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Down Under Adventure

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Danielle and Shane met online and then down under.
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Danielle was exhausted, both physically and mentally, by the demanding schedule she had incurred at her new school as a college freshman. She spent the first semester trying to get un-lost on campus (University 101 isn't worth shit), and the second was a blur of studying and turning out papers that came back with more red ink than black. Everybody in her small hometown expected her to go off to a fancy New England college and do so much for them, but as the end of the second semester loomed near, Danielle felt that she could only fall short of their high hopes.

She slouched in the unforgiving wooden chair in front of her equally unforgiving research paper in her dorm as music from "Knoxville: Summer of 1915" filled the air. Her paint stained hands were typing through another paper just like the half a dozen others she had handed in to her English professor this semester. She longed to go back to the studio and finish her latest painting, but her priorities set getting a paper finished higher than something that fun.

Out of nowhere, an instant message popped up from her online friend from Australia.

rustNrot22: Hey babe! Just wanted to say I'm in the office for today and that I had a great time talking with you last night. You're alright for somebody that can't surf.

starve_this_artist: And you're alright for somebody old enough to be my father! I enjoyed talking to you too, Shane. :)

rustNrot22: Glad you had a good time. How's life over your way? Flirting with any cute boys or are you just teasing them from afar? ; )

starve_this_artist: I spent some really relaxing time in the studio again today, but it wasn't enough. My slave driver—I mean, English professor has assigned yet another paper that isn't on the syllabus. And on the subject of boys...I don't have time to tie my shoes, let alone put on something nice before I go off to class. Near or far, the boys are definitely not seeing anything they like.

rustNrot22: If it was up to me, I'd let you spend all day anywhere you want just painting to your sweet heart's content. I'd even let you go around without any shoes so you wouldn't have to worry about tying them.

starve_this_artist: Well thank you kindly. If only you were my English professor...Or if only I was in Australia.

rustNrot22: What's stopping you? You could stay with me while you take a break from all the stress over there. I promise I'd leave you to paint while I'm at work, and then I'll take you out for a nice dinner when I get in.

starve_this_artist: What would I tell my parents? "Oh yeah, Dad, by the way, I'm going to Australia to meet the only man who makes me happy. Hope you have a good summer going on fishing trips alone!"

rustNrot22: Tell them you're going on sabbatical. Tell them you're going hiking across Europe. Tell them you're joining the Peace Corps. I don't care what you tell them as long as you come spend time with me down in the sun. : P

starve_this_artist: You're serious? Promise? I'll be on the next flight out of here after class tomorrow if you are.

rustNrot22: Dead serious. Bring a swimsuit, a couple of nice dresses to go out to dinner in, and some heels. Very laid back atmosphere down here so you'll have a place to unwind.

That night, Danielle tossed the suggested items into her suitcase along with rudimentary painting supplies, her rarely used make up bag, and some sexy lingerie she hadn't had the chance to wear yet. She called her parents and told them that she'd be going home with one of her friends that she made in the studio. After getting those things in order, she wrote a short letter explaining her whereabouts incase Shane was some psycho-murderer and left it on her bed. The paper was finished 10 minutes after that. That night, Danielle didn't sleep a wink.

At the end of a few lectures and a lab, Danielle rushed to turn in her paper and be the first out the door. It was easy enough to get a direct flight out of such a big city once she got to the airport. Shane had given her his contact information so it wouldn't be a struggle to find him once she arrived.

Most of the flight over was spent sleeping or thinking about meeting Shane. Upon arriving at the airport in Perth, Danielle bought some water and contacted Shane by phone. "Perfect timing!" he chimed, "I'm just leaving work. I'll be there in 20 minutes."

Danielle scurried off to the bathroom to primp before Shane arrived. She stood in front of one of the mirrors and pulled her makeup bag out. After brushing her teeth, she put on some lip gloss and pulled her hair back. She put her bag away and adjusted her tight white t-shirt and low rise denim jeans. Her nipples poked through her shirt in a way that brought attention to her perky b-cup breasts.

When she realized she was in the bathroom alone, her hands slid down the sides of her body. She mad a pouting face in the mirror, and then she proceeded to attempt sexy poses she'd seen other girls in. "Who am I kidding?" she thought. "He probably just wants some entertainment."

Danielle stepped back outside and sat down in a soft, black lounge chair. She pulled out a beaten up copy of Catcher in the Rye, but she couldn't concentrate on Holden's story this time. After trying to read for what seemed like was an eternity, she realized that she'd read the same paragraph over and over. "I'm being silly," she thought.

Silly or not, she was being watched. Shane knew that Danielle loved to read Catcher in the Rye. He had also seen several pictures of her, but none compared to the cute face she made as she concentrated on a book. Her lip was caught between the two white lines of teeth, and her foot bounced at the end of her leg that was lazily crossed with the other.

Using his best Brooklyn accent, Shane stepped behind her and said, "Yo lady, you's just gonna sit there readin' all day or what?"

Danielle turned, prepared to be indignant and set this rude man straight. "Excuse me, but I can sit here and read as long as I want. You on the other hand, should step off."

A smug grin painted its way onto Shane's face. "Step off? I's didn' step on nothin, lady!" This made Danielle even more indignant. She stood up to face him, but soon realized that was a mistake because she was a good six inches shorter.

Danielle was never lost of words though, so she continued, "It's an expression, you oaf. You obviously don't know how to treat a 'lady,' though, so I wouldn't expect you to know anything about comprehending figures of speech." An equally smug grin was proudly displayed on Danielle's face when she finished.

When Shane finally said, "Aw, I never thought you'd be so cute when you got mad!" in his real voice, Danielle turned six shades of red. She had no idea what to say, and Shane saw that. He pushed a strand of hair out of her face and quietly cooed, "Wait 'till we tell all of our friends that when you finally got around to meeting me, you tried to attack me for flirting with you."

To get out of responding, Danielle hurriedly stooped to pick up her bag. "Ah, no, miss. I'll be getting that!" Shane said as he grabbed her bag up and put his arm around her hip. "Cat got your tongue?"

"No," she said flatly. They went a few more steps toward the door, both of them staring out into the hot sun of the day. "A rather attractive man has his arm around me," she replied finally as they made their way out of the airport.

On the way back to Shane's place, Danielle mostly stared out the window and halfway listened to Shane babble on and on. When his nervous chatter got to be too much, she turned to face him. He felt her staring into him, so he turned to look at her when they reached a red light. Right then, Danielle grabbed Shane's face in her hands and planted a kiss on his lips. His hands instinctively left the wheel and gravitated toward her body, landing safely there.

The kiss could have gone on forever, but a few cars back, somebody grew impatient and started honking their horn. Danielle sat back in her seat and grinned with satisfaction because she knew Shane's head was still swimming.

"You like using a kiss to distract people, huh?" Shane teased. He flicked a quick glance at Danielle as she continued to stare ahead. His eyes lingered on her hard nipples poking through her shirt. He just wanted to rip her shirt off and soak in the view before devouring it.

"So what if I do?" she asked. "You seemed to enjoy it too." As she leaned over and pressed her body against Shane, Danielle slid her hand up the inside of his thigh. Her teeth gently tugged on his ear lobe, but she felt him beginning to move away from her.

Danielle sat back and cocked her head to the side. "Why not?" she whined as her lower lip slid out, forming a cute pouting face.

The silence roared in the car. "You're here to relax. I don't want you to be too busy thinking while you're down here," Shane finally grunted in response. "Besides, we're almost to the beach." He flicked on his turn signal and jerked the car to the right. Danielle looked out her window and almost immediately her breath was taken away by towering Giant Karri trees.

Shane noticed her mouth open and allowed himself a quiet chuckle. "They make you feel small if you look at them too long."

Danielle silenced his laughter quickly by firing back a snide, "That sounds like a personal problem to me." Her lust-filled gaze turned into a reproachful glare as her arms crossed her chest. She felt like she had been too harsh, but he had rejected her. Danielle did not come to Australia to be rejected.

After a few awkward moments of silence, Shane spoke up, "You might wanna pull out your swim suit." At first, Danielle didn't move, but she reached into the backseat and rummaged through her suitcase. Just as she found it, Shane put the car in park.

He hopped out and walked around the car to open the door for her. When he opened the door, Danielle said, "I could have done that myself."

"You could?" he asked in mock amazement. And then he shut the door. Danielle tried her best to be mad, but she couldn't anymore. She busted out laughing, and Shane opened the door for her again.

"That's much better." He held his hand out for her as she bounced on out and stood a few inches from him. Danielle could have sworn that Shane must be able to feel her heart beating, but if he did, he didn't show any signs of it. He casually slammed the door shut behind her. She bit her lip as she looked up to him, but he took a few steps back to get a blanket from the car.

Danielle then decided to one up him. She tugged a hair tie out of her hair, tossed her head from side to side, and let her hair fall down her back. This caught Shane's attention so he leaned against the car to watch and see what other tricks she had up her sleeve. Danielle took notice, and then, she slid her tight jeans off her long, muscular legs. She had to wiggle her hips a little, but Shane couldn't help but think that was hot as hell.

He couldn't help but stare for a few seconds when he saw that she was shaved. He didn't want to let her know that he was so turned on by her so he started walking to the beach, putting her petite body behind him.

Danielle smiled and slid her bikini bottoms on. Right now, she was just going to wear her t-shirt and give Shane a bit of a tease. She took off at a light jog to catch up with Shane. As she got to him, she slowed down and walked beside him. "So why'd you bring me here, sugar?"

"I wanted to show you the most perfect place in the world," Shane said as he spread a blanket out on the ground. He put his hand on the small of Danielle's back and pointed to the ocean. Big gray clouds loomed overhead, making the ocean seem all-powerful and destructive. She gasped when she finally saw what he was showing her. She put her hand on his chest and leaned her head against it too.

"It really does make you feel so small and insignificant," she whispered as she tried to move her body closer to Shane's. His hand slid up the back of her shirt and rubbed her back. Then, without thinking about it, he leaned down and planted a kiss on the top of her head.

Danielle looked up at Shane and said, "Good god, this is getting too fucking sappy for me. But I have something pretty perfect to show you too," Danielle said with a sly grin on her face. She took Shane's hand in both of hers and bent all of his fingers down except the middle one.

"What're you doing, missy?" he asked. Danielle wiped her grin away when she ran her tongue over her lips. She looked up into Shane's eyes and wrapped her lips around his exposed finger. It slid further and further into her mouth until finally there was no more finger. Danielle saw Shane's draw drop, but she didn't stop. She slowly moved her head up and down and closed her eyes. Finally, she pulled his finger away from her lips with a loud slurping noise.

Now that Danielle sensed no resistance, she held her shirt just over her belly button. "I've got something else to show you," Danielle said. Shane put his hand on top of hers, but before she could object, he pressed his lips to the top of her head and pulled her shirt back down.

"I don't want you like this. Let's just sit here for a while and relax," Shane added as he lay down on the blanket. He squinted up at Danielle with the sun behind her head and smiled.

Danielle smiled back and fell to her knees beside him. Her hair spilled over her shoulders as she leaned forward to gently kiss him. He lifted his head off the ground to meet her. After they'd kissed for a few seconds, Shane wrapped his arms around her and pulled her flat onto his chest.

He kissed the top of her head and ran his fingers through her hair. "I always wanted to share this beach with you," he mumbled into her head. His hand slid up and down her back slowly and finally came to rest on the small of her back.

Danielle smiled up at him and wrapped her legs together with his just as big, fat drops of rain started touching their skin. They soaked right through Danielle shirt, but her chest was pressed against Shane's.

She rolled over on her back and held her mouth open to the sky. Shane looked over at her and laughed. He put his hand on her tummy just under her shirt, and she put her hand on top of his as she looked back at him and echoed his laughter.

The huge drops of rain had soaked through Danielle's shirt by then, and her hard nipples were clearly visible. Shane eased his hand further up Danielle's tummy, leaving it just under her breasts. Suddenly, Danielle sat up, and Shane's hand slid into her lap. Danielle peeled her shirt off and stood up. She offered Shane a hand up and lightly kissed him before dashing off to the ocean.

She turned to face Shane when she got to the water and held her hands above her head. Shane watched as Danielle kicked in the water and waded deeper and deeper until the water was finally covering her legs.

Shane followed her into the water after watching Danielle. When he reached her, Shane grabbed Danielle's body and pressed it against his as if the ocean was trying to pull her away from him. Danielle stopped laughing, and kissed Shane. He took a few steps back deeper into the water, and Danielle wrapped her legs around him.

She could feel bulge from Shane's crotch rubbing against hers so she reached between them and slid Shane's boardies down far enough to get his cock out. Danielle could feel him moan as she slid the crotch of her bikini bottom to the side and guided him inside her.

Her eyes met his and held them there for the first few seconds as he slid in and out of her gently. Danielle tightened her legs around him and threw her head back, giving Shane a great view of her chest. He bent his head toward her nipples and bit them lightly. When he saw how loud that made Danielle moan, he moved to the other. He kissed both breasts profusely until he started walking back to the beach.

With his cock still buried deep in Danielle, Shane approached the car. Then, he pressed her ass against one of the car's windows. He slammed into her harder than before, answering he pleadings of "more" and "harder." The sound of his balls slapping against Danielle's ass were covered by their grunts.

As she got closer to cumming, Danielle bit down onto Shane's shoulder and dug her fingernails into his back. "Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! SHANE! Don't stop!" she yelled. Shane held Danielle up by her hips as he continued to fuck her harder. Danielle squeezed her legs around him tighter and leaned her head against the roof of the car as she covered Shane's cock in cum.

The rain was slowing down while Shane brought Danielle body, still tightly wrapped around him, back to the blanket. When Danielle let her legs slide off of Shane's body, her back met the ground. She threw her arms above her head and sighed. "That was wonderful!" Danielle said with a big grin and a sigh.

"Oh?" he said as he kissed just between her breasts down to her belly button.

"Mmmm...yeah, but this ain't bad either," she said. Her hand rested on the back of Shane's neck. His tongue circled her belly button, and he gently kissed it before moving further down. He licked the soft skin at the bottom of her tummy and she gently moaned. Her legs eased apart, and Shane slid his hand up the inside of her thigh. He then planted kisses where he had just rubbed his hands.

"Oh God! This beach thing gets better and better," Danielle said as she crossed her ankles over Shane's back. Shane felt her legs moving so he slid his hands under her hips and lifted her dripping twat to his mouth. It was juicier and messier than any peach he had ever tried to eat. He greedily devoured all the creamy goodness leaking out of her, making Danielle grunt and moan uncontrollably.

As Shane slowed his tongue's furious movements, Danielle tried to push his tongue back into her by wrapping her legs around his head tighter. "Don't stop, baby. You're doing so good," Danielle whined as she tried to coax Shane into continuing. A grin spread across his face as he sat up between her legs.

"I've cleaned you up pretty good, but I want to get some food in you before I send you into another mind blowing orgasm," Shane said as he started looking around for articles of clothing. "Let's get you dressed. I'm sure we can have some real fun later."

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