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Dragonborn Rising Ch. 23

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Ragnar is tasked with the assassination of the Emperor.
7.8k words

Part 23 of the 64 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/13/2018
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Chapter 23 -- To Kill an Emperor


Astrid asked me to kill the orc then return to receive final instructions. I'd have rather completed the job all at once, return, then take her with me, but I guess there were final plans to be made before I was sent to kill the Emperor. On the morning I left, she simply told me to be careful, complete the job, and ensure I returned safely, as the role of assassination would be for myself. As she had made up her mind regarding her future, and she knew I didn't really care about being Listener, she liked the idea of myself taking the glory of making the kill.

As always, it was a day's ride to Windhelm, and for the evening, I took a room in the inn as always, but went looking for an old friend. Not finding her in the tavern in the Grey Quarter, I was directed to her home. She was surprised but delighted to see me, inviting me in for a drink, where we caught up on what was happening in our lives. Again, there was no attraction between us, but each time I was in Windhelm, we would meet up as, after standing up for her, we had developed a friendship. I was one of very few Nords she trusted.

It was a dark and bitterly cold morning as I walked back to the stables. The snowfall had been significant the previous evening, even my walk from the Suvaris residence to my inn having been rather treacherous, the numerous tankards consumed having an effect on me at the same time. The roads had barely been cleared as I mounted my horse and headed west, though men were out with shovels, helping make them at least slightly passable.

Making it to Nightgate Inn just after lunchtime, I tied up my horse, headed inside, and booked a room for the evening. With no sign of the orc, I wandered outside and found him standing on a pier beside the lake. Though I could have made the kill there and then, I figured my arrival and possible departure, with the orc going missing, might raise too many questions. I never wanted to get to know my marks so, after saying hello, I wandered off, only returning to the inn once light started to fade.

I ordered dinner and partook in a couple of tankards, but headed to bed early for two reasons. One, to actually get a little sleep. And, two, as I would wake in the late evening or very early morning to complete the job. Waking a few hours later, the inn was near dark and silent, the barkeep having also headed to bed, only the fire still smouldering, providing barely any light or warmth.

Not finding the orc in either of the other rooms, I assumed he would be downstairs. Why he would choose to stay down there, I would never know, but it meant I could kill him quietly and hide the body, though I'm sure the innkeeper would probably go looking for him soon enough. He didn't wake as I approached, covering his mouth as no doubt his eyes would widen as I slid the dagger into his throat. But he died almost immediately and without a sound. The bastard was heavy, so dragging him into a hiding spot wasn't particularly easy, but I managed to lift him into a large barrel, covering it with a lid, confident he now wouldn't be found for at least a couple of days.

Heading back to bed, I was woken by the innkeeper the next morning, and after enjoying a hearty breakfast, thanked him for the service and headed out to my horse. He muttered something about the orc not appearing for breakfast, but whether he went to look for him or not, I didn't find out. Once mounted on my horse, I rode straight for the Sanctuary, arriving well after dark.

Astrid was already in bed by the time I made my way inside, sitting on the edge of the bed as she woke up. After a brief kiss, I told her the good news. "The Gourmet is dead. They hopefully won't find his body for a few days. And I have his Writ of Passage. The path to the Emperor now lies wide open."

The smile was immediate. "Good. I can think of a way of celebrating the news. We'll discuss the next step in the morning."

We went to sleep an hour later, that smile of hers having only broadened as she cuddled into my side.

Gathering all of us around her table the next day, she announced that I would be given the honour of assassinating the Emperor. There were no objections, all our colleagues recognising that I had been at the forefront of everything leading to this moment, in addition to my position as Listener. None other than Astrid knew that I didn't care about the position, but if it gave us an advantage or two, I wasn't going to complain.

"The plan is quite simple. Since assassinating Vittoria Vici, the Emperor has arrived in Skyrim and is presently in Solitude, where he is spending time with General Tullius regarding the ongoing civil war and plan of battle against the Stormcloaks. He dines at Castle Dour every night. The Writ of Passage Ragnar secured will allow him entrance to the kitchen posing as the Gourmet." She looked at me. "While I'm sure you would like to bury a blade in his chest, it will be a simple case of poisoning, Ragnar."

"I'm not fussed how it's done, as long as he dies." She raised her eyebrows as I shrugged. "I don't care one way or the other about the Empire. Grew up there, but there's no sense of loyalty, to them or the other side. It's business."

A smile and a nod. "Exactly."

"So how am I poisoning him?"

Festus cleared his throat. "Jarrin root, Ragnar. All it takes is one taste, and the effects are quite immediate. The Emperor will be serving Sithis before he even knows he's dead."

Astrid gestured with her head and everyone departed, leaving the two of us alone. She rounded the table, taking both of my hands in hers. "It took all the favours, bribes, and blackmails I could muster, but I've secured your exit out of the keep. Just follow my instructions, and the Dark Brotherhood will be back on top. Then... Then we can leave this behind."

"You're still sure about your choice?"

"Do you want to keep doing this, Ragnar?" I shrugged, as I didn't really care one way or the other. "If we... or you... kill the Emperor, where do we go from there? What could we possibly do that would exceed that sort of kill? Don't get me wrong, I still find a thrill in the kill, and spilling blood still..." She trailed off and smiled. "Well, I think we both know we're a little weird about certain things."

"You mean discussing murder gets you hot and you like to fuck after it's been discussed."

"Stated bluntly but correctly as always, Ragnar. But tell me true, do you want to keep doing this?"


"The return of the Night Mother will herald a change no matter what I want or what I do. You provide a different future. It will be strange adapting to civilian life, but our luck won't hold forever either. Every other Sanctuary has fallen. There will be a time when this one falls too."

"Do you think anyone else knows what you're thinking?"

"If they do, they haven't said anything. I think they'll be unhappier about you leaving rather than myself. But they don't know where you live when you're not here. I think we'll be safe, but I guess we'll always have to watch our backs, just in case."

"Sooner we get this over and done with, the better. I'd like to move on with our lives."

She grabbed my hand, putting it under her skin tight shirt, on her stomach, as she stepped closer. "I wonder if we've already conceived," she said quietly, "I won't know for at least a few weeks if we have."

I felt the smile form as I asked, "One would think you're excited at the thought."

"Making life instead of taking it. I never even dreamed, Ragnar... Arnbjorn never had an interest." She paused before adding, "You don't have to leave until tomorrow. Want to head to the bedroom to make sure we have?"

At dinner later that evening, there was plenty of talk, even excitement, at what was about to happen. Everyone believed that we could not fail. There was little chance many knew out of the Sanctuary of what was to come. It was believed no-one still considered the Dark Brotherhood a threat, and certainly no-one would have believed us capable of assassinating the Emperor. We would prove them all wrong.

The next morning, while I was feeling confident as I prepared my horse for departure, I could sense the nerves from Astrid. Our embrace lasted far longer than normal. She did not ask for a promise of my return. She simply asked for me to complete the job and return the Brotherhood to glory. Once that was done, our departure would certainly be more... acceptable. The only real problem she foresaw was the fact I was the Listener. But that was for later...

With time on my side, I did not rush to Solitude. The Gourmet was expected, and it would only be after my arrival that the Emperor would be summoned to Solitude. From what Astrid had learned, my arrival would result in a banquet being organised, at which the Emperor would request the Gourmet cook one of his favourite meals. Astrid assumed I would be told upon arrival.

I didn't arrive in Solitude until three days later, taking my time as I took a longer route than normal, arriving in mid-afternoon. There was an air of excitement around the city as I walked through the gates, hearing plenty of conversation regarding the imminent arrival of the Emperor. I headed straight for Castle Dour, overhearing conversation between either city guard or what appeared to be agents I remembered seeing in Dragon Bridge. What I heard was of interest, and I was able to listen into a particular conversation that gave me plenty of information.

"This city is crawling with Imperial Legion, and you know what? I'm still nervous. Lazy and useless, the lot of them. They can't even keep the Stormcloaks in line. No way I trust them with the Emperor's life."

"You worry too much. The Emperor's never been safer. You think assassination attempts are planned overnight? We discovered the plot. End of threat."

That was good news. They bought the letter and other items incriminating Gaius Maro. To be honest, while I believed it was believable, I would have thought they'd have cast a net for other conspirator's. Perhaps this was a sign they were over-confident, though there was still a large presence of guards, soldiers and agents. Dressed in regular clothing, I barely earned a second glance.

"I suppose. But what about the old man? Son killed, family name ruined and he acts as if nothing even happened. Think he's even fit for duty?"

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that. Commander Maro is the best the Penitus Oculatus has ever produced. You should be half the man he is."

"You misunderstand. It's just I feel for him, is all. To carry a weight like that. It's got to take its toll. That happened to me, I'd be a wreck."

It was easy to decipher the concern, the fact that Maro was no doubt distracted by what had befallen his son. To hear he was still in charge was a surprise to me. I hadn't met the man, but it was Commander Maro himself at the door. After ordering me to halt, I carefully handed over the Writ of Passage I'd secured from the orc. Maro read the words before looking up at me in surprise.

"By Azura. The Gourmet! I... I'm sorry! I didn't realise! We... We had no idea when to expect you, you understand."

"I get that a lot. Don't worry about it."

"Okay. The Emperor isn't in residence right now, though we have anticipated your arrival for some time. The banquet he wishes to hold is tomorrow. Can you wait at one of the local inns until that time?"

"Of course. I am at the service of the Emperor, after all."

"If you return during mid-morning tomorrow, head straight for the kitchen. Your arrival has been expected, so inside you'll find everything you will require."

I stayed at the Winking Skeever that evening. I'll admit to almost sleeping with one eye open, as although I remained confident, I would have preferred to have completed the job immediately. Waking the next morning, I ate breakfast and headed out into the city, where the only topic of conversation was the arrival of the Emperor. Apparently he had arrived the previous evening, entering through a side entrance rather than the main gates. Although Solitude was the capital of Skyrim, and a safe Imperial city, the fact the High King had been murdered in the Blue Palace lingered in the memories of everyone.

Heading up to Castle Dour, Maro was waiting for me again. He appeared to recognise me, though asked for the Writ again. After re-reading the words, he met my eyes and nodded. "Again, pleased to meet you, Gourmet. Proceed to the kitchens straight away. Gianna, the castle chef, has been eagerly awaiting your arrival."

"Thank you."

Politeness always helped.

The castle was full of servants scurrying about, so my progress to the kitchen was possibly observed though ignored. Dressed in regular clothing, and walking confidently, I would have looked like someone who belonged. The kitchen was warm to rather hot, and who I assumed was the head chef was already at the pot. She looked at me as I approached. "Who are you?"

"The Gourmet."

"You're the Gourmet? Oh! Finally! When I heard the Gourmet was being brought in to cook for the Emperor, I could hardly believe it. It's just..." She trailed off, looking me up and down.

"What?" I asked, feeling the first fleeting sense of nerves. Did she know who the Gourmet really was?

"You're a Nord! I never would have guessed it! But where in the world did you learn to cook like that? Here in Skyrim? Or maybe somewhere less..."

"Who did you think the Gourmet was?"

"Well, to be honest, I always pictured the Gourmet as being a Wood Elf, a Bosmer. Their knowledge of woodland herbs... If not a Bosmer, then I assumed perhaps a Breton..."

"I'm one hundred percent Nord, Gianna. So, let me get an apron and a hat, and we'll get started."

"Yes. Of course."

After dressing in the appropriate attire, Gianna announced what we were doing. "The Emperor has requested your signature dish -- the Potage le Magnifique. I've taken the liberty of getting it started. But the cookbook only says so much, and everyone makes the Potage differently. I would be honoured if we could make it, you know, the Gourmet's special way. The base broth is already boiled. We can get started right now. So which ingredient should I add next?"

"A sweetroll."

I think she near enough started to laugh. "Oh, how decadent! I never would have guessed." She added the sweetroll, and I was left wondering how it would taste. It didn't particularly matter in the end. "Okay, what next?"

"A nirnroot. If not cooked properly, it can be dangerous to your health. Cooked correctly, and the flavour is sharp but long lasting."

Gianna smiled at my explanation. "I use Nirnroot as a special seasoning all the time as well. What a wonderful idea."

"Next is some diced horker meat."

I think Gianna near enough started to salivate at what we were cooking. "So delicious. I swear, is there a soul alive who doesn't enjoy the taste of..." She trailed off, looking a little embarrassed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to get carried away. There we go, one cup of diced horker meat. I have to say, the stew seems done."

I dismissed her apology with a wave of the hand but a smile. "No worries. But there is one last herb to add. Trust me, it gives the Potage a real kick, particularly the way the Emperor likes it."

"Are you sure?" I gave her a look. A friendly raised eyebrow, again with a smile. "Of course, of course. Let me add this."

"Just sprinkle a little bit. As you said, we don't want to dilute the distinct flavours."

The dining room wasn't that far away, Gianna carrying the cooking pot as we could hear the conversation between the Emperor and guests as we approached. Funnily enough, they were speaking of the murders that had brought him to Skyrim, and the assassination plot apparently foiled that was led by Gaius Maro. There were one or two bad jokes that led to laughter, Gianna halting us on the threshold until we were summoned by a guard.

"Aha! Here we are. Honoured guests, I present to you -- the Gourmet!" There was applause at my appearance. I merely bowed at the Emperor, as Gianna placed the pot near the Emperor. "Ah, the Potage le Magnifique. So delicious. My friends, as Emperor, I of course reserve the right of first taste."

The Emperor helped himself to a generous portion of the potage. If Festus was right, he'd only take a bite or two before the herb worked its magic. His first bite must have blown him away as he was immediately complimentary. He took a second and third bite, continuing to extoll how marvellous it was. Then he dropped his spoon as he looked my way. "It... I... I think something's... wrong... I... Ugh..."

I turned to look at Gianna. "Run. Now."

There were two agents in the room. I might have been unarmed, but I move fast for a big man. I closed in on the nearest one and put a fist into his throat. He dropped immediately to a knee, and I put my own knee into his face. Quickly grabbing his sword, I put my foot into the arse of one of the nobles to clear them out of the way as the second agent attacked me. They were meant to be the best, but the agent was still in shock, and no doubt underestimated who I was, probably still thinking I was just a chef. I disarmed him, and thought about letting him live. There were already witnesses, but the less people who knew my face, the better. I put the sword through his chest, then the other agent lying on the ground, before making my escape.

The bridge was clear, just as Astrid had promised. Or, at least, it was clear until I was halfway across. That was when Maro showed his face, alongside five more agents, all of them armed. Standing slightly above them, he actually applauded me.

"That man was, by far, the most insufferable decoy the Emperor has ever employed. I'm glad he's dead. Ah, but I'm even happier that you killed him. You, an assassin for the Dark Brotherhood, has just made an attempt on the Emperor's life. Would have succeeded, had it been the real man."

Shit. It was a set-up. I had an inkling this had been far too easy. Why had there been no taster for the Emperor? Didn't even think of that. Surely he'd have had one, even for someone as trusted as the Gourmet, particularly after the plot to kill him.

"Surprised?" I merely met his eyes, giving nothing away. No doubt what he was about to tell me wouldn't be a surprise at all. "So was I when a member of your so-called 'Family' approached me with news of your location and who you all were. Let's just say you probably pissed off the wrong man. Not only did you attempt to kill the Emperor and lay a trail of devastation as you tried, but to steal the man's wife? The only reason I've let him go is he's going to take some pleasure in helping us eradicate all of you."

"Arnbjorn," I muttered.

"Oh yes, he had quite a lot of information about you. And Astrid. And the rest of you. Right now, my men are moving in on the location of your Sanctuary, led by the jilted husband. I'm going to allow him a modicum of revenge by killing his wife. Then I might even consider letting him go. I'll see how I feel. But as for you, you're responsible for everything. The death of my son. The death of the Emperor's cousin. The attempted assassination of the Emperor. You sure have been busy. But I will bargain with you right now. Tell me who organised all this, tell me who put you up to this, and I'll make your death quick."

I flipped him my middle finger and beckoned the other five on. Maro laughed before he issued the order to have me killed, preferably chopped into little pieces afterwards, as he disappeared, no doubt heading straight for Falkreath.

I'd like to say I made short work of the five agents, but unlike the two in the dining room, they were not surprised and were ready for me. The first one died quickly enough, but four on one is never good odds. Only one or two things worked in my favour. One was the narrowness of the bridge, so they couldn't surround me. The other was the fact all wanted the kill, so they got in each other's way. That was perfect me for me, so I stayed where it was the narrowest, and used anything to my advantage. I managed to put my foot into the chest of one and actually kick him over the ledge, hearing his screams all the way until he hit the ground. The other three I slowly but surely put down, but not without taking wounds of my own.

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