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Dr Masters and Dahl

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Doctor and colleague begin a passionate affair.
7.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/01/2021
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Dr Masters and Dahl

Part 1

Dahl is a sculptor at heart, she loves nothing more than being at her workbench kneading her knuckles into her latest figurine, trying to eke out those vital dynamic details that her clients love so much. However, to fund this passion she currently has to work part-time elsewhere and that just happens to be as a secretary in the local hospital. The admin based job does little for her, but the last couple of weeks have been something of a wonderful deviation from the norm. That is in no small part due to Dr Masters.

Dr Jessica Masters is one of seven Consultant Cardiologists at Manchester City Hospital and is the most captivating woman Dahl has ever met. In her early 40s, intelligent, formidable, funny, interesting and wonderfully charismatic. Standing at 5' 10", slender but toned with beautiful long blond hair, blue eyes and a mischievous smile. One that seems hell-bent on causing Dahl's cheeks to flush every time it's flashed in her direction.

Dahl, who is in her early 30s and could easily be described as emphatic, dynamic and chic is also undoubtedly her equal in the looks department. She is an eclectic mix of ethnicities and had gained the most paramount genes from all of them. Her mother is half Spanish, half French and her father is British born to a South African mother and an American Father.

She has big brown hazel eyes you could easily get lost in, warm sienna skin and wavy dark auburn hair. The beginnings of some impressive athletic muscles on a 5' 9" frame, cute dimples in her cheeks when she smiles and a scattering of random tattoos all over her body.

Although she's always been pretty she's had to work hard to get where she is now. She'd been slightly more rounded a year ago due to a low point when nutrition had gone out the window but she's pulled it around and is finally looking how she's always felt.

Dahl's job is essential but dull, she thrives on the importance of the role and her ability to aid others in processes they do not themselves fully understand but it is, at the end of the day, an admin job and does little for the imagination of an expressive sculptor. It dragged her down and she lost motivation where her health was concerned.

However, in June last year, she reached rock bottom, claimed enough was enough and began the steady climb back up again. She swapped out bad for good food-wise, keeping the occasional treat in so as not to get too disheartened and began climbing, literally. She joined a walking group and climbed hills and mountains on her weekends.

During the week she and her best friend Hattie climb walls covered in plastic versions of rocks and bet each other a bar of chocolate that they can reach the top before the other. She also reduced her working hours and on occasion has the help of one of the admin clerks who supports her with any major issues that might come her way.

Dahl and Dr Masters have been colleagues for a few years now and they'd gotten to know each other in the polite work colleague way that most people do, the surface level chatter and the "Hi. How are you? Yes good, you? Yes fine thanks." way that you do with those you work with. There had been the odd extra moment of laughter over Dr Masters love of bad coffee and the eccentricities of another colleague but nothing more until Dr Masters discovered Dahl's talent for creativity at a city-wide art fair and purchased one of her more provocative and emotional pieces.

A bust of a bust was how one friend had described it. The woman's head thrown back, hair draping over her shoulders, one hand tearing at her chest the other reaching towards her sex. Eyes closed, chest pushed forward baring heart, soul and bosom to the world.

It had been an innermost feeling regarding an ex that had been thrown out into the world in this raw piece of expressionist art. A deepest desire to be carnal, wanted, needed and to have no control over the action of it all.

It spoke volumes to both women and lit a tiny spark between the two of them. They began to speak more freely with each other, looked for ways to extend their usual two-minute conversations and even shared some of their lunch breaks when the opportunity arose.


Dahl had always known she was gay. A few disappointing dalliances with men in her early twenties had cemented that fact and she'd been happy in her sexuality ever since. She'd played the field a bit whilst living in Barcelona for a few years, had a few close calls with husbands of neglected/closeted wives, fallen hard for the last one Ana, got her heartbroken and moved back to England to get over it.

Recently she'd begun to notice Dr Masters, their paths had begun to cross a bit more and she was thrilled when the doctor had turned up at one of her shows. Since then the two women had really hit it off and Dahl had been actively trying to figure out where the doctor's interests might lie, throwing in the odd flirtatious remark to see how she reacted. Dr Masters never rebuffed any of these comments but Dahl still wasn't sure if the doctor was open to more than just friendship.

For Dr Masters, her sexuality is a little more complicated. She has been married to a man for the past eighteen years so most people have assumed she's straight. They also have two children so the appearance of a happy heteronormative family is certainly perceived. However, she has always been aware of women and more than considered relationships with them. About ten years ago, when she and her husband had a short separation, she had a brief encounter with a woman called Olivia.

Olivia was a work colleague and friend who showed her a completely different side to herself. Jessica had panicked at the feelings though and ended it after a few months. She was offered the position at Manchester and decided it was a good move for her and her family and used the opportunity to start again. It worked, mostly, she hadn't considered another woman for quite some time and had made peace with staying in her marriage.

That was until she discovered Dahl and her sculptures.


A few weeks ago Dahl had hit her target weight, was feeling fantastic and emitting all kinds of confidence to the world.

Dr Masters had been on annual leave for a few weeks and upon her return to work was greeted by the fully contented and confident Dahl. As she walked into the cardiac department and caught sight of her she stopped stock-still in the middle of the reception area.

Dahl saw her and gave her a lingering smile before disappearing into her office and at that moment Dr Masters was hit by the realisation that she had feelings for another woman again. All the conversations she'd ever had with Dahl came flooding back to her and she realised she'd done nothing but try and impress her ever since she'd bought the sculpture.

She was snapped back to reality by one of the nurses who nearly bumped into her after she'd stopped so suddenly halfway into the department. She mumbled apologies for standing in the way and made her way to her office. Once inside she closed the door and leant back against it, exhaling sharply. She hadn't entertained the thought of being with another woman for over ten years. Let alone a woman who was ten years her junior, working in the same department as her and who operated to a completely different set of rules.

She ran her fingers through her hair, put her bag down, took her coat off and decided to get on with what she'd planned that morning. She had a lot of catching up to do after being off and she didn't quite know what her next move regarding Dahl would be. Things weren't great between her and her husband again but she still wasn't sure she wanted to go down this route.

She managed to get a little work done and then around lunchtime her thoughts drifted back to Dahl. She felt thrown by this new realisation and wasn't sure she was ready for what that might mean for her marriage or her job.

She decided she would see what happened, she wouldn't deliberately chase anything with her herself but if Dahl decided to make advances she wouldn't shut them down either. She did however need to speak to her about a patient. This would be a good test, she could gauge how she might function around her now that she'd recognised some hidden desires but try to keep it professional and to the point.

She walked into Dahl's office to find her sat facing her computer. The phone was to her ear and she was in full conversation with the patient on the other end of it, so she made her way over to her and perched on the edge of her desk. Dahl turned to face her and lit up into an affectionate smile when she saw who it was, she indicated she'd just be a minute but also mouthed "You ok?" to her.

Dr Masters nodded and smiled and sat quietly next to her as she finished her conversation.

She noticed how calm Dahl was with the patient on the other end of the phone who was clearly panicking about something. How her lips moved in such a delicate manner, forming her words carefully and precisely so as not to cause the patient more distress. She also noticed how beautiful her eyes were and how glorious she looked in a side profile.

A random assortment of piercings trailed down Dahl's left ear leading the doctors gaze into the curve of her neck and down to the beginnings of a tattoo at the top of her shoulder. The doctor absent-mindedly wondered what path it took across her body and then caught herself with a gentle reprimand. One step at a time.

Dahl finished her call and turned to Dr Masters

"Sorry, nervous patient, can I help you with something Dr Masters?"

The doctor was just exiting from her daydream and it took her a minute to realise Dahl had addressed her.

"Erm...yes sorry. Can you tell me when this patients next appointment is please?"

Dahl obliged and they discussed the patients' requirements for a few minutes. Then the conversation diverted a little onto general health and fitness. Dahl telling a story of a hot Yoga class that involved some interesting positions resulting in some fascinating noises emanating from her body, which had them both in giggles.

It was all going fairly well until Dr Masters ended up inadvertently saying something along the lines of...

"Yeah but you're hot, you can get away with it".

Which resulted in a curiously raised eyebrow and mischievous grin from Dahl and excessive blushing and a stutter of apology from Dr Masters.

"I'm sorry, I, you're looking really good, you're fit...I mean...."

She was saved by Dahl's boss, Dan, entering the office. Dr Masters thanked Dahl for her help and left the office as quickly as possible.

Dahl was left wondering what the hell just happened and hoping it was exactly what she wanted it to be. She almost went after the doctor but her boss stayed in the office too long and the rest of the day was lost to meetings and urgent cases.

Dr Masters had left the room feeling highly embarrassed at her fumbled and unplanned comments and vowed to work on her flirting skills that had obviously abandoned her along with her courage ten years ago. So much for taking things a step at a time too. She must be more careful in future.

Trying to hide her blushes she made a dash for her office, packed up her things and decided to head out. She'd completed her clinical hours for this week, the rest she could do from the comfort of her own home.

She got in to find the kids upstairs in their rooms and her husband clearing away some old plates and cups from the kitchen counter. Ones he'd left there the other night after watching some late-night boxing match. He didn't even look up when she wandered in, just grunted a hello at her.

She dumped her stuff on one of the dining chairs and watched him fuss trying to load the dishwasher. She grabbed herself a wine glass from the shelf nearest the window and poured herself some merlot.

They spent the next half an hour moving silently around each other sorting out the evening meal and tidying the kitchen. They conversed mainly with their daughters over dinner and then did the same silent kitchen dance when clearing away.

Dr Masters spent most of it trying to remember the last time they'd had a full-length conversation of any note. It wasn't that they disliked each other or that either of them had done anything wrong as such, they just didn't have anything to talk about anymore.

Her thoughts wandered back to her day at the hospital and her interactions with Dahl. The conversation had been so easy, so natural. Until she'd made her blunder and then it'd been all she could do to escape. Even that had been stimulating though, she'd been embarrassed at her delivery but she'd meant what she said. Dahl was unbelievably hot, how had it taken her this long to notice? The thought stirred something in her again and she blushed.

She poured what was left of the wine into her glass, mumbled to her husband that she was going to take a shower and wandered upstairs to the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

She turned on the shower and hurriedly stripped off her clothes. Taking a swig of wine she stepped under the steaming water letting it cascade over her face. The warm jet rippling down over her shoulders and massaging her yearning body.

Her hands found their way to her breasts and she gently clasped them. Dahl's face swam before her eyes and her breathing accelerated. She let her right hand snake its way down her torso towards her slit. Her fingers quickly finding her clit and tenderly pinching it. She let out a soft gasp at the touch, remembering how good it felt when another woman had done that to her years ago.

She began to tease her now aching pussy, imagining it was Dahl's fingers sliding up and down her slit. She fell back against the wall of the shower as she inserted first one then two fingers into her slick opening, her thumb flicking at her clit. She writhed against her hand as her fingers dug into her, tipping her over into first one climax then another. Waves of pleasure jolting through her, her back arching off the wall and her legs buckling, causing her to slump to the shower floor.

She gradually removed her fingers but kept gently stroking her lips and clit until she stopped convulsing. Her pussy was still sensitive to touch even when she finally managed to stand up, the tingling sensation continuing to course throughout her body. She couldn't remember the last time she'd had such an intense orgasm.

She spent the next hour, affectionately massaging different areas of her body exploring it as though it were new, trying to figure out what the feminine touch could do. Starting at her toes she worked her way up her legs towards her inner thighs, across her stomach and up to her chest. Grabbing, pinching, tickling, teasing anything she came into contact with before finally returning to her slit and eagerly vibrating her thumb against her clit building herself up to an intense third climax.


The following day Dahl had just been about to leave the office to deliver some files to the x-ray department when Dr Masters walked into her office. The two women nearly collided straight into one another. After some awkward apologies and a switch of positions so that Dr Masters was now fully inside the office and Dahl was nearer to the door, Dahl spoke.

"Erm, I was just on my way to deliver some files but if there's something you need...?"

Dr Masters smiled at her sheepishly.

"I...I wanted to apologise for what I said yesterday, I forgot myself for a minute and what I said was highly inappropriate, I don't expect...".

Dahl turned away from her and walked towards the door. The doctor thought she was going to just walk out so she stopped mid-sentence, closed her eyes to avoid seeing such an obvious rejection and took in a deep breath to try and calm herself. When she opened her eyes again she found that Dahl had shut the door, placed the files on the desk and was making her way towards her, her eyes firmly fixed on the doctor.

Dahl moved up close to her gently grazing their bodies together. She lifted her hand to brush away some hair that had fallen over the consultant's eyes. Her fingers softly trailing off down the side of her cheek. The doctor's breath caught.

"What are you doing?" she whispered.

"I thought I'd take a turn at being inappropriate" Dahl replied and with that, she kissed the speechless consultant.

Dr Masters felt the electricity of the kiss travel throughout her entire body and it responded with her lost confidence. She pulled Dahl closer to her in a deep embrace, their lips parted and their tongues met.

Dahl's hands wound themselves into Dr Master's hair and the doctor ran her hands down Dahl's back to her hips. She started to move her gently back towards the office wall, pushing Dahl up against it and herself up against Dahl. Their kisses beginning to grow more desperate and heated.

Her hands crept round to the front of Dahl's body and up towards her chest. Dahl gasped as she gently cupped her breasts, momentarily breaking their kiss, they both paused and giggled a little, stunned by the desperate urgency to embrace one another.

Dahl pressed her forehead against Dr Masters' and held the doctors face in her hands. She pulled her head away and locked their gaze, pausing for a second to connect with the irresistible woman in front of her. The thumb of her left hand trailed across the doctor's lips.

Dr Masters moved her hands round to Dahl's back and pulled her towards her again, their kiss this time slightly slower and more exploratory.

Just as the doctor was starting to work her fingers in between Dahl's waistband and her top there was a knock on the door. The two women only just registered it before the door began to open and Dan walked in. He found Dahl sat at her desk and Dr Masters handing her the file she'd left by the door. Dan addressed Dr Masters with a little nod.


Dr Masters did the same.

"Dan....thanks for your help Dahl" she added giving her a knowing grin.

Ten minutes after Dan had left her office Dahl was still trying to cool herself down. She couldn't quite believe she'd been so bold as to initiate a kiss with a consultant and that it had been reciprocated.

She absent-mindedly ran her fingers across her lips re-imagining the moment they'd connected with the doctors and wondered how and when she could initiate something else.

Dr Masters had left the room in a state of disbelief. What the hell was she doing? She wasn't sure she could answer that right now but she knew how that kiss had made her feel and she liked it.


A few days later Dahl found herself late to the weekly department meeting and so had to slide in at the back behind everyone else. As she slid quietly through the door the woman standing in front of it turned around. It was the doctor and she greeted Dahl with a flushed smile. They hadn't seen each other since their kiss due to one thing and another and this unexpected encounter sent an aroused energy through them both.

Dahl moved up close next to her allowing their arms to brush against each other. They snuck each other flirty smiles and after nonchalantly glancing around, to check no one was paying them any attention, the doctor linked their little fingers.

Questions were then shot in the doctor's direction and Dahl jumped a little almost breaking their link but the doctor held onto her. Dahl wondered how no one else in the room noticed, but Dr Masters was so incredibly confident and impressively good at managing to deflect the attention away from herself onto others that not one person in that room saw their entwined fingers.

As soon as the questions were re-directed to someone else Dr Masters leant over and whispered in Dahl's ear.

"I can't stop thinking about that kiss..."

Dahl, finding her confidence now others were distracted, whispered back.

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