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Donnie Dates His Family Pt. 02


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"I'm at work," she texted back, "I had to come in early." Roxy decided it was probably best to continue with the lie she told her daughters.

Back at home, Donnie got his mom's text. He was disappointed he'd have to wait to be able to fuck her again, but then he had an idea, "Maybe I should come in and see you? ;)" He wrote back to her.

Roxy saw the text, and despite the winky emoji at the end, felt that maybe Donnie just really wanted things to get back to normal between them as soon as possible. But before she could reply to him and tell him to "come on in," she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"Afternoon, Roxy." Roxy turned and saw the voice belonged to Officer Tanya Dallas, member of the local police force. Also came to her house the night before because of a noise complaint (caused by how loud she was screaming from her son royally fucking her brains out...) and then Donnie literally started fucking Roxy right in front of Tanya. And Tanya would have seen the incestuous coupling if not for the front door blocking her sight. To say the least, Roxy was feeling very nervous about talking to Tanya right then.

"Um...hi." Roxy stated pensively.

Tanya wondered how to broach the topic she had in mind. The tall, blonde, big-titted police officer had gone over last night and probably would have been convinced that Roxy wasn't fucking her son if she didn't then sit in her cop car right afterwards and listen to their sinful lovemaking for the next four hours. "We got some pretty interesting noise complaints last night." Tanya said to her friend, "I'm not entirely sure what to make of it."

Roxy dropped her phone back in the bag. She would have to have that talk with her son when she got home, "What, um," Roxy started to say but her nerves got to her and she wasn't able to finish her sentence.

Tanya smiled, one thing she liked about being a cop was her ability to make people squirm. Knowing what she knew about her friend and occasional workout partner, she was glad she could make Roxy sweat a little. "Roxy, I don't know if you know anything about this," Tanya said, choosing her words carefully, "But it's very likely someone in your neighborhood is doing something highly illegal."

"Oh, um, what might that be?" Roxy was temporarily distracted thinking maybe Tanya was talking about someone growing pot in their garage or something similar.

"They say," Tanya went on, enjoying how worried Roxy looked, "that one of the people in your neighborhood is involved in some kind of incestuous sexual relationship." Roxy noticably gulped, "You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?"

Roxy felt very much like when she was a little girl and her mother was scolding asking her if she broke her favorite mug, both of them knowing full well that she did it. "Uh, ugh, NO!" She shouted, the other people in the fitness center glanced at her, "Um, no," she said softer, "Nope, nothing like that. Definitely no one in the neighborhood would do something, so, so, naughty like fuck their own son! That's just, just, so, fucking HOT!" Roxy took a deep breath, suddenly realizing her pussy was soaked and she was probably making a big stain on the front of her yoga pants right there in front of Tanya and anyone else in the gym watching her, "I mean, no that's not what I mean, I mean, it's, um, hotly debated as a topic, that, uh, people shouldn't behave in such an, um, immoral way."

Tanya smirked, "I see," she said, "well, if you do anything, be sure to call me on my cell. I'd be very interested to know anything that you can tell me, Roxy." Tanya then walked away from her friend, though Roxy wasn't sure if she could consider Tanya a friend at that moment.

As soon as Tanya left, Roxy ran to the locker room for her spare outfit, but once she was there she decided to also take a very cold shower. The conversation was so nerve wracking to her, and made her think some really naughty thoughts, she totally forgot about the texts from Donnie until much later in the day.

Donnie Asks His Sisters Out

Back at the Brixworth house, Donnie stared at the open conversation with his mom on his cell phone. But after ten minutes decided she was probably with a customer and not going to be able to get back to him anytime soon. But he decided that he was going to go down there anyway. One way or another, he decided, he was going to fuck his mom again, and soon.

He went down the stairs into the living room where his sisters were watching some singing competition show. "Hey bitches, I'm going to borrow your car." Amber and Nikki shared a car that Roxy told them they had to let Donnie use when he needed to, but they never did anyway.

The twins both turned to their brother when he came in, Amber was not the least bit amused by his attitude, "I'm sorry," she said as she cocked her eyebrow, "but what the fuck did you just call us?"

The day before yesterday, Donnie would have apologized profusely before running up to his room to hide from his older sisters for several hours before daring to show his face to either of them, but after his night with Mom, he felt he could take on the world, let alone two jerk sisters, "Look Amber," he said calmly, "you may be hot as fuck but that doesn't give you the right to be a bitch all the time."

Amber's mouth dropped open in surprise, she'd never seen her brother act this way before, confident and totally full of themselves, basically the exact opposite of Donnie, "Um," she wasn't sure how to respond, "thanks, I guess, for calling me hot-as-fuck, Don, but I'm your sister and you shouldn't be talking to me that way." She turned to Nikki, "And can you believe he called me a bitch?"

Nikki's eyes hadn't left her brother's crotch since he came in the room. She was wondering how she never noticed before that his shorts just hugged the outline of his enormous cock, even while it was soft, and you could plainly see it despite the clothing. She couldn't believe herself that she never noticed before just how well-endowed her brother was. As Donnie talked to Amber he walked towards the couch and Nikki had to bite her lower lip as she thought about how much she wanted to rip it out of Donnie's pants and suck on it. Ever since she ate the jizz off her mom from Roxy's secret boyfriend, she thought, she'd been thinking an awful lot about how much she wanted to suck on a great big cock. And she knew someone close by who just happened to have one.

Amber's question snapped Nikki out of her dirty thoughts, "Um," she really hadn't been listening at all, but knew from experience the best way to distract Amber was with fuel to feed her anger, "Donnie was sleeping naked with Mom when we came home." She said, knowing Amber would pounce on that even though seeing Donnie naked was really all Nikki could think about since it happened.

"Oh my god!" Amber looked at her brother again, laughing her head off, "What, you get lonely last night and want to sleep with Mommy? What are you 4?"

Donnie felt like saying, "No, I actually fucked her beautiful body until we literally couldn't move anymore," but knew that probably wouldn't go well. So instead he said, "It was just something to do with what Mom taught me yesterday. It doesn't matter, just give me the damn car keys."

"Oh really, and what could Mom have taught you during her 'dating class' that could possibly mean you ended up naked in bed with her?" Amber's brain came up with an answer but Amber shook her head, knowing it was just too weird.

Donnie felt like he should come up with an excuse of some kind, but really he just wanted to use the car. "Tell you what, give me the car keys and I'll show you." He said.

Amber guffawed, "Show me? What, a date? Are you asking your sister out on a date?" She started giggling like a schoolgirl at her lame as fuck brother.

Nikki's thoughts were getting more and more sexualized the longer her brother was standing so close to her. She was trying to think of ways she could convince Donnie to both take his cock out and get it hard for her just so she could see how big it really was. But her fantasizing was interrupted when Amber asked her last question, "A date?" Nikki said, "I'd love to." Looking up in her brother's eyes and smiling as sexily as she could. She really wanted to impress him.

Amber stared at her twin sister in utter bewilderment, "What the hell are you talking about Nikki?" She couldn't be talking about the same thing she was.

Nikki didn't look at Amber, but she did look glance at her brother's cock before looking back into his eyes, she sat up and pushed her chest out, showing off her breasts for her little brother, "Donnie, I would love it if you took me out tonight." Nikki smiled sweetly at him, she bit her lip, suddenly nervous, "I mean, if you'll take me."

Donnie smiled back at his sister, "Of course Nikki," Donnie said, his mission to see Roxy was suddenly forgotten by the sexy way Amber asked him out. He really wanted to impress upon her all the skills their mother taught him yesterday. He looked down at himself in his crummy shorts and shirt that he had only grabbed in the haste to get out of there and down to the fitness center, "Um, let me go get changed, okay?" He ran back up the stairs.

Nikki stared after Donnie and checked out his back and ass as he ran off. She then noticed that Amber was still staring at her. "What?" She asked flatly.

"You know what!" Amber couldn't believe her sister or how she was behaving, it's like she actually wanted their dorky brother to...to... "What the hell are you doing? Donnie's not one of your stupid fuck toys, slut, he's your fucking brother? Why the hell are you asking him out like you actually want to do it?" It didn't make any sense to Amber in any way.

"Oh whatever, you're just jealous you didn't say yes when he asked you." Nikki said, sitting back and feeling triumphant for stealing yet another man out from under her sister.

"Nikki, please," Amber said rolling her, "this isn't like that time Jakob cheated on me with you, or that time that weird guy outside the bathroom at the pool offered me a towel and you blew him in the jacuzzi. Both of us know you're the horny slut, after all. But this is Donnie, your brother!" Amber wasn't sure why she had to keep saying that, "I refuse to let you seduce our brother." She decreed.

Wait?! Nikki's brain suddenly screamed at her, waking up after she did most of her thinking with her clit for the last five to ten minutes, is that what I'm doing? I'm seducing my brother??!! It was a shock to her system, she honestly just thought she was trying to get him to take his pants down so she could see how big his giant cock would get when it was hard, but she guessed that was the definition of seduction, more or less. Still, she rationalized, I can't back down now!

"Well," Nikki said to her sister, "why don't you come too? That way you can make sure I don't do anything seductive..." She said this last part as if she were a vampire in an old black and white horror flick, "Anyway, I'm gonna go and change. I wanna look nice for my date." She joked as she got up and walked out of the room.

Amber bitterly looked after Nikki, who looked positively bubbly as she joyously skipped out of the room and up the stairs to get ready for her their brother. Amber wasn't sure at all what was happening between Nikki and Donnie but she definitely wasn't going to let them go off on this date alone. She went upstairs too.

Donnie showered in the bathroom, just like his mother showed him yesterday, being especially sure to pay extra attention to his genitals. He felt he had a good chance of getting lucky tonight.

In the girls' room, Amber and Nikki helped each other pick out sexy outfits, even though Amber had convinced herself she was just going to chaperone. She took Nikki's advice and wore a shimmery, green, strapless number that showed off her "rockin' boobs and amazing cleavage" as Nikki put it, and Nikki didn't take Amber's advice to wear something extremely conservative, and instead wore a sleeveless mini-skirt that had the tiniest straps for the see through material of the top with only V-shaped triangled to cover her nipples which then spread down to the actual white material which made up the lower half of the skirt.

"Jesus," Amber said, shaking her head, "That's your sluttiest dress, why are you wearing that for Donnie?"

"Third sluttiest," Nikki corrected. She ignored Amber's question, "Come on, I bet our date is waiting for us." She smiled and the linked arms as they walked out the door.

Donnie's Double Date

Donnie was waiting on his bed in the hallway. When his twin sisters came out of their room, his jaw dropped open at the sexy sight before him, "Wow! Nikki, that's the hottest I've ever seen you! Amber, you look more beautiful than I knew you could even!"

Nikki blushed, "Thanks Donnie, you look very handsome."

Amber smiled beside herself at the compliment, and realized that Nikki was right, Donnie did look really handsome in his corduroy shirt and dress pants. He looked like a real man. "Donnie," Amber said, "Where are you taking us tonight?" She was trying her best not to notice how toned her brother was or how good-looking he was when he dressed up.

"Well, since I have some birthday money, and there's really only one fancy restaurant in town, how about there?" Donnie was right, there was only one fancy place nearby, and it really wasn't that fancy, an Italian restaurant named La Troie.

There were two ways to get to La Troie from the Brixworth house, one was just driving through town and took about 5-10 minutes depending on how many red lights you hit or how bad traffic was, the second way was to drive around the town and took about 20 minutes every time. The "scenic route," as their mom liked to call it when they'd go there on occasion for family dinners while they were growing up.

Amber got in the driver's seat and Donnie immediately got in the back of the car, thinking, just as Amber did, that Nikki would get in the front. Instead she got in the back right beside him and Donnie scooted over so their sides were touching and Donnie sat in the middle.

Amber was very suspicious of her sister and what she might be up to with her brother. And as she drove she adjusted the mirror so she could keep an eye on them, as she checked, outside of sitting awfully close to each other, the brother and sister in the backseat both looked a bit nervous and were looking away from each other, each out opposite windows. Amber decided that was fine, and glanced back at the road. Only to notice she passed the road she needed to take if she wanted to take the shorter route.

"Whups," Amber said, "Well, I guess we're taking the scenic route." That made her slightly uncomfortable about Nikki being so close to their brother for 20 minutes instead of 5, but she realized she was being waaay to suspicious. Nikki was a fan of sex, much more so than Amber, who did like sex but she wasn't obsessed with it like her sister. But there was no way Nikki was trying to seduce our brother, Amber thought, it's just too ludicrous.

In the backseat, Nikki loved being so close to her brother, as her bare leg rubbed up against is clothed on, she could feel herself getting somewhat aroused. She knew that she probably shouldn't be as attracted to her brother as she had become that day, but Nikki still just knew she wanted to see his cock hard, at least so she could masterbate to the image later. But she knew she couldn't just broach the subject with Donnie, it's just too weird.

Donnie liked having Nikki so close to him, the smell of her perfume, the smooth skin of her leg and the side of her boob when she shifted slightly and it rubbed against the skin of his arm. He was very nervous all of a sudden, which seemed odd to him. Even though before yesterday he had been a very nervous individual, after everything his mom taught him he felt like that part of himself was gone. Thinking about Roxy then, he thought about her lessons, how to be a good date. Girls love to be touched and they love compliments. Yeah, Donnie thought, I'll start there.

Nikki's sharp intake of breath caused Amber to glance at her siblings in the mirror again. She saw that Donnie had his arm around Amber now and they were also looking right in each other's eyes now. Amber bit her lip, not sure if she should stop this or not, but decided it was fairly innocent, probably just something Mom taught him yesterday.

"You're very beautiful, Nikki," Donnie told his sister. Amber heard this, and something inside her suddenly serged up that she hadn't known could even be there. She was jealous of her sister all of a sudden. She wanted to be the one in the backseat with Donnie right now. She shook her head, knowing just how stupid that thought seemed to her, but as she watched her sister blush at the compliment and whisper her thanks as Donnie held her close, and she could see that his other hand had started to rub Nikki's leg, though she couldn't see that far down, she could tell that's what he was doing by the motions of her brother's arm.

In the back, Donnie could tell Nikki was nervous, she was blushing, and though she was letting him rub her leg and put an arm around her, she wasn't returning his affections in any way. She turned back to the window, but he took his hand from her leg and put it on her cheek so he could lightly turn her beautiful face back towards him. Nikki looked her brother in the eyes, expectantly, Donnie seemed to know what she wanted. He leaned in and kissed her on the lips.

Nikki surprised herself by returning his kiss. She nibbled and sucked on his lip until she felt his tongue pushing forward to enter her mouth. She let him, and then she and her brother were French kissing in the backseat.

Amber had been distracted by the road then but the sound of wet smacking sounds made her glance in the mirror again. She saw that not only were her siblings making out, but Donnie now had a hand on one of Nikki's tits and was grabbing and fondling her breasts through her clothes.

"Ah!" Amber yelled out in shock and nearly slammed on the brakes but saw that there was a car behind them and didn't at the last second. Still this sound made Donnie and Nikki stop there kissing, they both looked at the front seat at Amber. Amber wasn't even sure what to say, but Donnie scooted away from Nikki in the backseat so they were now sitting apart from each other. Amber took a deep breath, they all drove the rest of the way to the restaurant in silence.

In the parking lot, Amber found a spot and they got out. She turned to her brother, "Okay Donnie, why don't you find a table for us? I need to use the bathroom first." She took a few steps away, Nikki approached Donnie, smiling sexilly as she slowly pushed her hair back around her ear. Amber turned and said, "Nikki?"

"Oh right, that kind of bathroom break." Nikki said as she walked after her sister.

Inside La Troie, it wasn't busy at all, probably not their busiest time at Tuesday afternoon. There were a few people at the bar but none at the tables. Amber and Nikki went straight to the bathroom as Donnie came in and sat in one of the tables in the back.

In the women's bathroom, Amber turned to her sister, angry, "What the hell Nikki!? I thought you said you weren't trying to seduce him and I literally caught you making out with him in the backseat! What are you thinking?!"

Nikki was still rather turned on by her taboo kissing only ten minutes ago. Nikki had a hard time thinking clearly when she was horny, "Oh, who cares? It's just some harmless fun."

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