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Dragonborn Rising Ch. 14

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Ragnar meets the leader of the Dark Brotherhood.
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Part 14 of the 64 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/13/2018
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Chapter 14 - The Visitor


"It's the Dark Brotherhood, boss," Delvin said, sitting across from me at my dining table.

"Is this letter a threat or... something else?"

He met my eyes. "They know you committed murder, that's for sure. Who in oblivion did you kill?"

"I did it for Muiri. She admitted to performing the Black Sacrament, but she never received any word from the Dark Brotherhood. So, she asked me to do it instead."

"And you did it?" he asked, unable to hide his surprise.

"It's a long story, but yes, I did it for her."

He paused before asking, "Really like her, huh?"

"I think I love her."

That made him laugh. "Now in love with two women? Most of us are happy with one! You're asking for trouble, boss."

"I'll worry about that if or when it blows up in my face. Right now, I'm worried about the Dark Brotherhood. They obviously know where I live. So what are they going to do? Send assassins after me?"

Delvin shrugged. "I can't tell you, boss. I'm not exactly sure where they base themselves. Though I'm aware of their leader, and I've had communication with them before, we are separate entities. But as you've proven willing to commit murder, they might even try and recruit you."

"I'm not a..." I paused, then sighed, "Guess I can't really say that after doing it."

"Tell me this, boss. How did or do you feel after doing it?"

"Honestly?" He nodded. "Not a damned thing. And that's the only thing that concerns me." I leaned forward and lowered my voice. "Alain was a justified kill, Delvin. But Nilsine... That was straight up murder, no matter what happened between Muiri and her family. I can admit that much. But I felt nothing about that. The only thing I felt was that Muiri would be pleased I'd done it, and that made me feel... Good would be the wrong word, but... Know what I mean?"

"Killing for love. Many men have done it before, boss. You're not the first, and won't be the last. The fact you feel nothing doesn't mean it's for you. In your mind, perhaps you simply feel both deaths were justified. I don't know the whole story, but to be honest, people don't perform the Black Sacrament without having a very good reason for someone to die. The only thing I don't understand is how or why the Dark Brotherhood didn't respond to it?"

"That's why she asked me in the end, because no-one from the Brotherhood showed up."

Delvin leaned back, stroking his smooth chin. "I'll put it like this, boss. The Brotherhood know what you did, that much is for certain. But as to what they want with you, I'm not sure. I don't think they'll kill you in return. The only thing I can suggest is that, when out on the open road, watch your back."

"I'll do that then. Just tell the locals to watch for anything suspicious, or if anyone looks out of place. If that's the case, I'll confront them myself. I don't want to see us descend into violence, or worse, battle against the Brotherhood. This is on me; I can handle it."

"I'll pass the word down, boss."

Muiri invited me around for dinner that night, and although I didn't want to worry her, I did let her know what was going on. Naturally, she was crestfallen to hear that I was possibly in danger because of her request, though I insisted I'd have done it regardless. Asking what I would do, I said I would just have to wait and see what happened, but as I didn't particularly want to be assaulted on the open road, I suggested I'd be staying in Riften for the time being. She was delighted to hear that, as was Haelga the next evening, when she came to mine for dinner before an evening in the Dibella room.

Lying in bed that evening, I admitted what I'd done for Muiri, in that she'd given me two targets, and that I'd eliminated them both. I thought she would have been utterly horrified by it, but having explained what happened to Muiri and her effective exile to Markarth, she was more understanding than I could have ever given her credit for.

Brynjolf naturally worried about it, as the last thing he wanted was my assassination. Credited with restoring the Guild, he thought if I disappeared, the whole thing would slowly but surely collapse. I figured he or Karliah would be perfect replacements, but he insisted that people were put on both gates to watch for suspicious characters. I relented, and said that was fine, and probably not a bad idea.

After a couple of weeks since the letter, I hadn't forgotten about it, but I'd certainly relaxed, as had everyone else. I still left the house armed, though that was natural. After just a week stuck in Riften, I cried enough and went for a ride as for as Shor's Stone, and apart from some wild animals, which were smart enough to leave me alone, I had no trouble. The next day, I took Karliah out for a ride south and west, where we did a little hunting, camping out for the night by the lake. She was the only one unconcerned about the letter, confident in my abilities to look after myself. "If you can defeat Mercer Frey in single battle, you can handle an assassin from the Brotherhood," she stated.

"Know much about them?"

"I know that, as a force, they've been effectively exterminated. Most of their sanctuaries have been destroyed over the years. I have heard of two that still might exist. One in Cheydinhal..."

"Fuck off!" I exclaimed, "You're serious?"

"You would never have known, Ragnar. The Brotherhood don't go advertising their presence. But I'm not sure even that still remains. I've heard rumour of a crypt in Bravil, but I believe that was destroyed or at least abandoned centuries ago."

"Well, the fact I have a letter with that handprint on it suggests something."

"I've heard rumours of a Brotherhood sanctuary in Skyrim, but where it is, I can't tell you. I wouldn't suggest you try locating them. The Brotherhood protect their secrecy above everything. You could perform the Black Sacrament to draw them out, but considering the whispers about others performing it and having no response, it would suggest the Brotherhood, if they still exist, wield no real power. It's another reason why you have no real reason to worry, Ragnar."

I wish she had been right...


Ever been dreaming and your body senses a presence that causes you to wake up? I'm not sure if it was that, but my eyes opened immediately as I certainly felt someone else was in my room. It was only when I couldn't move a muscle that I knew something was very wrong. I always kept a dagger on my nightstand, just in case someone was stupid enough to break into my house. Looks like I'd been caught out...

"It's a unique poison, Ragnar. The effects will wear off soon enough," a feminine voice said from nearby. I couldn't move my head, but my eyes could move, and I noticed a woman sitting on a chair next to my bed. She was rather slim, her face covered, though I could see a pair of blue eyes, which even in my paralysed state, thought were gorgeous, and what I figured was blonde hair under her hood. Her voice, though. That was captivating. She had my complete attention, though I didn't really have a choice in the matter for now.

"Well, Ragnar. Here we are. I'm sure you have plenty of questions. Did you get our letter?"

"Aye, I did. I guess I got lazy."

"I waited until I knew you would relax before doing this. I figured sending that letter would put you on your guard, but considering our reputation at the moment, I assumed you would think we no longer existed. But, you see, there is a problem, Ragnar. Muiri performed the Black Sacrament. Word gets around, and she was looking for the Dark Brotherhood. For people such as myself, and my associates. Alain Dufont was, by all rights, our contract. Consider me intrigued, though. What of Nilsine Shatter-Shield?"

"Muiri asked me to do it as a favour. I willingly obliged."

"I've watched her. You are intimate with her?" She laughed lightly to herself. "I've heard of stranger things, for a murderer to fall for the one asking for help." She stopped laughing. "That was our contract, Ragnar. It was a kill you stole. And, therefore, a kill you must repay."

I would have laughed if I didn't think she could kill me. What she didn't know is that I could feel my feet, and after the slightest wiggle of my toes, I knew I could move. So I would now allow her to get comfortable. I don't like threats.

"You want me to kill someone else?"

"Yes. There is a boy in Windhelm attempting to contact the Dark Brotherhood. Word has been slow in reaching us, but I've overheard whispers around town in the past few days. I guess word travels fast across the rest of Skyrim. What you are to do is this. Travel to Windhelm. Meet this boy. I believe his name is Aretino. Take the contract and perform the kill."

I didn't reply, making do with a glare, as I knew the threat would come.

Instead, her eyes suggested she smiled behind the mask covering her face and nose. "Am I to take your silence as acceptance? Then you know where we stand. Make your kill, and we're square. And before you get any ideas about running to the authorities, you will be watched. We know where you live. We know where you work. And we know who you are currently fucking. Don't make a decision you will come to regret."

My glare turned to ice. There was the threat I'd been waiting for. I curled my hands into fists under the covers. She would have no idea the poison had worn off. I guess she underestimated my tolerance for whatever she used.

"Fine," I stated.

"Very good. Now, you just lie there and go back to sleep. I'm sure you'll wake up in the morning, thinking all of this is a dream." She surprised me by getting up and walking towards me, totally overconfident in the poison she'd given me. Feeling her gloved hand stroke my cheek, she simply gazed into my eyes. "I can assure you, Ragnar, this is definitely not a dream. Be a good boy and do what I said."

As I've said, I move fast for a big man, and I took delight in hearing her cry out when my arms shot out from under the cover to grab her. She weighed barely anything, or so it felt, as I dragged her onto the bed, hand to her throat, my other hand raised in a fist. I wasn't going to hit her, but I could issue my own threats. Squeezing her throat, she choked out a plea.

"Wait!" she managed to wheeze.

"Who are you?" I shouted.

"You know who I am."

"No, your name. I want to know who I'm going to kill in about five minutes."

"Astrid. My name is Astrid." Not releasing her throat, I tore at her mask and hood, and actually leaned back for a moment when her face and hair was revealed. Her face matched her voice. She was gorgeous. And she knew I thought that, the smile on her face telling me everything. "Not expecting this, were you?"

I squeezed a little harder. "I don't like threats, Astrid. I obviously don't know the 'rules'. I merely did it as a favour for a woman I happen to like quite a lot."

"Yet you appear to have quite an aptitude for murder, Ragnar. I've asked around. You've eliminated quite a few threats to you or people you know." Her eyes moved down from my face down my body. Her eyes then widened. "So, you're a killer, a murderer for want of a better word, but are you also a rapist?"

"No, but trust me on this, I'm considering crossing a second line right now." I leaned down so my nose touched hers. "It's taking all my self-control not to tear your clothes off and slide something hard in you..."

I thought the threat would invoke fear. Instead, she... smiled. She fucking smiled! I didn't know whether to get angrier or start laughing. So I slid my hand down her body and under her skin tight trousers. The kinky bitch was already wet! I removed my hand and stuck two fingers in her mouth. "Getting off on this, are you?" I asked, left staggered when she sucked on my fingers instead of biting them.

"What can I say, I like the danger and a man who takes control. You remind me of my husband. All muscles and power." I'd relaxed my hand around her throat so squeezed again. "Just like that," she added, "This has been quite the introduction, Ragnar. But how receptive do you think I'll be if you carry out your threat?"

"What about your threat?"

"Perform the kill, Ragnar, and you'll find I'm a very grateful person."

"What about your husband?"

She smiled. "That's for another time. So what are you going to do now? You going to let me go... Or you want your way with me?" I released the tension in my hand slightly. "Want to slide off my pants and slip that big cock of yours inside me? Want me to fight you off as you do, or do you just want me to lie back and take it?"

"You're serious?"

"We've both made some threats tonight and I'd say it's rather tense in here. A good fuck will help relieve some of the stress." I couldn't help laugh. The whole situation was utterly ludicrous. Here was this woman, who broke into my house, poisoned me, ordered me to kill someone else and threatened retribution if I didn't, I now have the upper hand and she was now willing to fuck me. I mean, I know I had a track record with some women, but this was nuts.

I released her throat and immediately grabbed the dagger from the night stand, sitting on my knees as she lay back, resting on her forearms. "I'm a bastard, and perhaps even a killer, but that's a line I won't cross, Astrid. I'm a lot of things, but that is a line too far."

"Shame. That's quite the gift you have, Ragnar. Maybe some other time?"

"You're serious?" I asked again.

"My husband has a condition which means intimacy is a problem. It's been a while since I've had something that large in me." She paused before sighing, "And I can't believe I just admitted that to a total stranger." Then she met my eyes. "But I've watched you for at least the past week, Ragnar. What can I say, I like what I see. And those women you're with certainly seem to like you a lot in return."

"Look," I said, gazing down her body, taking in her rather lithe figure, "I think it's best if we just leave it here. I'm willing to let you leave unharmed."

"And you'll head to Windhelm?"

Sighing, I said, "Yes. I will attempt to contact whoever this Aretino person is and see what they want."

She sat up on her knees in front of me, and I watched her as she replaced her hood and mask, just in case she got any funny ideas. But she didn't, sliding off the bed and standing on the floor. She must have been no more than five-six at most. I stood up in front of her, enjoying the fact she had to look up at me. "My, my, you are the specimen, Ragnar. Sure you don't want to take me?"

Feeling the tension disappear, I couldn't help chuckle. "Part of me wants to tear your clothes off and do certain things to your body. But I think it's best you just go now."

"Now that's just teasing. And it's a waste of an erection."

"It will go away once I try and go back to sleep."

Walking her downstairs and to the front door, I did check her out as she walked in front of me. I have to say, her arse was fantastic, though maybe it was the skin-tight clothing that helped accentuate all of her curves. Opening the door, it was still the middle of the night, if not early morning. A faint mist had descended, so I figured she'd slip out of Riften unseen. "I have no idea what the Aretino boy wants, Ragnar. But when word gets to us of a murder, we'll know it was you. When that happens, I'll be back to discuss your future."

"My future?"

"With our organisation, if you're interested. As I said, you have an aptitude. But tell me this. When you killed Nilsine, how did you feel? How did it feel?"

"I felt nothing," I admitted, "And I still feel nothing. Muiri asked me to do it so that's what I did."

"You did it for love?" I made a gesture with my hand to suggest it was possible. "What about for coin?"

"You mean become an assassin?"


I thought about it and eventually shrugged. "I'm already a thief and my soul is already damned. I've already killed plenty of times as a thief. What's the difference, I suppose?"

She stepped towards me, running a hand down my bare chest before her gloved hand wrapped itself around my cock. "Do this for me, Ragnar, and I promise you the rewards will be... Well, let your imagination run wild," she said softly.

"You really want to be fucked by me?" I asked, admittedly a little confused by her demeanour.

"Gods yes," she exclaimed quietly. I couldn't help chuckle at her tone, a slight hint of desperation. "As I said, I love my husband, but it's been a long time because of what he is." She shook her head before I could ask. "I'll tell you all about it once you've done the job." Removing her hand, she trailed it back up my chest towards my chin, tipping my head down. "Maybe when I return, you can fuck me then?"

"And your husband?"

"I will tell him, and he will understand."

"He must be one hell of an understanding man."

"Just like all the women you are with appear to be understanding."


"I'll make sure I keep an ear out for news, Ragnar. If not, one of my people will tell me, and I'll return." And, with those words, she turned and disappeared into the mist. I closed the door and leaned back against it, running a hand down my face before bursting into laughter. "My life sometimes!" I exclaimed to no-one. Returning to bed, I was surprised at how quickly I managed to drift off.

Returning to the Flagon the next morning, I spoke only with Delvin and Karliah about the visit, and once I mentioned her name, Delvin was very interested in what I said. He appeared to know her, and the way he spoke about her, it suggested they were friends, and perhaps had even been intimate at one stage. I didn't pry, but he was able to give me a bit more information about who I was dealing with.

"She runs the Brotherhood in Skyrim, Ragnar. You were visited by the boss. Considering all the other chapters around Tamriel have been eliminated, and the body of the Night Mother has been lost..."

"The Night who?"

He waved a dismissive hand. "It's not important. But she leads the last agents of the Brotherhood. If the sanctuary in Skyrim was to fall, that would be it for the Dark Brotherhood."

"And you've agreed to do this?" Karliah wondered.

"I think I have no choice, otherwise my life could be forfeit. The threat wasn't exactly subtle. According to her, I stole the kill, therefore I owe them one. And, to be honest, I've done it once." Shrugging, I added, "I guess I can do it again."

"Just be careful, boss," Delvin warned, "You're dealing with a group that most people don't know about, or if they do, then they certainly don't talk about them. To perform the Black Sacrament... You don't do such a thing lightly."

"When will you leave?" Karliah asked.

"First thing tomorrow morning. The quicker I do it, the quicker I can move on. Though Astrid is of the opinion I could join them."

"And will you?"

I met Karliah's eyes. "To be honest, I'm not sure. I've done it once. I'm going to do it again. What do you think?"

"It's your life, Ragnar. You answer to no-one but yourself."

Haelga came around that night, and she noticed within a few minutes I was distracted as we sat down for dinner. She asked what was wrong, but I knew I couldn't openly admit what I was doing to her, nor to Ingun. I didn't like lying... Well, that's a lie there. I didn't like lying to the women in my life. But I couldn't be honest about what I was going to do.

"Nothing. Just work things. You know how it is."

I don't think she believed me, but she never asked too many details about what I did regarding work. I'd kept my word about ensuring we left Riften alone, but the rest of Skyrim was fair game. I never gave her stolen goods, except for one or two dresses, and some lingerie. She knew I could afford jewellery purchased through legal means, but she would always have doubts, so for the moment, I gave her other things.

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