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Down the Rabbit Hole Pt. 01

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A mothers sexual awakening after toilet incident.
15.3k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/10/2022
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All characters portrayed are above the age of 18 and are fictitious, although the settings are based around the locale of where I live in Oxfordshire, UK.

I am not a professional writer and am fully aware that my works may have several flaws, I just ask for consideration of this if you the reader wants to critique.

I never really plan stories, they evolve from an idea and I write as I think and often erase and redo sections or sit staring at the screen for hours.


Kate Adams sat in the back of one of her company cars with her eyes closed, she was tired from a day full of meetings in the City and was glad that the weekend had finally arrived. Shifting in her seat and opening her eyes as she heard the familiar crunch of tyres on the gravel driveway, a sigh of relief escaped her lips as she just wanted to kick her heels off but more importantly she was desperate for the toilet. As the car came to a stop, she collected her briefcase and laptop as she waited for her driver to open the door for her.

"Thank you James." she said smiling at him as she alighted from the car, she didn't hang around as she made straight for the house.

James was a man of little words, with a brief smile and nod of the head before he got back into the car and set off down the driveway disappearing from view. Kate was desperate, it didn't help that she was wearing a pencil skirt and heels but she moved as fast as she could to get inside but she couldn't find her keys.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" speaking aloud through gritted teeth, fumbling for her keys. They fell to the floor.

"Oh good heavens please no." As she bent down to retrieve her keys it was too late, her bladder let go and she began wetting herself.

Kate was mortified at what was happening to her but the relief was amazing, at least it didn't happen in the car she thought positively. It was a strange sensation to her feeling her warm urine running down her legs whilst soaking her tights and panties, her skirt was soaked and even inside her heels. In her mind it was embarrassing and dirty, however her body reacted differently and she felt a little turned on by it and she made no attempt to get it over with as she now took her time. Kate closed her eyes, she could smell her urine mixed with her perfume and could hear the faint hiss and trickle slowing down. If she could have put her hand to her soaked pussy, she probably would have played with herself right there and then,

"Oh dear, look at the mess you made, you silly cow!" she muttered to herself as she stood up and inspected the ground beneath her.

She straightened her sodden skirt and took her heels off, stupidly standing in the puddle of her urine. All she could do was chuckle to herself though, she saw humour in most things and always one to laugh at herself. Looking around to see if anyone was looking, not that there would be as her home was fairly isolated out in the countryside but that didn't stop her regardless. Kate decided to strip off down to her underwear so she could ball up her skirt and tights in her blouse to avoid trailing urine through the house, she could feel the cold a lot more due to being wet and almost naked.

Dropping her bags in the hallway as she made her way to the kitchen to drop off her soiled clothing in the utility room adjacent, she decided to keep her panties on and made her way to the wine rack to open a bottle of red wine. Selecting a nice Chilean Malbec, she poured herself a large glass, inhaling its aroma before putting it to her lips and taking a large sip.

"So good!" she said out aloud before placing the glass down.

Kate thought back to her toilet accident moments before, still feeling a little mortified at what had happened but at the same time she recalled the strange feeling she had. She was horny, she placed both her hands on her breasts giving them a squeeze before running her right hand down her stomach to her wet panties. Pressing her fingers to her pussy through the delicate moist fabric, she began rubbing herself and could feel her clitoris becoming hard. Closing her eyes, in her mind she was reliving the feelings and emotions, the smell and sounds of her passing her urine. Rubbing more frantically she was already close to climax, she couldn't resist allowing herself to pee as she brought herself over the edge. It was not a lot but she could definitely feel the silky wetness in her pussy, her knees buckled and her body convulsed at the sheer power of her orgasm.

Kate was grinning to herself as she picked up her glass and emptied half its contents before picking up the bottle, making her way upstairs to her bedroom she caught sight of her reflection in the hall mirror.

"Dirty Girl!" she said to her reflection, she smiled and went upstairs to take a long bath before going to bed.


Kate woke up around 9am, she could hear loud music playing in the distance and the smell of bacon and eggs wafting through her bedroom door. She wondered which of her children were home but had a good feeling that it was likely to be her daughter Jess, as she had a far broader taste in music than her son Jack did. She only had the 2 children, 22 year old twins with Jess being minutes older than her brother Jack. She looked at photos of them as she stood in front of her full length mirror, she looked at the one of her late husband too and felt the familiar sadness come over her.

She wiped tears from her eyes and straightened herself, standing there naked looking at her 47 year old body. She still looked great for her age, although she carried a few extra pounds but her body was still as proportionate as it was when she was younger. Her left breast was ever so slightly larger than that of her right with small brown areolas and nice sized nipples, she ran her hands over them and gave them a squeeze and a wobble. She had a fairly narrow waist with rounded hips and her bottom was a little squidgy but still firm enough to keep a good shape, she squeezed her buttocks as she twisted her body in the mirror. She ran her hand over her mons and pushed her fingers through the thatch of dark brown pubic hair, twisting the hairs to a point before brushing it out back to normal.

As it was the weekend, she wasn't too concerned about minor things like hair growth, she had stubble on her underarms which didn't bother her nearly as much as it did others and what society deemed acceptable. It was her body, her choice, simple as that. Kate kissed her fingers and then touched them on her late husband's photo before looking at her children's photos, repeating the process. Picking up an oversized T shirt from the dresser, she threw it over her head and made her way downstairs, following the smells of breakfast that had her mouth salivating.

As she had expected, her daughter Jess was in the kitchen cooking, dancing on the spot using the spatula as a microphone as she gave her own rendition of "Dancing in the Moonlight'' by Toploader. Jess was wearing a grey tank top and yoga pants that accentuated her shapely legs, thighs and bottom, overall her daughter had a great body and she certainly looked after it.

On tippy toes, Kate crept up behind Jess and poised herself to startle her.

"What are you doing in my house?" she shouted as she tickled her daughter's sides.

"Oh my God, what is wrong with you?" she screamed as she almost jumped out of her skin. "Jesus Christ." spinning around on the spot laughing, she pleaded for it to stop.

They were both laughing with each other, Jess's chest was heaving as she regained her breath from the shock. Kate had her arms around her daughter's waist.

"Hello my darling girl, it is lovely to see you! To what do I owe this pleasure?" she beamed at Jess, still holding her.

"Hi Mum, just thought I would surprise you with an impromptu visit and spend the weekend perhaps?" leaning forward, she kissed her mother on both cheeks before throwing her arms around her and giving her a tight hug. Kate reciprocated and hugged Jess back tightly, smelling her hair and feeling the fond warmth of her body against her own.

"You are always welcome to come home whenever you like, you know that right?"

"I do!" She leaned back and gave her mother a kiss on the lips. "You just sounded stressed when we spoke the other evening, so I am here to spend some quality time with you and do girly things together."

"Ooh that sounds lovely, thank you." Kate replied. "You look great by the way, your outfit leaves little to the imagination!" winking at Jess as she squeezed her bottom.

"Aww Fanx!" Jess replied, blowing a kiss to her mother as she pushed her bottom and gave it a good squeeze herself.

They both sat down at the table adjacent to each other, Kate poured coffee for them both as Jess dished them up crispy bacon, scrambled eggs and toast. Both quietly eating their breakfast, occasionally glancing at each other and smiling, they did this for some time before finishing up. Both mother and daughter enjoying each other's company, words weren't always necessary as silence was just as good for them. Standing at the kitchen sink shoulder to shoulder, one washed as the other dried the dishes and they both put everything away.

"What are your plans for the day?" Jess asked her mother.

"Nothing planned, what do you fancy doing?"

"We could go into Oxford, have a mooch around, get our nails done and grab a bite?"

"That sounds like a wonderful idea, I will phone my usual salon and see if they can fit us in today." Kate picked up her phone and made the call.

Jess started to fool around by pulling faces at Kate whilst she was on the phone, she went behind her and tried to tickle in revenge for earlier. As Kate tried to wriggle away, her T-shirt rode up a little and exposed more of her body. Much to Jess's amusement, she continued her playful assault on her mother as she was still on the phone but she did something that surprised herself. She stopped tickling but instead began running her hands lightly over her mothers stomach, getting really close to her unsupported breasts but moving her hands down sharply to her mothers hips instead before wrapping them around her back and hugging her closely.

This little interaction unbeknown to them both was about to set the ball rolling on something between them, Jess was aware of her mothers sudden intake of breath and the feeling in her own body. Kate too was in her mind lost for words as she concluded the phone call to the salon, part of her instinctively wanted to recoil and question her daughters actions but instead she felt something coursing through her body. Not wanting to make things awkward, she just rolled with it and hugged Jess and stroked her back before leaning back to look at Jess.

"We best get a move on and get ready to go out, booking at the salon is in 2 hours." Kate informed her daughter, still embracing each other as they both enjoyed this bonding moment between them.

"Ok cool! I will go and take a shower now and be ready in no time!" she replied. "Mum?"

"Yes dear?

"I love you!" Jess leant in and kissed her mother on the lips as they broke apart, she turned and left the kitchen with a spring in her step.

"Love you too darling." she replied as she watched her daughter leave the room.

Kate turned and looked out of the kitchen window, she stared out across the garden almost in a trance as she recollected the events over the past 24 hours. She was at a loss for words, she knew that her accident the night before was exactly that, an accident but it stirred something inside. What just transpired between mother and daughter though, she considered completely innocent but again it roused feelings that she last had when her husband was alive. She was incredibly horny, without realising she had one hand caressing one of her breasts and the other had found its way between her legs. She was wet but she snapped out of her reverie and denied herself the pleasure of a release, it was her daughter after all and it would be so wrong and awkward.

Pushing the thoughts out of her mind as she headed back upstairs to shower and get ready to go out, as she passed the main bathroom she could hear Jess singing the same song as earlier and stopped to listen. Smiling, she continued to her ensuite and got herself ready to go out.


Kate and Jess spent the best part of 6 hours out in the city, their first port of call was the salon where they both had their nails done before they hit the shops and took lunch at the Ivy. Overall they both enjoyed the day together, spent a lot of money and pampered themselves. They were both aware that the dynamic between them had changed, they seemed a lot closer and more tactile with each other without being too obvious.

Jess was quiet as she drove them back from the city, traffic was lighter than usual but then again there was still the pandemic to consider. She was thinking about breakfast and her behaviour when her mother was on the phone, her intentions were innocent and she was truly shocked at what had happened.

She wondered what her mother must think of her and how she had caressed her body, she gave no indication that it was out of line but she may have just wanted to avoid conflict where it wasn't necessary. Jess was fully aware that she had wanted to take her mothers breasts into her hands and squeeze them, totally wrong she knew but still, thinking about it turned her on but this was her mother after all and fully taboo. It wasn't her first time with family though, although she had never slept with her brother or done anything physical together but they had helped each other in other ways via video calls whilst in University.

Jess and Jack were extremely close, what you would expect with twins and they typically shared a lot of things and experiences with each other. It had been some time since she last did that with Jack, he was in a steady relationship now and was no longer in need of his sister's help. Jess however was single, she wasn't that bothered about being in a relationship right now as she was more career driven and she liked the freedom that single life brought. That didn't mean she didn't have sexual partners in the past, just lately she didn't have as much time due to the demands of her job and her fitness.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Jess was startled by the touch of her mother's hand as it came to rest on her thigh. "You are awfully quiet!"

"I'm good." she replied as she refocused on the road ahead, she felt her mothers warm hand squeeze her leg. "Just thinking about some things, that's all!"

"Same, I have had a lovely day so far with you Jess. Thank you for surprising me this weekend, I miss you kids so much and with your father gone it gets really lonely at times." Kate let out a sigh, she gave Jess's thigh a subtle squeeze before gently rubbing it affectionately allowing her hand to come to a rest further up.

It wasn't long before Jess pulled onto the driveway and came to a stop just by the entrance to the house, it saddened her a little because she felt that there was a stronger connection between her and her mother. The fact that her mother's hand was about half a foot from her crotch was mind blowing, she could feel how wet she was and knew that it was inevitable that she would relieve herself as soon as she could. She felt guilty too, this shouldn't be happening because it was her mother and it broke so many rules but she didn't care right now. She placed her hand on her mothers and gave it a gentle squeeze, they both looked at each other and smiled.

"Mum, do you mind if I run inside real quick? Been dying for the toilet ever since we got back to the car, going to wet myself otherwise!" It wasn't really a question though as Jess had already jumped out of the car, she could hear her mothers laughter as she disappeared into the house.

Kate found it amusing because of the predicament she found herself in the previous night upon her return, she had come to terms with the embarrassment of it but she had also made several discoveries too. She had spent some time on her phone looking at the internet and was shocked to discover how common it was. It seemed that a lot of people enjoyed urinating in all manner of ways. Out of curiosity she had put her hand to her vagina that morning and urinated on it, allowing the warm stream of liquid to pass through her fingers. The temptation to masturbate had been strong but it was all new to her and she wanted to learn more and watch some videos of what other people did.

Kate had really had a wonderful day with Jess, she felt they were more like best friends or sisters but she knew that she would always be her mother and that did play on her mind a lot. There was this energy between them that she was enjoying, she thought back to how Jess had played with her and the near misses on her breasts and then how Jess caressed her body. There was more to it and she wanted to experience the same feeling again, so she made up her mind that she would just be more relaxed and just let nature take its course.

"Mum, why are you still sitting in the car?" Jess asked quizzically.

"Oh, I was waiting for you to open the door for me!" she tutted and then smiled. "No, I must have been away with the fairies." she added.

She saw the expression on Jess's face and stuck her tongue out in return.

"And what was so funny about my desperation for the loo?"

"Ha, maybe I will tell you later if I feel confident enough or if you ply me with enough wine!"

"That could easily be arranged." her eyes lit up. "We could camp in the living room by the fire or have a pyjama party, watch a film or just talk girly stuff."

"Sounds like a wonderful plan" They walked arm in arm into the house.

After dropping their bags off in the hall, they hugged each other for a while and both found it harder to let go than normal but eventually they broke off from each other. Jess suddenly remembered that Kate had laughed at her, placing her hand on her mothers arm and turning her to face her.

"I almost forgot, what was so damn funny about my desperation to go to the toilet?"

Kate's eyes widened briefly before she chuckled. "Oh it just reminded me of my little accident last night, that's all." she said casually but could feel the embarrassment creep in.

"Accident? What happened?" Jess asked her, her concern all over her face.

"It is embarrassing, I will tell you later perhaps."

"Perhaps?" Jess questioned sarcastically.

"With enough wine, I could have a lot to say!" she winked and smiled at Jess, turned and walked away giggling to herself.

Jess stood there gobsmacked, she was very intrigued to say the least and was beginning to see a different side to her mother but also in herself. She smiled and set off to her bedroom, a hot shower was called for and she could use a nap before dinner. Her mind was racing, she was curious and was looking forward to getting her mother to spill the beans later that evening. She spent about 20 minutes under the hot water of the shower, drying herself off before collapsing on the bed in just her towel and falling asleep.


It was approaching 8pm, Kate had had a bath and decided to just throw on a vest top and knickers and pick up a cardigan just in case it got cold later in the evening. She thought a bath would have relaxed her but she still felt tense, a combination of her day out and the change in her outlook on life. In truth, she was a little torn by her thoughts and her random behaviour, it was totally out of her character but then again she was excited all the same.

Since her husband passed away, she had known no other sexual contact besides her masturbating on the odd occasion which had become more frequent as of late. She had thought about signing up to a dating app but was put off by thoughts of strangers being crude and the whole hook up culture, a friend had told her all about it which led her to keeping her distance from the likes of Tinder etc. Some men had expressed their interest but she never gave them the opportunity, her husband's shoes were big and hard to fill.

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