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Dragonborn Rising Ch. 56

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The adventures of Ragnar the Dragonborn continue.
6.9k words

Part 56 of the 64 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/13/2018
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Chapter 57 -- Solitude


Though I wouldn't say a routine was established, everyone quickly found things to do to stop themselves getting bored. Elisif wasn't a problem, of course. She had a city and region to govern. Mirabelle and Serana focused on magic and alchemy. Aela liked to head off and explore the countryside, taking her bow and arrow for a hunt every now and then. Lydia sometimes joined Aela, sometimes stayed in with Mirabelle and Serana. As for Haelga, I think she simply enjoyed relaxing for a while, admitting that she would get bored eventually and might just end up taking a job at an inn as a waitress or something. She was in no rush, though.

Wanting to keep my skills sharp, I spent time training with the city guards and the soldiers of the Empire, keeping fit while also practicing sword and shield work. There were some talented warriors amongst the rabble, while many were simply in awe of being allowed to spar with the Dragonborn. I think my reputation may have been exaggerated in some respects, though that wasn't always necessarily a bad thing. I was certainly treated with respect by the common soldier and guard.

It was perhaps only a week after I'd returned with Haelga that I found myself summoned to the palace in an official capacity. I did wonder what for as I opened the door to be greeted by a pair of guards, asking me to accompany them to the palace. I'll admit to curiosity as I followed them, but sighed with relief as I climbed the stairs to the throne room to be greeted only by Elisif, Firebeard, and a few other advisors. Elisif didn't rise to greet me as she now usually would, so I knew this was official business.

"Thank you for coming so quickly, Dragonborn."

Definitely official. She always called me Ragnar in private. "I'm assuming you need my help, milady. What do you need?"

"A few weeks ago, you stopped a ritual in Wolfskull Cave, where a group of mages were attempting to resurrect the 'Wolf Queen', Potema. We have learned that Potema did escape and that she now represents a clear and present danger to the people of Solitude, and also Skyrim in general."

"I'll handle this at once, milady, but if we're dealing with such powerful magics, I will want to have some assistance in the matter."

"You may solve this issue whichever way you deem necessary, Dragonborn. Our only advice is that you speak to our city's priest of Arkay, Styrr. He will give you guidance on how best to solve this issue."

"I'll do that immediately and get this sorted as soon as possible."

"Good luck, Dragonborn."

First stop was back home, where I assembled myself in armour, grabbing my weapon and shield. Serana was downstairs with Mirabelle. Letting them know what was happening, I asked Serana if she was interested in helping. I didn't ask Mirabelle as she had told me long ago that she wasn't the adventuring type. Aela had already disappeared out the door to explore the area, but Lydia was in the living room. Letting her know what the situation was, she offered to help out too.

Once the three of us were ready, we headed to the Hall of the Dead, eventually pointed in the direction of Styrr. He was an elderly, bearded man, and rather friendly. He knew who I was, and after introductions were made of Serana and Lydia, we got down to business.

"Ah Potema. Former queen of Solitude and one of the most dangerous necromancers in recorded history. She was responsible for the Empire's near collapse almost five hundred years ago. I believe I have a book about her..."

"I'm not worried about a book, I just need to know if she has really returned, and if she has, what we can do about her?"

"Summoned in spirit form is not raised from the dead. She'll need help before she can return to the living. For the moment, the Wolf Queen has retreated to a place filled with dead eager to serve her. She has gone to her old Catacombs. A few days ago, one of her servants busted through a wall into the Temple of Divines. We'll need you to go into the Catacombs themselves." He handed over a key. "We locked the gate leading into them. Use this key to get in."

"Okay, we deal with Potema. What then?"

"Find what's left of her body, likely a skeleton. Remove it from the Catacombs and bring it back to be sanctified by Arkay."

Thanking him for the advice, the three of us headed straight for the Temple of Divines. I'd actually never been in this one. Serana was already nervous. She might no longer be a vampire, but she still didn't like temples, but she grit her teeth as we passed through.

"I've done some reading about this Potema," Serana stated, "She raised armies of dead, and also liked to use vampires. All the more reason to ensure she doesn't return."

"Wonder why I was asked instead of someone who knows how to deal with matters like this?"

"You probably have some connection with her now, Ragnar," Serana replied, "The ritual that was taking place, because you interrupted it, you became linked with her. I know it doesn't make sense, but sometimes, magic doesn't. It just... is."

"Well, that's why I brought you along. And Lydia now has dual abilities as well."

"Nothing like Serana or Mirabella, Ragnar. I'm still barely a novice compared to their power."

"And we still have your gift as well," Serana added, "I'm not sure what sort of form we'll find Potema in, but I think your gift will still work regardless. Or so I hope..."

After passing through the locked gate, ensuring it was locked behind us, just in case. We quickly found the hole in the wall Styrr had told us about, and I had a rather good idea what we would probably find lying ahead. Vampires. Undead. Draugr. The usual enemies I dealt with in dungeons like this. At least it wouldn't be anything too surprising.

What did surprise me was the voice that echoed from well ahead. It was obviously Potema. "You've arrived at last. The hero who prevented me from being bound returns to my fold. I have much to thank you for, little one. When you die I will raise you and you can take your place by my side."

It didn't take long to run into draugr, and with the three of us, we made short work of them. Lydia and I relied on our swords, Serana causing havoc with all her spells. It wasn't a maze of corridors and chambers, thankfully. I've been in more than one ruin to find myself almost lost at times as corridors zig-zag one way then the other, leaving me confused as to which direction I should be going.

Thankfully there were no puzzles to figure out either, but there were blocked doorways that required levers pulled, and there was always a trap when pulling one, usually poisoned darts or spears springing from the side or above. I'd been through more than enough dungeons to know most tricks. Still hated when I pulled a lever and flames shot out at me, though.

As always, the further into the dungeon was walked, the more powerful enemies. Soon, draugr armed with stronger weapons, or wearing far better armour, were waiting for us. As were vampires. Serana didn't hate vampires just because she was no longer one, but just like her father and his minions, she hated those who wanted power for their own gain. It all became a bit of a slog and I eventually had to use my Thu'um, just to help us out. Flames generally worked against draugr or vampires.

Entering another large chamber, I had hoped we'd already reached the end. But there was no sign of any skeleton, only more draugr and vampires. One seemed to think he was in charge, mocking us before going on the attack. "You've come far, mortal. No doubt you seek to enter Potema's Sanctum. I can see to that. We'll need plenty of fresh corpses to rebuild her army, you see."

I sighed as I went on the attack. "Why do they always mock? Do they not know who I am?"

"Maybe you should just show them, Ragnar," Serana suggested.

So I did, blasting the nearest vampire with the full power of my Thu'um, sending him flying back against the nearby wall, hearing bones crack before he crashed to the ground. A sword through the neck finished him off before spinning and hacking at the nearest draugr.

"I'm amazed I haven't lost hearing yet," Lydia joked, fighting off another draugr.

"What was that?" I asked, earning a giggle, at least.

The next chamber was what I assume was Potema's Sanctum. It was choc-full of draugr. "Not much further. Come, little thing. Serve me in death."

I sighed as all the draugr woke up. Must have been a dozen. A dead vampire also on the ground woke up, no doubt summoned by Potema. Every single draugr was a bastard to take down, and when two and three attack at a time, that gives one pause to make sure they don't make a mistake. I guess I could just always use my Thu'um, but I'll be honest, it sometimes felt like cheating, and I trusted my sword arm too.

Serana and Lydia seemed to protect each other as I just hunted down one enemy after the other. A couple of draugr carried greatswords, and the clang off my shield reverberated around the room and certainly hurt my arm. Still, because I'd blocked the swing, it sometimes staggered them, easy pickings for a quick counter-attack.

It was a long fight, but it was another we managed to survive without any major wounds, though I'd been nicked more than once. Serana wiped her brow with her sleeve. "Have to remember I'm human again," she said, noticing the colour in her cheeks. She looked stunning. Even Lydia took a moment to appreciate her as Serana looked between us. "What is it?"

"Nothing. Just... you know..."

She actually giggled for a moment. "Behave, Ragnar. We're busy at the moment."

The next room we entered was definitely the Sanctum. Stepping forward carefully, checking the floor for traps, I knew this was going to be an absolute bitch of a fight, no matter what we did. Our eyes took in every potential hazard, but we didn't discuss any tactics. No point. We'd just fight and try to survive.

"You've come far, mortal, but can you stand against my inner council? Let's see!"

On the far side of the room was what I assumed was the spirit of Potema. Bolts of electricity seemed to shoot from her as draugr woke up all around us. I wasted no time using my Thu'um to great effects, Serana seemed to wield even more powerful spells. Lydia and I teamed up and went to work, Serana staying nearby, casting spells that would protect us from the worst of the electricity.

Every sarcophagus in the chamber contained a draugr for her to summon. After only ten minutes, the floor was littered with their bodies, and it was actually a tripping hazard. By then, Lydia, Serana and myself were back to back, simply fighting off wave after wave. The draugr didn't understand the term 'self-preservation'. They saw us and attacked without hesitation. But with each one we killed, the spirit of Potema seemed to weaken.

When there were no draugr left to fight, the spirit took off. We followed, entering a small antechamber that contained a throne and the bones of what must have been Potema. And the ghost of Potema herself. I used my Thu'um before we just hacked away. It took a long time for it to finally die, but it had little chance of fighting back, two swords and endless spells being fired in its direction. When the ghost finally blinked out of existence, there was a low rumble and that was about it.

Collecting the bones, nothing more than a skull, maybe a couple of ribs, a leg or arm bone as well, we found a hidden passageway behind the throne and followed the path. There was a ledge we had to jump down from, finding a door nearby that led us outside... onto the side of a mountain.

Climbing down that wasn't a lot of fun, but it led us to the path leading towards the docks and eventually the hill and the main gates. Styrr was pleased to hear that our mission was complete, looking over us with a wry grin. "Hard work?"

"She called upon everything she could throw us at. Anyone who goes into the Catacombs now will find a lot of dead... things," I said.

"I don't think anyone will go down there, Dragonborn, but your return suggests you were successful. Do you have her bones?"

"I do."

Handing them over, he nodded and seemed pleased. "Excellent! These things do have a way of working out when people take action. I'll sanctify the remains. In case Falk doesn't make it clear - Solitude owes you three a debt of gratitude."

"Just doing the right thing."

Returning to palace alone, Lydia and Serana letting me know that they'd just head home, Elisif wasn't on her throne, Firebeard disappearing for a moment to grab her from her own quarters. Once she'd taken a seat, I reported the success. "Potema shouldn't cause any more concern, milady. I've handed her bones over to Styrr, and the Catacombs are silent once more."

"So she had returned?"

"She had. She wasn't flesh and blood, still only in spirit form, but I can only assume had the matter not be dealt with, it could have caused problems in the future."

"Then Solitude can only thank you for assisting in this matter so quickly, Dragonborn. I'm not sure how you are normally paid..."

I waved it away. "Not necessary, milady. I now call Solitude my home. I happily serve her, and her ruler."

Elisif knew what I meant. She's asked me a favour and I'd happily done it. And I wouldn't expect a favour in return. I was the Dragonborn. I was powerful enough to help people simply because it was the right thing to do. "Leave us," she ordered, the throne room emptying in a matter of seconds. When we were alone, she stood up and approached me, looking up with a smile I already knew quite well. "The Jarl of Solitude thanks you, Ragnar," she said quietly, resting her hands on my chest, "Are you sure you don't want anything?"

Glancing around, I ran my hands down her back, resting them on her quite firm butt. "I don't need coin or jewels. Don't need weapons or armour." I kissed her forehead. "And I have you, so... no, I don't want anything else. Serana and Lydia did help me. Not sure if they'd want anything, but I have a feeling they were just helping me for something to do."

"I'll have to thank them later as well."

"If you need anything else, all you need do is ask. Solitude is now my home. And considering who I am..."

"Stay with me tonight. Here in the palace."


That made her smile. "While you might not take thanks, the Jarl of Solitude would like to offer her personal thanks in a specific way she knows the Dragonborn would enjoy."

I leaned down and gave her a light kiss. "Well, I don't usually take payment that way either. But if you want to make love regardless..."

"Definitely," she breathed, "But I can't get too distracted right now. I have to see petitioners in an hour. Can you return tonight?"

"Whenever is best for you, Eli."

"Come after sundown. Bring your girls for dinner, at least. We'll all eat together. But I want you to myself tonight."

Returning home, I took off my armour and weapons first before wandering around. Lydia was upstairs in her bedroom, having already taken off all her armour, now relaxing back on her bed. Serana was doing the same thing, though admitted she could feel her heartbeat still thumping away, not used to the adrenaline of battle. Mirabelle was still downstairs, hard at work, so I spent a little time just watching her. She blushed more than once as I simply found watching her interesting, and also captivating.

Aela returned not long before sundown, admitting that although she'd been intent on hunting, she ended up just exploring the nearby region. I told her like everyone else about the offer of dinner at the palace. Haelga, who was still adapting to our new reality, was a little nervous, as she hadn't been to the palace yet. I assured her it would be a private dinner, so the only thing required was her presence.

The six of us headed to the palace once the sun had disappeared. Our arrival was expected, Firebeard greeting all of us before leading us to the Jarl's private chambers. Elisif was waiting for us already, and once Firebeard turned and disappeared, Elisif could act normally as all the girls now called her 'Eli' as well.

Dinner was a little more extravagant than normal regarding what was available, though it was simply plates of food set out on the dining table, as we all gathered around the fireplace, none of us taking furniture. I felt all the aches and pains of battle as I lowered myself to the ground, thankful there was a thick rug to place my butt on, and soon I was listening to my six girls chat away, lots of laughter, stories being shared. I was the centre of one or two, though nothing too embarrassing. I could see Haelga was still adapting to the new norm, but Lydia was certainly proving very friendly with her, in the sense of making her feel immediately accepted into the group.

We opened at least two bottles of wine at the same time. Elisif was ever so thankful to Lydia and Serana for helping me, and just like me, they waved away any offers of a reward or payment for the job. Once the two bottles were finished, the girls were certainly feeling a little more amorous, but before it turned into some sort of orgy, Aela took charge and suggested that they leave. There was a little moaning and groaning but it was good natured, giving each of them a long hug, hearing rather rude suggestions whispered into my ear, before they disappeared.

Left alone with Elisif, she was busy giggling to herself. "They were not being as quiet as they thought, Ragnar."

"True, but that's the sort of relationship I have with them."

Taking my hand, she led me to her bedroom. It wasn't quite 'our' bedroom, though I now had some clothes stored in the event I did spend the night with her, and I was present enough mornings that my appearance was no longer a surprise. I'm sure gossip spread through the halls, but Elisif either didn't hear of it, or if she did, she simply didn't care.

"Undress me, Ragnar," she ordered. I liked it when she got bossy.


"To my underwear first." There was a good reason why. She had a new set of bra, panties and stockings. I stepped back and simply looked her up and down a few times. Gods, she was beautiful. "Do you like it?"

"I love it. The black against your pale skin is just..." I trailed off and cleared my throat.


I laughed before doing so, and she obviously meant everything. Once I was naked, she smiled, definitely approving of what she saw, her eyes resting at my groin as what I saw first had obviously turned me on considerably. The Jarl of Solitude then stepped forward, gave me one hell of a kiss, before she dropped to her knees before me. "Do you want the Jarl of Solitude to suck your cock, Dragonborn?"

"Gods yes," I whispered.

"And will you cum in her mouth?"

"If you want me to."

"Do you want to, Dragonborn?"


"Good, because I'll swallow whatever you give me. After that, you will pleasure me with your mouth."

"For as long as you want, milady."

"And after that?"

"We'll make love?"

"Correct answer. I plan on waking up late tomorrow morning, Ragnar. I want you to be the reason why."

I couldn't help chuckle. "You have plans, Eli?"

"Just plans that involve you, me, and this cock inside my mouth to start, then my pussy for a lot longer later."

Elisif was now more confident than the first time she'd blown me. After having not been with anyone for so long, it took a little while for her confidence to shine through. She retained the enthusiasm but she'd learned how to please me just as much as I'd learned some of her secrets. And it was always a good thing when a woman actually wanted to go down on you, not feeling that she had to or felt obliged. She teased me relentlessly to start with, which simply made it even better, but she was soon bobbing up and down, her eyes constantly looking up to meet mine. Sometimes I'd say something a little corny, earning a giggle, or sometimes I'd run my hand down her cheek or fingers through her hair. Whatever the case, the Jarl of Solitude looked beautiful on her knees while swallowing my cock.


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