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Dr. Merkwürdigliebe

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A hopefully humorous polyamorous role play.
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This is a depiction of a sex game we played as young adults living together after the guys got out of the Army. We traded parts around but one of the guys had a wonderful Peter Sellers faux German accent. Merkwürdigliebe being German for "strange love."

Dr. Merkwürdigliebe

Samuel was an old-time traditionalist, the Bible told him to be fruitful and multiply, and to marry early and often. He and his three wives had a really good life. Samuel dearly loved his wives and always sought ways to protect them. The Lord had provided his farm with good soil and plenty of rain. He saw nothing in scripture telling him to ignore the benefits of modern science, and so he booked an appointment for his wives with world famous gynecologist Dr. Merkwürdigliebe.

When Samuel and his three wives arrived at the office for their appointment, the acclaimed gynecologist was preparing his "friendly" examination room for his patients. Dr. M.'s practice was the latest and greatest medical advance to happen in the hamlet of Aramea, Utah. To eliminate any and all potential apprehension on the part of his patients, the exam room was decorated as if it were a typical Western Texas master bedroom circa 1970.

Samuel was somewhat taken aback when he entered the comfortable waiting room with his lovely wives, Tammy, Gail and Sharon. Lynn, the very attractive receptionist, was friendly, and said that the doctor was getting everything ready for them. She invited everyone to sit down, and asked if they would like some water or lemonade. Samuel knew that the receptionist's name was Lynn, because although she was completely naked, "Lynn" was written in black grease pencil over her left breast.

It was quite an unusual situation, and Samuel considered leaving. But his wives were sitting comfortably on the sofa, chatting with one another. Besides Doctor Merkwürdigliebe had come very highly recommended, he had recently been the private personal physician for President Merkin Muffley.

Samuel really did not know what to do when Doctor M. came into the waiting room completely naked himself. Naked except for a stethoscope that he wore draped over his shoulders. A stethoscope that looked as if it were hastily made from two Dixie Cups and some dental floss.

"Look now," said Samuel, "I don't wish to be rude, but what the Sam Hill is going on here?"

"Ah, you are our new patients," Dr. M. said in a thick German accent, "allow me to show you around and introduce our staff. We are a very progressive practice. Everything we do here is geared towards making our patients feel completely at home. If they are to be naked, vulnerable and exposed, then the least that we can do is the same. No one is better than anyone else here, If I were wearing pants I would put them on one leg at a time as you do, sir. I merely have a skill you do not, conversely you have skills I do not. Come let us go into the examination room."

"Well," said Samuel, "I suppose..."

But his three wives had already walked through the door into the examination room.

Lynn, the pretty receptionist followed them. Inside of the examination room waiting for them was an equally pretty nurse, and she too was naked. Samuel knew she was a nurse because "Nurse Erica" was written in black grease pencil over her left breast. The nurse and the receptionist asked the three women to remove all of their clothing. and then hung the removed garments in the closet.

"Come now sir," Doctor M. said to Samuel, "we cannot have the women do what we will not."

Reluctantly, Samuel too removed his clothing.

"Very good," said Doctor M., "when we are finished with your wives, Nurse Erica will give you a prostate exam."

Although he had never had one, Samuel had heard of this exam, and a look of consternation was evident on his face.

"Do not worry sir," Doctor M. said, "the way Nurse Erica gives the exam is quite enjoyable, I have one daily. Later she can instruct your wives on how to properly perform the procedure. We believe in sharing knowledge.

"First on today's agenda, we will be performing breast examinations. Now these exams are very, very important. Examining your breasts on your own can be an important way to find any changes that should be brought to your doctor's attention. You ladies are all very lucky to have one another. We will teach each of you, so that you can check one another daily.

"We begin by looking at your magnificent titties in the mirror-"

"Titties?" said Tammy.

"Yes, well we find less formal language to be helpful in making medical procedures more accessible and user friendly," said Doctor M..

"Oh..." said Sharon.

"So first you stand tall, with your shoulders straight," said Nurse Erica, "and with both of your hands on your hips."

Lynn gently placed Gail hands upon her hips, then proceeded to fondle her buttocks. "You have a really nice ass," she said.

"I..." said Gail, "what?"

"Remember," said Doctor M., "to always compliment your wives on their very obvious natural beauty, God has certainly smiled upon you that these magnificent women are yours."

"Now every single breast is unique," said Lynn, "different, even from your other one."

"Yes," said Doctor M., "Lynn here is not so large as Nurse Erica, but notice the difference is far more than size. Each and every breast is unique, and wonderfully different. Erica's breasts have a bulbous shape, Lynn's full and round, Sharon's a perky nature. Gail has pink nipples that stick out like thumbs, Tammy's are small but her dark areola are even bigger than Erica's."

"Lynn's breasts taste like Madagascar vanilla," said Erica looking directly at Samuel. "Please sir, taste them."

"Yes," said Doctor M., "taste is very important. You must each taste one another daily so that you might note any changes."

"Whereas Erica's titties taste like Mexican vanilla," said Lynn, "full bodied and rich, with just a hint of smoke."

Nurse Erica was tasting Tammy's breasts, "A hint of cherry," she said. "I would classify Tammy as Tahitian."

"Erica?" said Doctor M..

Erica tasted Tammy's breasts next. "Definite Tahitian vanilla, I would say Hudson cherry, not Bing."

"Please, please now," said Doctor M., "Gail and Sharon, please taste your sister-wife's breasts. It is important to store the memory of these flavors in your mind. Samuel. Please sir, you love her, do taste her and remember her taste.

"Time is not important, take your time. The time is for Tammy; she is worth it."

After all present has tasted her, they compared notes, and agreed on Tammy's taste. Sharon was next.

"Tonga vanilla," said Lynn, "unmistakable with that hint of raisin undertone, so very sweet."

"Ah yes," said Doctor M., partaking of Sharon's flavor, "definitely Tonga."

But to be certain, Nurse Erica tasted, she concurred. Gail and Samuel went next to catalog Tammy's taste. Doctor M. told them it would take months to ingrain a base flavor, and so the procedure must be repeated daily. The subject of Tammy's monthly cycle was discussed.

"Yes," said Doctor M., "each of you will have specific changes to all of your flavors-"

"All of our flavors?" asked Gail.

"Yes," said Doctor M., "when we are finished with your breast flavors, we will examine vaginal flavors-"

"Vaginal flavors?" Said Samuel.

"Yes," said Doctor M., "you have noticed, no doubt, the subtle differences between the tastes of your wive's vaginal secretions. Each one is unique and uniquely beautiful. You should certainly savor each of them as they are a divine gift. But also you should catalog their uniqueness, so that you might record any differences that develop."

"Ah," said Lynn, leaning back from tasting Gail's breasts. "She tastes of Indonesian vanilla, floral and well balanced.

Samuel tasted his wife's bosom in front of everybody, at first it was a little weird, but then he got used to it. Lynn was right, Gail had a vanilla flower taste. So he tasted Tammy, Samuel could not recall ever having tasted Tahitian vanilla, but he could taste what Lynn referred to as a faint cherry flavor. He went back and forth several times learning to differentiate Tammy's hint of cherry from Sharon's raisin notes. Sharon's Tonga was just a tad sweeter, Tammy's Tahitian a bit more tart.

Doctor M. was impressed at how quickly Samuel was picking up his tutorial, so he asked Samuel to taste Nurse Erica and Lynn as well. It was kind of funny Samuel thought, Nurse Erica had the largest breasts, and those beauties even had a full bodied taste. Their smokiness was noticeable. Lynn's breasts did taste just a bit like the Madagascar vanilla ice cream he remembered eating once at a fancy restaurant in El Paso.

Doctor M., being thorough, double checked each breast present, including those belonging to Lynn and Nurse Erica, before moving on with the examination.

Gail was slow to stand, and looked a little embarrassed as she did finally stand. Nurse Erica noticed the small wet spot on the sheet where she had been sitting.

"Don't be embarrassed dear," said Nurse Erica, "it's perfectly normal."

"Yes," said Doctor M.," it's that whole, the neck bone's connected to the collarbone and the ankle bone and a whole buncha da other bones all in there someplace. It means you are healthy and it gives us a chance to do a lubricant viscosity test."

Doctor M. described what those assembled were watching. "This is another important test you can do at home. Lynn has slowly inserted two of her fingers into Gail's pussy. She is carefully swirling them around in her vagina to collect some of her wondrous natural lubricant on them. Once she has enough, she rubs it on Samuel's, or in this case my penis.

"Once my dick is coated with Gail's sweet-smelling lubricant, Lynn will give me twenty nice strong full length strokes. There should not be a loss of lubricating quality. If there is don't panic, just go back and get more. Here, this is an alternate route to application of the lubricant. Please lie back Miss Gail." Gail did as requested, and Doctor M. slid his turgid member into her. "Much nicer and more personal than a speculum," he said.

"A couple of really good long strokes, ahh. And you pull out. Now Nurse Erica will hold me up from behind. This is very important if you do this examination on a slippery surface, like in the shower. Lynn will use her hand and give me twenty long, hard strokes. One, two, three... nineteen, twenty... Ahh, now we make sure that the lubricant has not been compromised. We taste it, well Lynn tastes it."

All watched as Lynn licked his glans and took Doctor M.'s penis deep into her mouth.

"Ahh, yes," said Doctor M., "you can do it in the mouth. Or... As my skillful associate is doing, in her throat. Ahh, you hear that, she is sort of gargling, making vibrations, ahh that feels so nice."

Then, after Lynn released the doctor's member, she took a deep breath. She returned his raging hardness to her throat, and Nurse Erica slipped down Doctor M.'s back. Nurse Erica reached carefully between Doc's buttocks.

"AHH..." said Doctor M. with a big smile.

Lynn sucked a little while longer, and then erotically licked Doc's penis clean. "Both vaginal lubricant, and semen quantity and quality are perfectly normal," she said.

"His prostate is also normal," said Nurse Erica.

"See, it's easy," said Doc M.. "We will teach you."

"Yes well, I suppose..." said Samuel.

"But of course," said Dr. M., "our bodies are constantly trying to communicate with us, we simply need to listen to them. Nurse Erica, please show our guest."

Nurse Erica got on her knees and took Samuel's penis into her mouth after licking it. She swirled her tongue around the head and corona. After licking the bottom of the shaft as she took a deep breath she gently pulled against his buttocks and took him into her throat.

"Oh, my... My dear God!" Said Samuel, "Ahhh..."

"Yes, quite enjoyable is it not Sir," said Dr. M., "Nurse Erica will be most happy to teach each of your wives. Lynn can make three follow-up appointments, It is really a simple procedure to learn, it just takes practice."

"It looks difficult," said Sharon.

"It's just a combination of deep breathing exercises, relaxation of a few muscles and holding on to a feeling of inner calm," said Lynn, "and look how Samuel enjoys it."

At that moment Nurse Erica pressed Samuel's "button."

As Nurse Erica cleaned Samuel's penis, Dr. M. said, "Lynn, please check Tammy's pussy."

After her taste Lynn said, "fragrant and quite sweet, like a fully ripe peach."

Nurse Erica tasted Tammy next, "Ah, yes her fruity aroma follows the nose, and that sweet taste has a moderately tart finish," she said.

"Now wait just a second!" Said Samuel, recovering. "My wife is no 'tart.'"

"No, no, of course not," said Dr. M. "she is a fine young lady, Nurse Erica is referring to her pussy flavor."

"Pussy?" said Samuel.

"Pussy, twat, hole, cunt, quim, box," said Nurse Erica, "your wife's most sensitive and beautiful place, the entryway to her soul. A part of her that should be totally loved by you, and her sister-wives, in the same way that you and her sister-wives love her."

"Well, I guess..." said Samuel.

"You are obviously a caring husband," said Lynn, "you will know what to do."

Dr. M. bent down, and tasted Tammy's vagina, and then said, "she has just a small hint of refreshing tartness, like a beautiful little key lime. Please Sir, taste her."

"Well, alright," said Samuel.

"Note her light bodied peach flavor with a moderately dry finish," said Nurse Erica.

"Words simply don't express how good she is," said Lynn.

"Well," said Samuel, tasting Tammy again, "she does have a light lemon or lime hue, doesn't she, just under the peach."

"You are really getting the hang of this, Sir," said Dr. M.. "Here, I will taste Gail first, then you, then Lynn, then Nurse Erica. Afterward we will compare notes."

"Alright," said Samuel.

Dr. M. quickly tasted Gail, then after Samuel took a long sniff and taste, Lynn and Nurse Erica took long lingering tastes. Using their tongues to go deep inside of Gail's pussy, so as to elicit any possibly hidden flavors.

It seemed to Samuel that Gail was clearly enjoying the experience.

"I think Tammy and Sharon should sample their sister-wife as well," said Dr. M..

Tammy and Sharon did so haltingly.

"Please," said Nurse Erica, "take a long slow taste, use your tongue as if you were a hummingbird."

Tammy and Sharon went again, more slowly this time.

"So," said Samuel, "should I go first?"

"Please do sir," said Dr. M..

"Ripe or even overripe peaches are the most obvious part of Gail's aroma," said Samuel, "like a cobbler fresh and warm from the oven."

"Oh yes," said Sharon, "the smell is very sugary peaches right on the edge of fermentation, with a hint of spice in the flavor."

"More on the side of a sweet tea drink infused with peaches or..." said Nurse Erica.

"Perhaps gloriously over-ripened peaches," said Lynn, "maybe with the tiniest hint of salt and black pepper."

"Ah," said Dr. M., "a delicacy of sweet tasting peaches with a hint of berry, the tiniest hint of inviting sourness."

"Yes," said Samuel, "that's it, like a bit of lemon juice was used in the crust!"

"Oh she smells so very sweet," said Tammy, "and she tastes even better."

"Taste is straightforward," said Lynn, "but a very useful way to determine if any change has occurred. Here I will taste Sharon."

"Ah," said Lynn, "Nurse Erica, please taste Sharon and tell me what the undernote is."

"Maybe raspberries?" Said Nurse Erica.

Samuel took a taste, "sweet, sour, crisp, yes I would say raspberry."

Dr. M. took a taste, "sweet, crisp, funky, and smooth, something to truly savor."

"Tammy and Gail should taste their sister-wife," said Dr. M..

This time they were not hesitant and took long lingering tastes.

"A rich, deep peach aroma," said Tammy, "with a slight sour hint on the backside."

"My dear," said Dr. M., "you have an amazing palate."

"It's definitely peach," said Gail, "with just a wild hint to it as well."

Dr. M. took another taste of Sharon, "yes Gail, you are spot-on. Please taste, Sir."

"Yes," said Samuel, "Gail you are absolutely correct. Peach and maybe wild strawberry."

"Now the tasting at the introitus, the vaginal opening, is very important," said Dr. M., "but we also need a taste from the back of the vagina."

"How on earth do we do that?" Asked Sharon.

"It's slightly more complicated," said Dr. M., "but we can show you how to do it. Sharon please lie back on the bed. Thank you... Samuel come and insert yourself into your wife, give her five even strokes. Now as you finish number five, pull out... Good, Gail please run the tip of your tongue right behind Samuel's penile head. We want to take Sharon's 'deep flavor' from right behind that ring on your husband's cock."

"Cock?" said Gail.

"Cock, penis, member, appendage, magic wand," said Dr. M.. "The part of your loving husband that he shares with you when you join as a single spiritual being."

Gail tried to follow the doctor's instructions and took Samuel into her mouth, but apparently the stimulation was a little much.

"What do you taste?" Asked Dr. M..

"A Bavarian pretzel from the state fair," said Gail.

"Ah, yes," said Dr. M.. "Please return to Samuel, and let's get all of that pretzel removed before proceeding. Meanwhile, I will repeat the test with Sharon. Tammy, please get ready to taste your sister-wife on my member, lick right behind the ring, it catches the deep flavors."

"The nose is," said Tammy, "peachy but also wild and funky."

"Very good," said Dr. M., "now I will try you Tammy, please lay down."

"Well, OK," said Tammy.

"Sharon get ready to taste Tammy off of me," said Dr. M..

"Again, a peach flavor," said Sharon, "a nice rich, sweet peach, maybe a hint of musk but one heck of a body."

"Samuel are you ready?" Asked Dr. M..

"Yes," said Samuel, "I feel much better now."

Samuel inserted himself into Gail and Nurse Erica tasted him when he was done.

"Her aroma is dominated with the scent of candied peach." said Nurse Erica. "With strong notes of cobbler, a hint of lime and lots of sugar."

"Let me taste," said Lynn.

"I don't think any is left," said Nurse Erica, "Samuel, put yourself in me."

"Well, I don't know," said Samuel.

"It will be educational," said Lynn.

"It's for your wives," said Nurse Erica.

Samuel figured it was a very small sacrifice to be made for his three wonderful wives.

"Oh my, the taste is very pleasant," said Lynn, "very 'fruit forward,' and Nurse Erica's peach taste is incredibly fresh.

"Compare it to me," Lynn said.

"Well," said Samuel.

"Knowledge is power," said Dr. M., who was comparing the tastes of Tammy, Gail and Sharon. The three basically lying intertwined sideways on the queen sized "examination" bed.

"Very spritzy and refreshing." said Nurse Erica, "Lynn your flavors are perfectly complementary."

"Why thank you very much," said Lynn.

"Now Sir," Dr. M. said, "from time to time you will have to apply various medicines vaginally. You, and only you, Sir can do this job. We will apply the base ointment to our application rod."

Dr. M. spread the gel on the tip of his penis. "It all goes right here, now watch as I demonstrate the proper procedure on Gail. Please lie back on the bed dear."

"Well, I guess," said Gail.

"Ah yes like that," said Dr. M.. "Now, spread as wide as you can dear. You must hold her delicate folds apart, so it all goes inside of her. The heat of a little happy friction, eight or ten strokes like this... Ah yes I think we have it."

Lynn handed Samuel the tube of gel and said, "here why don't you try it with Nurse Erica."

"Well, I mean, if you really think I should," said Samuel.

"Oh, yes, please do," said Nurse Erica .


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