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Dragon Age: After the Fifth Blight

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Queen Anora sees to thanking Solona Amell.
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Disclaimer: All right, this story is not real. NOT REAL! Not to be read by anyone under the age of 18/21 yadda yadda yadda! I'd love to hear some feedback as per usual. Please feel free to leave me a comment in the COMMENT Box at the end of the page. You see those big empty stars too? Maybe bump those up to five full ones? We wouldn't want them to be empty now would we? All alone like that? You're not a monster are you?

Also, please don't post this on any other site without my explicit permission. I've had to bring the hammer down on two thieves right as of writing and don't want to bring it down again. Don't forget to add me on one of the messengers too! Don't be afraid! I love chatting about celebs, story ideas or chatting in general and I like making new friends!

Celebrity: Solona Amell (Female Grey Warden Mage) and Queen Anora

Codes: FF, Cons, Oral,

Author's Note: Yeah, so with Dragon Age: Inquisition being delayed, I'm doing some video game smut. The Warden depicted is my own personal Solona and I like to think when she's not riding Zevran she's serving as Anora's mistress. There we go, hope you enjoy it!

Solona Amell walked down the long and almost empty hallways of the royal palace in Denerim. Her robes were now perfect and immaculate, her black hair had been restricted into the usual short hair style she had cut it to after Duncan had first recruited her and that nasty gash along the side of her face? With the help of healing magic and some poultices it was disappearing from her ebony skin. She had been all but stripped from the usual grey, blue and white uniform of the Grey Wardens and was dressed rather casually for the event she was marching to.

She had at least hoped to change into something more formal but the elven messenger had been quite sincere that Queen Anora needed to see the 'Hero of Ferelden' right away. The bath would have to wait. Solona frowned as she followed the elf down the corridor. The elf swiftly grabbed a hold of the door handle and it swung open with ease. Walking inside, Solona bit down on her bottom lip and did her best not to shoot a dirty glare at the messenger. She could have knocked on the door perfectly by herself.

Still, the moment had passed and Solona was allowed into the Queen's chambers. Solona walked to the middle of the room and cast a look around to find she was by herself. The elven messenger moved to close the door before popping her head back in the room briefly.

"Her Highness will be in briefly."

"Thank-" Solona started but the messenger had disappeared before she could even respond. Unsure of what to do, the young Warden mage stuck her thumbs into the waistband of her robes and walked over to the window, looking out into the royal courtyard. Her hazel eyes focused on the tall, silver armour clad man who had climbed onto a horse. The large round shield, long black hair and just as large long sword let Solona know that this was the 'Hero of River Dane'.

Teryn Loghain was no more.

Now, Loghain was simply a Grey Warden who had work to do at the request of The First Warden. A raven had arrived this morning, letting Loghain know that he was needed elsewhere and he would be able to rendezvous with some of his Ferelden allies later on. Loghain turned to look at Anora who had been nervously wringing her hands together as she said her goodbyes. In a brief, and somewhat rare, show of love and affection, Loghain took his daughter's head in his hands and pressed his lips to her skull, kissing her goodbye.

Feeling like she was intruding, Solona turned and moved away from the window and into the main part of the room. Able to drink in just how the royal chambers had been arranged, her big brown eyes looked around. The first thing she noticed was the amount of velvet in the room. It looked very inviting and cozy. She brushed a hand along the top of one of the couches and a soft smile moved across her face. It reminded her of the night before her Harrowing. She had known that her test was coming up soon and her overactive mind had started to wonder what her life would be like after it. There was a part of her that had thought she might have been in a room like this. She would have been granted a council with King Cailan and Queen Anora for some strange reason and she would have impressed the royalty with her knowledge of Ferelden history and then she would have been allowed onto the war council, serving directly under King Cailan where she would have champion mage rights and eventually be granted Free Mage status. Of course, those were dreams made up of poppy and while she was effectively free of Chantry control now, she still wasn't free. Her reward for helping a friend had been a death sentence. Sure, it wasn't a tranquility curse nor was it the hangman's noose, this death sentence was in the form of her blood stream and the fact that sooner than she'd like to, she would have to go into the Deep Roads and kill as many Darkspawn as she could do before her time was up.

Maker, she hated those Blighted things.

Since Solona had left the Ferelden 'Circle of Magi', she had lost what little baby fat she had and her skin had tightened into hard muscle. Her mind was swirling with new spells and what felt like unlimited power danced through her fingers, during the Fifth Blight, Solona had grown into what a Grey Warden should be. She hadn't had much time to converse with her recruiter and former Commander, Duncan, about what was expected of her as a Grey Warden. 'You will guard them and they will hate you for it.' Duncan had said that to her when she had inquired about becoming a Warden and now Maker, did she know that truth. She had a long list of names in her pack, names of dwarves who would fall under the hammer deep inside of Orzammar to make a brand new army of golems to not only keep the dwarven city alive but to help aid her in defeating the Fifth Blight. Deciding to keep the 'Anvil of the Void' was also what had caused Solona to kill one of her travelling companions, Shale.She had missed the former dwarf during her travels and there was a part of her that had hoped that she would have seen just why Solona had to do it.

A Warden did what she must.

Shaking her head, Solona ran one of her hands through her short black hair and sighed softly. She still felt grubby. While it had been a day of rest for her, she had found herself getting into a playful magical sparring match with Alim Surana, one of her old classmates from back at the Circle. Now, her body was ready for a lay in the tub and for her to be by herself with her thoughts. She had all but disrobed when there had been a knock at the door and the elf had requested that she follow him.

Her body tensed when she heard the door behind her open up, turning on her heel Solona was greeted by the sight of Queen Anora. Relaxing, Solona smiled warmly as the Queen stepped in and closed the door behind her.

"Hello Solona, I trust I didn't find you at a bad time?" The Queen asked, her face was almost sickly sweet as the door shut with a clicking sound. While most of the door had been hidden by Anora's body, Solona could have sworn that she heard the door lock as well. Anora turned to face Solona and smiled again, walking into the room

"Of course not your highness, I'm always ready to serve the crown." Solona replied politely, her arms folded behind her back, her chest exposed slightly as she waited for Anora to respond. The petite woman, smiled and nodded her head before wetting her pink lips slightly and turning to face the Warden.

"And what if this wasn't a matter of the crown?"

That made the mage's eyebrows arch, just what was the Queen implying? The Warden took a step backwards as Anora took two forward. The Queen's eyes were burning into Solona's soul and there was something about the way the blonde headed woman was looking at her that made the dark-skinned woman feel alive.

"Like what your highness?"

"Well... I never did find a way to thank you for saving my father. You never asked a boon of me."

"A boon? Riordan was right. We needed all the Warden's we could get and your father is a very strong and competent general. He'll serve the Warden's well." Solona responded, her thighs bumping against the large royal bed.

"Indeed. I know my... Betrothed... Was intent on you killing my father, yet you resisted. You deserve my thanks." Anora said with a smile, closing the gap finally so that the two women were face to face, breath mingling in the small gap between the two sets of lips. The way she had said betrothed when talking about Alistair had made Solona wonder what was up. Solona's big round eyes studied the Queen's face intently before she dared ask another question.

"Your highness-"

"Please, call me Anora."

"Ah... Very well. Anora? If you think so little of Alistair why did you agree to marry him?"

"Well... Ferelden is my home. I do not wish to see it fall into another Theirin man on the throne who would disappear with the first floozy that bats her eyelashes at them."

"Anora. Alistair is not his father. He would never-" He pleas of encouragement to her friend were silenced when Anora's extended her right index finger and pressed it against her own lips to ask Solona to stop silently.

"Do you know the proverb 'Only Ferelden women can birth strong sons and daughters' Lona my dear?"

"I do Anora." Solona responded, her eyes locked closely on Anora's as the Queen of Ferelden smiled softly and laid her hands flat on the shoulders of the Warden mage.

"Well, I just so happen to prefer Ferelden women in general."

Before Solona could respond, she had been pushed backwards, landing on the comfy mess of the royal bed. Sitting up, she was quickly silenced by Anora landing on her lap and taking the mage's face in her hands and pressing her lips against the dark-skinned beauty's. A soft moan escaped Anora's lips as she wriggled slightly on Solona's lap, the kiss deepening while the Warden mage was trapped beneath her in a simple, yet very pleasurable hold.

Moments passed before the Queen took her lips off of Solona's and smiled warmly. Her hands leaving the Warden's shoulders to come down and tug at the small set of string that was keeping Solona's chest covered. Solona was watching as Anora took complete control of the situation, it wasn't until her shirt was undone that she snapped back to her senses. Her strong hands came down and gripped hold of Anora's wrists, keeping the blonde woman in place.

"Your highness!" Solona spluttered, unsure of just what the Queen was doing to her.

"Call me Anora Lona." Anora reminded her before kissing against the Warden's cheek. "Unless you'd like to call me your Queen?" She added, a wink being cast towards the mage before trying to wriggle free of Solona's grasp.

"I just... I wasn't exactly expecting this your high- Anora."

"No? I've seen the way you stare at that little red-headed Orlesian. I've seen that look many a time, typically staring right back at me from my vanity. I want you Solona and I think you want me too."

"Maker... I'd be lying if I said you weren't a glamourous woman..."

"Then shut up and kiss me!" Anora almost fumed when Solona let go of her. The Queen shoved her lips against the Warden's again and this time the two embraced much more passionately. The dark skinned woman wrapped her arms around Anora's neck and kept her closer and closer as the Queen moved her hands down Solona's long, firm arms and back down to her chest. Anora squeezed Solona's breasts through the cloth covering her chest before tugging at the strings to further loosen it.

Moaning into Anora's kiss, Solona arched her back and helped the Queen shimmy her shirt off of her chest, leaving her upper torso completely exposed for Anora. The Queen smiled into the kiss as it broke, her teeth catching Solona's bottom lip between them and tugging on it softly before she whispered against her new lover.

"No small clothes today my dear Lona?"

"No bra. I was intending on taking a bath today. I was feeling very dirty."

"I do love it when you're dirty though. Makes you so much more... Delicious." Anora said with a grin, her lips kissing against the cheek and ear of Solona. "But what about your bottoms?" She asked, her fingers massaging Solona's chest idly.

"You'll have to find that out for yourself my dear." Solona cracked a bright smile towards her Queen before spreading her legs.

"Oh? I shall have to then."

Climbing off of the 'Hero of Ferelden, Anora ran her hands up her own body, her fingers resting in her blonde hair and loosening the buns. Her long sunshine blonde hair fell down and draped over her shoulders perfectly, framing the face of the Queen of Ferelden making her look even more ravishing. Ravishing to the point where Solona audibly gasped.

"You are painting perfect Anora. Truly beautiful."

Anora blushed and ran her fingers through the blonde tresses of hair before shaking her head. "I do believe you are the perfect one, my big, strong hero."

Anora slipped her fingers into the waistband of Solona's bottoms and slowly pulled them down her hips. Watching as the Warden mage lifted her hips up off of the bed so that they could slide past the curve of her round rear. Tugging them up and past her thighs, Anora discarded the cloth piece of clothing with ease, landing in a puddle next to the bed. With Solona only clad in her bottoms, Anora moved her head down and started to kiss her way along the ebony skin of Solona. Her lips reached Solona's pubic mound before her teeth caught themselves nibbling on its waist band. Her eyes locked onto Solona's and as if on cue, Solona lifted her hips up and Anora was able to slowly pull the now wet panties down Solona's long, toned legs.

Fishing them from her mouth, Anora ran the material through her fingers before dropping them off the side of the bed as well. Her mouth came down and her lips were pressed against Solona's navel, her tongue coming out to lick against the skin as her hands slid along the Warden mage's body and up onto her breasts. Each hand liberally squeezed the orbs before her right hand moved down towards her spread legs. Using her middle finger, Anora teased the wet lips of Solona before she dipped her finger inside of the Grey Warden.

Gasping in pleasure, Solona's hands grasped at the bed sheets underneath her body as she watched the blonde headed Queen taste her skin and probed inside of her. She then let out a short moan of bliss as Anora's finger curled inside of her, stroking at incredibly sensitive spots. The dark-skinned Warden let out a mewl of pleasure as her leg kicked awkwardly at the contact. The giggle from the Queen did nothing to stop the Warden from closing her eyes and moaning for more. Her legs became stiff as Anora pulled her finger from Solona's folds and tasted the Warden. Solona watched as Anora slowly pulled the digit from her mouth and licked her lips, obviously loving how she tasted.

"You taste just as good as you look my dear Lona." Anora said, a warm smile on the blonde woman's face.

"Ngh maybe you should taste it from the source then?" Solona asked, her eyes opening slightly so that she could look at her new-found lover.

"Patience my dear. I wish to enjoy myself."

"I thought this was my boon?"

"Are you not enjoying yourself?"

The silence was her answer, but Anora pressed on, her hands gliding along the inside of Solona's thigh.

"Lona my dear? Are you not enjoying yourself?

"Maker fucking preserve me. We both know the answer to that!"

"I don't. Why don't you tell me?" Anora asked, her lips pressing and sucking on Solona's neck as their chests brushed against each others briefly. Anora bent backwards, on her knees, and reached behind her, undoing the buckled on her regal uniform she slowly sashayed the clothing off of her body, rolling it down her body so she could strip herself down to only be clad in the expensive (much to her chagrin) Orlesian lacy, silky blue and white slip. "Are." A kiss landed against her neck this time. "You." Another kiss. "Enjoying." A lick against Solona's throat. "Yourself?" A final tug against Solona's earlobe made the Warden cry out in pleasure and nod her head in the affirmative.

"Maker! Yes Anora! I love it!"

A soft chuckle escaped Anora's mouth before she kissed Solona back and nodded her head. Her fingers tickled the inside of Solona's spread legs, stroking the skin in the way only a lover could know how. If the hero of Ferelden didn't know any better she could have sworn it was magic! Anora's middle finger pressed along Solona's wet folds and before the dark-skinned woman could say anything, two fingers were now inside of her and pressed deep inside to the knuckle. Anora's free hand was resting on Solona's waist, keeping her down against the mattress while her lips closed around the exposed and hard, pointy nipple of the Grey Warden. Sucking on the hard flesh, Anora teased the point as her fingers continued to push in and out of Solona.

The Warden mage writhed and wriggled on the spot as she watched her loved not only push two fingers inside her tight opening and also suck on her breast as well. Solona was in heaven. Pure and simple. Anora's soft hand on her side made her know that she was going to be fine, especially the way her nails lightly scratched against her skin as Anora moaned against her chest. The two fingers sliding in and out of her and striking at her sensitive spots made the Warden cry out in pleasure. Anora's name became a chant on her lips as her body started to buck and shake, each finger hitting a different, yet incredibly sensitive spot inside of her.

"Anora! I'm so close!" As soon as those four words left Solona's mouth, she had regretted it. Anora pulled her fingers from Solona and licked them again, making the Warden mage cry out in a sweet and agonising whine. "Anora! I was going to cum!"

The Queen smiled and rearranged herself on the bed, reaching over to the bedside table and pulling one of the drawers open. Reaching in, Anora fumbled for the briefest of moments before pulling out a long black strip of silk.

A blindfold?

Solona wiped some sweat away from her brow and watched as her new lover smiled sweetly towards the Warden Mage. She waited and watched as the Queen threaded a hand through her long blonde hair before reaching down to press her lips against Solona's. The mage had previously never considered a female lover but as Anora kissed her and their tongues mingled, the young dark-skinned Warden wondered just what else she had missed out on.

Anora's tongue brushed against Solona's before she started to kiss her way over to Solona's ear, her teeth catch the earlobe of the Grey Warden with a soft, seductive whisper escaping her lungs.

"Get on your hands and knees my lover."

Solona shivered at the contact, bit down on her bottom lip and nodded her head. Her hands threaded through her midnight black hair and moved away from her a little bit. Moving onto her hands and knees, Solona bit down on her bottom lip and looked over her shoulder towards where Anora was. The Queen of Ferelden moved to the top of the mage's body and pressed her lips against Solona's, kissing her hotly before pressing the silky fabric against the eyes of the 'Hero of Ferelden.'


"I'm here my love. I'm not going anywhere."

The kiss against Solona's lips made the Warden feel better. Then the feeling of Anora's hands gliding against her skin made the Grey Warden purr under the sovereign touch. She felt her new lover's hands slide against the side of her body before gliding down her thin, muscled frame. Soft kisses landed against her skin while her finger nails left light scratches against the dark skin of the Warden. Anora's name was a whisper on Solona's lips as she kept her body rigid while Anora explored her body.


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