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Double Dates


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Twenty minutes later, she ventured a click of her newly ornamented tongue against her teeth.

'Ugh, don't! I can't stand that feeling', Anna said. 'How does it feel in your mouth?'

'Bizarre. But kind of sexy'.

'Perfect. He's going to love it. Now, keep up, next stop'.

Anna strode confidently away, and Sarah had no choice but to follow. She dragged her onwards, through clothing stores and into a lingerie shop, where Sarah felt compelled to spend a huge amount on lacy panties, bras, and stockings. Anna was with her at all times, even getting changed. Sarah put on a show of modesty first, but remembered just how much of her Anna had seen, even in the dark of her room. Still, she wasn't totally comfortable when Anna started sharing just as she tried on a pair of very lacy panties. 'You know, your brother's cock really is amazing'. Sarah whirled towards her, face plastered in shock. 'Are you surprised? You must be able to tell. Can't you hear me cumming?'

'Why are you telling me this?'

'You didn't ask me earlier when I told you how amazing my brother is. I just want to make sure you know'.

'But why?'

'Don't you feel proud of him knowing he's so great? He's a real hunk. You know he made me cum four times last night? I could hardly stand when I woke up this morning. I think some of his cum is probably still in me, he shot it so deep. And his mouth is amaaaazing. When he's working on my clit, I feel like I'm dying of pleasure. Are you okay?'

Sarah had been gradually turning redder and redder. She had to get out. She quickly changed back into her own clothes, and hurried to leave. Anna caught up to her effortlessly.

'Where are you going?'


'But you have to pay for these first'.

'I don't want any of them'.

'But you have to pay for these', Anna said, waving the tiny lace panties Sarah had just removed. 'You soaked them while I was talking about Chris' amazing dick. I understand though. Should I just tell the owner that's what happened?'

Sarah squawked, flushed, and scurried to pay, careful to let the assistant scan the bar code without touching the damp garment. She tried to make her escape, but Anna quickly fell in beside her as she hurried away.

'So you agree his dick is amazing? Your body does, at least'. Sarah ignored her, and kept walking. 'You know he thinks you're hot too'.

Sarah froze, indignant and paralysed with disbelief. 'No, he doesn't'.

'It must be a coincidence then that he came so hard listening to you get fucked. I barely had to touch him. He was harder than I've ever felt him, listening to you moaning'.

Sarah found a bench and sat down hard. 'Anna. What the fuck is wrong with you?'

Anna let out a loud laugh. 'I'm just a very open person. My brother is too. I'm sure he's telling Chris right now just how tight you are, and how hard you came hearing Chris shoot his load in me. Don't! Don't deny it. He told me, and I could hear you'. Sarah was lost for words. 'There's nothing wrong with it. Look at Ricky and I. We're just rolling with it. Someone is making cum noises, that's going to turn you on. Don't try to fight it'.

'So you liked hearing Ricky and I?'

'Well, it added to the ambiance. It was like someone playing porn in the room, or something. It's nothing to be ashamed of. You two need to be less uptight! Anyway, come on'.

Sarah felt like she was talking to an alien. 'Where are we going now?'

'Back to your place, duh. We just bought a shitload of lingerie. I'm putting it to good use, aren't you? Chris is going to blow his load when he sees me in this'.

'Well...' Sarah thought of Ricky. She thought of Ricky, and only Ricky, and thought very hard about no one else at all.

* * * * *

Chris was still half shocked, half aroused from the unbelievably frank conversation Ricky had trapped him in. The man had talked for thirty minutes about how good Sarah was in bed, and insisted he must be very proud. When Chris had countered with a point on how well Anna sucked his cock, the man had simply nodded!

He wasn't sure whether to be relieved or terrified when Anna and Sarah came home. The boys were quickly hurried out to a nearby bar, where they waited while the girls "prepared". Ricky restrained himself, or moved on at any rate; they chatted idly about football, video games, the new wormhole generators (the size of merely one city block!), and the quality of the beer (invariably: piss).

Eventually, Sarah and Anna joined them. Chris put an arm around Anna planting a kiss on her cheek, and saw Ricky do the same to Sarah. The memories of his discussion with Ricky not long before rose unbidden in his mind. He quashed them ruthlessly, and soon they were forgotten amid the flowing beer and merry atmosphere. Some hours later, Chris insisted for the fourth time that they should really get going. Ricky excused himself to the bathroom, and a minute later, Anna did the same.

Sarah and Chris sat in a somewhat awkward silence. 'Everything going well with Ricky?'

'Yep. As you well know. Anna?'

'Yep'. The silence dragged on. 'I'll just nip to the bathroom myself'.

Most of the way there, Chris nearly walked into Ricky, who was deep in conversation with Anna, his face close to hers.

'It's too soon', Ricky said, 'there's no way'.

Anna pouted. 'I know we can do it, I just told you! Please. Do it for me?' She fluttered her eyelashes. Ricky responded with a look Chris could only think of as "smouldering". He moved closer to Anna, just as Chris spoke up.

'Hey, what are you guys up to?'

Anna jumped so much Ricky thought she would hit the roof. She started talking, words tumbling rapidly.

'We're just talking. Just a chat with my big brother, it's kinda personal you know? I'm sure you two talk all the time. But, if you must know, we were talking about you'. Ricky spun to her, eyes wide. 'We were going to ask you if you wanted to meet our parents? Ricky thinks it's too soon, but I know you'd love it. I know I would love it'. This last was directed to Ricky, who rolled his eyes.

Chris was ecstatic - he'd had the feeling the relationship was stuck in the purely physical, which wasn't bad, but he wanted more. 'Of course! We'd love to. And you'd have to meet ours. When?'

'Oh not very soon, they're on a cruise. Not back for ages. We just wanted to know if you're up for it'.

'Well, count me in'. Anna grinned, grabbed his arm, and walked them back to the table. Once there, Chris did have to excuse himself for a moment to successfully reach the bathroom, but shortly they were on their way home.

Anna spent an unusual amount of time looking up at the sky. 'Look at how dark it is tonight. No moon, no clouds reflecting the lights of the city. Your place is going to be pitch black'. This could only be addressed to Chris or Sarah, but she was looking aside to Ricky when she said it.

'Don't worry Anna. You won't get lost. I'll just hold you extra close', said Chris with a wink.

Anna let out a low laugh and pretended to swoon. 'My hero'. She kissed him, quick and hard, and continued to walk beside him as the conversation drifted from topic to topic, the four lightly inebriated and enjoying their lives.

As soon as they were home, Anna attacked Chris like a wild woman. Her tongue barely left his mouth. When they were both half undressed Chris was forced to turn the lights off to retain a semblance of modesty. As Anna had predicted, the room was so dark Chris couldn't see in front of his face. He bumped into Anna who had somehow found her way off the bed. She held him close and whispered into his ear to give her a moment; Ricky had pulled Sarah to the wrong side of the bed, and she didn't want Chris to come down on top of them. Chris could hear Ricky whispering off to one side, the side he thought of as his. The idea of Sarah and Ricky on his spot unsettled him. He viewed it as yet another crossing of boundaries, even if minor.

Anna whispered in his ear again, and rubbed his cock through his shorts. 'Take these clothes off big boy. I'm going to lie down and you're going to fuck me silly. No talking, no asking me if it's good - Ricky and I agreed the four of us need to work on being quiet. But start slow'.

With this, she pushed away from him, and he practically ripped the clothes from his body. He crawled up from the foot of the bed, kissing his way up her body, capturing a nipple and bringing forth a hushed breath. He stopped, just for a moment; he continued. His cock surged. He moved up, kissing the warm lips under his, feeling her legs spread and wrap around him, pulling him in close. Her tongue darted out, almost tentative, before surging out to meet him, the round ball mashing into his tongue. His thoughts swam.

His cock found her entrance on its own accord, and he slipped inside. She felt somehow tighter than usual, or perhaps the angle was different. Either way, Chris slowly worked his way in, savouring every inch. Settling in completely, he waited a moment, as their kiss became softer, somehow more tender. There was an intense connection he hadn't felt before, and he thought she could feel it too. He slid out, slowly, working his hips to angle himself just so. Oddly, it didn't get the reaction he expected. Perhaps it was because she was so relaxed. He moved again, trying to settle on the perfect angle. He moved this way and that, until he eventually paused his search and simply thrust slowly in the way that felt best to him.

He was met with a barely contained moan directly into his mouth. He thrust again, and the moan stayed buried, but a hot, panted breath came instead. Again, with a little more speed, and then again, faster. Soon he hit a comfortable rhythm, pumping in and out of her as she felt like she was sucking him back in, her hands clenched tightly on his back. He felt her arch beneath him, coiling like a spring, until something within her seemed to break. She clamped down on his cock so hard he couldn't move for a moment, until she relaxed only to tighten again, riding wave upon wave of orgasm, each drawing him closer and closer to the brink.

He held back, barely riding out the assault, kissing as she came down. Her mouth alone felt perfect on his, each kiss so tender he felt his heart well up. He almost forgot himself and asked if she was enjoying herself, eager to hear just how hard he made her cum. He held back. He knew this was the best sex they'd had, and that was a high bar. This was the best he'd felt in his life. Something about the angle of her hips or her mood or exactly how tipsy they were had pushed this to the highest level. He thanked her in the only way he knew. He drew out, and thrust back in. Hard. Again. Soon he was taking seconds to draw out and fucking her deeply. He sped up on the way out, until he was sliding in and out of her as fast and hard as he could. She came again, and this time he didn't stop or slow. Again, and again, she clamped down on him, increasing the pleasure for both of them. He held off for as long as he could, aided by the pain of the deep scratches marking his back, but when she clamped both of her legs around him and started fucking him back even harder, he could no longer hold back. The pleasure surged through him like a lightning bolt, his entire body fizzing as he pumped load after load into her, rope after rope after hot, sticky rope. He would have been concerned at the volume of cum if he hadn't been temporarily visiting heaven and hanging out with one particular angel.

He came to an unknown time later, hot breath in his ear as she lay below him. He stood, realising just how badly he needed to visit the bathroom. He kissed her, and creaked his way there as quietly as possible, but not quietly enough; on his way back, Anna grabbed him. 'Hey bigfoot, you woke us all up'. Chris could hear the smile in her voice, and he kissed her quickly, and apologised. 'Don't worry about it. We all moved back to our normal spots, go to sleep on your side and I'll be back soon'.

'Hey Anna', Chris whispered.


'Tonight was amazing. I've never felt like that before. Thank you'.

There was a long pause, but Chris could hear the emotion in Anna's voice. 'Thank you Chris. Now, get to bed'.

Chris plodded over to his side of the bed with a smile on his face, and Anna soon came to cuddle in close to him, both drifting into a contented sleep.

The next morning, the four awoke late. Anna hopped out of bed straight away, and showed Chris something on her phone, and the two made very abrupt excuses about their parents wanting to call them and left.

'What was that about?' Chris asked.

'Honestly? I think it was porn'.

'What? Why do you think that you perv?'

Sarah stuck her tongue out at him. Chris felt his stomach sink. There was a ringing in his ears.

'Are you listening to me? I just said the volume wasn't all the way but-'

'When did you get your tongue pierced?'

Sarah paused, and flushed red. 'Yesterday. What's it to you?'

'Why did you get it done? Are you trying to be more like Anna?'

'She convinced me. I'm not trying to be like her. Why would I?' at this, Sarah flushed red.

Chris bit back the answer that rose automatically; the one that would reveal the thoughts he had been fighting for weeks. 'Well she's cool and pretty, I thought you wanted to be like that'.

Sarah's face fell, and Chris knew he had gone too far. 'Fuck off, Chris'. No playful banter, only hurt.

'Sarah, I'm sorry, please, don't-'

He was cut off as the door slammed behind her.

Chris flopped back onto the bed, put his hands on his face, and groaned. He couldn't help but return to last night. How good it felt. How different it felt. And Sarah's tongue piercing. Could he have ended up on the wrong side of the bed? But Anna had pulled him over. True, she hadn't pulled him down, but surely they couldn't have moved around in that time? Despite his unease, he couldn't forget just how amazing it had felt. He felt himself grow hard at the thought, just as his stomach twisted thinking about what they could have done. He spent the day in a haze. Sarah came home late in the evening and refused to even look at him.

'I'm sorry Sarah. I didn't mean it to come out like that. I just meant you wanted to be more like your friend'.

'Didn't I tell you to fuck off?'

'Yes, but there's nowhere to fuck off to'.

'You could go into the bathroom'.

'You're going to be angry for a while. I'd run out of oxygen'.

'That might be for the best', Sarah said, with a hint of a smile.

'I am sorry, really. I'll asphyxiate to death if that'll make you feel better'. Chris assumed a pose of extreme piety, and clamped his hand over his mouth. Sarah suppressed a giggle. 'You're already cool and pretty, you know that right?'

Sarah flushed red, again. 'Thank you'.

'Did you have a good time last night?' Chris asked, eager to move the conversation on and resolve his fears.

Sarah's eyes lost focus as she was transported by a wave of pleasant memories. 'Oh yeah. I think it might have been the best night of my life'.

Chris gulped. 'Really?'

'You ever feel so connected with someone that you feel like you're melting into them? That it feels like, in that moment, they're someone totally new and different and incredible? It was like that'. Sarah's blush deepened, even as she spoke. She tailed off, ashamed to be sharing so deeply.

Chris felt dizzy, and sat down hard. 'Um. Yeah'.

'Did you have a nice time?' Sarah's voice sounded distant in Chris' ringing ears.

'Yeah. It was great. Amazing. In fact I'm going to call Anna now, and ask her for a date'.

'What, tonight?'

Chris didn't answer, the phone in his hand already ringing.

'Hello Chris'. The tone of Anna's voice only added to his unease.

'Hi Anna. I was just thinking about last night and-'

'I bet you were'.

Chris let the response hang in the air for a moment. A few seconds. Too long. 'Do you want to get a drink or a coffee or something? Tonight?'

'I think coffee would be best'.

'Okay, is-'

Anna had already hung up. A few seconds later, an address for a café midway between them popped onto his phone, without a meeting time. Chris left immediately.

* * * * *

Chris couldn't sit at ease. The large, comfortable sofa tucked in its own little nook had plenty of space, and his mediocre coffee didn't contain that much caffeine, but he felt shaky and claustrophobic in a way he had never felt before. Anna hadn't arrived, and he'd been waiting thirty minutes. He fought the urge to text her, call her, or run screaming into the street, throwing himself into traffic.

He thought carefully about the night before. Anna and Sarah were of a similar height. They both had long hair, and while Sarah's breasts were larger, it wasn't by much. They both shaved bare, and now, both had their tongue pierced. Sarah had a higher tone of voice. Had the gasps been high pitched? Had the hands that raked his back had the slightly shorter nails of Sarah? Had the warmth that sucked the cum out of him been Anna's?

Had he fucked his sister?

Had it been the best thing he had ever felt?

His cock was creeping along his leg, racing to full hardness, when Anna sat down heavily next to him.

Chris started to jump up, remembered his erection, and sat back down hard, giving the effect of an exaggerated bounce. Anna raised an eyebrow.

'So, tell me about it'.

Chris' resolved failed. 'Tell you about what?'

Anna gave him a blank stare, and Chris somehow felt increasingly heavy, as if her eyes were firing lead directly into his legs. 'Let me make this easy for you', she said eventually. 'You know I really like you'.

'That's good'.

'And I do think you are very, very hot'.

'That's also good'.

'So I've been recording us fucking with the night vision setting on my camera'.


'I was worried about this violating your privacy, but now I'm less worried. So, now you know I've seen it all, why don't you tell me what happened last night'.

Chris felt faint. He could believe Anna had recorded them; he'd believe it if she told him she'd live-streamed it to thousands of people. 'I...'

'Yeeees?' Anna batted her lashes, a mask of innocence.

'I. Um. I think-'

'You don't think', interjected Anna. 'You know'.

'I th-. I slept with Sarah'. It came out as a croak.

'You slept with her? You didn't, maybe, fuck her senseless? You didn't, you know, fill her with your cum while making tender love to her? You didn't make her cum so hard on your cock that she can hardly walk today?'

Chris couldn't speak. After a moment he adjusted his trousers.

'Why did you do it Chris?'

'I didn't mean to!'

'Are you sure? People aren't the same you know. Even in the dark. They feel different, smell different, taste different. All of them, always. A part of you knew, as soon as you started kissing her, that it wasn't me, didn't you?'


'Then why did you stop? You kiss her nipple, she gives such a loving sigh, and you stop for three seconds. I've timed it. Why would you do that if you didn't suspect?'

'I don't know! I didn't do that! Did I?'

'And when you kiss her, you felt her shiny new tongue accessory, which, you're welcome I suppose, and then you stop again! "Oh woe is me, it's only Anna", right?'

'Anna please, that didn't happen. That can't have happened'.

'Would you like to see it, Chris?'

By this point, Anna was grinning from ear to ear. She was taking a tremendous amount of delight in his discomfort, but her eyes looked wild with something Chris couldn't place. He couldn't speak as Anna pulled her phone from her pocket, not attempting to hide what she was doing. Chris looked around in panic, but there was no one nearby, or even in eye-line, hidden as they were in their alcove.

'Look closely, Chris'.

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