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Draenei Coronation Pt. 01

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Princess Azilara needs to awaken her ancient power...
4.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/25/2022
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Part 1 of 2:

Included kinks:

Futanari, fantasy, draenei, world building, growth, magic, size difference, teasing, public nudity, sex

All characters are entirely fictional and all above the age of 18!


Azilara's purple hand stroke softly over the wooden throne she called her own for so long. It almost felt like a farewell from an old friend, or maybe even a bit of a betrayal. For her eyes rose to the far greater and more impressive seat next to it. The vacant marble throne of the empress... and suited for a woman twice her height.

"It is time," the court enchantress Cherae said and clapped her hands, seemingly able to summon servants as well.

Princess Azilara sighed and stretched out her arms to the servants approaching her from both sides and allowed them to pull off her royal garment.

"Are you nervous, princess?" Cherae asked.

She was of impressive stature for a woman who had grown up exclusively at the imperial court. Standing at almost 8ft in height she towered above the princess by at least half a foot, probably even more. The rest of her seemed to have also surpassed the heir to such a powerful bloodline. Curves and muscles alike. But that would change very soon.

"I am not sure what to feel to be honest," Azilara said and almost winced at the freezing paint seeping into her skin.

"Everything will be alright, your highness. Today is a day of joy for you and I am honoured to guide you through the ritual, just like my mother did for the empress."

"I could not think of anyone more capable and wiser," Azilara said and joined in with a smile.

She enjoyed having Cherae around, ever since she was young enough for her training. While she had no talent for magic, there was still ancient blood coursing through her veins and made her naturally curious to follow those who wielded such power. Cherae certainly did.

The light blue Draenei was considered equally as gifted as her mothers, who served the imperial court for many decades. And unknown to her, did Azilara not only enjoy talking to her but seeing her equally as much. She truly could not think of anyone who she rather wanted to share such an intimate day with than her.

"I already feel it," said the princess and looked at her arms.

The symbols the servants painted onto her forearms shone brighter than the rest of her skin despite sharing the same colour. Azilara gazed upon their crafty hands caressing her skin softly and adding layer upon layer of the magic liquid for her to absorb. They clearly practiced this ritual as much as the princess did.

"You are doing great, your highness. I can sense it too. You are strong with the ancient magic."

"I never managed to cast a single spell, Cherae," the princess chuckled and smirked as enticingly as the enchantress did.

"My magic and yours are very much different. I could never control the power you will be able to wield soon."

"If I am as strong as you think. Or... like my mother was," Azilara said, her smirk vanishing from her youthful face.

"Your mother was gifted like very few were, but even she needed someone else to unlock her full power. This is not only your burden, your highness. Your consort has an equally important role to play. She only does not know it yet," Cherae said and snipped with her fingers.

The servants brought her the chalice and the dagger that would kickstart the ritual, but Azilara's thoughts still dwelled on her consort. And the fact that she couldn not tell if she already met her or not.

"Are you sure there is no way of telling who was chosen for me? I ... think I would prefer to know it beforehand," Azilara said and felt her royal gown being pulled past her shoulders and exposing her silk undergarments.

She always had been very insecure about her figure, especially when she was the daughter of a literal giantess. Empress Aevanora, as her mother was called throughout the realm, surpassed all those who came before her. In stature, might ... and potency. If someone embodied the true strength of their ancient bloodline it would have been her.

"Sadly, I do not possess such power, your highness. Or anybody I learned from. All I can do is guide you through the ritual, until the ancient magic chooses for you," Cherae said and walked up to her princess.

She had to look down to meet Azilara's gaze, but her bright shining blue eyes washed away any worries the heir might have. Her soft hands rested softly on the princess' shoulder and made her smile where she felt insecure and shaken before.

"You will enjoy this. Your mother has and everyone before her. I assure you; you will not feel disheartened for long."

"Do not tell me you also have a spell for that?" Azilara said and made both break a smile.

"Perhaps I do. But I doubt that will be necessary," Cherae said almost motherly and nodded at the servants next to them. "We can start."

Princess Azilara took a deep breath when she saw another group of servants set up the generously spacious bed in front of her. They certainly took her ascension in consideration by the looks of it.

"Here, my princess," one of her maids said to her and held up the golden dagger.

It looked like it had seen way too many winters, generations even and appeared to be dull and frail. It proved as sharp as the day it was forged.

Azilara's royal blood started dripping from her finger and into the chalice Cherae held with both her hands. She mumbled her spell and once the vessel started to shine brighter than all the candles around them, one of the servants poured in the potion from the enchantress' flask.


Azilara almost jumped back by the sudden explosion when the potion mingled with her blood. But Cherae remained steadfast.

"As I told you. Your power is far greater than you give yourself credit. Here. I added a flavour I know you will find pleasant," the enchantress said and offered the golden chalice.

The princess took it with shaky hands and knew there was nothing to worry about. They went through the ritual a hundred times. Even her late mother described the act to her and made it sound like an enthralling experience. And that despite leaving out the part where she fucked almost 50 nobles before she found her consort.

Azilara swallowed the last bit of her hesitation before lifting the chalice to her lips. It truly smelled exquisite. Its taste was even more divine. Cherry, her favourite flavour, just like Cherae promised.

A pleasant warmth was spreading through her body as the liquid travelled down her gullet and rested in her stomach. The sensation did not differentiate between her limbs, muscles or more sensitive parts. It all felt very much pleasant, almost like this was the way she was always meant to feel.

The servants looked at her with wide eyes and seemed shocked by her appearance. They knew what they needed to know, but neither of them ever stood in the presence of the ancient magic when it was casted.

"You look like you have seen a demon. Is something wrong?" Azilara asked the only person who looked very much composed. Content even.

"Quite the opposite. You are taking well to the potion. Look," Cherae said and summoned a mirror she held before the princess.

The woman in the reflection stared back at Azilara with a fiery gaze. Literally. Her purple eyes were shining brighter than the symbols drawn onto her body.

"Is this ... me?"

"Indeed, your highness. And it means the ritual has begun. The first candidate is waiting."

"I..." Azilara said and strangely enough felt excited by who Cherae chose first.

"Bring her in. I am ready."

"You certainly are."


The guards bowed as the first visitor passed them and didn't get their heads up until the gate closed on its own. They bowed before a woman who commanded them on many occasions and now that Azilara thought about it, made for an obvious first choice.

"My princess," Bellae said and bowed before the throne.

She had the look of a general. A tall, impressively muscular figure, with a powerful voice to match. Azilara always felt a bit intimidated by her, but now that she for once did not wear her armour, Bellae looked very alluring. And if the rumours were true, she would prove to be a more than "capable" first candidate.

The hero of many battles against the orcs seemed to grow bigger in stature the close she got to her soon to be empress. Azilara felt herself turn more aroused the longer she stared into those unrelenting eyes of her most decorated general. The feeling must have been mutual, for the general proved not just impressively built but also extraordinarily hung.

"You... have chosen wisely, Cherae," Azilara said as she took in the sight of the imposing general.

"Thank you, your highness," the enchantress said and stepped aside. "You may commence now."

The princess and her general shared a confused look for a second and when the awkward silence started to grow bigger than both their excitement, did they consult Cherae once more.

"Are there any words to be exchanged? Any spells required for the ritual?" Bellae asked in her rousingly thunderous voice.

"There are none. The ritual is already in full swing. I am merely here to assist the princess with her stamina and for her comfort. But it will be your passion that will awaken the power that rests in the princess. If you are the chosen consort that is," she explained.

"And there is only one way of finding out if you are chosen," Azilara said as well and smiled softly up to the brawny general, her fingers reaching out for her perfectly sculptured arms.

"I will gladly prove my worth. One way or another, my princess," Bellae returned as the bulge swelled even bigger under her tight robe.

"Your... efforts... are certainly welcome, General."

The princess wasted no time undressing the hulking figure before her. The general was blessed in so many ways, she thought. So many talents and on top she was built in a way that would make any Draenei drool. Even royalty.

The outline of Azilara's cock swelled longer when both women started caressing each other. If arousal was an indication for the ancient magic, then the two might be on to something, for both were moaning by the time they stripped each other nude.

"You look just like your mother... before she blossomed," Bellae said uncharacteristically softly, her over two-foot-long cock pulsing mightily before her abs. "But you are bigger than she was."

Azilara almost started laughing, but felt never felt this flattered before.

"It is hard to imagine me bigger than my mother anywhere," she said and bit her lip imagining standing at 15ft in height and built like her predecessor. "For now, I mean."

"I have witnessed her before... and I can tell you... you have gotten her beaten. In some regards," Bellae said and stroke the princess' foot and a half to its full size.

Azilara was always aware that she was well-equipped for someone of average height. All her maids and lovers praised her about that, but only in this moment did she feel truly special. Only when she received praise from a woman who wielded swords, spears and hammers, but had the biggest tool between her hefty legs.

"If you say so, my general," Azilara said and started pulling the far stronger, mature Draenei into the softness of her spacious bed. "Who am I to question such a wise and loyal servant to my mother."

The green-skinned general bit her lips and invited the princess into her, her massive legs opening up for the royal member throbbing before her. It was an odd sensation knowing that a veteran of hundred battles could blush this wholesomely if the situation arose.

Azilara's hands were mindlessly going up and down the gigantic shaft before her. She would have loved to take it to the very last inch, but this was not part of the ritual. It was up to her to be dominant after all. Like a true empress should be. Especially when her partner was already more than impressively equipped in their own right.

"By the light, what would I give to be taken by that cock," Azilara thought and looked up to the court enchantress, almost bringing herself to plead to take just this one cock herself.

Cherae's blue eyes were focused on the two women moaning before her. Almost with frightening professionalism, but the noticeable tent pulsing between her legs could not be overseen.

"I... am... getting..." Azilara moaned, her thrust matching the general's grinding hips under her.

She would make for a great consort the princess thought. Their sex life would be amazing, especially when the general would be allowed to go full out as well. Azilara knew that would not be happening though. Her mother told her how she felt the second she laid her hands on her wife. The all-consuming heat that consumed her by just touching her skin. While their bodies looked perfectly in sync and made for each other, there was no such magic to be found. Not on the general's swollen pillar pushing into the princess' face or her chiselled muscles.

"Ahh... cumming," Azilara gasped and kept herself together until she felt the general's spunk as well erupt all over the two.

The princess collapsed onto the iron woman under her, her own set of breasts far outmatched by the veteran's quite sizeable bosom.

"I doubt I was chosen," Bellae said softly in between deep gasps. "It was certainly more than pleasant though, my empress."

"You... are... absolutely right about that, my general," Azilara said and only barely managed to keep herself from kissing the mature woman as she got up.

They had chemistry, but nothing to unlock the ancient magic that would rule over the realm.

"You did your mother justice," Bellae said and looked at the enchantress, who nodded in silent agreement.

The princess only dared to smile. She would have usually run risk to lose her heart to that sort of woman, but she had a far greater role to fulfil now that she would be soon ruling an empire.

"Your reputation is no longer one of just fame and honour to me, my dear general," Azilara said and barely controlled the warmth shooting into her face.

"You honour me, your highness," Bellae returned and as she picked up her cum-stained garment the enchantress stepped in.

She moved her hands, a green light illuminating the room as she rallied her magic. Cherae's eyes shone almost as bright as the princess' but her aura was immediately felt in the entire throne room. Her green light took hold of her figure, coating her fingers and arms into the magical light before shooting it onto the general.

Bellae didn't even flinch and her frantic breathing was immediately back to her stoic, silent rhythm. She looked restored, donning her now clean garment with a knowing grin on her face as her hooves thundered through the hall until she left via the southern gate.

"You can do that to anyone?" Azilara asked, still laying on her cushioned bed.

"It is a very useful spell. For many occasions," Cherae said warmly and continued magically cleaning all the stains off the paved tiles around them.

She made it look effortless. Her figure was always graceful, her movement fluid. Azilara, still recovering from a climax that shook her to the core, looked up at her strongest magician in silent admiration.

"Are you feeling alright, my princess?" the enchantress asked eventually.

"I... feel pretty alright. Like anyone would after such fun," Azilara laughed, turning her face away before Cherae would notice her stare. "I noticed you enjoyed it as well."

The blue Draenei froze immediately, the green aura vanishing around her.

"Forgive me... if... that bothered you," she said anxiously and bowed before her princess. "It will not happen again."

"Don't tell me you feel embarrassed now. Not after you saw me fucking my highest decorated general," the princess said casually, but revelled in the blush emerging on Cherae's beautiful face. "I didn't mind it. Not one bit."

Cherae looked puzzled for the first time but soon returned to that warm, calm expression of hers.

"I understand, your highness," she said and grinned again. "Do you still hold on to your worries?"

Azilara giggled and got up from the bed that was immediately brought back to a pristine condition.

"Do I look like it?" she said and pointed at her cum-stained figure. "The only thing I worry about now is the time it takes me to be ready for the next round."

"Then I have just the right spell for you," Cherae said.

"I would have been surprised if you didn't," Azilara smirked.

Cherae stood a good 15ft away from her, but the aura was still vivid enough to make the princess' hairs on her arms and legs stand up. Wave after wave seemed to crush down onto the princess. Even the air felt hot to draw in. Whatever spell Cherae casted, it must have been a hundred times stronger than the one that cleaned Bellae before. Not even she could withstand such ... pleasure.

The princess closed her eyes and felt vigour return into her body. It was not just ordinary arousal like when she first saw the general in her full glory, but something far more potent. Some power that reached the furthest corners of her body and made her explode in ecstasy.

"By the light!" Azilara moaned and cupped her breasts when she was unable to stop herself from giving in.

Her feet felt weak, but also brimmed with reborn strength all the same. Just like the rest of her entire body. The green aura that danced over her purple skin made the ceremonial paint on her limbs shine even brighter... until the princess felt a sensation she could no longer describe.

Her entire figure pulsed the second her balls and cock were once more brimming with untamed desire. But it didn't stop there. Azilara's fingers dug into her soft tits, one hand caressing her now diamond hard member which appeared to only get more swollen the longer the magic poured into her.

"I... what is... this... feel-" Azilara cried out, her sex twitching in non-stop climax until, for a split second, she realised what she felt... and then it was gone.

"Your highness!"

Azilara looked around in confusion. Cherae stood a few feet before her, her eyes wide and questioning -- almost panicking.

"You ... certainly found the right spell," Azilara said and looked down.

She was throbbing at full-mast and upon closer inspection looked even harder than ever before.

"I don't... I don't know what was wrong, my princess! I swear I have tried this spell many times and this never happened!"

Azilara frowned and for a moment could not make sense why her court enchantress seemed this distraught. She looked at her arms, still pulsing in that vibrant light along those painted lines. They vanished mere moments after she gazed upon them, not leaving any marks or tracks on where they were before.

"I don't see what's wrong," Azilara said softly and tensed her muscles, completely dropping any court protocol.

She felt so much more alive than before, not just in regards to her appetite for the next guest.

"I'm back to my best. I mean, look at my cock. I can't think of many times when I was this aroused. Your spell worked perfectly fine if you ask me," the princess said, but Cherae still seemed shocked.

"My princess... you just... grew."

Azilara only smiled and presented her body even more invitingly.

"And so? I thought the ritual was about unleashing my ancient power after all. If your magic helps in achieving just that, it has done its service, right?"

"I... my spell was not meant to do that. I have constructed it myself. It can't do that. I can't do that," Cherae said fervently.

"It seems to me you can. And I am glad for it. If that was just a taste on what my consort will do to me, then I truly can't wait to meet her," Azilara said and turned around as she kept adoring every fibre of her body.


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