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Down on the Farm

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Couple turn farm into nudist site with special opening event.
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It was a small farm, on the side of a hill in the South Wales countryside. Like most places in Wales, it got more than the country's fair share of rain, but when the sun shone, it was such beautiful scenery – it was crying out for something special – something other than a farm.

This story is a combination of true events (I know because I was there) and what I didn't see is a mixture of 3rd party conversation between Kate, Steve and I, or a little writer's prerogative.

It starts off a little slow, setting the scene for the weekend's grand opening of 'The Farm', but stick with it...


Steve was bored with farming - early mornings, day in, day out; he struggled to get quality time with his wife of 18 years; at best he'd get a cuddle on the sofa for an hour or so before it was bedtime – early mornings demanded an early night. Steve was feeling like he was missing out on life and now in his early 40s, it was definitely "time to change" he shouted to himself as he parked up his old Ford tractor in the lower barn. Tina, Steve's wife, was also fed up; she had spoken many times of an alternative to the farm but felt that Steve wasn't listening. But Tina loved Steve and supported whatever it was he wanted to do – she was unaware that her words had slowly worked into Steve's subconscious and had finally broken through on the damp dreary muddy day as he parked up the old tractor.

Tina was once a carnival queen, and over the years, she had just got better. Her beautiful face was matched perfectly with a figure that women half her age would die for, and her jet-black hair, naturally curly, hung down her back to her waistline. I had often told Steve that God was looking after him, giving him a wife that could have been serious competition for Sophia Loren if she had live two decades earlier (Tina was often told how closely she resembled Loren in Loren's younger years).

Steve was fairing equally well too, broad shouldered, not an ounce of fat and a mountain of a man standing a full 6'6" tall. Many times over the years I had stood next to him in a bar and the number of women who'd proposition him was more than I could count – he was a good looking hulk and he and Tina made Posh & Becks look like second division players.

"Tina and me, we've been talking, and we've decided to make a big change in our lifestyle" Steve told me over a beer in the local pub. "I've got an idea, not sure if it will work, but there's enough money in the bank to back me up if it fails and if it succeeds then I'm quids in".

Steve's idea was based on a sexy weekend he and Tina had experienced a few summers back. A rare weekend away caravanning in West Wales had turned out to be something they never expected – the caravan site was not one of your regular Caravan Club sites, no, it was a naturist site. They had turned up late in the evening as the dusk light faded, and the rain hammered down. They set up the 'van as best they could and simply shed their wet clothes in favour of their PJs and decided on an early night. The following morning the sun was shining and the warm August sun had brought out their caravan neighbours... all naked as the day they were born. At first Tina wanted to quickly pack up and leave, but after a brief discussion she and Steve decided 'what the hell' and stayed on site, albeit in their swimming kit. After the couple 'next door' had introduced themselves Steve decided to lose his shorts and an hour later, Tina was naked too. Instant naturists and they didn't know they had it in them. They had enjoyed themselves but never shared their weekend story with anyone fearing embarrassment. They revisited the site two more times in as many months and kept it quiet from Kate and me.

That was Steve's master plan - the change in lifestyle – he was going to sell or rent off the majority of his fields to local farms and farmers and convert the two barns and a couple of his fields into a caravan and camping site for naturists.

I almost choked on my beer as he told me his plan; "Bloody hell Steve, if Tina's going to get her kit off regularly I'm gonna be your number one customer!" I blurted out.

Steve knew I had had a crush on Tina in our teens and the crush had always been bubbling under the surface even after he and Tina tied the knot. But I was a happily married man too, and Kate, my wife, was also a stunning lady and several times Steve had commented, and congratulated me, on how I had managed to woo such a beauty with me being such an average guy that most women would walk past without a second glance (thanks Steve). I must admit, Kate was, and is, out of my league, but she saw something in me and we've been happily married for more than 10 years now.

The winter came and went and spring was upon us. Steve and Tina had sold the small number of sheep and cattle and had managed to sell and rent a number of fields. Work had progressed on the new site and a block of showers & toilets were erected. The top barn had been converted into a small bar area and some hot tubs to allow all year round accommodation – somewhere warm for the naturists to play in the winter season.

"You can't have frozen nips and turkey heads now can you?" he told me. I must admit, he spent a few pounds getting the place ready and with a newly tiled (and heated) floor, the top barn was ready. "I'm getting the bottom barn converted into an indoor pool and sauna" he told me "and the builders are starting on that next week".

It was another three weeks before I paid Steve and Tina a visit to see how the project was developing. Kate was with me, her first visit since they had sold the animals, and she was shocked by the change in how the farm was transforming.

"And the bonus" Kate told Tina "is that you can't smell any of the cow manure anymore."

The pool was almost complete apart from the grouting of the tiles. Next to the lower barn was an area set aside with sun loungers as the site was south facing and formed a natural sun trap. With some fresh gravel on the drive and a trim of the grass, the site was just about ready for the council inspections and the buildings to be signed off as fit for use.

It was another month before I got a call from Steve, "Are you and Kate joining us for the grand opening?" The site was ready to receive its first naturists. "Tina and I want you to be our first customers" I almost dropped the phone.

"You're kidding right? Kate would never get her kit off in front of strangers – it's hard enough trying to get her topless on the Costa Kate Sol" I responded.

Steve laughed, "Tina has already spoken to Kate and she said Kate wouldn't miss it for the world".


Opening Day. I checked the weather forecast – warm, 23C with occasional cloud, small chance of light rain overnight.

"You ready Kate?" I heard the zip of the suitcase close, moments later she's in the lounge with our weekend case.

"Ready when you are."

We drove over to 'The Farm' (Tina had named their site after its original use) and parked in the small car park next to the farm house. Steve was waiting for us,

"I saw you coming up the drive – CCTV" he pointed to a camera at the top of the drive behind a new security gate.

"That's new" he had to fit the camera and gate before the site could get approval from the council; they didn't want prying eyes into the secluded site.

"It's not right for youngsters to see what might be seen if they get on site" one councillor had said.

Steve took the weekend case and placed it in the hall of the farmhouse. "You won't need much out of this. Come on, Tina's waiting up on the sun terrace".

What Steve hadn't told us was that Tina was entertaining two other couples who were at home soaking up the sun and Steve's homemade sangria. As we turned the corner we were greeted with four strangers sitting naked on loungers, discussing how nice the valley looked in the afternoon sun. Tina was sat with her back to us and as she turned we could see that she too was naked. My heart skipped a beat and felt all fluttery as I took in the sight of her gorgeous body, a site I'd fantasised over for many years.

Kate was taken aback too; she hadn't expected to see anyone naked just yet.

"Isn't there supposed to be an opening ceremony or something before people get naked?" she asked in a shocked voice.

The four guests laughed, "This is the opening ceremony love" one responded.

Steve introduced his guests: Mark & Wendy and Pete & Jane – we shook hands.

"Come on, we've been waiting for you to arrive. Go inside the barn, there are some lockers you can hang your clothes in there until we go back to the house later" Steve ushered us into the lower barn – the grouting was finished and the pool now full of chlorinated water. Before Kate and I could say anything, Steve was naked. I looked at Kate, she looked at me and shrugged her shoulders. I stripped myself of t-shirt and shorts and immediately felt some life spring into my cock.

Kate glanced at the slight movement and gave me a don't you dare stare. "Give me a minute" she said, "I'll be out in a while".

The sun felt hot, especially on my whiter than white parts.

"Wow, this feels great" I blurted out like a kid at Christmas.

"Yeah, feels good don't it" responded Steve. I sat opposite the four other guests who were continuing with their conversation and ignoring my childish expletives. Steve and Tina were just smiling, sipping their sangria and savouring the moment. It was at that moment I understood why my best friends opted for the change in lifestyle.

"What's Kate doing?" Tina asked. She stood and went into the barn to find out what was holding up my wife. It was a good 5 minutes before both Tina and a red-faced Kate emerged from the barn.

"Here have one of these" Steve offered Kate a large tumbler of sangria, "that will help". Steve stood and handed Kate a tall glass of the red cocktail. I could see he was giving Kate a good looking over, his eyes focusing on her ample breasts and perfectly trimmed pubic region. It was then I realised I had done something similar as Tina stood next to Kate – boy had I fantasised over Tina's sexy body on many a quiet night.

It took three large sangrias before Kate began to relax. She had spoken of her reservations in stripping off in front of strangers when I told her that we had been invited to attend the grand opening and that Steve and Tina expected us to support them in their new venture.

"Ok, I'll do it, but I'm no naturist and as soon as I can I'll be back in my bikini or shorts ok?"


The following day she didn't want to go – it was a long phone call with Tina that eventually coaxed her into coming along.

After her third sangria Kate was laughing and joking along with Steve's four guests. If you'd close your eyes you wouldn't think that there were eight people naked sitting on sun loungers, laughing and joking, enjoying the scenery and the sangria. Clearly, Kate's shyness had passed and she was now totally relaxed.

"Wow, that sun's really strong" Tina said as we realised that we'd been soaking up the sun as well as the sangria for almost an hour.

"I have some lotion here in my bag" said Wendy; she passed the bottle and Tina took some lotion and applied it to her shoulders and arms. The lotion made her skin glisten in the sun. I couldn't help but stare as she applied more lotion to her breasts, then her thighs and midriff. 'Go on, go on' I found myself wishing; and she did, another palm of lotion and Tina made sure her pubic area was well coated too.

"Do you want some Kate?" Tina asked.

"Sure; I put some oil on earlier but it's wearing off now – time for a top-up" she replied.

"Well let me help, my hands are already greasy". Tina stood and began applying the lotion to Kate's shoulders and back, and then she applied more across her breasts and stomach. I felt my cock swelling up even though I was sitting next to four strangers; I just couldn't help myself watching my lovely wife getting greased up by my teenage crush.

Steve smiled as he had watched my reaction to his wife's actions. "Easy Davey boy, you don't want to embarrass yourself". The four guests laughed at Steve's jesting.

"I think we all need some of that," I responded. Tina laughed again and ordered me to stand still as she began to apply some lotion on my back. Moments later, I had suntan lotion all over my body; Tina wasn't shy in applying the cream, even when she took hold of my semi-swollen cock to give it a good coating.

Tina had everyone lined up, "Come on Tina, we can't get our hands all greasy like yours" joked Mark.

All lotioned up and protected from the afternoon sun, more sangria and Kate and I were treated to stories about how Mark & Wendy had met up with Pete & Jane and then how the four had then hooked up with Steve & Tina on their first experience of naturism at the caravan site. Having had such a great time, they exchanged contact details and had kept in touch. When it was time to open up 'The Farm' Steve wanted his new naturist friends to come along. And they were more than pleased to come along.

Judging from the tone of conversation between Mark, Wendy, Pete and Jane I suspected that there might be a little more than naturism as a common interest. They seemed very close and I soon began drawing assumptions that perhaps there might have been a more open relationship of a sexual nature between the two couples. It was that assumption I held on to as I felt a sharp pang of jealousy thinking that perhaps these new friends had enjoyed my teenage crush.

The sangria was soon consumed and the sun was beginning to lose some of its strength as the late afternoon became early evening. The clouds had slowly bubbled up and were now threatening to shade us from the sun, and perhaps even the forecast might actually be right and we could feel a little moisture in the early evening air.

"Let's check out the top barn" Tina raised her voice to grab everyone's attention. Minutes later all eight of us were entering the top barn and complementing the quality of the workmanship, the design layout and more importantly, the fact that the hot tubs were large enough to seat 10 people. It took no invite at all for any of us, we all jumped into the nearest of the three hot tubs. The hot water took away the evening chill that had crept up on us and soon the soothing water jets were relaxing our muscles. Next to each tub was a small cooler-box. Steve must have foreseen the evening's events as he opened the box and began handing out beers.

"Any wine in there?" Jane asked. There was too, and plastic flutes to drink from.

"Ah, this is the life" I said to Kate as I felt her skin against mine. She smile and I felt her hand rub my cock for a brief moment, hidden under the bubbles on the water.

More conversation, more beer and more jokes. The evening was fantastic. Kate and I would agree the following Sunday evening that it had turned out to be so much better than either of us had anticipated.

"Hey, what's for supper?" Pete asked Jane.

"Don't you worry about that," Wendy responded, "I've got salad and cold meats".

Tina informed the group that she had prepared a similar feast too but after a little more conversation there was a general decision that the four guests would head off to their 'van for a bite to eat and an early night (it had started to rain outside) whilst Kate and I would unpack our bag and take some supper with Steve and Tina. We said our goodnights and the four left us in the tub. Another beer and I didn't want to leave the warmth of the tub – food was not on my list of needs.

"Come on, I'm getting all wrinkly" said Tina. She and Kate decided to prepare the supper whilst Steve and I finished our beers in the tub. "Give us 30 minutes and super will be ready" Tina said as she closed the barn door behind her. We could hear the girls scream a little - the heavy rain felt cold on their naked bodies as they ran to the house across the yard.

Whilst Steve and I were alone, he told me more about his guests, how they had looked after him and Tina, helped them to relax and enjoy naturism and even offered to share more if they wanted; but Tina had refused to take the friendship any further.

"Nope, Tina was clear on that, if she was going to share then it had to be with her best friends" he let slip. Once again, I felt my cock move. 'Could this be?' I thought.

The supper filled a hole in my stomach that I didn't realise was there. It was really strange the four of us sitting around the table, naked and eating, chatting and joking as though it was any of our previous dinners we had shared over the years. There was no talk of sex, nothing lurid in our conversations and I was beginning to think that perhaps this might not be the special night that I had wished for earlier when Steve had shared Tina's comments on sharing.

Time flew by and it was late. We said our goodnights and Kate and I were soon snuggled up in the guest room. The alcohol had done its job and within minutes I could hear Kate's breathing changing as she fell fast asleep. 'No nookie for me tonight' I thought as I resigned myself to thinking about my mother-in-law so I'd lose my hard-on and fall asleep – that's a bit unfair really, my mother-in-law is actually a MILF and if Kate turns out like her in another 25 years, then I'll be a very happy man.

As I slipped toward unconsciousness Tina's moans brought me round again; 'Steve's having his end away... lucky bastard' I whispered to myself.

"..and I loved having Dave's cock in my hand when I put the sun cream on; I'm sure it grew an inch or two" Tina whispered as Steve thrust deep into her pussy. "Do you think we'll spoil our friendship if we took it to the next level?" she asked.

"Don't think so. Do you want me to sound him out in the morning?"

"No, I'll speak with Kate, I think she'll be the hardest to convince to join in anyway." Tina felt Steve's cock harden as he reached climax. He rolled off his wife and they both let out a sigh.

Staring at the ceiling for a few moments Steve said, "I wonder what those four reprobates got up to tonight?"


I felt the warmth from the early morning sun on my face and then I sensed a warm wet mouth around my cock as I was gently woken from my slumber. I looked down to see Tina's long black hair shroud my genitals, her head slowly rising and falling as her tongue glided up and down my shaft, stopping occasionally to gently suck and lick my balls. 'I must have dosed off on the sun lounger' I thought to myself as my cock stiffened even more at the sight of my teenage crush eating my cock.

"Hey what's going on here" I heard in the distance. Kate sounded distant, sleepy even, as though she'd just woken up. Then I realised I was in a dream. I felt a kiss on my lips and then a hand on my cock, it was so familiar, it had to be Kate.

"Oooo" I groaned as I came round with the realisation that Tina was not sucking my cock after all.

"What's up lover?" Kate questioned, "dreaming again?" she smiled and kissed my forehead as she gently tugged on my morning hard-on.

Kate usually slept with light pyjamas or a long cotton nighty; it was great to feel her soft skin against mine, her breasts firm and large crushing against my chest and my cock, with her hand wrapped around it, slowly stroking and easing my foreskin back and forth as the tip nuzzled up against her pussy.

"Oh no good boy, not this morning, there's no morning glory for you" she teased, "not after last night... I saw how you couldn't keep your eyes off Tina's tits and her ass, and that Jane woman too" she continued, trying to sound cross.

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