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Dragonborn Rising Ch. 44

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The adventures of Ragnar the Dragonborn continue.
7.2k words

Part 44 of the 64 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/13/2018
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Chapter 44 -- Schism


"Good to see you, Dragonborn," Balgruuf stated as he approached me with hand outstretched. Grabbing it, I couldn't help but grin.

"About time the two sides agreed."

The older man groaned. "Ugh, this is why I keep my city neutral in this stupid war. At least the Empire came to the table quicker. It's taken some serious arm twisting to get Ulfric to agree. I can see his concerns but, right now, there is a far bigger issue that needs resolving."

"So we leave tomorrow morning, correct?"

"Aye. We'll set everything up in preparation for the end of this week."

"Who is coming from Dragonsreach?"

"Myself and Irileth, plus a small contingent of guards. They will provide security. The Imperial and Stormcloak representatives are limited to a small body of guards. No soldiers will be allowed within the monastery itself. Will you be bringing anyone?"

"No, just myself. If anyone wants to pick a fight with the Dragonborn, I'll just Shout them off the mountain." That made him laugh, at least. "But the whole idea is to negotiate a cease fire, so I'll refrain from violence unless provoked. I don't think either side will be that stupid."

Invited for dinner and a drink, I would have been stupid to decline, and I didn't return to Breezehome until much later that evening, having enjoyed a long conversation with the Jarl about everything I'd been up to. He was rather impressed with how busy I'd been, and in particular was interested to hear about the Dawnguard. "Haven't heard anything about a vampire menace," he admitted.

"Nor had I, but they tracked me down and asked for help. Once I have this dragon business sorted out, I can focus on that."

"What about the war? Any chance you might become involved?"

"No. It's not my fight. Or, at least, it isn't yet. Neither side has attempted to recruit me."

"If push came to shove, who would you rather support?"

"We're stronger together."

The Jarl just smiled, perhaps surprised by my answer. I think a lot of people thought, by me being a Nord, that I had returned to Skyrim to join the Stormcloaks. Couldn't be further from the truth. The banning of Talos worship didn't affect me all that much, though I'd started using 'By the Nine' the longer I'd lived in Skyrim. The only thing I was annoyed by was the presence of the Thalmor. Ancano was now dead, but I'm sure the Thalmor knew exactly who I was.

The next morning, I left Whiterun with the Jarl, Irileth and a few guards. We made good time, and avoided stopping in Ivarstead, the Jarl insisting it would be possible to ride our horses the entire way up the mountain. I was hesitant at first, as the path did narrow significantly in places, but he was proven correct as we made the summit after dark, but with everyone still mounted, no-one having crashed over the side of the mountain.

The Greybeards were aware of our arrival, and I made introductions before people were shown to their quarters. We enjoyed a late dinner before turning in for the evening, as preparations would be made the next day for the arrival of the two sides.

I knew Arngeir was still unhappy about hosting the summit. Part of me didn't really blame him, and he was unhappier when both sides arrived on the same day. Arngeir, Balgruuf and I all insisted that weapons would remain outside, as would guards. I would guarantee the safety of Jarl Ulfric and General Tullius, as would their second in command. There were grumbles but they gave in to those demands.

I did receive one or two surprises of my own, though. General Tullius arrived with Jarl Elisif of Solitude. I'd never met her before and... Well, in a well repeated line, she was absolutely gorgeous, and I definitely made sure to introduce myself. I was widowed long before, as was she, and I did wonder if she had any suitors. Getting ahead of myself like usual, but she was friendly in return at least, asking one or two questions about the Dragonborn. That's when I grew bold. "Perhaps I could tell you over dinner one evening," I suggested.

Balgruuf overheard and nearly burst into laughter at my confidence. Elisif blushed. "Let's see how these negotiations go first."

"Hmmm. Maybe I now have a reason... No, can't go playing favourites now."

The second surprise was the fact the Thalmor were present. I kept quiet about that for now but it was amusing when Elenwen recognised me immediately, though she was smart enough to keep her mouth shut. It would be embarrassing for them to know the Dragonborn had infiltrated their embassy so easily.

The third surprise happened on the morning of the summit, when Delphine, Esbern and Lydia walked through the doors of the hall. I hadn't left them out on purpose. To be honest, I just hadn't thought of them. Delphine didn't look particularly happy with me, and I knew I'd probably have to apologise or at least bring up an excuse. Still, I shook Esbern's hand, asking after his health, as the old man was looking frail. Lydia gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Standing back next to Arngeir, Delphine's eyes moved from me to him. I wouldn't say it was a look of disdain but she certainly let her feelings show. "So, Arngeir, is it? You know why we're here. Are you going to let us in or not?"

"You were not invited here. You are not welcome here."

"We have as much right to be at this council as all of you. More, actually, since we were the ones that put the Dragonborn on this path."

"Were you? The hubris of the Blades truly knows no bounds."

"If it were up to you, the Dragonborn would sit dreaming on this mountain doing nothing!"

"Now hang on a minute..." I started to say. She knew how much I respected the Greybeards and she was now intentionally provoking a fight, something we didn't really need.

Esbern sighed. "Delphine, we're not here to rehearse old grudges. The matter at hand is urgent. Alduin must be stopped." He looked at Arngeir, eyes flocking to me too. "You wouldn't have called this council if you didn't agree. We know a great deal about the situation and the threat that Alduin poses to us all. You need us here if you want this council to succeed."

"Dragonborn?" Arngeir asked.

"I'll be honest, I simply didn't think of inviting the Blades, simply because this summit is about a peace agreement between the two warring sides. However, Esbern does have plenty of knowledge to share regarding Alduin and the dragons, so while Delphine might insist on joining, I actually think their presence would be worthwhile." I looked at Delphine and she returned a grateful nod of the head.

Arngeir probably didn't want to hear that but relented with a weary sigh. "Very well. You may enter."

With everyone in the hall, it left Arngeir and I alone. I grabbed him softly on the forearm. "You have my thanks, Master."

He shook his head. "I should not have agreed to this, Dragonborn. But we do trust you. Be honest, though. Do you truly believe this will bring lasting peace?"


"At least you're honest and a realist then. They are not yet tired of this war yet. More young men and women will be sent to their deaths and blood will continue to flow across this land. Do you know the ancient Nord word for war? 'Season Unending'. So it has proved." He patted my shoulder. "Go take your seat at the head of the table, Dragonborn. It is you that has convened the men and women of power. It is you who should lead this summit."

Walking into the large room, the two sides glared at each other from opposite sides of the table. Delphine, Esbern and Lydia sat at the opposite side to where I would sit. Arngeir was at my side and he started to open the summit. "Now that everyone is here, please take your seats so we can begin. I

hope that we have all come here in the spirit of..."

He couldn't even finish his introduction before there was an argument, Ulfric immediately blowing up about the presence of the Thalmor, Elenwen retorting that she had every right to be at the summit, Tullius adding his support. Arngeir looked at me. "Perhaps this would be a good time to get the Dragonborn's input on this matter."

Getting to my feet, I looked at both sides before looking at Elenwen. "While nothing would please me more than kicking the Thalmor Ambassador not only out of this monastery, but all the way back down the mountain, unfortunately doing that will gain us nothing. The Thalmor will learn of what transpires here, Jarl Ulfric. However, the Thalmor representative will sit there, shut up, and leave the negotiations to me."

"How dare..."

"I said shut up. Don't make me change my mind."

She glared at me and all I did was smile in return. "Very well, Dragonborn. I guess I can agree to that," Ulfric stated. Tullius simply nodded, so I sat back down. But it didn't take long for the next argument to flare up, and I'll admit, I was ready to just start banging heads together. Instead, Arngeir leaned forward and spoke clearly. "Are we ready to proceed?" All other voices fell silent and, finally, he was listened to. "Jarl Ulfric. General Tullius. This council is unprecedented. We are gathered here at the Dragonborn's request. I ask that you all respect the spirit of High Hrothgar, and do your best to begin the process of achieving a lasting peace in Skyrim. Who would like to open the negotiations?"

"Yes, let's get down to it. We want control of Markarth. That's our price for agreeing to a truce," Ulfric demanded. Before anyone could say anything, I just started to laugh, shaking my head. Everyone turned to look at me. "Something funny, Dragonborn?"

I just looked at him. "No."


"No. You do not get Markarth as the price for this." He made to stand up. "Sit down, Jarl Ulfric. We are not done here." He glared at me, no doubt not used to being spoken to in such a manner. I stood up as he sat down, resting my palms on the table and leaning forward. "I will put this very simply. I don't give a shit about your civil war. I have not involved myself. However, I will not sit here now and have a negotiating tit-for-tat, where you might trade one province for another and make continuously ludicrous demands. Instead, you will listen to my demands. Arngeir, the map?"

Unrolling it in front of me, using mugs to flatten it out, I stood back and gestured as I spoke.

"These are your current positions. In the middle is Whiterun, neutral. Once the treaty is signed, all forces loyal to the Empire or the Stormcloaks will vacate Whiterun Hold within three days."

"You can't..."

I looked at Tullius. "I just did. If I find a single soldier from either side still in Whiterun Hold, Jarl Balgruuf will order their arrest. Whiterun is a neutral city and its hold will be treated as such.

From the map, the western half of Skyrim is under Imperial control, the eastern half is under Stormcloak control. To ensure peace is maintained while the dragon crisis is solved, all Imperial camps within Stormcloak territory will be cleared, and vice-versa regarding Stormcloaks in Imperial territory. There will also be no patrolling within a kilometre of either border, nor towards Whiterun Hold."

"And what do we get out of this?" Ulfric asked.

"What you get is safety from dragons burning down your cities and killing your people. Because, trust me on this one, if you don't agree to these demands, I will calmly sit back and watch dragons run amok. I am not involving myself in your petty squabbles. The only one here I empathise with is Lady Elisif, as she has suffered tremendous loss due to this war." I glanced her way, receiving a heartfelt smile and nod of the head. "You can either agree to these terms and I get the job done, or you don't, continue your war and the dragons will never go away. In fact, Alduin will end the world as we know it."

I sat back down and listened as the summit pretty much dissolved into chaos. Tullius and Ulfric traded a series of barbs, and I was glad Galmar wasn't armed, as I think he was just about ready to start swinging. Delphine and Lydia just looked on, actually embarrassed by the behaviour. I think Arngeir was about to suggest I involve myself when Esbern rose to his feet.

"Stop! Are you so blind to our danger that you can't see past your petty disagreements? Here you sit arguing about... Nothing! While the fate of the land hangs in the balance!"

"Thank you, Esbern," I stated, rising to my feet again, "I suggest you all take a seat and listen to our learned colleague here. Perhaps then you will understand why you should agree to my terms."

He nodded at me before continuing. "Don't you understand the danger? Don't you understand what the return of the dragons means? Alduin has returned! The World-Eater! Even now, he devours the souls of your fallen comrades! He grows more powerful with every soldier slain in your pointless war! Can you not put aside your hatred for even one moment in the face of this mortal danger?"

"A pretty speech but..."

"Shut up, Ambassador," I stated. She glared in my direction but was wise enough to heed my warning.

Esbern's words finally hit home and it didn't take long for both sides to agree to my terms. Arngeir wrote them all down, repeating my demands. I don't think either side was particularly happy but that was not my concern. With the war halted, Whiterun could now assist me. That is what mattered.

Once both men signed on the dotted line, Arngeir and I also adding our signatures, and it wasn't a real surprise that most people made their way straight for the exit. Arngeir and I were eventually left alone, though when Elisif walked back in, I rose to my feet and approached her. "About what you said earlier, Dragonborn..."

"My name is Ragnar."

"I would be interested in hearing about some of your adventures, if you would care to join me in Solitude one evening."

I couldn't help the smile as I replied, "I am rather busy at the moment but..."

"Whenever you have time, Ragnar. Perhaps a day or two of warning at most will suffice."

"I find myself having something to look forward to then."

All she did was smile, wish me a good day, and walked out the door. I watched her walk away before I wandered out into the main hall. Ulfric had already left, Tullius obviously giving that group a little time before they followed them out. But my attention was taken by Delphine and Esbern, both approaching me and Arngeir.

"We know who Paarthurnux is, Ragnar."


"You do know what he is responsible for, correct?"

"I do but we are talking of events thousands of years ago."

"Of which he is still guilty and justice has not been served." I said nothing to that as I already knew where the conversation was heading. "The simple fact is that he helped Alduin during the time of the Dragon Rule. He committed atrocities still spoken of today. The losses we experienced then demand that he pay the price now."

"You dare ask within these walls," Arngeir stated, unable to hold back the anger in his tone.

"Paarthurnax is guilty of crimes so heinous, just reading about them made my stomach turn. He is as guilty as Alduin. Therefore, it is your solemn duty, Dragonborn, to kill him in your role as the dragon slayer."

"Get out at once!" Arngeir nearly shouted.

"Gladly, though only once the Dragonborn confirms or denies my request."

I couldn't help sigh. "I can't believe you just asked me to do that, Delphine," I stated sadly, "And to do that in of all places..."

"He deserves to die, Dragonborn."

"No, he doesn't."

"So you refuse my request? You would dishonour all those who sacrificed their lives to end the dragon cult. You will put the life of a dragon over them?"

"That is unfair, Delphine, and you know it is. Paarthurnax has spent eons making up for his mistakes."

"Mistakes?" she exclaimed, "He was responsible for the murder and butcher of untold numbers!"

"While I will not claim Paarthurnax is innocent, you know as well as I do that my soul is stained. I'm sure Tullius recognised me during the meeting but wisely kept it to himself. Paarturnax has overcome the evil within through great effort. To now murder him for..."

"It is not murder if a dragon is killed."

"I am one of the dragon blood and dragon soul, Delphine. That is what the Dragonborn is. Dragon in mortal form. Therefore, the dragons are, in many ways, my kin as much as a human is. No, I will not murder him, nor will I kill him because you demand it."

"Then we are at an impasse, and I cannot continue to support..."

"What are you doing, Delphine?" Lydia asked.

"I am doing what is right, Lydia. I cannot stand by and watch him let a dragon live who deserves to die. If he chooses the dragon over us, then I will no longer stand by his side in this fight."

"No, I can't do that."

"Can't do what?" Delphine wondered.

"I cannot abandon Ragnar like that. He is still my thane. It is my duty to remain at his side."

Delphine knew what she meant, and though she tried to keep her face straight, those words crushed her. Her voice broke as she stated, "So be it. That is your choice."

"You're making me do it, Delphine," Lydia said quietly, a catch in her voice too.

"Delphine, maybe..." Esbern started to say.

Delphine stood straighter and looked at me. "No, Esbern, the Dragonborn has made his choice. Very well. We will return to Sky Haven Temple and we will recruit those who wish to join the Blades. If you come to your senses, Dragonborn, we will welcome you back with open arms. If not, then as far as I'm concerned, Sky Haven Temple is not open to you nor your allies."

"Delphine, please..." Lydia whispered, and the heartbreak in her voice nearly broke me.

"I am sorry, Lydia, but I will not stand for that dragon remaining alive. It is his role as the dragon slayer to end the dragon menace. Choosing to let one live, no matter which dragon, is one too many. The only place they belong is back in the ground."

"I love you," Lydia pleaded, and only then did Delphine nearly break herself.

"And I you," Delphine stated, her eyes glistening for a moment before she blinked, her gaze defiant in my direction again, "But matters of the heart cannot get in the way of what is right."

"You are nothing but a fool," Arngeir stated, "Begone from this hall at once. Never return."

"Gladly," Delphine stated, and without another word, she turned and marched out of the monastery.

"I am sorry, Dragonborn," Esbern stated quietly. I shook his offered hand, not blaming him for what just happened, before he walked outside.

Lydia burst into tears and all I could do was offer her the comfort of a hug, feeling her hold me tightly. "I'm sorry," I whispered.

"I truly love her," she sobbed, "She's just thrown away everything."

"I am sorry, child," Arngeir stated softly.

I'm not sure how long I held Lydia for in that hall before she calmed down. "She might come to her senses," I suggested later at the dinner table.

"I doubt it," she replied softly. To be honest, she was probably right.

Heading to bed that night, it was no surprise she wanted my comfort. Not in the way you are thinking. She remained dressed as she joined me under the furs, simply wanting me to hold her as she started to quietly cry again. I didn't really know what advice to offer her. I'd been through my own heartbreak more than once, but the only words I could offer would sound empty.

Leaving the next morning, Lydia insisted on riding with me, simply wanting my comfort for the entire ride. Balgruuf had left with the rest the previous day, so it was only us two making our way down the mountain. Once we were on the main road back to Whiterun, Lydia perked up slightly. "I don't know what I should do now..."

"Breezehome is your home as much as mine."

"It feels like forever since I was last there."

"Feel the same way at times. Spend more time up north at the moment."

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