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Dragonborn Rising Ch. 30

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Ragnar is given a special task by Kodlak.
6.7k words

Part 30 of the 64 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/13/2018
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Chapter 30 -- Blowback


After the excitement of learning about being Dragonborn, climbing the mountain to High Hrothgar, then battling against another dragon outside Kynesgrove, returning to work as a Companion was a slight comedown. Not that it didn't provide plenty of excitement, but in the back of my mind all the time was the dragon issue.

But I kept my mind occupied by continuing our personal war against the Silver Hand. Aela still had all the information we'd gathered, and after explaining to Lydia what we were doing, she was happy to help out. There was one particular reason why. She got me all to herself. I found no reason to complain, as she'd already proven very delightful company.

Our first mission was a Silver Hand camp to the north, more than a day's ride, meaning we had to camp out. We behaved ourselves that first night, spending our time around the campfire talking. She asked plenty of questions about my life, and once assured that she wouldn't judge me, at least too harshly, I gave her the unfiltered truth.

"Are you still the master?" she asked.

"No. I have nothing to do with the Thieves Guild any longer. But I put them on a better path. Yes, they are still thieves, but there is now an honour to what they do."

"And the other thing?"

"I don't regret it for a moment because I got to spend all that time with Astrid. And it led me all the way to this night here with you."

That made her smile, at least. "You loved her?"

"I did. It was different to my wife. Very different, for a number of reasons. But we connected. However, the work I've done with the Companions, and now as the Dragonborn, means I can restore a sense of pride and honour. I've never thought of myself as a bad person, and certainly not evil, though I know I've done many dishonourable and perhaps evil things."

"What about what we're doing now?"

Aela wasn't intimate with him, but there's a burning sense of revenge for the death of Skjor. "What happened wasn't right."

"Is it possible you're going too far?"

"Possibly. We'll cross that bridge if it comes."

Taking out the camp wasn't too difficult as we agreed to infiltrate at night. We killed a couple silently but once a couple of them woke up, we just let the blood flow. Using my Thu'um wasn't practical, but it didn't particularly matter, as the Silver Hand were no match for the pair of us, surprised at how easily we adapted to fighting alongside each other.

There was little information to take back to Aela, but we'd taken out another operation, so I was happy enough with the result. Riding back to Whiterun, I realised the one secret I was keeping from Lydia was the fact we were werewolves. I'm sure there were whispers around the city but no-one would truly believe, and certainly never accuse, the Companions of being werewolves.

It was only upon returning to Breezehome that I noticed the drinking horn still sitting on top of a side cupboard. Picking it up, I said to myself, "I really should return this to the Greybeards."

"What was that?"


"You're talking to yourself, my Thane."

"I just said I need to return this horn. I'm sure the Greybeards are wondering where I am."

"When would you like to leave?"

I couldn't help chuckle at her enthusiasm. "Let me have a word with Aela, as she'll want..."

"I was thinking just you and I..." I gave her a look, and her eyes said everything. "Do I need to spell it out for you why?"

"No. I'll go have a word with Aela anyway."

I found Aela in Jorrvaskr, downstairs in her old room. She was disappointed that I didn't find any more information, but rather amused when I added news about heading back to High Hrothgar. I wasn't particularly subtle when I said I'd just take Lydia this time. "She wants to fuck you without me there."

"More than likely."

"Well, I guess I can't complain. You leave me satisfied and sore most of the time, and I know she has to listen to it."

"So you don't mind?"

"Of course not. Though I'll probably just stay here and work. I can't sleep at home if you're not there."

I couldn't help smile when she called it home. "Think of it like that already?"

"Don't get me started, Ragnar, otherwise I'll break my promise and started talking about things we agreed not to talk about." She paused with a smirk before asking, "When will you go?"

"Tomorrow morning. I'm sure they're wondering where I am."

"Okay. I'll join you at home shortly. Just one or two things I need to do here first." I turned to leave when she called my name. Turning back, she walked towards and hugged me. "I love you," she said quietly.

"I love you too. But what's brought this one? Not that I'm complaining, but..."

She leaned back, another of those heart-melting smiles that I already adored. "Because although I promised not to talk about it, I do think... I think a lot."

"So do I. But I don't want to jinx things. Hopefully third time is a charm though."

"Fingers crossed."

"I'll grab Lydia and head to the Bannered Mare for a drink. Meet us there when you're done here."

"I won't be too much longer."

Lydia and I sat at what I would now consider our usual table, one of the corners nearest the door where I could watch people enter or leave. Lydia found it amusing but it was simply force of habit, never liking to have my back to a room full of people. Saadia didn't even have to ask what we wanted, coming over within a few minutes of our arrival with tankards of ale and a plate of meat for us to nibble. Ysolda noticed me and came over to say hello. I'd spoken to her once or twice since moving to Whiterun, and I was pleased to hear she was now married to a fellow merchant.

When she left, Lydia asked, "Did you sleep with her too?"

I gave her a look and a smile. "I don't sleep with every woman I meet."

"Just most of them then."

"I can't help it if women want to sleep with me."

Lydia had nothing to say to that, as she was in my bed within a couple of days at most, and she wanted me all to herself after leaving for High Hrothgar in the morning. So we sat back, ate and drank, conversed a little bit, waiting for Aela to arrive. Mikael was providing the music as always, and others got up for a dance. Lydia looked at me more than once, pleading with her eyes, and it didn't take a lot for me to relent and join her.

Aela walked in as we were dancing and near doubled over in laughter, probably because I looked uncomfortable. I usually need a few more drinks before I really get into it, but Lydia was enjoying herself at least. We danced through a couple of tunes before I could finally escape back to my chair. Aela made one or two jokes at my expense, which I didn't mind, ordering another round of drinks from Saadia.

Despite having to leave the next morning, the three of us stayed at the tavern until it was rather late. I was sensible regarding my consumption of ale, but Lydia and Aela were both rolling drunk by the time we left. Dumping Aela in a chair by the fire, I managed to help Lydia upstairs. Thankfully she just got under the furs and went straight to sleep, though I grabbed a bucket, just in case she was ill. Aela was fast asleep by the time I headed back downstairs, so carried her upstairs, managed to undress her, before putting her to bed too.

Neither woman was feeling too good the next morning. Aela could barely drag herself out of bed, while Lydia was downstairs by the time I headed down, already armoured, ready to go. She didn't look well at all, and I was ready to delay for a day, but she insisted that after breakfast she would be ready to go.

She was still groaning as we carried our supplies down to the stables, Aela somehow having dragged herself out of bed to wish us goodbye. I gave her a hug and told her to go home and back to bed. She didn't argue, and after giving me a brief kiss, turned and headed straight back home. I helped Lydia up onto her horse before mounting my own, and we began the long journey to Ivarstead.

She barely said a word the entire journey. In fact, she was pretty much dozing once we crossed the bridge past the crossroads. Thankfully we didn't run into any bandits or wild animals, and to avoid the steep incline we travelled previously, I kept us on the main road, following the signs for Ivarstead. It was a much longer route but it gave Lydia much more time to recover before our journey up the mountain.

We stayed at the same inn as before, no surprise as there was no other accommodation available, taking only one room as Lydia wanted to share the same bed, though admitted she wasn't capable of anything else. I found that rather amusing, as she'd made no secret of why she wanted to do this journey alone, so I suggested we could spend a couple of nights at High Hrothgar together before heading back to Whiterun.

Lydia behaved that night, only enjoying a lone tankard before we headed to bed early. Despite not wanting to be intimate, she still wanted to see flesh, so there was some making out as we undressed each other. Taking in her naked body by candlelight, she was a little shy at first, more so when I sat on the bed first and pulled her onto it with me. Spooning into me, there was the natural bodily reaction, which made her gasp.

"I so want to but I'm really tired," she whispered.

"It's fine. You go to sleep and it'll go away soon."

She was out rather quickly, quite happy snuggling against me. It was rather weird how quickly she fell into bed with me, and now lying together naked under the furs, I was amazed how natural it also felt. I'd never tell her that I'd never choose her over Aela, but if she was happy with the occasional night together, then I would be happy if it worked. And I certainly wouldn't stop her finding a man of her own. I'm not that much of a selfish bastard.

Feeling like her usual self the next day, and prepared for the Seven Thousand Steps, we departed early, wrapped in our thick coats, and kept a steady pace nearly the entire time, only stopping briefly to nibble on some bread and cheese. We met the occasional pilgrim along the way, but came across no wildlife, figuring we'd killed anything that lurked the last time we'd journeyed up the path.

The weather did close in the higher we climbed, and it was getting dark by the time we reached the monastery. Despite its cold looking exterior, inside was toasty and warm, just like last time, and the four Greybeards quickly appeared from wherever they had been meditating. When Arngeir appeared, I took the horn from my backpack and offered to him. He nodded approvingly.

"You've retrieved the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller. Well done. You have now passed all the trials. Come with me. It is time for us to recognize you formally as Dragonborn."

Gathering together in the main chamber, I was told that Lydia should vacate the area. "Why?" she asked, only curious, as no doubt she wanted to see whatever ceremony was to come. Arngeir took no offence to the question.

"The Dragonborn has completed his training. We now wish to Speak to him. Few can withstand the unbridled Voice of the Greybeards. You cannot, but he is ready."

Lydia made herself scarce as I stood in the middle of the four Greybeards. And Arngeir wasn't exaggerating. I felt the full force of their Thu'um.

"Lingrah krosis saraan Strundu'ul, voth nid balaan klov praan nau.

Naal Thu'umu, mu ofan nii nu, Dovahkiin, naal suleyk do Kaan, naal suleyk do Shor, ahrk naal suleyk do Atmorasewuth.

Meyz nu Ysmir, Dovahsebrom.

Dahmaan daar rok."

Arngeir walked towards me, a warm smile on his face, grasping my right hand with both of his. Dipping his head, he said, "Dovahkiin." Looking up and meeting my eyes, he added, "You have tasted the Voice of the Greybeards, and passed through unscathed. High Hrothgar is open to you."

"I'm honoured, Master. But what did you just say to me?"

The smile broadened, and he couldn't help himself with a small chuckle. "Ah. I sometimes forget you are not versed in the dragon tongue as we are. This is a rough translation:

"Long has the Stormcrown languished, with no worthy brow to sit upon. By our breath we bestow it now to you in the name of Kyne, in the name of Shor, and in the name of Atmora of Old. You are Ysmir now, the Dragon of the North, hearken to it."

"And do these titles work in conjunction with the Way?"

"In a way, though whether you choose to follow the Way is your choice, Dragonborn. Akatosh has bestowed these gifts upon you. It is up to you how to use them."

We joined the Greybeards for dinner, Lydia amused that it took place in near silence, as only Arngeir could talk to us, and I think he was used to the silence too. We left them alone to meditate after we were shown our own quarters. Putting on our coats, we headed outside to the rear of the monastery, looking up to see a cloudless sky and the two moons providing plenty of light. Not quite like the sun, but close enough.

Walking to the edge of the mountain, the night sky was utterly spectacular and it wasn't surprising Lydia cuddled into my side. "Well, this is probably the most romantic evening of my life so far."

"And here I thought I sucked at romance."

"You probably do, but after this, it's a sure thing tonight, Ragnar."

I'm sure my laughter echoed around Skyrim.

She wasn't lying though. Once it was far too cold for us to remain outside, we headed to our bedroom for the evening. Lydia was eager, very eager, to get me naked and into bed. I returned that eagerness by taking off her armour rather quickly and almost throwing her onto the bed, from where she beckoned me with a finger to join her.

The kissing immediately was hot and passionate, and I knew I'd always enjoy kissing her. Our hands didn't waste time, one of hers wrapping around my cock to give it a stroke, one of mine immediately fondling her. I couldn't help smile as she was already wet. She broke the kiss to say, "I've been thinking about this for quite a while."

"Well, what have you been thinking about? My mouth or my cock?"

"I've heard many good things about what you can do with that mouth of yours, Ragnar. Why don't you show me?"

I did, first spreading her legs wide as she hooked her hands under her knees. I sat back for a moment and looked at her. The look she returned on her face... I could have just slid my cock inside her and she wouldn't have complained. But I gave her my mouth first, and Lydia held nothing back that night. Her language was surprisingly filthy, but it was a major turn on, and when she came the first time, she demanded that I keep going. I wasn't going to say no, and gave her a second one, which was so good, she needed me to stop.

She wanted to return the favour, so after she recovered, I lay down and we pleased each other, Lydia mentioning that she wanted to taste me as much as I'd tasted her. There wasn't going to be any problem with that, as she blew me for no longer than ten minutes before I erupted. I was really into it that night, and we both knew this was just the start.

We lay together after I'd given her a third one, and she was quite content making out with me despite the fact my mouth and lower face was covered in her wetness. My hands continued to wander as we made out, and she laughed as my fingers found her entrance again, gently fondling her for a little while before my cock started to harden.

"Anyone would think you're addicted, Ragnar," she breathed after I'd slid my fingers inside her.

"Making up for a little lost time."

I heard the smile in her tone. "You're with Aela, but I can assure you I'm never going to say no."

She wanted more than my fingers though, eventually pushing me back as she straddled me, running her pussy up my cock before lifting herself up, grabbing my cock, and slowly lowering herself down. She felt fantastic, very tight, and I joked that I probably wasn't going to last long. "I'll take that as a compliment," she said, before leaning forward to kiss me gently, as I ran my hands up to rest on her arse, "Now, am I taking control, or are you going to fuck me?"

"You can have all the fun for now, but you are getting well and truly fucked later, Lydia."

"Oooh, will I be on my back for that? Or my hands and knees?"

I couldn't help laugh as she sounded eager either way. "Hands and knees so I can ruin you a little bit."

She leaned down, kissed me gently on the lips, before moving her mouth to my ear. "I can't wait," she whispered, before leaning back, and riding away. As she bounced and grinded along my cock, I enjoyed running my hands up and down her body, showing particular interest in her breasts, which she noticed and mentioned. So I shuffled back into a more seated position so I could give them more attention. She loved that, feeling both her hands run through the hair on the back of my head, and feeling her pick up the pace.

"Ragnar," she breathed in a way I knew well. She was getting close.

Looking up, I held her close and kissed her. "Are you going to cum on my cock?"


"I bet you love it already."

"By the Nine, yes."

She kissed me hard, moaning into my mouth as I felt her pussy squeeze me tight, having to break the kiss, resting her head on my shoulder, holding me tight as she climaxed again. I just held onto her as she kept riding me until she couldn't anymore, resting with my length still inside her. After a couple of minutes, she started to laugh. "I never thought I'd ever have this sort of relationship with my Thane."

"Certainly helps that my housecarl is fit as fuck." She leaned back and smiled. "What? I had these thoughts within a couple of minutes of meeting you." The blush was noticeable in the candlelight. "I take it you had the same thoughts."

"Definitely. I did wonder what you thought that other night we had here with Aela."

"I knew this would happen eventually, and quite quickly."

She had to get off me, so we lay down together, and this time I left her alone, as she was feeling a little sensitive, though was very complimentary of me. I might have left her alone, but we still made out, and her hand did find its way to my cock. "How are you still so hard?"

"Youth and," I looked her up and down, "There's a very good reason too."

"Give me a few minutes, then you can give me a good fucking."

She wasn't lying, as after a few minutes, she moved onto her hands and knees, before lowering her head to the pillows, as I positioned myself behind her. I lifted her so her arse was high in the air and gave her arse a light slap for good measure. That made her giggle, though she asked not for them to be too hard if I did do it.

I was gentle as I slid my cock inside her, burying myself all the way, before I grabbed her hips and warned her to get ready. "Fuck me hard, my Thane."

Oh, I knew I was going to have a lot of fun with Lydia while we lived together. And I kept my word, she got fucked hard. I didn't last too long, simply because I enjoyed it far too much, and Lydia enjoyed it quite a lot too, particularly as she urged me on to give it to her harder and faster before I could finally hold back my orgasm no longer, buried my cock, and had one hell of a good orgasm. The sort that made me want to pass out for a few minutes.

After recovering and cleaning up, we cuddled under the furs. "If we do that again, I think you should take my arse too," she whispered.

That woke me up! "You're serious?"

"Absolutely. I am your sword and shield, and I am most definitely your lover in addition to that." She paused before adding, leaning up to whisper in my ear, "Plus I haven't done it before, and would love for you to be my first there."

"I'll be gentle the first time. I promise."

She smiled at me. "I know. It's because I like you already, Ragnar."

"Well, that feeling is definitely mutual."


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