasn't all. She had now stripped down from the luscious dress and was standing in front of me in a small bathrobe, her legs had been encased in black stockings that ran all up her legs and I could see the slightest hint of a garter belt to go with it as well. Looking back up to her face, she had a dirty, flirty smirk on her face she took a step back, inviting me into her flat with a smile on her face.

"Come on in." She said, almost coaxing me in. Taking a step inside, while she had definitely freshened up with perfume but I could still smell the coffee on her breath and it did look like she'd gone through some of the coffee at least. Walking inside her apartment, the mood of the small flat had turned into something very different from when I had last been here. A gentle ambiance of music was playing through the bluetooth speaker and the lighting was low to really set the mood for the evening. As I walked inside and looked around the front room, Jenna closed the door behind me and then slipped the deadbolt across the door. Walking into the kitchen, I saw that the coffee pot had almost been completely emptied and as I was about to speak, she beat me to it.

"I did my homework don't worry." Her hands were pressing against the small of my back. Her whole body was pressed against me and when I turned around to face her, she now had her hands on the inside of my belt. Looking me over, Jenna smiled and took a step a little bit closer to me so that she was now looking directly up at me. Jenna then took a step back and pulled herself up onto the side of the breakfast bar. Her fingers ran over my belt and she pulled me a little closer to her. "And I really dig it when people don't take advantage of drunken girls." She said with a sly smile, her eyes settling on mine for a brief moment before looking back up at me. "And I do still want to see that donkey dick..." She added, her hand coming down and grabbing a hold of me.

Well, she certainly didn't seem wasted any more. Was this okay? I didn't have much of a chance to really decide on it when Jenna pulled me down to her face and her lips instantly collided with mine. Kissing her back, my hands ran down to her sides and then rolled over to her ass, giving her cheeks a big squeeze as she groaned into the embrace. Our kiss was broken ever so briefly as Jenna pushed her hands against my chest and our lips parted.

"You taste like coffee." I rather dumbly stated.

"Really? That's your first line?" The Doctor Who actress asked incredulously. The petite woman's hands ran over my chest and then she started to take control, something I was very happy to give up. Her hands came up to push me backwards and we were soon pressed up against the door of her flat. Her hands slipped down to my belt and she quickly started to tug at my leather belt, pulling it open and undoing the restraints of my pants and pulled them open. When my pants slipped down to my ankles, I took a step out of them and let Jenna look at the bulge that was starting to grown in my pants. She licked her lips and then put her fingers in the waistband of my boxers, pulling them down, Jenna leant back slightly and watched as my dick popped out from my boxers and hung heavily in front of her face.

"Fuck..." Jenna breathed heavily, looking over at my cock as it throbbed in front of her face. "That is... Fuck!" She gasped, her small hands came up and wrapped her fingers around the base of my cock, giving it a soft pump as if to see just whether my dick was legitimate or not. With her hand curled around my dick, she looked down at it and bit down on her bottom lip. "I can't even fit my whole hand around it..."

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