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Dream Come True

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A man accidentally sleeps with his 18 year old step-daughter.
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A loud crash of thunder echoed through the house. Kenna slipped into the bed with her step-dad. This wasn't uncommon. Kenna often slept with her parents, especially on nights like this when the lightning kept her up. It was exactly that she was afraid. She just felt more comfortable being close to somebody. She and her mom slept together for many years. And then her mom had met Robert and Kenna had to sleep by herself. She still found excuses to slip back into the bed though, just like tonight.

Kenna moved under the covers and cuddled close to her step-dad. The large bed was empty tonight. Kenna's mother was out of town. She had been gone for over two weeks. Kenna did not mind sleeping with her step father though, they were very close. And plus, Kenna had always had a crush on him. She slid her body next to his and closed her eyes. Sleep over took her quickly.


Kenna awoke in the early hours of the morning. Rough hands were grabbing her. It took her a moment to remember where she was. A strong hand cupped her breast from behind and she could feel hot breath on her cheek. Another hand was prying it's way between her legs. Behind her she could feel a man's hips pressed against hers, a huge bulge was against her ass. Kenna was groggy and confused.

"Daddy?" she whispered. There was no response. Kenna's mind raced. Maybe he was asleep. Maybe he thought she was her mom. Maybe... he knew who she was and trying to have sex with her.

Kenna felt her legs part and a finger grazed her. She shuddered and let out a moan.

"Daddy?" She said again, a little more forceful.

"Shhh, Princess, It's okay"... Came the groggy reply.

Kenna knew now that she had not been mistaken for her mother. Rob had always called Kenna princess. Kenna's stomach felt heavy and she was lightheaded. She had dreamed of this before. As soon as she had started masturbating, she thought of Rob. But never did she think it would actually happen. His fingers pushed inside her. Kenna was torn. She knew what she wanted to do. She wanted to make love to him, to feel him. She wanted her fantasy to come true. But she also knew what she should do. She should stop him and run out of the room. This was her mother's husband. Kenna's internal conflict raged inside her.

"Get up!" she screamed at herself. "You have got to move," and yet her body stayed still. Kenna could not will herself to move. Her nipples were erect and she was dripping wet. She had goosebumps all over her body. Her daddy's hands were running wild over her soft flesh. She could feel his thick fingers working between her legs. His other hand went up and down her body, grabbing her breasts, rubbing her stomach, squeezing her neck and caressing her face. Kenna nearly talked herself into leaving when Rob pulled her face to his and kissed her. This was no father-daughter, innocent type of kiss. This was lust. Her lips parted and she felt his tongue enter her mouth. She could taste his breath. Kenna was lost. She melted into him and opened herself up.

"Daddy..." She sighed. It was not a question anymore. She reached behind her and found his manhood. It was massive, throbbing and hot. Kenna had suspected that her step-dad was hung. She had gotten glimpses of it, through is shorts or in passing. It was very satisfying to be holding it now. Kenna rubbed her hands over her wet pussy and used the juice to start stroking her father. Rob's movements became more frantic. His hands became stronger and unrelenting. Kenna could feel him kissing her neck and back. Be started to finger her in earnest. Kenna moaned as her daddy's fingers traveled over her swollen clit. Her breath quickened and her body shook. Then, he suddenly stopped. She felt his hands at her waist. He pulled her pajamas and underwear down, exposing her. She knew what was next. Kenna arched her back towards him and guided his cock toward her. She felt the pressure as he pushed inside her. She had never had such a large cock in her life. She cried out in pleasure as he pushed inside of her. Rob wrapped his arms around his daughter and pulled her closer as he moved inside.

Kenna's mind was blank. She felt whole, completed. This was everything she imagined it would be. She felt him start to thrust.

"Oh, Daddy,..." She moaned. Rob covered her lips with his, muffeling her words. He had one hand around her throat and the other between her legs. Rob began to thrust harder and harder. The sounds in the room were mixing together to form a melody that Kenna thought was beautiful.

"This is what making love is," She thought to herself. "This is what sex is supposed to be like." Kenna pushed back against her step-dad with each thrust. She tried to take him further and further inside of her. She felt his grip on her body tighten and his thrusting became frantic. She knew he was nearing his climax. She wanted to make him cum. She wanted to be the reason he was satisfied. She pushed back harder than ever and he began to grunt. Kenna felt a hot surge between her legs.

"Arggghh," Rob cried out as he emptied himself inside his daughter. Kenna had never had a man cum inside her before. She had always wanted it but it felt too dangerous. But everything felt safe with her daddy. This felt right. She could feel the liquid dripping out of her.

The room fell silent. Rob's breathing became heavy. Kenna could feel him shrinking inside of her. His hands still rested on her body. Moments passed and Kenna started to hear her daddy's soft snores. She moved her body close to his and pulled his arms tightly around her. Kenna closed her eyes and fell into the most contented sleep of her life.


Rob woke up, confused and groggy. He had been having a dream, he thought. It wasn't the first time he had had this dream. He was dreaming of having sex with his step daughter. Rob checked the sheets. Another wet dream he could tell. He thought these ended after high school.

Rob's wife had been gone for 17 day. It had been weeks since he had felt a woman's touch and it was getting harder to control these dreams. They seemed to be more frequent the longer he went without sex. He lay there a moment trying to compose himself. Then he through the covers in the floor, grabbed a pair of shorts and headed down stairs.

The smell of pancakes and fresh cooked bacon was filling the house. Rob turned the courned to the kitchen and saw his step-daughter, busy at the stove. She wore a loose fitting tee-shirt that fell half-way down her thigh, covering any shorts that she was wearing. Rob stared at her for a moment. She was beautiful. He sometimes wondered what it would be like to be married to her instead of her mom.

Kenna was humming a tune and floating around the kitchen merrily. Rob pulled out a chair and sat.

"Good morning, Princess," He greeted her warmly. Kenna turned. Her eyes beamed at him. She half ran to the table.

"Good morning, Daddy," She told him, and this pecked him on the lips. She quickly turned away and started making her daddy a plate.

Rob touched his lips. "That was weird," He thought. But before he could think any more about it Kenna placed a plate of food in front of him. Rob looked down. Omelets, pancakes, bacon, fresh cut fruit. Kenna had been hard at work making this breakfast. Rob started to eat. He had not realized how hungry he was. As he ate, Kenna continued to float around the kitchen. Rob watched her. She was filled with energy and life. Her face had a smile etched across it and she appeared to be glowing.

"What is the special occasions, Princess?" Rob asked innocently.

"No occasion," She replied. "I'm just happy,"

Rob continued to eat. As he did, vague distant memories started to come back to him. Memories of himself with a woman. Memories of a body pressed against his. The food turned bitter in his mouth.

"No," He told himself. "That was all a dream," Rob had had vivid dreams of his step-daughter before but this one seemed to be more vivid than usual. But it was still just a dream. Or was it. He cleared his throat.

"Kenna?" he started.

"Yes, daddy?" She replied happily.

"Did you ... Were you in my bed last night?"

Kenna stared at him questioningly. "Daddy, you know that I was..."

Rob's stomach dropped. The color flooded from his face.

Kenna must have noticed the change because she placed a hand on his shoulder. "What's wrong daddy?" She asked, concerned.

"Kenna, we didn't ... Did we...? Did I ..." Rob struggled to find the words.

Kenna finished for him. "Have sex?" The room was silent. Rob studied his daughter's face. She answered the question that she had asked.

"Yes..." she said finally. "What is this about, don't you remember,"

Panic started in. Rob's palms become sweaty. He fumbled over his words as he tried to explain.

"I thought I was dreaming... I'm sorry baby, this should have never happened. This was a huge mistake. You mother can never find out about this..." He went on and on.

Kenna sat quietly. Tears were forming in her eyes. She stared at Rob as he tried to explain away the behavior. "Mistake" He had called it. Kenna's hands were twisting together in front of her. She tried to hold back the tears but at once they burst through.

"Mistake?!" she screamed at him and then ran from the kitchen.

Now Rob sat in silence. A moment later he heard a door slam upstairs. What was he going to do?


Kenna sat for a while crying, and then thinking. She felt stupid. She felt small and weak. She cried and cried and cried. And then a thought occurred to her. She could tell her mother. She could tell her mother everything. She didn't want to, but she could. That meant that she had some power now. The thought pleased her. She pushed around possibilities in her head. Kenna dried her tears and started applying her makeup.

There was a knock at the door. She knew it was Rob, come to beg for her forgiveness and her silence. Kenna slipped into her closet, out of sight.

"Come in," she called.

THe door opened. "Im getting dressed in the closet. Just stay out there a sec."

"Okay, Princess..." HIs voice was small and meek.

"I just wanted to say sorry," He started. Kenna listened with mild interest as he told her again how he thought he was dreaming, and how much he missed her mother. He went on and on about how her mother could never find out and how it would destroy their family. Kenna listened until he fell silent. She had plenty of time to get dressed. She had carefully selected an outfit to help make her point. A short sundress, blue to match her eyes. A pair of white wedge sandals to draw attention to her legs and ass, and to top it off, she wore the sapphire necklace her daddy had given her for her 18th birthday.

"I was thinking," She started. "It seems like you have a lot of these 'dreams'."

"Well I ... "Rob stammered.

Kenna walked out of her closet. Her step-dad's eyes fell on her and he was silent.

"Kinda weird that a dad would have so many sex dreams about his daughter, right," I wonder what people would think." Kenna walked slowly toward her dad. His eyes darted from her body to the floor. "Don't look away," She told him. "I want you to see me. Do you like my dress, daddy?" She turned her back to him so he could see the full outfit.

Rob struggled to find words. "I ... Kenna, this ... Please..."

Kenna cut him off. "You've talked enough daddy, now it's my turn." She rounded on him. "I want you to know that I don't think this was a mistake. In fact I loved it. Last night was the most pleasurable and intimate night of my life"

"Kenna, we can't.." Rob interrupted.

"Stop talking," Kenna said firmly, but gently. She was now inches from her father. She pushed him toward a chair. He sat and she climbed into his lap. Kenna wrapped her father's arms around her and stared into his eyes. She could feel him growing under her. "See, Daddy," She said sweetly, "Doesn't this feel good?"

He did not answer.

Kenna continued. "You've spent a lot of time telling me how bad it would be if anyone found out about this and I think you're right. It seems to me that your life would be a lot harder if people knew what you did with me. So I think it's in your best interest to keep me happy, otherwise I might tell..."

The room was silent. Kenna had him. She knew she did. She let the silence linger in the room for emphasis. Kenna moved her father's hand to her thigh. "Touch me, daddy," She told him. "Feel how soft I am," his hand started to slowly caress her thigh. Kenna slowly moved in his lap, massaging his manhood.

Kenna guided her father's hand further up her thigh. Slowly he made his way neder her dress. Rob's body was stiff. Kenna needed him to loosen up. She uncrossed her legs and turned to face him. Her legs now straddled his waist. Her arms were around his neck. His hands were placed tentatively on her hips. Kenna laid her head on his shoulder and started rock her hips back and forth against his. She was pleased when a moan escaped his mouth. "Please Daddy, make me happy..." Kenna grabbed one of her father's hands and placed it between her legs. She guided him up her dress until he found her bare , freshly shaven, pussy with his finger tips. She moaned her encouragement.

Slowly Rob gave in. He could not resist. He began to touch his daughter, slowly and gently at first and then more forcefully. He spread her lips apart and found her swollen clit he spent some time massaging it slowly. Kenna moaned and whimpered in his ear. Her grip on him tightened as he pleasured her.

Suddenly Kenna stood up and straddled her father. She stared at the father's crotch. She could see the outline of his massive member. A wet spot was forming at the head. She grabbed her father by the hand and lead him to her bed. She laid on her back with her legs open.

"Kiss me," She begged.

Her father slowly climbed on the bed. He lowered his face to hers but she stopped him.

"No," She said. "Down here." She pushed his head toward her open legs. Rob obeyed. He pushed her dress up and climbed in between her legs. He could smell her as he approached. He extended his tongue and licked the smooth skin between his daughter's legs. Kenna's body shook. She moaned softly. Rob began to kiss the inside of her thighs and tickle her. He kissed up and down and slowly made his way to the center. Then he extended his tongue and licked the outside of her pussy from top to bottom. Kenna was shuddering with anticipation. He pushed his tongue inside and spread her lips.

"Oh, Daddy..." Kenna moaned. She arched her back toward him. At last Rob found her clit with his tongue and began to focus on it. He sucked it into his mouth and kissed it. He licked it slowly up and down. When he could feel her pleasure mounting he pushed a finger inside of her. He began to lick more aggressively.

Kenna was moaning loudly now and crying out for her daddy. "Please," She said over and over again. " Oh daddy, that is so good." With one hand Kenna pinched her nipples and with the other she forced her father's head deep between her legs. She could feel her orgasm mounting. "Please, Please..." She cried as he worked on her.

Finally her body began to shake. She moaned loudly and clinched her legs together on her father's head.

"Oh god, Daddy yes... Ohhhhhh..." Kenna cried out. The feeling took over her whole body. She felt numb below the waist. Finally the feeling subsided and Kenna lay back on the bed, breathless.

Rob stood up and dropped his shorts. HIs cock hung heavily. Kenna looked over at him. She knew what he wanted. And she wanted it too. She wanted him to fill her again. But now was not the time.

"No thanks," She said simply. Kenna left the bed and went to the bathroom to fix her makeup. "Go get dressed," She shouted from the next room. "Your taking me shopping."

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Dam daddy daughter sex is the best

DaddylovesbratsDaddylovesbratsabout 2 years ago

Good for Kenna, standing up for herself and getting what she wants!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

...both proclaim "Wrong tag" since they do not consider this a cuckquean story.

Merriam-Webster dictionary definition of cuckquean is:

"a woman whose husband is unfaithful to her"

Wiktionary defines it:

"a woman who has an unfaithful husband"

The mistake of both Wrong Tag Anonymous is the same, taking cuckquean to mean -- in the words of First Wrong Tag Anonymous (02/17/19) -- "a woman who likes to see her man sleep with another woman."

This mistake is common on Literotica with regard to the male counterpart term "cuckold," taking it to imply approving, or at least knowing.

But the Merriam-Webster definition of cuckold is:

"a man whose wife is unfaithful."

The definitions are clear. Whether you like it or not, whether you know about it or not, if your wife fucks another man, you are a cuckold; and if your husband fucks another female, you are a cuckquean -- even if you do not know it and would hate it if you did.

HOWEVER, Wikipedia also describes a "cuckold fetish."

Since it is just the counterpart of a "cuckquean fetish," I will only give the Wikipedia description of that:

"A cuckquean fetishist is aware of her spouse's activity, sometimes actively encouraging it, and derives sexual pleasure from it." [Followed by elaboration.]

Since cuckoldwishes listed the tag as "cuckquean,"

and not as "cuckquean fetish,"

he is correct

and both Wrong Tag Anonymous are wrong.

I like cuckquean stories** where the wife/girlfriend approves (even better if she is eager), as long as there is respect, love and no humiliation, ignoring etc. Which is basically the "cuckquean fetish" that First Wrong Tag Anonymous describes.

Even though this story was not that, I nevertheless liked it.

The part of it that I did not care for was the last two paragraphs where Kenna starts to control (blackmail?) him.

**Inconsistently, I do not usually care for cuckold stories.

Paul in Oklahoma

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Wrong tag

A wrong tag is worse than a trash story. Cheating happened. Cuckqueen did not.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Wrong Tag!

I came here for the "cuckquean" tag - a woman who likes to see her man sleep with another woman.

But there was not a trace of "cuckquean" in here!

Granted, this story had the potential for it. If his wife came home, saw him with her daughter and was aroused by it, etc.

But that didn't happen...

So I feel slightly cheated.

The story was still good though.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Third Sentence...

"It was exactly that she was afraid."

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Same Same....

.....the exact same thing happened to me years ago with my daughter who's now 33. We still get together secretly once a week even though she's married with two children. It's been an ongoing scenario for almost 16 years and no one has found out yet.

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