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Be careful what you dream about. It could become a reality.
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This I'm afraid is a fairly longish one so quite understand if you click away now. If you do persevere, I hope you feel that it was worth it, Hopefully, the story is good enough to stand up on its own, even if you removed some of the sex and incest.

Very few people realise that there is another dimension to our world, a place that exists between life and death, a place where you could perhaps say, dreams can come true. Even though we have all visited it on occasions, especially as children, it is not somewhere that we would knowingly accept as existing in its own right. I'm not just talking about the time that we spend there when we sleep, but also the time we sometimes spend there when we daydream, sat in a trance-like state while our minds are elsewhere doing other things.

Just like you, that's all I thought it was, dreaming, we sleep, we dream, we wake, the episode being mostly forgotten the moment our eyes are open. Something changed for me about the age of eight. I had been seriously ill, bad enough that the doctor's had been unsure as to whether I would pull through and had advised my parents to be prepared for the worst.

I spent most of that period sleeping, although my mother would always insist that I was in a coma, my mind full of vivid dreams, as real as anything I had experienced in life, and it was in one of those dreams that the strangest thing happened, and which first aroused my curiosity.

Have you ever noticed that in dreams, we never see ourselves, no more than we see ourselves in our everyday lives? It is only when we look in a mirror or perhaps in a large glass window that we actually see the person we are. What made this dream seem so strange was that for the first time ever, I saw myself, as I would another person. Stood in my hospital room looking at the child in the bed who was deathly white, I suddenly realised that the person I was watching was myself.

It didn't last long before my mind was off doing other things, but when I eventually began to get better, it did puzzle me as to how I had managed to see myself and not as a reflection. I hadn't been floating or anything like that, I was simply there in the same room, staring at me!

Over the next few years, I tried to replicate that experience, but it never happened, I just went back to having the type of dreams, and sometimes nightmares, that we all have.

The next time it happened I must have been twelve, maybe thirteen and out with friends. It was autumn and of course, the best conkers were still attached to the branches of the tree. I remembered climbing, but very little after that, I certainly did not remember falling and hitting the ground with a loud thud. What I remembered next was standing in the field by the tree, watching my friends rush around in a panic and myself lying at the foot of it with my eyes closed.

My mates were calling my name and shaking my shoulder and then suddenly, I felt what I can only describe as a slight pull, as though someone was tugging me from behind. The pull became more forceful and then it was like someone had attached a long length of strong elastic to my back as I was whisked off my feet, shooting backwards as the scene receded into darkness. Opening my eyes, I stared up at the sky through the branches of the tree above me, a cheesy grin spreading across my face as my mates all looked relieved and asked if I was ok.

I was fine, winded, bruised and stunned but no bones had been broken. Again, later that night, I tried to replicate the experience, but to no avail, it just would not happen and the only explanation I had when I later thought about it, was that on those two previous occasions, perhaps I had been close to death.

Now I wasn't going to intentionally nearly kill myself just to see if I could make it happen, but there were things I learnt to do over the next few years. The first was that if before I went to sleep, I cleared my mind completely, and then focused on one person, place, or scenario, then more often than not, that is what I would dream about. Slowly at first and then with greater consistency, I could each night, dream about whoever or wherever I wanted, enjoying as much fun sleeping as I did during my waking hours.

I was eighteen when the next episode happened, we'd had new neighbours move in, a young couple called Terry and Joanne, both of them probably no more than five or six years older than I was. Joanne was a real looker and so it was only natural that I tended to be drawn to her, daydreaming of the things I would like to do.

That night, I hadn't intentionally gone to sleep with Joanne in mind, she had just popped into my head as I drifted off, wondering what she looked like in bed.

The room was dark, but for whatever reason, I was still able to see well enough, it wasn't a room in my house or one that I had ever visited before, I thought, as I stood at the foot of a bed and watched two people sleeping. I must admit I nearly shit myself, one part of my brain telling me it was a dream, but the other part convincing me that this was actually happening. What the fuck did I do if they suddenly woke up, how did I explain to them how I came to be in their bedroom without them suspecting I was a burglar.

Hardly daring to breathe I started to edge towards the bedroom door, wishing I were at home and back in my bed when suddenly I was.

Sitting up as I came awake, feeling uneasy in the darkness of my bedroom, I could feel the cold sweat coving my body and was unable at first to stop shaking.

I'd been there I was convinced; I'd been in Terry and Joanne's bedroom watching them sleep, that was who I suddenly realised it was. Surely my mind had made it up, I had never been in their house and had no idea what their bedroom looked like. I presumed it was a similar layout to our house, but beforehand, I couldn't have told you what was in it, but at that moment, I could have described to you each piece of furniture, was it all simply make-believe?

When my breathing slowed and I felt relaxed and secure once more, I lay back, cleared my mind and then at the last second, concentrated on Joanne lying in bed. I was back in their bedroom, this time stood on her side of the bed as I watched her sleep and ready to think of home if either of them moved slightly. It was a surreal situation, one that I had no idea how to explain as I continued to stare at her. She moved slightly in her sleep, her blond hair falling across her face and impulsively I reached out to brush it away.

It was then that I learnt something, it was like she was solid, and I wasn't, I couldn't touch or move her hair. Concentrating hard I tried again, my hand hovering over her forehead as it felt like the room suddenly moved, my hand shooting back as though I'd just received an electric shock. Slowly, I reached out again, hovering my hand over her forehead as though to touch it and this time the room did move.

I wasn't moving, it was as though the world around me was moving, slowly at first and then with gathering speed until everything became a blur as it rushed past me. Feeling giddy and sick to my stomach, I closed my eyes for a second, and when I opened them, I was stood on a beach and wearing a pair of trunks. My legs felt unsteady, and my stomach queasy as I looked around me, the world still appearing to spin slightly.

'Are you not going to lie back down Tony?' a voice asked as I jerked my head around, finding two towels spread out on the golden sand, one of which was presently occupied by Joanne sporting a very becoming bikini.

I sat because I couldn't think of anything else to do.

'Fancy a cold beer?' she asked.

Still unable to say anything, I just nodded my head as she sat up and pulled a cool box closer, lifting the lid to extract two bottles of beer and popping the tops off both. She proffered one in my direction as I reached out tentatively, my hand closing around the cold moist bottle and my fingers touching hers. I could feel her hand, as much as she could feel mine, why was it that in her bedroom I hadn't been able to brush her hair back? I was trying to make sense of the conundrum when she asked me to apply some more lotion to her as she lay back down and turned over.

It was puzzling, she had called me Tony, not Terry. Anthony was my name, but most people called me Tony, how did she even know my name and why would she expect me to be there with her. Applying the lotion, her body definitely felt real, I could feel the silkiness of her skin as my hands swept up and down her back before I lay down beside her.

When she spoke to me, it was as if she had known me for years, the conversation flowing between us as we made each other laugh. I was relaxed now, enjoying the way my dream was playing out and I suppose in a way, not looking forward to the time I would have to wake up. She was on her side and had raised her sunglasses to the top of her head, laughing at something I had said when I leant forward and kissed her. I expected Joanne to jerk away from me, demanding to know what I was doing, but instead, she returned my kiss, her hand clasping the back of my head as she pulled my face and mouth tighter against her own.

'That was genuinely nice Tony,' she said afterwards, giving me a sexy looking smile.

Resting on my elbows, I looked out at the horizon, noting that it seemed to shimmer and was about to turn and kiss her once more when I realised that she wasn't there. Sitting upright, I looked around me, trying to catch sight of her as seconds later I felt a slight pull on my body.

Waking up in bed I stretched and yawned and heard my mother call me from downstairs as I started to get up and ready for college.

All of the dreams had seemed real, but they couldn't have been, at the end of the day they were just figments of my imagination, perhaps I hadn't really woken up, perhaps it was just part of the same dream. It was hard to concentrate at college as it puzzled me constantly, my head full of questions, last night, had Joanne become part of my dream, or had I become part of hers?

Of course, I had to try it again, that evening I rushed down my tea and retired to my bedroom. It was something else I had discovered, it did not need to be night-time for me to be able to dream, all I had to do was relax, make my mind blank and then concentrate on who I wanted to see or where I wanted to be as I entered a trance like condition.

Back in Joanne's bedroom, I was disappointed to find the bed empty, of course, I had been a total idiot, it was early evening, there was no way that she would be in bed yet. Wondering what to do, I was taken by surprise as Terry entered the bedroom through the open door.

'Holy shit!' The words were out of my mouth before I could help it and before I could even think of home.

Expecting him to erupt, my surprise was compounded when he walked straight past me and got something from one of the drawers. After he left the room I sat on their bed, my pounding heart beginning to slow as I tried to make sense of what had just happened. It appeared that while I was in my dream state and they were awake, I could see them, but they could not see me, the other person needed to be asleep for both of us to see and appear real to the other.

Back in my bedroom, I opened my eyes, was this what it was going to be like at first, I wondered, each occasion discovering new things and what this dream state was capable of allowing me to do.

After such a shock, I didn't try again that night, allowing my dreams to take me wherever they wanted without me trying to influence them or who I met. I suppose in a way, I awoke feeling more rested, not initially realising that my night-time excursions tired my mind just the same as it did when I was wide awake. Was there something wrong with me, was I different to other people in being able to manipulate my dreams in such a fashion, after all, they were only dreams, none of these things actually took place in the real world.

By the time I was twenty, if I say so myself, I had become surprisingly good at it. It wasn't something I did every night, allowing time for my body and mind to recuperate. There were lots of things I had discovered and learnt in that time, and it wasn't always as great as I make it sound.

If I thought hard enough about a person, I could incorporate them into my dreams with ease, as if they knew me intimately, or if I could be near to them while they slept, I could become part of their dream.

I couldn't walk through walls or closed doors or anything ridiculous like that, to enter a building, I had to be able to visualise a room inside it or visualise the person inside the building. Without that, I was locked out as much in the dream world as I was in real life.

Part of the learning process over those two years were the new ideas continually popping into my head, like on one occasion when I had gone to my room early, lying on my bed and relaxing as I watched the time tick past on my bedside clock. Ten o'clock should be about right I suspected as I cleared my mind and then concentrated on the image of Joanne's bedroom. It was less than a hop, skip and jump before I was stood in the empty room, hearing the noise of the tv downstairs, and wondering if it were the actual broadcast or noises that my mind was making up.

I didn't have long to wait, fifteen minutes and she entered the room, sitting at her dressing table as she removed her makeup. I could hear and feel my heart thumping in my chest as she stood and started to unfasten her blouse before taking a coat hanger from the wardrobe and draping the top over it. She turned so that she was facing me as she reached behind her back and unhooked her bra, throwing it on the bed as her breasts fell free.

'My God, they were so cute,' I thought, each one a perfect handful and topped with dark areole and nipples as I became aware of the throbbing in my pants.

That's the other thing, in my dream world I was never naked unless I dreamt of being naked, I would always be wearing clothes of some description.

Joanne twisted her skirt around before unbuttoning and sliding the zip down and then letting it fall to the floor before stepping out of it, picking it up and hanging it in the wardrobe. At last, she pushed her panties down, standing in front of me completely naked before picking her underclothes up and disappearing from the room for a second. She returned, pulled the covers back and climbed into bed, putting on a bedside lamp and picking up a book as I decided not to tempt fate and immediately thought of myself in bed, returning to my body seconds later.

With that discovery, as you can imagine, temptation took over. Between the age of eighteen and twenty, I visited the bedrooms of nearly every woman on our street, all thirty-eight houses. Young and old, pretty, and plain, I watched each of them, comparing one body to another. There were exceptions, Mrs Hutchison at the last house on the street was one of them, I could enter her bedroom, but no matter how many times I tried, I never managed to catch her undressing.

She must have been in her early sixties, strikingly attractive despite her age, but no matter how I concentrated, she refused to enter my dreams. On rare occasions when I visited her bedroom, I tried holding my hand above her head while she slept but found it impossible to become part of her dream, it was as if something blocked me. It was only a lot later that I began to wonder if she had similar abilities in the dream world and decided whom she met and where she went.

The first one I had sex with during one of my dreams was Mrs Douglas from across the road, she was a bit of a plain Jane, but I kid you not, when she was naked, she had a body to die for. After watching her undress one evening I just knew I wanted to fuck her, my thoughts so strong as I dozed a few nights later, that instantly I was in her house, only it was broad daylight, and she was dressed like a tart.

Her top was tight, emphasising her large breasts, her skirt short, hardly more than a large belt and displayed most of her legs and thighs, if she had turned sharply, it would also have displayed the cheeks of her arse. She seemed to know what I was there for as she advanced on me and grabbed me roughly, her mouth and lips pressing against mine as she kissed me with an urgency that I had never experienced.

I never got a chance to say anything before she was down on her knees in front of me, my pants quickly around my ankles as she gripped my shaft and started wanking me off. Glancing upwards, she gave me a devilish smile and then opened her mouth as she proceeded to swallow my cock, able I was convinced, to take it down her throat. The intensity of my throbbing penis soon had me on my knees beside her as I pulled the top over her head, exposing her large naked breasts as I tried to fit my hands around them and massage the smooth firm flesh, my fingers twisting and pulling at her nipples as she screamed with glee.

In a flash we were both naked as she lay back and opened her legs wide, pulling me between her thighs by my cock as she fumbled me into position and then grabbing my buttocks, pulling me into her cunt. I lasted as long as I could, but Louise, I later found out that was what her name, was insatiable as we fucked full throttle until I managed to make her climax, my cock shooting my sperm deep inside her fanny as she orgasmed.

I was just beginning to get my second wind when suddenly she disappeared, and I was back in my body once more. This was the downside of dreaming, whenever the person I was with, including myself, started to wake, their dream persona was immediately drawn back to their real bodies. It was nothing I had any control over or could stop, for whatever reason, perhaps they needed the loo, perhaps something had simply disturbed them, whatever it was, they would just suddenly disappear as their body came awake.

I did read one time that when we dream, our "out of body self" is connected to our real body by a thin silver thread, I did look but I can't say that I have ever seen it, but perhaps it is this that produces the pull on us as we start to wake, dragging us from the dream world and back into reality.

In those two years, I went through as many of my neighbours as possible. I was like an addict, requiring my nightly fix, or a kid in a sweet shop who has been told they can eat as many as they want. Now, not all were successful, most were, but some just never happened, it was as if both parties wanted to, but for whatever reason, we just never got around to having sex. A prime example of this was Joanne next door, I met her on many occasions, on the beach, out in the fields, in her house and my house, we even went abroad together if I remember rightly, that must have been part of one of her dreams. But on every occasion, despite the feeling that it was something we both wanted to do, we never did.

It was after my twentieth birthday and having had my fill of my neighbours, someone popped into my head one night when I was purposefully trying not to dream and just have a restful sleep.

Shirley is my sister and was eighteen, in all that time, she was one of the two people who I had never thought of watching or had dreamt of in that way. One was her and the other was my mother, not once in all that time as I took my voyeuristic pleasure with all of those other women, did I ever think of doing the same with my own family.

I was laid in a field, the sun blazing down and heating my body when I suddenly realised that I was naked, as I've said, I have never started naked when I dreamed. Someone was approaching in the distance and my first instinct was to look around for something to cover my nudity, feeling anxious as they drew closer. At a hundred yards it was apparent that whoever was moving towards me, and it was a female, was also naked.

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