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Downfall: Culminations

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Jack and his daughter. Lilly and her mother.
22.9k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 03/01/2006
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Edited by Roadie Joe

(The following is a fictional piece based on mature material between consensual adults. No fictional characters were harmed or abused during the making of this piece. If at any point in time while reading you find yourself to become irritated, nauseated, offended or start to suffer from any mental ailment, discontinue reading immediately and find yourself a book. Thank you and I hope you enjoy.)

* * * * *

The keyboard responds more easily as I pluck at them this time. It's funny how I divulge secret parts of my life to these tiny letters yet keep them far from people. I'm sure my computer monitor screen can see the wide smile across my face as I type away. The letters on my keyboard lie there in anticipation, waiting for my story to unfold itself. The same anticipation fills my soul to put words to the events that have changed my life. Whether it is for the better or worse I've yet to find out. What I do know is that these momentous incidents will not be forgotten. They were as much unexpected as they were dangerous. And to be completely honest, I do have my fears of what is still to be discovered and experienced. I doubt very much that these choices are over.

It has been over three weeks since that Sunday afternoon. Lilly and I have been like kids again. Easy for her to do, but for 'Freshly Forty-year-old' like myself... Well, it is a little bit more unnatural. Not to mention the ever present thought that she is, in fact, my daughter. But then again, it seems more of a fuel than a repellent now-a-days. What was far from normal for most households had become a sick routine for us. However, we knew there were some boundaries to avoid. Helen was one.

My wife went by every day as if nothing had changed in the household. Nothing she knew of at least. I was afraid the truth would be far too much for her. Therefore, Lilly and I had sworn ourselves to secrecy. This kind of act could land us both in the most troubled waters. I'm sure Helen did notice several small signs however. Signs that we never could hide.

Obviously, the relationship between Lilly and me had grown tremendously. We seemed to laugh more. The muscles in my face hurt from the constant smiles that met my face. When we were alone together, there was nothing civilized between us. The sex was amazing. I don't know where she learned how to do the things she did, but I'll be damned if it wasn't great. I hadn't felt a woman so tight since High School, which made sense when you think about it because I was, after all, fucking a High School senior. Oh how I wished I could tell the guys at the next poker game.

I wasn't aware of it at the time, but the winds were shifting once more.

* * * * *

If I ever meet the person who created the wretched sound alarm clocks make, I swear on all things holy that I will force the damn thing so far down his throat that his balls will blink. I reached over a smacked the 'Off' switch as the clock blared the arrival of 6 AM. I welcomed the silence that sank into the room.

Since that weekend, I find myself welcoming the morning. Routines seem more blissful than mundane. In no time, I was ready to go down stairs with Helen. We sat at the kitchen table as the morning light stretched across its surface. I had a fresh cup of coffee in one hand and a morning paper in the other. Helen was trying to get a head start on her day by glancing over some documents from the firm. It wasn't long until Lilly danced down the stairs.

I tried with all my might to keep from watching her as she skipped around the bend. The long T-shirt she wore hinted to the lack of underwear beneath. I tried so very hard to keep my wits.

"Morning Mom," Lilly chirped as she kissed Helen on the cheek. She leaned over to me to do the same. I fought the urge to gaze upon her as she closed in. The neck line of her shirt falling open allowing me to behold her bare breasts if I so dared.

"Morning Daddy," she said as she kissed my cheek as well. To anyone else, it may have appeared innocent and sweet. It felt like a sweet fire. My eyes looked to Helen as Lilly pulled back. Apparently we seemed to be living normally regardless of how thick the subtext was. Helen was deep in concentration with her files. She must have a new client.

Back to the paper I went as I took a big sip from my mug. Immediately, the searing heat of the coffee plastered itself to my tongue. I jerked back, awake more from pain than caffeine. My tongue tingled as the tiny shards of pain rippled inside my mouth. I should have known better, I never like my coffee that hot.

As I looked down, I noticed that in my rash retreat from the cup, a couple drops of java had landed on my tie. What a way to start the day! I shook my head as I reached out and snatched a napkin off the table before me. Being ever so careful not to smear it, I dabbed at the droplets and watched the color lighted. Got to be more careful, Jack.

As I tossed the used napkin back onto the table, I noticed something different with Helen. No longer was she reading her files, but staring off to her right. Whatever had caught her gaze was something strong for she seemed to completely have missed my little fiasco with the coffee heated in the fires of hell. Curious, I followed her gaze only to catch my breath.

On the other side of the kitchen was our sweet daughter. She had her back to us as she tried to reach into the top cupboard. As she did so, that Night-shirt of hers crept further up her body. I couldn't be sure whether or not she was aware of it, but Helen and I certainly were. I immediately tried to avert my eyes for fear of being caught by my wife, yet Helen seemed more transfixed than me. What's more, after twenty years of marriage, I know when my wife is turned on. She showed all the signs as she stared at our daughter.

My eyes traveled back to Lilly only to see that the edge of her shirt had risen past the soft curve of her firm buttocks. There, nestled neatly between those wondrous thighs, was the sweet pussy of our daughter.

The sight didn't last long as Lilly finally reached the glasses. She brought herself back down and set it one on the counter, completely unaware of our voyeurism. I could just barely hear Helen's heavy breathing. Our eyes were glued to our daughter as she moved to the 'fridge and opened the door. Her shirt rose once more as she bent over to reach for the milk. Once more her treasures were put on display. The very same sight I have seen oh so frequently.

That familiar sensation of an awakening beast came over me. Blood began to pump once more. But through all of this, the thought of my wife watching Lilly was the greatest fuel. I've seen Lilly, but I have not seen Helen like this. Her chest was heaving against the tight blouse she wore. Her lips parted as her breath escaped them. She is such a beautiful creature!

As if she sensed my gaze, her eyes turned suddenly to me. Her face flushed red as she quickly went back to her files.

Lilly poured herself a glass and returned the milk to the fridge. The cold air had caused her nipples to be completely rigid as she began to strut out of the room with her beverage She gave us a big grin. Was her show innocent or intentional?

We heard her footsteps trail up the stairs. We stared off into space as we listened to the bathroom door close and the sound of the shower turn on.

Suddenly, Helen jumped out of her chair and stood before me. Forcefully, she grasped my tie and pulled me to her lips. She fell into my lap, pressing her body against mine. A moan escaped our lips only to be trapped in the other's mouth. I hadn't seen her like this in a very long while.

Helen pressed her forehead to mine as our lips parted. She panted heavily as she began to quickly undo her pants.

"Get those pants off now, Jack!" she demanded. My cock was so hard it hurt. I followed suit and began to undo my fly.

Helen hopped out of my lap and removed her slacks and panties at once. Her sex glistened in the morning light as she laid her back against the table and spread her legs. As I took my own pants off, she began to rub herself furiously.

"Hurry, Jack. Get that beautiful cock into me!" She moaned as my member bounced free from his prison. I moved up close to her with my pants around my ankles. She spread her lips apart. She was so wet it was beautiful.

I lined my cock up and inched closer. The moment it touched her open pussy, she let go of the lips, swallowing my member into her. I slipped inside easily as I was soon buried to the hilt within her warm depths.

"OHHHHHH YES!" Helen cried as our daughter's shower thundered above us. I slammed myself deep into her as our bodies slapped together. She wanted more and more with each thrust. Her moans raked through the house as we fucked like the animals we are.

Helen squeezed me tightly as I fucked her for all I could. She held her legs wide as she rotated her hips. The head of my cock pressed against her G-spot on every thrust inside. It wouldn't be long now for either of us.

I kept my rhythm and pounded her as deeply as I could. Helen just grabbed one leg now, pulling her knee up higher towards her heaving breasts. She gritted her teeth. The hunger in her eyes was intoxicating. She bit her bottom lip as she squeezed her eyes shut. Her body was shaking.

"Oh Jack! I'm gonna..." she cried as she suddenly grasped the table and pushed her body up. I slammed myself home at the moment our orgasm triggered. Deep into her womb I shoot every drop of fluid I had. We shook together. Our breathing was in unison. As it finally calmed, we heard the silence from upstairs. Lilly was done taking a shower, and we had no idea how long it had been.

"Oh shit..." Helen exhaled. A light sheet of sweat coated her brow. Just enough to gather a few newly stray hairs. "Wow! That was amazing!" Her voice was a whisper as we slid apart from each other. The clock read 7:38. Just another reason to hurry now.

We quickly gathered our clothes and cleaned up the best to our ability. Not a moment later did Lilly run down the stairs ready for school. She paid no attention to the thick smell of sex in the air as she kissed us both goodbyes on the cheek.

The three of us made our way out the door and into our cars. Lilly was the first to speed off. As she cleared our road and rounded the corner, Helen turned to me. She blew a kiss in my direction. I couldn't help but smile.

* * * * *

Work for me was like any other day. I work in an office and it is amazing how repetitive my life can seem. Luckily, I have a private office so I can bring some outside influences to my life. Maybe a picture here, and a trophy there. It's especially helpful to aide in reducing the constant voices and beeps from all the calls and computer work in the main room. It can be enough to drive someone crazy. Especially when you have technicians running around trying to upgrade our computers or software. I should have worked construction...

So all in all, the day went slowly. It wasn't long until I found myself home again. Helen had beaten me there and already had begun making dinner. The fresh scent of frying peppers filled my senses as I stepped into the kitchen. I couldn't help but remember that I had my cock buried in my wife the last time I was here in the kitchen. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her body as I pressed my own against her.

She gave a pleasant moan as I kissed her neck.

"I've been thinking about you all day," I whispered into her ear. She giggled.

"Have you now?" she responded as she stirred the vegetables simmering in the frying pan.

"You bet I have" I moaned as I gently bit her earlobe. I watched her skin pimple with goosebumps as my cock began to rise to attention once more. It pressed itself firmly between Helen's cheeks. She playfully pushed back against it.

"We better be careful. Lilly will be home soon." The sizzling from the pan seemed very fitting.

"Just wanted to say 'Hello'," I smiled as I kissed her neck once more.

As it turned out, Lilly would not be in until late that night. It is getting close to a performance for her Jazz Dance team so their practice is now into crunch time. None-the-less, Helen and I enjoyed a peaceful evening together. Dinner was delicious. More than I could ever ask for. We dined and enjoyed a fine bottle of wine. As the night wore on, we curled up on the couch and watched an old movie together. We left a window open a crack to fill the room with fresh air from the cool night. It was the perfect excuse to hold each other tightly. We drifted off to sleep in the middle of the film. We didn't even wake when Lilly came home. She just quietly sneaked by and went to bed herself.

It was just before eight when my cell phone began to ring. Helen and I opened our eyes only to be shocked awake by the time. Holy SHIT! The instant panic set in both of us as I snatched the phone off the table and ran upstairs to get dressed. The phone reported four missed calls as I pushed the 'Answer' button for the fifth. Judging by the voice on the other end, I wasn't the only one in a state of panic this morning.

"Jesus, Jack! Where the hell have you been?" Steve hurriedly asked. "I've been calling you all morning!"


"Oh that's just bloody fantastic! You better get your ass over here right now! The corporate office is sending in a couple of guys from auditing this morning. They called a meeting at nine!" Steve's voice was coated with worry.

"What? Why didn't they tell us earlier?"

"They said they sent out a mass email, but with all the renovations our computer systems have been having as of late, it must not have gone through for our firm."

This was just what I needed.

"CHRIST! Alright, I'll be there as soon as I can. Start spreading rumors about congested traffic for me, will ya? Say there was an accident or something."

"You got it. Good luck."

To recap, I had been awake maybe three minutes and it was already turning out to be a 'fun day'. I had to skip a shower and throw on the first suit I came across. A simple water through the hair and I was good to go.

Helen was just as stressed as I as I kissed her goodbye as she was just hopping out of the shower.

"Nothing is harder to leave than a wet and naked woman," I mumbled as I was heading out of the room. She giggled and winked.

I took the stairs two at a time as I made my way towards the door. Just as I grabbed the handle, I heard sweet Lilly's voice call from the kitchen.

"Wait! Dad!" she cried as she hurried over to me. She held a small silver coffee thermos in her hands. "I noticed you were late so I filled this up for you. It's still very hot so you may want to wait for it to cool." She smiled.

"Thank you, honey. I'll drink it after my meeting" I said as I kissed her forehead and accepted her thoughtful gesture.

"Good," she smiled.

I managed to run through the doors of the office just three minutes before nine. Steve was obviously nervous as he constantly loosened his tie only to tighten it a moment later. He's the kind of guy that could do to lose a few pounds but you like him anyways. He's a hard worker, but easy to get on the edge. He seemed to jump out of his chair when he saw me barge in and head towards my back office.

"What's the word?" I asked as we walked briskly.

"We have about five minutes, give or take. One of the guys just went to the restroom. I think this meeting is in regards to the Peterson Account."

"Do you know who handled it this time?"

"Not sure, but I'm willing to bet that will come up..."

I closed the door behind Steve as he entered my office. The blinds were already shut to the main room but my window to the outside world was wide open, letting the light pour in. It was just a view of the brick wall across the way, so I didn't care too much about what could be seen.

"We got a call from marketing as to what we should expect from these guys. Just in case, I thought it would be a good idea to call off the poker game tonight."

I set my briefcase and thermos on the desk as I turned to him, confused. "How long do you think this meeting will take?"

"No more than three hours." Steve offered. "I just think its bad luck. If I go into a poker game on a day of bad luck I might..."

"I got it, I got it," I waved it off. Sometimes it amazes me that Steve hasn't yet had a stroke.

Time was short and the stress was already high. I walked over to a large black filing cabinet that every office seems to have and grabbed the 'Peterson Account' file and got out of the office. Now into the jaws of Corporate America.

* * * * *

Sometimes I wonder why I work where I do. It seems every time somebody shows up from the big office, I have these thoughts. Sometimes I chew on what it would be like to jump out that window over there and pass my problems onto somebody else as I do a twenty-three story swan dive. And trust me, that was pretty much all I could think about until the meeting came to a close around 11:20. Just long enough to make me ponder if I would survive a jump out from the window in the conference room.

As I walked back into the office, I threw the account file onto the desk and loosened my tie. It was almost lunch time and I was already three hours behind thanks to that damned glitch in email. To top it off, I was going to have to catch a flight to Hong Kong on Monday. Bear in mind I love to travel, but what I was not going there for was sight seeing. I was going to have to aide in the assimilation of another facility. The trip would basically be nothing but ten thousand miles of boredom followed by a lot of headaches followed bt another ten thousand miles of boredom. Fabulous.

I sulked into my chair and wondered where to begin. My body felt heavy. Every inch of me seemed to be trying to droop down to the floor. Luckily, my eyes fell to the silver thermos sweet Lilly made for me. God I love that girl!

I unscrewed the top of the thermos and, almost immediately, the fresh scent of a Columbian brew filled the space between those four walls. I inhaled deeply, feeling my body already responding to the warm aroma. I began to pour it into my previously stained coffee cup, from which billowed a thick plume of steam. It was still hot, but not too hot. I was careful not to waste a single drop.

Leaning back in my chair, I brought the cups to my lips. I pursed them as I slurped the drink into my mouth. The bitter taste swam past my taste buds wrapping around my tongue. I swished and swallowed. A sharp, bitter aftertaste invaded my mouth. I'm really gonna' have to teach Lilly how to brew a good cup of coffee one of these days. In the mean time, I'm just gonna have to put up with her well intentioned efforts and enjoy the benefits.

I slammed the first cup down in no time and was half way through the second when my phone rang. Picking it up, I was surprised to hear the voice on the other end.

"Hello?" spoke a woman.

"Hello, this is Jack Crawford. May I help you?" I responded.

"Oh hi Jack. This is Joanne Anderson. How are you?"

"Joanne! Wow it's been some time hasn't it... I am doing fine. Yourself?" Joanne was a client of my firm and the holder of the Anderson account. We never personally discussed the details of it because it was maintained by other members in the office.

Joanne and I actually went 'way back to high school. After graduation, we lost track of each other. Then, after about six years, her husband passed away leaving her with a substantial amount of money. She came to me out of the blue and we aided her in setting up an account. As a matter of fact, her account was one of the first that our firm started with. It was because of this we became such good friends.

"I'm doing great! Thank you. How is Lilly?"

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