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Dragonborn Rising Ch. 15

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Ragnar is left feeling that he must make a choice.
8.5k words

Part 15 of the 64 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/13/2018
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Chapter 15 - Muiri


Every day that passed since Astrid departed, I would find myself thinking long and hard about whether I would make that leap. Sure, I'd killed plenty of people before, when working for the Fighter's Guild, and when working for the Thieves Guild, but I could justify in my mind that those deaths were necessary. Most of the time, I was defending myself.

But I had murdered two people. I didn't count Alain. He was a bandit and deserved what he got, just like Mercer Frey. Nilsine, though. Despite what she did to Muiri, she was still an innocent. And despite Grelod being who she was, she was technically an innocent. They were defenceless when I killed them.

It was two cases of clear cut murder.

"Something on your mind, boss?" Brynjolf asked me about a week after Astrid's visit, sharing a tankard with he and Delvin.

"Aye. An offer Astrid made last week."

"You saw her again?" Delvin asked, and I near enough laughed at his surprised tone.

"Yes, she stayed the night."

The look on both their faces was absolutely priceless. Brynjolf just started to laugh. I eventually reached across the table to shut Delvin's jaw. "She's a married woman, boss. Isn't that the reason why you left Cyrodiil?"

"She told me she was married. She told me about her husband. And she told me she hadn't been intimate with him in years."

"Why not?" Brynjolf wondered.

"Not my place to say. But there's a good and valid reason why she stayed with me. And as for what's on my mind, she made me an offer to work for her."

"As an assassin?"


"That's quite the leap from being a thief, lad," Brynjolf stated, "I know we've taken lives. You killed Mercer Frey. But there's a difference between the killing we have done to rebuild the Guild, and the killing one would do on behalf of the Brotherhood. Are you sure you can deal with that?"

"I'll be honest. Killing Alain wasn't a problem, not after what he did to Muiri. And Grelod was rather personal, it just happened that the young lad giving me the contract didn't like her either. No, it was the third kill, Nilsine, that suggested... I'm not sure, but maybe I'm suited to it?"

"No guilt?" Delvin wondered.

"Haven't felt any yet. As far as I'm concerned, two of the three deaths were deserved. But Muiri wanted Nilsine dead..."

The two shared a knowing glance. "Like her, eh?"

"Yes, Bryn. I have a lot of affection for her. And that is returned, which is why she's now in Riften. But as for Astrid and her offer, part of me thinks I should give it a go. The Guild is running smoothly. Do you need my presence here every day? Quite frankly, it will run smoothly as long as you or Karliah are here. I'll pop in every now and then, and if anything goes drastically wrong, then contact me."

"You'll stay in Riften?"

"Of course. I have no reason to move."

"Astrid would rather you stayed at the Sanctuary," Devlin stated.

"That's not happening. I've made a home for myself here, plus my friends are here too. Those I sleep with, and those I don't. I'm not dropping it all for her offer just yet."

"Whatever you decide, tread carefully, boss. Joining the Brotherhood is not a decision taken lightly," Delvin warned. I would heed that warning before making a decision.

Instead of making a decision too soon, in addition to continuing our research into Daedric artefacts, Muiri asked if I would escort her around the lake, as she wanted to gather fresh supplies for her apothecary. She had proven to be a rather adept alchemist already. I was happy to do so, and asked how long we would be gone. She suggested more than a couple of nights, so I bought some food supplies, and as I already had camping equipment, we looked over a map and decided on a route. We would take the south gate and follow the shore of Lake Honrich, where we would eventually cross to the north side over the Treva River, and return to Riften via the northern shore. We could probably do all that in one night, but Muiri wanted a few days away, for two reasons. One, because she legitimately wanted supplies, and would spend plenty of times looking for some rare ingredients. And, two, she wanted time alone with me. I would have happily joined her for the first reason alone, but the second was an even better reason.

We left a rather crisp but sunny Middas morning. I carried all the camping supplies along with my weapons, Muiri carried a small backpack with a change of clothes and space for her ingredients. I managed to leave a hand free, and we walked along hand in hand for a while, following the road south. Walking at no more than a stroll, she would stop every so often as something caught her eye. She would occasionally pick something and place it in her backpack. Others she would leave alone.

"Anything in particular you are looking for?"

"Not really. There are certain things that simply won't grow around here. It's just a matter of keeping an eye out."

"What sort of potions are you planning on brewing?"

"I usually brew potions to help people. I generally try and avoid poisons. Particularly now, after everything that's happened."

I grabbed her hand and squeezed. "You did nothing wrong. Are you feeling guilty?"

"Not at all. But it still weighs heavy on the conscience."

I stopped us and immediately moved a hand to her face, caressing her cheek, earning one of those sweet smiles. "Anything I can do to help?"

"Stay with me. That's all I want. You're the man who helped me when no-one else could or would. I'll always love you for that." I couldn't help smile, as although she'd mentioned love before, that was the first time she'd properly said it. "Do you feel the same way about me, Ragnar?"

"By the Eight, yes!" I leaned down to kiss her, though with all the supplies I was carrying, it was a little awkward.

We carried on walking, Muiri with a smile on her face nearly the entire time, happily humming to herself when she went off to pick her flowers or other things. If there was a rock or boulder, I could at least take a seat and drop our supplies for a moment. She knew I was watching her at times. She was a petite little thing, or at least she was compared to myself. Each time she was happy with gathering what she wanted, she'd wander over to where I was waiting, give me a kiss, then take my hand to move us on.

I knew we would be longer than I expected when we camped that night, and I knew from the map that we hadn't covered all that much ground. I certainly wasn't going to complain, and I knew Muiri definitely wasn't. She never complained about the arrangement, but I knew more than any of the women I was with, she was desperate to have me all to herself. Part of the reason why I easily agreed to go with her now.

Sitting side by side on a log after we'd eaten dinner, I had an arm around her waist as she leaned into me, one of her hands on my chest. "Thank you for helping me."

"Not required, Muiri."

"I know, but I'll thank you each day we're away. I know you have..."

I gave her a squeeze, stopping the sentence. "I had nothing else planned, and I would have cancelled any plans I did have otherwise."

"I'm going to ensure I go even slower tomorrow," she said with a giggle.

"And I won't complain one little bit."

Naked under the furs later, we made love. As I've said previously, I knew I would never 'fuck' Muiri, unless that's what she asked for. Resting on my forearms, my thrusts inside her were slow, just hard enough to provoke a smile and hit the right spots inside her. Her legs were wrapped around me, lifting herself up so the angle I was inside her definitely felt good for her. Our mouths barely parted, her fingers digging into my back as I slowly thrust into her.

"I love you," she whispered, "Gods, I love you, Ragnar."

I couldn't help smile at her in the light of the fire, watching her smile in return. "And I love you, Muiri."

She kissed me hard, the sort of kiss that conveyed far more feelings than words ever could. This was a woman who was now nothing more than devoted to me. If I'd asked her to marry me then and there, there was no doubt to her saying yes. Part of me was even ready to ask. Instead, I focused on ensuring she climaxed with me. Somehow, it worked, as she cried out as I came inside her. It was only once she'd come down from the high that she blinked rapidly, our kisses barely slowing nor lacking in passion despite our joint climax. When I made to move to lie beside her, she asked me to stay in place. "I love it when you're inside me," she admitted quietly. She wiggled underneath me, gasping as my still rather hard cock must have hit a good spot.

Wrapping an arm around the back of her neck, I relaxed above her, just gazing at her in the low light. She knew why I was looking, and there's no doubt she blushed slightly. I had a conundrum, as I now felt torn between her and Haelga. I liked Ingun, and adored Karliah, but it was Haelga and Muiri who I loved above all. And I wondered if I was eventually going to have to make a decision. And I figured it would be the woman I was currently with who might ask me to make that choice.

Lying next to her later, her petite body spooned against my larger one, even her hands being much smaller than my own, she sighed with contentment, constantly snuggling backwards, complimenting me on my body warmth. "I'll admit something, Muiri. You're the first Breton I've ever been with."

"Really?" I made a sound of agreement. "And what do you think of us?"

"Well, if they're all like you..."

She laughed lightly. "Well, we are generally smaller than you Nords. Then again, you're a specimen all on your own, Ragnar." She turned around to face me, running a hand down my cheek, over my shoulder and down my arm. "I'm a very lucky woman to have someone like you lying against me."

"How do you think I feel, having a sweet little thing like you with me? Then again, I think you're practically perfect."

"You don't have to keep sweet talking me, Ragnar, though I will always take your compliments."

"I'm always honest. Well, with the women I'm intimate with anyway." I pulled her closer so our faces were barely an inch or so apart on the pillow. "Even your facial markings are pretty. They make your eyes stunning." All she did was snuggle into me, wrapping her arm around my side. "I'm not a good man, Muiri. I can admit that. I've done a lot of things I should regret, or that I should at least feel bad about, or definitely feel guilty. Yet, I feel none of those things. I do what needs to be done."

"And me in all that?"

"I can give thanks to the Eight for your arrival in my life."

She kissed me for that one, her mouth opening immediately, turning into the sort of kiss that would always make me rise for the occasion. She rolled me on top of her again, and finding her entrance was easy, watching her face as I slid inside her again. She wasted no time wrapping her arms and legs around me, holding her tight to her body. "I think the same thing," she breathed into my ear.

I changed our position quickly, rolling her so she was on top. She didn't lean back, resting her hands on my shoulders as I position my legs so it was easy for her to ride me, still leaning down to kiss me. Thrusting up into her, the angle definitely made her feel good, watching the smile her face slowly widen, her eyes closed and a simple look of pleasure across her face. "Gods," she said quietly.


"I don't want to stop."

"Then don't. We have all night. And tomorrow. And the day after. I'm in no rush to return to Riften."

She rode me for a long time, and when her orgasm came, it was a big one, a cry of her love for me, following by some tears. I just held her body tight to mine as she recovered, and it was no surprise to me when she started again once she felt okay to do so.

And that was how the next few days and nights went. We would wander along without any care in the world, Muiri stopping every so often to pick some plants or what looked like fungi, then we would make camp for the evening by the water, eat a little dinner, then we would make love. We didn't experiment all that much, but I wasn't worried about that. It was the act that itself that meant everything between us. There's no doubt we were both falling for each other hard. I could tell by the way she'd look at me when I woke up in the morning and the near constant smile on her face.

Being by the lake, we would also stop occasionally for a swim. With no-one around, we could happily strip off our clothes and head into the water. It was warmer than I figured it would be, though cold enough for Muiri to say it was rather cold, enough that she'd generally swim to hug me, feeling her very hard nipples brush against my chest. We didn't do anything more than swim and cuddle while swimming, but after the first time, we eventually did it at least once each day. It was an excuse to see each other naked in the daylight.

It was four days by the time we crossed the river to head back along the northern shore. I sensed Muiri was now really taking her time, stopping constantly for any little thing she could see. I joked about her delaying our return to Riften for as long as possible, but assured her at the same time that I didn't care at all. "There are some hot springs to the north of here, in Eastmarch. We should head there one day soon. I'm sure there are plenty of different plants and whatnot up that way which you won't find around here, plus we could relax in one of the pools each day."

"Is it safe?"

"I've walked or ridden by them a few times on my way to and from Windhelm. I see plenty of people camping. We'd just have to find a little spring for ourselves."

"Are you getting ideas, Ragnar?"


"I love it when you get ideas like what I know you're thinking."

"So you want to do it?"

"Tell me when and I'll be with you."

We were away from Riften for longer than a week in the end, our return journey taking even longer, as we deviated inland as Muiri was sure she would find even better flora further from the lake. It wasn't a bad idea, and it was a good excuse for me to unleash a few arrows, eventually taking down a big elk. Taking some meat, and also hide and its horns, it certainly fed us well that evening.

Our last night together was barely a couple of miles away from Riften. We could have easily made it on that day, but Muiri led me inland again, so that by the time we returned to the shore, the sun was setting, so I happily agreed to one last night in camp. I managed to catch a mudcrab for dinner that night, and Muiri helped me turn it into a rather tasty stew. I surprised her further by unveiling a bottle of wine I'd kept for such an occasion. Sitting on a log by the fire, we ate dinner and shared the bottle of wine, chatting away about our hopes and dreams. To be honest, neither of us hoped or dreamt of too much. Simply to a happy, and if possible, a longer life than average.

"What about children?" I asked.

"Not before I'm married."

"But you want one or some?"

"Yes. Eventually. But only after I'm married." I heard the hint. It wasn't subtle. The only way she could have been more obvious is if she'd held a sign over her head saying 'Marry me, stupid'. "What about you, Ragnar?"

"I'll be honest, I'm not sure. Doing what I do isn't the greatest example. Then there is my love life in general, as you know."

I felt her glance my way. "Will you want to settle down eventually?"

I returned her glance. "Yes. Eventually."

"But not now?"

"I'm enjoying my life at the moment, Muiri. I like what I do. And I have a few women I adore, even love." I turned slightly and grabbed her hand. "I'm hearing you loud and clear, Muiri. Trust me on that. But please don't force the issue."

"Sorry," she said quietly.

Wrapping an arm around her, I said, "No, don't be. I understand why. I know you have trouble with it."

"I do understand. But when you're not there with me... I feel lonely. And I don't want anyone else. Just you, Ragnar."

"You're making this very difficult. And I mean in the sense that I could stop everything with all the others except one."

"You mean Haelga?" I nodded. "Can I ask a question about how you are with her?"

"Sure, but how do you mean?"

"I mean physically." I couldn't help smile, knowing what she was going to ask. That made her smile too. "Know what I'm going to ask?"

"I do. And, yes, what I share with you is very different, and I like that, because what I share with Haelga is unique to her, and what I share with you is unique to you."

"So with you Haelga you're..."

"Want to hear the truth?" She nodded. "More often than not, it is... hard. Rough. She has interests that involve her being completely submissive. Do you understand?"

"She likes being tied up and other things?"

"That and a lot more. Yes, at times, it can be incredibly loving and tender, but she is showing me many different ways that we can express our affection for each other."

"Would you ever want to do that with me?"

"Most of the things I do with Haelga I wouldn't want to do with you, Muiri. Not at all. But there is that carnal part of me that wants to rip off your clothes and fuck you senseless. Make you swallow my cock before I shove it in your arse, pull your hair back, slap your arse, make you beg, and then just ruin you. But most of me loves what we share now. You're my beautiful, petite Breton woman, and I loved nothing more than watching you slowly ride me all night, or gazing into your eyes as you lie underneath me."

She was quiet for a time, my arm still around her as she leaned into me. Her free hand gently grazed my thigh as my hand ran up and down her side. "I understand, Ragnar. And I mean that. So I can live with it. She offers you something different, and I know you love her."

"I do."

"But you love me too?"

"Gods yes."

"Then show me."

I grabbed the furs and blankets and lay them down by the fire. I took forever taking off her clothes, running my fingers up and down every uncovered inch. She returned the favour until we were both naked, our bodies pressing together as we embraced and kissed. Then she surprised me by lowering herself down to her knees. She'd never taken me in her mouth. I'd never asked, and it never bothered me.

Her hands were small, barely able to wrap around my shaft, and I wondered how much she would be able to swallow. In the end, not the whole length, but she certainly tried her best. In the light of fire, her eyes were alive with their desire to please me, but I wasn't going to finish in her mouth or on her face. I didn't want to. There was only one place I would ever want to finish with her.

But I let her know it was very good. Excellent. Perfect, in fact. She was certainly enthusiastic, running her tongue constantly up and down my shaft, using her hand to stroke me at the same time. Once I reached a certain point, I asked her to stop. She understood why, and after helping her up, I immediately lay her down on the furs and returned the favour.

Her first orgasm didn't take long at all. I'd learned everything about her body during the time around the lake. Knew where to kiss. Where to bite. Where to kiss. Where to touch. What turned her on. What didn't work. And as for her pussy, I liked to think I was an expert in that region. And she tasted... I'm not sure if every woman has a unique taste or scent. I think they do. And, by the Eight, Muiri was the best I'd had. Even better than Haelga.

Despite how we'd met, what she'd ask me to do, and what she'd done before me, there was a purity, an innocence to her. It might sound strange, but even she would agree with me. I had a feeling she'd had few lovers, and certainly I was her first since Alain. But add all her feelings for me, and it was little wonder she found everything I did for her so wonderful.

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