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He has the power to enter your dreams.
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Note from Slick: Have you ever had a dream and then it happened in real life? There are a few scenes of incest in the story so be aware. Copies of this story may not be made for distribution, be publishing or copied to another webpage without explicit permission from the author.


Robert Bradley Jr. learned at a very early age that he had a very special power but for a long time he did not realize what he could do with it. At first it was just fun to use and really didn't mean much to anyone. You see, Bobby had the power to enter other people's dreams.

The earliest he could remember using this special power was in the sixth grade when the assistant teacher, Ms. Morris, was supposed to pick the top project in the school's science fair. Little Bobby knew his project was good but was not sure if it was good enough to beat Tommy Lewis's erosion project. That night before he went to bed he looked at the photo of Ms. Morris in the school yearbook. Later when he was fast asleep he dreamed that he and Ms. Morris were in the science lab in school when he told her to pick his project because it was the best one there.

The Science Fair was to start at 1:00PM the next day and when Bobby left his home room he saw Ms. Morris who smiled at him as he walked by the science room. He knew something was up because she never smiled at him and only talked to him to tell him to do something. During the lunch break she even came up to him while he was eating and told him what a great project he had. It was later at the science fair that he saw the Number One prize ribbon on his project. The title of his project: DREAMS.

After school, while he waited on the curb for his mother to pick him up, he turned to see her standing next to him.

"OK tell me how you did it," she said smiling.

"What?" Bobby asked puzzled.

"How you got me to dream about you last night," she answered.

"Yoou………You had a……dream….about….me?"

"Don't be coy with me," she smiled. "You won first place because somehow you got me to dream about you and I can still recall how you stood in front of your project and told me it was the best one."

"I just explained where the neural network is located in your forebrain and how the output of the neural network depends on your daily interactions with the people you know, see on TV and other media, social interactions, misfortunes, negative and positive emotions and themes," he quickly spit out at her.

"Well, when you figure it out let me know and be really careful going into other people's dreams because who knows what you might find there?" She smiled and walked to her car.

"Holy shit," Bobby said softly. She had the exact same dream that he had. From that point on Bobby researched as much as he could on dreams. It wasn't until the ninth grade when he discovered how powerful his gift really was.

Bobby had a serious crush on Sherry Brooks who sat in front of him in his history class. She was drop down gorgeous that had every boy in the ninth and most of the tenth grade drooling after her. The freshman dance was coming up in little over a month and she had already turned down five boys including one of the most popular boys, Jerry McCloud, who was the star on the freshman basketball team. Bobby knew he didn't have a chance because she normally didn't even acknowledge his existence.

One of the other girls, who were also considered a school geek like himself, had hinted for him to ask her but he was holding out for Sherry. That night before he closed his eyes he stared at her photo in the school yearbook.

"Would you like to go to the school dance with me?" Bobby asked her in his dream. They were sitting in their history class and she had turned around to see why he was kicking her chair.

"Dance? You want me to go to the dance with you? Why should I?" she laughed.

"Because you know you will have the best time of your life," he replied.

She laughed again and turned around.

The next day as Sherry walked into the history class she stood by her chair and looked down at him as he wrote her name on top of his notebook. "Your name is Bobby right?"

He looked up at her and smiled. "Yes." He thought she would say something about the dream but instead just sat down in her chair. About halfway through the class Bobby gently tapped his feet on the back of her chair. She turned and smiled at him.

"Would you like to go to the school dance with me?" he asked.

"Yes I would love to. What took you so long to ask?" she said smiling.

A week later Jerry McCloud cornered him in the boy's locker room.

"OK nerd, what's your secret?" He asked as he pushed Bobby hard against the wall.

Bobby tried to show no fear when he answered, "communication, it goes both ways."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Jerry asked. Suddenly one of the coaches walked in and Jerry let Bobby go.

"That's what I'm talking about," he said as he walked away grinning.

The night before the big dance Bobby again looked at Sherry's photo and that night had a dream that they would dance close and he would kiss her.

Not only did it happen that way the next evening it happened three more times that night before the dance was over. Suddenly Bobby was the new stud of the ninth grade.


Even with the power Bobby decided to play it cool while he studied more and more about dreams. He read that a head injury could cause some to have more vivid dreams than others and had remembered that his mother had told him about him being in a car accident as a baby and had received a serious bump on his head. He read also about some of those people that had telepathic powers and wondered if he had a combination that could project his dreams into other people.

His first real test of an erotic nature was performed in his own house on his sister who had returned home for Christmas break after her first semester of college. He had just turned eighteen and was still a virgin when he stared at Clare's photo before going to bed.

"Bobby what are you doing here?" Clare asked as he stood in the bathroom they shared. In the dream she was holding a large white towel up in front of her wet body.

"I need to take a shower too," he grinned as he removed his pajamas and stood naked in front of her. His penis was on display and was a hard eight-inch missile pointing up at her.

"I didn't know you were so big," she giggled as he moved by her and into the shower.

"Why don't you join me?" he asked as he peeked behind the towel at her young firm breasts and hard cherry nipples.

"I just took a shower," she giggled. "But what the heck?" she said as she dropped the towel on the floor and walked in naked behind him.

It was the best wet dream of his life as she soaped his back and ass and then turned him around to do the front. Her fingers dropped quickly to his hard rod and stroked him. She didn't complain when his hands moved to her soft small tits. Even in his dream he could only last for a few seconds as she jerked him off. She laughed and washed off her hand and wrist.

The next morning Bobby woke up in a sweat and realized his prick was rock hard. He lay in bed afraid to go into the bathroom because if it didn't work he would be in serious trouble. He could hear the shower running and waited. When he heard her turn off the shower he got out of bed and put his ear to the door. He was too afraid to open it. As he turned to walk back to his bed he heard the door open.

"Were you going to take a shower this morning?" he heard her ask.

Bobby turned with a shit-eating grin. "Yes, I was waiting for you to come out." He walked to the partially closed door and opened it to see her standing naked with the large towel in front of her exactly what he and evidently she had dreamed about. He didn't blink as he quickly stripped off his pajamas and stood there naked with his hard-on.

"I didn't know you were so big," she said on cue as he walked by her and looked at her real naked body.

He didn't say a word as he moved into the shower and waited.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," she whispered as she moved in behind him and grabbed the bar of soap from his hand.

"Let's start with the front first," he said smiling. Her fingers wrapped around his shaft and he closed his eyes. As her fingers stroked him he cupped her young mounds and played with her nipples.

"Oh God Bobby," she moaned. "Please touch my pussy." Her fingers pushed his hand down between her legs and into her dampness. He discovered she was not a virgin.

Bobby lasted longer than his dream and so did she as he explored her womanly secrets. After they had climaxed and dried off she kissed him lightly on his lips. "Will I see you here tomorrow?"

"Sure," he answered as she wrapped the towel around her cute little ass and walked out. "But I think I'll see you before in our dreams tonight."

That night Bobby and Claire dreamed about her giving him a blow job in the shower.

This time it was her first but not her last because she still had five more days at home before she had to go back to college. He did not allow himself to fuck her in his dream. He already had someone picked out to take his virginity.

Tommy waited for Mrs. Donovan to come out to the parking lot. He had not seen her for almost three years since she had married. Before that her name was Morris and was his science teacher who asked him to let her know when he figured out how he got into other peoples dreams.

"Mrs. Donovan," he said as he walked up to her standing by her car.

"Yes, can I help…….is that you Bobby?" she asked with a big smile.

"Yes Ma'am," he answered.

"God, you've grown so much," she said looking up at him now. "You should be graduating now right?

"Yes, Ma'am," he smiled.

"You know I can still remember that science fair and me dreaming about you. That was so weird. Did you ever figure it out?"

"Well yes, I think so. I'm still working on it."

"Good never give up your dreams," she giggled. "I better go because my husband and I are going to a movie tonight. Stop by and see me again."

"I'll see you tonight," he thought as he watched her drive off.

He blew the dust off the old year book and quickly opened it to Ms. Morris's photo. He smiled as he fell into a deep sleep.


"Why Bobby it's nice to see you here again," she said as she walked up to her mini-van. "Did you need a ride home?"

"Yes, ma'am," he answered. "Actually I was hoping to go down to the beach with you."

"Now you know I'm a married woman," she giggled. "I could get into trouble being seen with you."

"I know a real secluded spot where no one will see us," he smiled.

"My husband will be home at 6:30PM so we only have a couple of hours."

"A couple of hours will be great," he said as he tossed his book bag into the rear seat and climbed next to her in the front. He peeked down at her short skirt.

"I didn't bring a bathing suit," she giggled as they walked down a secluded path to the beach.

"Me neither," he said.

Suddenly the alarm went off and Bobby awoke. He tried to remember what had happened but couldn't. He tried to go back to sleep but couldn't do that either. He scrambled out of bed and made it to school just in time. The day went slow as he kept looking at the clock. He knew Mrs. Donovan got out at 3:45PM and he only had fifteen minutes to run from one side of the school to the parking lot. As luck would have it his teacher made him stay an extra five minutes as he gave out the test scores. By the time he made it to the parking lot he was breathing heavy and could not find her mini-van.

"I was wondering if you were coming," he heard her say behind him. He turned and saw her smiling.

"Do you need a ride home?"

"Yes, ma'am," he answered. "Actually I was hoping to go down to the beach with you."

"Now you know I'm a married woman," she giggled. "I could get into trouble being seen with you."

"I know a real secluded spot where no one will see us," he smiled.

"My husband will be home at 6:30PM so we only have a couple of hours."

"A couple of hours will be great," he said as he tossed his book bag into the rear seat of the Volvo sedan and climbed next to her in the front. He peeked down at her short skirt.

"I didn't bring a bathing suit," she giggled as they walked down a secluded path to the beach.

"Me neither," he said. They walked out of the dunes and saw the beautiful private beach. He stopped and looked at her. She now looked puzzled.

"What am I doing here? What was I thinking?" She looked at Bobby. "We need to go."

"Why don't we just sit here for a while? You have some time don't you?"

"Yes, but, I shouldn't be seen with a student." She stopped and looked at his handsome golden locks and forming body. She remembered the science fair. "You got into my dreams again didn't you? I can remember you and me coming to the beach."

"Sit with me for a while," he said as he moved over to a large log back between two dunes.

"How do you do it?" she asked. Now in the interest of science she wanted to know.

"I don't know exactly," he replied as she sat beside him. Her perfume was overpowering his senses and he could feel his penis getting hard in his shorts. "I can look at someone's photo before I go to bed and imagine what I want to do with them. Then both of us dream the same thing and we both want to do what happened in our dream."

"What did you want to do today with me?" she asked as she peeked down at his large bulge.

"I……..a…….." he stuttered.

"You wanted to make love with me didn't you?"

Bobby blushed. It was easier when they were under the spell of the dream. Now it was real and he did not know how to handle himself. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have…."

"Shhh," she whispered as she placed her finger on his lips. "Teachers have erotic dreams too. What would you say if I told you that I have dreamed about making love with you?"

"But you are married and older," he said, surprised.

"Are you sure it's private here?" she said looking around. He nodded his head yes. "Don't say another word." Bobby didn't as he watched her unbutton her blouse and pull it off her shoulders. He became light headed when she released the snap on the side of her skirt and pushed down the small zipper. She stepped out of it and neatly folded it to set it on top of her blouse. She smiled as she released the front clasp of her bra and pulled it open. Her full creamy 36C breasts exploded out into his face.

"Mrs. Morris," he whispered as her finger moved into her white lace bikini panties to push them down and off. "Shhh," she giggled while her panties moved down over her brown bush and perfectly shaped thighs. She placed them on the other clothing and stood with her hands on her hips. "Well am I as nice as you pictured me in your dreams?"

"GOD YES!" he said loudly. "You are so beautiful."

"Well are you going to get undressed too?" she laughed.

Bobby fumbled with his shirt and short and froze before pushing down his boxers. "Let me help," she giggled as she moved down on her knee in the sand. Her finger pulled the elastic over his large tent and down to his knees. She let go of his underwear when she saw how big he was.

"You're bigger than my husband," she spit out. She pulled the boxers off and pulled him down into the sand with her. "Before we do this you have to promise me that you will not dream about me again. We can only do this once."

Bobby moved his trembling fingers up to cup her soft breast. "I promise."

"Good, come here and let me make you a man."

His body moved down onto hers. She allowed him to explore her body and to kiss and suck wherever he wanted. Her dream to make love to one of the handsome students was coming true. She knew it would be the one and only time so she wanted to experience it to the fullest. Her mouth captured his penis at the same time he climaxed. She laughed and spit out his juices. "Now you can fuck me," she whispered. Being 18 he really didn't get soft as her legs wrapped around his waist. "OH GOD BOBBY!" she cried out when his big shaft penetrated her womanhood.

Bobby lasted a lot longer this time as he took his time feeling the moist heat of her hole. Her mouth moved to his and for the first time he felt like a man. Luckily the beach was empty when she screamed for the first time and then the second.

Afterwards they lay together kissing and snuggling. "You know maybe I should consider this not being the only time," she whispered when she felt his penis get hard again. She looked at her wrist watch and saw she had about twenty minutes. "Teacher knows best you know," she giggled as she mounted him again.

"My mother has always told me to listen to my teachers," he laughed as her body pounded up and down on his.


It was May when Bobby and his parents sat at the high school graduation ceremony. He smiled over at Mrs. Donovan and she winked back at him. They had made love twice more since the day at the beach and she had taught him as much as she could about the various positions and how to pleasure a woman. He had cooled it with his sister because he didn't want his parent's all pissed at him and he did need their support to finish college. He had not attempted anymore dream seductions because of the potential problems associated with them. It was the first week in August when he moved into the coed dorm at Grissom State College.

"Hi, I'm James," his new roommate said holding out his hand. "Bob," he said hoping to loose the Bobby which made him sound so immature.

His parents left and the two of them moved to the food court to eat. "You have a girlfriend back home?" James asked as he chewed on a burger.

"Not really," he said thinking about Mrs. Donovan.

"My girlfriend is also a freshman here," he said. "She's been bugging me to get engaged but I'm into waiting."

"You've got at least four more years of college," Bob said.

"Exactly," James said smiling. They both could see they were going to be great roomies. "There she is now," he said looking over Bob's shoulder.

Bob turned and saw the most gorgeous female he had ever seen. She had long flowing blonde hair and deep blue eyes. Her lips were rosy and her body was perfectly formed.

"Candy, this is my room mate Bob," James said smiling. Bob stood and took her soft long fingers in his.

"My pleasure," he said smiling.

Candy blushed when she saw his eyes roaming her body. "A real gentleman."

She turned and pulled a short but pudgy girl in front of her. "This is Gena my room mate."

The four of them completed their introductions and the two girls sat down after they got their food. Bob could see Gena looking at him but he couldn't take his eyes off of Candy. He also knew it would be natural for James and Candy to try to match him and Gena up. "I've got to get back and unpack," he said as he stood and walked out. He turned and saw Gena and Candy watching him.

The first three weeks were so busy none of them had much time for any social activities. James did ask Bob to disappear on a Friday night so he could spend some time alone with Candy in the dorm room. He didn't mind because he went to the cheap movie on campus and got away for a while. When he returned he tapped on the door and heard Candy's voice to come in. He walked in nervously and saw her in James's bed with the sheet tucked up high under her chin. The thin material did a lousy job hiding her naked body.

"James is taking a shower," she smiled.

"I can come back later," he said as he turned to leave.

"No, please stay," she said. "Since you are his room mate we might as well get used to this kind of thing.

Bobby knew there was no way he could ever get used to being alone with her in a room while she was naked under a thin sheet.

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