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Double Your Pleasure


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"Mmmm," Beth moaned as she tasted herself on her brother's cock, immediately followed by a blast of cum as his balls exploded, filling her mouth with his hot sticky seed.

"Maybe I was a bit unfair," she panted after she had finished sucking him dry and then licking him clean. "But they're our parents," she complained, once again sucking his cock all the way into her mouth, her nose pressed up against his stomach as her throat muscles milked him.

"And they're great parents, and totally the coolest I've ever heard of," Bart said, gently stroking his sister's head as she continued to slowly suck his cock.

"Oh, shit!" Beth said as she heard the door open downstairs and their mother's voice calling to them. "Get the tape!" she hissed, jumping up off the bed and grabbing her clothes as she ran from the room naked.

Laughing, Bart removed the tape from the machine and followed his sister out of their parents' bedroom, entering his own room and pushing the door almost closed just as he heard a knock on the door, followed by his mother's voice.

"You in there, Bart?" she asked, pushing the door open as she spoke, stopping in her tracks as she realized that she had caught him in the act of pulling his shorts on, his cock rock hard and standing straight out in front of him.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Bart," she said, her eyes wide as she saw the size of her son's cock.

"No big deal," he mumbled, his face red as he pulled his gym shorts up, his cock poking out in front of him.

I'd say that's quite a big deal, Brittany thought as she tried not to stare at her son's erection.

"We just got home..."

"Yeah, I figured that part out," Bart said, managing a small laugh as he stared at his mother, reconciling what he saw with what he had seen the previous night and then again on the video.

"Where's Beth?" she managed to ask.

"I imagine she's in her room," Bart replied.

"I wonder who that could be?" Brittany mused when they heard the doorbell.

"Bart!" they heard Brian call.

Looking at his mother with raised eyebrows, Bart grabbed a t-shirt, pulling it on as he left the room, his mother behind him. When he got downstairs, he was shocked to see that it was Brenda from next door.

"Oh, hi, Bart. Hi, Brittany. I hope you don't mind, but I'm trying to do some rearranging and stuff and I have some boxes that I just can't get into the attic. I'm not tall or strong enough and even with Billie helping we can't get a few of them in. Could you please help? It won't take too long, I promise. And I've got a nice big pitcher of lemonade ready," she said, a smile on her face.

"I'm sure Bart won't mind helping," Brittany said with a smile. "Would you like a cup of coffee first? It seems like it's been ages since we've even talked and we live right next door."

"I know, it is silly," Brenda laughed. "Coffee sounds fine, the boxes'll still be there."

"Here, have a seat," Brittany said, indicating one of the stools at the kitchen's breakfast bar. "I'll get the coffee ready."

Brenda was wearing a small wrap-around skirt that came down only to the top of her thighs, along with a shimmering stretch tube top and flat espadrilles. Her C-cup breasts stretched the fabric of her tube top to the point that it seemed almost painted on. As she slid onto the stool, Bart was a little surprised to see that she wasn't wearing any panties as the tiny skirt slid up over her thighs and pussy before she pulled it back down as far as possible once she had found her seat, not seeming to notice the show she had just provided.

"Here you are," Brittany said, handing Brenda a cup of coffee and sitting on a stool next to and facing her.

"Mmm, that's nice," Brenda said, taking a sip of the coffee. "Thank you so much."

"Not at all," Brittany assured her. "It's nice to have some company. And I must say, that's a beautiful top you're wearing. I love the way it seems to shimmer."

"I have to confess that it's not mine," Brenda said with a laugh. "I found it in Billie's drawer this morning and just couldn't resist, even though it feels a size or two too small," she said, running her hands up over her breasts, feeling her hard nipples digging into her palms.

"Well, it just shows you to good advantage," Brittany told her. "I think it looks fine."

"Well, thank you," Brenda said. "That's nice of you."

"So how long are you going to need our Bart?" Brittany asked.

"Oh, it shouldn't take more than an hour or so, I'd imagine," Brenda replied. "It's not that there's that much, but they're sort of large and awkward, so we'll need to be careful. I'll make sure to feed him something with the lemonade," she said, laughing.

"Well, I'm sure he'll do just fine," Brittany said. "Maybe you'd like to join us for dinner this evening if your husband's not going to be home. You're welcome to bring Billie, too. I know Bart and Beth would like that."

"That's very nice of you," Brenda replied. "We just might take you up on that. I'm expecting Bill to call any time now, so I'll ask him if he'll make it home in time for dinner for a change."

"Well, you're both more than welcome," Brittany assured her. "And by all means, bring Bill too if he makes it home. The more the merrier."

"I'll let you know by way of Bart," Brenda said, sliding from the stool onto her feet, once more giving Bart a momentary view of her naked pussy.

"Do a good job, dear," Brittany said, kissing him on the cheek.

"I really appreciate the help, Bart," Brenda said as they walked next door to her house. "Billie and I have tried, but we just aren't strong enough, or tall enough."

"It's not a problem," Bart told her, smiling to himself as he remembered the last time he had seen the two of them together. "Whatever I can do to help."

"It's in here," she told him when they entered the house, leading him into a small room with an attic access in the ceiling with a 6' step ladder sticking up into the hole.

"We've put a lot of the boxes up there already," she told him, "but these are the ones we need help with," she said, indicating a pile of about 5-10 medium-sized boxes, obviously too large for them to manage, but not a problem for him, Bart realized quickly.

"Why don't you take a look up in the attic to see what we're working with," Brenda suggested. "I think Billie's still up there arranging what we've already put up there."

"Okay," Bart said, quickly climbing up the ladder until his head and shoulders were in the attic space. "Oh, hi, Billie," he said as she came crawling around a corner, streaks of dirt on her face, her hair hanging a bit limply, sweat beaded on her forehead.

"Oh, hi, Bart," Billie said when she noticed him. "Did Mom get you to help us?"

"Yeah," he grinned. "Need a hand?"

"No, but I'm ready for a break from up here," she told him. "It's so hot and humid. Everything's sticking to me."

"I'll get out of the way," Bart said, moving back down the ladder to stand next to Brenda.

"I'm coming down, Mom," Billie said, her feet appearing in the opening. "It's hot and I need a break."

"That's fine, dear," Brenda told her. "Can you manage?" she asked, seeing her searching for the ladder rungs with her feet.

"I can't find the ladder," she replied.

"It's right there," Brenda told her. "Bart, can you help her?"

"Sure," Bart replied, quickly ascending the ladder until he could grasp Billie's ankles and guide them to a ladder rung.

As he did so Bart couldn't help noticing that Billie was wearing the same type of small skirt as her mother, and as she slid over the edge of the attic access framework, her skirt was pulled up above her waist, leaving her effectively naked from the waist down, her shaved pussy petaling open just inches from Bart's face as her feet finally found purchase on the ladder rung.

"Oh, thank you, Bart," Billie said, smoothing her skirt down, which did nothing to hide anything with her standing two rungs above Bart on the ladder.

"No problem," Bart told her, his eyes glued to her slick pussy as she descended the ladder behind him.

"I am just soaked!" she exclaimed when she was standing on the ground again.

And indeed her t-shirt was plastered to her body like someone had hosed her off, appearing nearly transparent, her breasts clearly visible with her dark cherry nipples.

"I'll go up for a bit," Brenda told her. "You hand Bart the boxes and he can bring them up the ladder to me," she said, kicking her shoes off and heading up the ladder.

"This one should go next," Billie told him, pointing to a box.

Picking it up, Bart was surprised by how heavy it was, for it wasn't a large box. Getting a firm grip on it, he started up the ladder. When he got to Brenda's knees, he looked up, pushing the box up to her. Spreading her feet as wide on the rung as possible, Brenda got her hands under the box as Bart pushed it up, stepping up another rung at the same time.

Then the box slipped a bit and Brenda gave a little scream as they both grabbed for it. Bart caught it on his shoulder but found himself with his face pressed right up against her naked pussy.

"You okay?" Billie asked.

"Mmm, just fine," Brenda assured her, rubbing her pussy up and down across Bart's nose and mouth. "It just slipped a bit," she said as she felt Bart's tongue lick her. "It'll be fine now," she said as Bart pushed the box back up, stepping up another rung to stand right up against her, nose to nose even though he was standing a rung lower than she, both of them holding the box up above their heads, pushing it towards the attic opening, Brenda's hard nipples pressing firmly into Bart's chest, her pussy juice glistening on his mouth and nose.

"There's got to be an easier way to do this," Brenda said when they had succeeded in pushing the box up into the attic, leaning against Bart's chest with her forehead.

"Well, it would be easiest if one of us was in the attic helping to pull it in and out of the way," Bart suggested, uncomfortable as he felt his cock starting to grow, knowing that Brenda wanted to fuck him.

"Oh, I just came out of there!" Billie complained, looking up at them.

"I'll do it," Bart said. "It's not a problem for me."

"No, that doesn't make any sense at all," Brenda said. "We need your strength to get the boxes up to the attic. I'll get in the attic and the two of you can push them up to me. If it's too hard or uncomfortable, we can trade after a bit," she suggested.

"Can't hurt to try," Bart said, shrugging his shoulders as Brenda turned and continued up the ladder in front of him.

When she got to the attic entrance, Brenda crawled onto the frame of the entrance, one knee on either side of it, effectively spreading her thighs wide apart, her pussy splitting open, glistening pink.

"Oh, god, what have I done!" Brenda laughed. "I'm stuck. I'm afraid to move to either side, I might fall," she said.

"You just love showing your pussy," Billie said, laughing. "If she's afraid to move, you're in luck, Bart; you can pretty much do anything you want," she said, coming up the ladder to stand with her head approximately waist high to him. "Go on, suck her pussy," Billie urged. "You just know that's what she wants and I'll bet that's all you can think of right now, too," she added with a laugh, suddenly sliding her hand up the inside of his thigh into his gym shorts, her fingers wrapping around his now rock-hard cock.

"Billie! You behave yourself," Brenda admonished, her spread pussy just inches from Bart's face.

"Yes, Momma, I will," Billie replied, pulling Bart's cock from his shorts and wrapping her lips around it, sucking it deep into her mouth.

"Oh, shit," Bart gasped when he felt Billie's warm wet mouth envelop his cock. "Oh, shit," he said once again before leaning forward and sticking his tongue up into Brenda's spread pussy, gluing his mouth to her and sucking while Billie continued to suck his cock.

"Where's Bart?" Beth asked as she stumbled into the kitchen, flopping down into a chair.

"He's helping Brenda and Billie put some boxes in their attic," Brittany replied from the sink where she was finishing some dishes.

"Really!" Beth exclaimed, suddenly sitting up, one of her breasts jiggling free and sticking out the arm hole of her string t-shirt before she automatically pushed it back in. "Why didn't anyone call me?" she asked. "I would've helped."

"It just didn't occur to anyone, Sweetheart," Brittany told her. "We all thought you were in your room taking a nap."

"Well, maybe I can still help," she said, getting to her feet.

"Maybe you should change first," Brittany suggested, eyeing Beth's extra-short gym shorts, the kind that are cut up to the waist on the sides and cling to every curve, as was evidenced by the perfect camel's toe she was now unconsciously displaying to her mother.

"Oh, it's just Brenda and Billie," Beth said, turning to leave.

"And your brother," Brittany reminded her.

"So? I dress like this around the house all the time, even less sometimes," she commented. "It's never been a problem before."

"Around the house is one thing, but in front of others," Brittany began.

"Mom, were you dressed like that when Brenda came over?" she asked, eyeing her mother's favorite housecoat, fine Chinese silk that came down to her upper thighs and was tied with a silk sash. The silk was so fine you could see every wrinkle of her nipples as they poked into the material.

"Well, yes," she replied. "Why?"

"Jeezus, Mom, you're showing a lot more than I am and Bart's your son; he's my twin," she added unnecessarily. "Be back soon," she said, spinning on her heel and leaving the room with a flabbergasted Brittany standing there.

"What's up?" Brian asked as he came into the kitchen.

"Beth just told me I was indecently dressed when Bart's here if I'm dressed like this," she told him.

"Really! I don't think so," he said, grasping the front of her housecoat in his hands. "Now, maybe if he came in now, then they could say that we were possibly indecent," he said, pulling her housecoat open and dropping to his knees in front of her, pushing his face, tongue first, into her pussy.

"God, Brian, you're just the best," Brittany purred, reaching behind and pulling herself up onto the counter, leaning back with her heels on the edge, Brian's tongue stabbing deep into her.

I wonder where they are, Beth asked herself as she approached the front door, a bit surprised to find it slightly ajar. Cautiously she pushed the door open, for some reason in a soft voice calling out, "Anyone here? Hello!"

Not hearing a reply, she decided that they must be upstairs if they were putting things into the attic, so she headed up the stairs, again, for some strange unknown reason, being very quiet. Carefully peeking into each room on the upper floor, it wasn't until the last room that she found them, and did she ever find them, with Bart on the ladder, his cock buried in Billie's mouth, and his mouth glued to a pussy that Beth could only assume was Brenda's.

Stepping back so that she couldn't be seen, yet still able to see herself, Beth watched the show. She found Billie's technique of cock sucking quite interesting. Billie would stick her tongue out as far as possible, and it was one really long tongue at that, and then let Bart's cock just slide along on top of her tongue, not stopping until her nose was pressed up against his stomach. The part that Beth really liked was realizing that the tip of Billie's tongue was sticking out of her mouth stuffed full of cock and was teasing Bart's ball sack. Beth found herself eager to try that with Bart the first chance she got.

"Oh, I can't squat here like this anymore," Brenda complained. "My legs are weak from cumming so much."

"What a yummy cock," Billie said, smacking her lips. "You like Momma's pussy, Bart?" she asked.

"Wonderful!" Bart said. "I hope yours is just as good."

"Well, come down, help Momma down, too, and you'll get to find out," Billie said with a laugh, giving the head of his cock one last swipe with her tongue before releasing him and descending the ladder to the floor where she quickly shed what little clothes she was wearing.

"Oh, Bart, you eat pussy so nicely," Brenda said once he had helped her down out of the attic and onto the ladder. "I can't wait to find out what else you do well," she said, kissing him, her tongue pushing into his mouth to tease his before sliding down his body and the ladder to the floor.

"Now come down here and let us have our way with you," she said as she, too, dropped her clothes to the floor to stand naked next to her daughter.

"Oh, yeah," Bart said, quickly descending the ladder to the floor, his clothes almost instantly disappearing.

"You seem pretty comfortable with this," Brenda said, reaching out and wrapping her hand around his rock-hard cock. Have you fucked a lot of mothers and daughters at the same time?"

"Not a lot," Bart confessed, a wry smile on his face as he remembered the fun he had had with the two of them just the night before.

"Oh, so you've fucked a mother and daughter before?" Brenda asked as she sank to her knees in front of him, her tongue snaking out to lick the head of his cock.

"I confess that I have," Bart said, putting a hand on the back of her head and gently pulling her forward, not stopping until his entire cock had disappeared into her mouth.

"Well, that's certainly one way to get her to shut up," Billie said with a laugh, pressing herself up against Bart from behind as she reached between his legs to gently massage his balls while her mother continued to suck his cock.

"Now, now, Billie," Brenda said with a gasp as she let Bart's cock slide from her mouth. "Since you have this experience, perhaps you'll tell us what we should do next," Brenda suggested, licking the head of his cock.

"Well, I think I'll start by fucking you," Bart replied.

"Oh, that's nice," Brenda said, getting to her feet. "Why me?"

"Because it always makes me hot to watch a mother eat her daughter's pussy while I fuck her," Bart answered.

"Well, we certainly want you hot," Brenda said with a laugh. "You're in charge, so where and how?"

"Right here, on your back," Bart told her.

"Oh, I like you, Bart," Brenda said as she lay on her back, her legs splayed wide apart and her head pointing towards the door. "Now fuck me with that nice cock of yours," she said, using her fingers to spread herself as open as possible for him.

As Bart's cock easily slid into Brenda's hot and wet pussy, Billie knelt down, one knee on either side of her mother's head, facing Bart. Brenda's arms came up and wrapped around Billie's thighs and Bart could see her tongue stabbing into her daughter's pussy as he began to fuck her.

It was at this point that Beth stepped into the doorway, openly exposing herself, though only Bart was in any position to see her. When he did notice her, almost immediately, the total shock first registered on his face, followed by an obvious attempt to control himself.

"Oh, I see you like fucking my momma's pussy," Billie said, seeing the expression on Bart's face and misreading it.

"It feels very nice," Bart said, continuing to pump Brenda's pussy.

"Mmmm," he heard from between Billie's thighs. "It feels wonderful," Brenda gasped before gluing her mouth back onto her daughter's pussy.

In the doorway Beth had dropped her clothes and was openly masturbating as she watched her brother in his little orgy. He kept almost continual eye contact with her over Billie's shoulder as he continued to fuck Brenda.

"Well, how about fucking my pussy for a bit, too," Billie suggested, rubbing her clit as her mother continued to eat her.

"I think that's a great idea," Bart said with a laugh. "Why don't you just crawl over here and repay your mother while I fuck your sweet little pussy from behind."

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