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A woman has an erotic dream that overlaps with her reality.
4.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/06/2021
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I awoke one morning and realised I was incredibly turned on. The morning was bright and sunny and warm. I must have been dreaming, I thought to myself. Though, I had no recollection of any dreams. I had the strongest urge to touch myself and when I did, I discovered that my panties were drenched, as though I'd just had an orgasm.

Weird, I thought. I never have erotic dreams - wish I did, I love sex.

The rest of my day was fairly typical. I went to work, came home, ate, watched TV, went to bed and woke up the next morning... with drenched panties, once again.

Only this time, I remembered dreaming. The memory was fuzzy... indistinct, as dreams often are. But, I was left with an impression of someone stimulating me sexually; orally, to be precise, in a fuzzy recollection sort of way.

Odd, I thought.

Odder still, I was sure the person in my dream was a woman. I'd never been with a woman.

I thought, how terribly odd.

The third morning, I awoke with soaked panties once more, and I had mixed emotions: first, really ticked off, cause I'd have to wash my sheets again for the third day in a row. Second, I was worried... I mean, what the hell was happening to me? Maybe I should see my Ob/gyn. Third, I was intrigued, since I remembered more of the dream... a dream I knew for certain was the same dream as the night before. I knew for sure it was about a woman with her head between my legs licking me. Licking my clit. Strange, because I'm not a lesbian, but it really aroused me. And stranger still, I knew her name - Margaret. Though, for the life of me, I couldn't describe her, that is, visualize her... try as I might.

The next day... same dream, same arousal, same wet underwear, same young woman eating me out, but I remembered more about her. She had gorgeous auburn hair. She had green eyes. She had a birthmark roughly shaped like a leaf of clover - complete with stem - on her tummy, well below her navel.

As on previous days, I went about my day in the usual way putting the dream and arousal behind me... until lunchtime. I was going down in the elevator, intending to head out and grab a sandwich. I stood in the back of the elevator, checking my phone for text messages, when the door opened and a woman stepped in.

I looked up from my smartphone and gasped with an audible intake of breath. Margaret!

She turned and looked at me quizzically.

"Yes?" She said, looking as if she were trying to place me. Oh my god, I thought, I must have said her name out loud.

"You're Margaret," I half whispered.

"Yes... do I know you?"

"Sorta. Well... I know you... ah... in a bizarre kinda way."

"Sorry, honey, but I don't remember ever meeting you, and I've got an excellent memory", she said, sounding as if she were dismissing me and my intrusion.

"I've been dreaming about you all week," I said in response.

"Seriously? That's impossible... we've never met," she said.

"I can prove it, if you've got a couple minutes. I was just going to lunch."

"Me too... I guess I could join you... you've piqued my curiosity." She conceded.

We went to the sandwich shop across the street, ordered, and found a table.

"You said you could prove you've been dreaming of me?"

"I need a pen," I said, reaching into my purse. I withdrew a cheap pen from my dentist's office. Then, I grabbed a napkin and began drawing. It only took a few seconds, I handed Margaret my art work, just as a server brought our food orders to the table, and left.

"It's located halfway between your navel and your... ahh... your... ahh ahh..."

"My pussy... oh my god... that's my birthmark. How could you possibly know?"

"I've been dreaming of you all week. I wake up every morning terribly aroused with my underwear drenched... the first morning I didn't remember any dream, then, each day I've remembered more and more... It's always the same dream. When you stepped on the elevator this morning and I looked up, I knew instantly you were the woman from my dreams," I explained.

"I don't get it, how could you possibly know..."

"I have no clue how it's happening... it's kind of scary actually," I said.

"The dream... what actually happens in the dream?" She asked.

"Oh... ahh... it's pretty racy. In fact, I get turned on just thinking about it."

"We're both adults..."

"Well... OK, like I said, the first morning I remembered nothing specific, then, the next morning I just had an impression of a woman... ahh making love to me, ahh, orally." I said.

"Oh my," Margaret said.

"Then over the next few mornings I remembered more details, like your name, and that birthmark."

"How could you see my birthmark if I was supposed to be lying on my belly, between your legs, licking you?"

"We ahh switched positions and I was licking your pussy... the birthmark was right in front of my nose." I admitted.

"Oh, I see."

"And I've never done that with a woman, but it's so vivid in my memory now. I really loved having sex with a woman, at least in that dream. It was such a thrill... the taste, the heady aroma of a woman's pussy," I confided.

"You mean, my pussy," she clarified.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," I apologized.

"I'm still trying to wrap my head around how this is happening," Margaret said. "Are you still having these dreams?"

"Yes, I remembered the birthmark this morning," I told her.

"Can we meet again tomorrow? You've really riled up my curiosity. I've got to hear what you learn from your dream tomorrow,"

"Alright, but I can't promise anything... I really have no idea how this is happening, or how long it will last," I admitted.

"By the way, I never got your name... you know mine, but I don't know yours," she said.

"I'm Joan, here, let me give you my business card... my cell's on there, too. So, same time tomorrow, here? " I asked.

"Sure. Do you journal? Maybe you could write down what you remember, first thing, while it's fresh."

I agreed to take notes, it was a really good idea. Then, we went our separate ways. But, I really didn't expect to see Margaret again. I presumed she must think me a total nutcase and I was sure she'd stay the hell away from me. I was wrong.

"Well?" She said, the next day as I sat down across the table from her.

"Here's my notes from this morning," I said, handing her a small black notebook.

She read my narrative while we waited for our sandwiches.

"Oh my fucking god. You described my pussy perfectly... large lips, large clit that looks like a little penis when you push the hood back." Margaret said, looking a little flushed.

"Oh god, this is so embarrassing," I said, "I'm not used to talking about sex, especially not with strangers, except you don't feel like a stranger. I mean, I can close my eyes and picture your pussy perfectly. It's the most beautiful pussy I've ever seen, except, I've never actually seen it."

Margaret read more of my scribblings.

"Holy fuck, yes! I do love having fingers inside me and having them curl up to hit my g-spot. And it does make me wild. I've been known to thrash around and go right off the bed; I completely lose control." Margaret told me.

"Yes, that's what happened in my dream. I barely held onto you when you went berserk."

"But what's this about someone fucking you while you're sending me off to pussy Nirvana?" Margaret asked.

"I don't know who it was... it felt weird, it was a really big cock, but it was cold at first. Whoever it was, fucked me really deep; god, it was awesome. Makes me wet just thinking about it," I said.

"Cold? Maybe it was a strap-on. I have a girlfriend who really likes strap-ons. Maybe it was Lilly," she speculated. "Did you come? It doesn't say here."

"I don't know. That part is kinda fuzzy."

"So, everyday you're remembering more and more of the dream?"

"I think so."

"So, tomorrow... can we meet again? I've just got to know what's going on. I know tomorrow's Saturday, maybe we can meet for breakfast," Margaret suggested.

"Sure, where then?" I asked.

"I live on the west side of town and there's a nice little coffee shop on Missouri Street."

"Oh yes, I've been there, I live in Montrose. I'll meet you there, then, what time?" I said.

We agreed on eight o'clock and that I would, again, record everything I could remember when I woke up.

Saturday morning I sat in the shop at eight, dressed more casually than my usual work garb; a low cut tank top and mini skirt. The tank showed off my rather large breasts nicely. My ample cleavage solicited lots of glances from most of the guys in the place, and a few girls too. I'd found a vacant booth near the back of the shop and waited for Margaret while sipping my lattè.

"Oh, there you are, almost didn't see you back here," she said, as she slid in the booth to sit next to me, and not opposite as I had expected she would. I had to scoot over. "Here, give me a hug," she said.

Without warning she wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me tight. It felt good; warm and loving, and it lasted a bit longer than you'd expect of 'just friends'. And, it also felt so familiar, as if she'd done so many times before.

"Mmmm thanks, that was nice," I said, sincerely.

"Least I can do for the girl who's been fucking me every night for the past week," she said with a giggle. I noticed the woman at the next table, glancing over at us.

I pushed my black notebook across the table without a word. Margaret began reading immediately.

"Oh my god, it is my friend Lilly that's fucking you with the strap-on. She's blond with small boobs and she has a mole next to her nipple on her left breast just as you describe. I keep telling her she should have it removed before it turns into something nasty, but she won't listen to me. My god this is incredible!"

The woman at the next table was clearly interested in hearing more. I turned to her.

"Would you like to join us?" I said. She gave me an indignant look, got up, and left the shop.

"Oh, that was good," Margaret told me, with a sly smile.

She returned to reading my notes.

"Oh my god, you did... you had an awesome orgasm."

As she continued to read my narrative, I studied Margaret. I realized just how little I knew about her, other than her stunning red hair and piercing green eyes.

She was younger than me, but how much, I didn't know... ten years, maybe, or five? She lived on the same side of town as me and worked in the same building. But, with dozens of different companies housed in the same highrise office tower, I had no clue as to which firm employed her.

She had a nice figure, very trim, and nice breasts... a C cup I guessed. She too wore a tank top, the swell of her breasts on display, similar to mine, though mine are quite a bit larger.

As she read, I couldn't help but notice her hand slip up under her short skirt. To my shock, it occurred to me that she was fingering herself. That's when I heard her mumbling something.

"So fucking hot..." she whispered, as she continued reading.

I crossed my legs and shifted around, trying to block visual access under the table, lest someone notice and complain to the shop's manager.

"Margaret, you have to stop playing with yourself. Someone will see you... we'll get thrown out," I whispered to her.

"Oh Joan, I can't help myself, this is so fucking hot."

"Then we need to leave... now Margaret... people are beginning to stare," I warned her, and so I pushed her out of the booth. We left the shop.

"There's my car, Joan. Let's go to my place, it's only a few blocks from here," she suggested. I was so relieved to be out of the potentially embarrassing situation in the coffee shop, I agreed.

Margaret's townhouse was a three bedroom unit in a nice neighborhood. It was decorated with chic upscale furnishings and art on the walls.

"Your place is beautiful," I told her.

"Thanks. Would you like a cup of tea? I have a very nice Irish Breakfast."

"If it's not too much trouble," I said.

"Not at all. I'll take you for a quick tour of the place while we wait for the kettle to boil."

The downstairs was a simple layout, with living room, diningroom and kitchen, and a powder room off the hallway. Upstairs, there were three bedrooms, a bathroom and an ensuite off the master.

"This is my bedroom, the guest room is down the hall and my roomie's bedroom is opposite mine. Her name is Lilly."

"On my god," I gasped.

"Yes, the very same."

"I can't believe this is all happening," I said, sounding bewildered.

"She's away this week... somewhere in the Mediterranean. She's a rather high priced upscale escort. The funny part is, she doesn't much care for men... prefers women, truth be told. She fancies me for some strange reason."

I stood there dumbfounded. Margaret, placed her hand under my chin and pushed up gently, closing my gaping mouth.

"Careful, birds might build a nest in there," she said as the kettle started whistling downstairs. "Let's get our tea."

We went downstairs and Margaret served the tea. We sat in the kitchen at a breakfast bar as she finished reading the latest installment of my account of the dream.

"God that turned me on so much! And you've never had sex with a woman?" Margaret said, when she'd finished.


"And you never met Lilly... you'd remember... she's model material, a stunning blond."

"I know... I've seen her naked... in my dream, that is," I reminded her.

"Fucking amazing. I keep thinking as I read your recollections that something will jump out, you know, to explain how, or why, this is happening. I still have no clue. Do you?"

I shook my head in the negative.

"But you remember this..." Margaret said as she leaned toward me and placed her lips on mine. They tasted so sweet, just like in my dream. Her sweet gentle kiss gradually became more ardent. She put her arms around me. Her hands wandered over my body, cupping my breasts, and resting on my thigh. I trembled under her touch.

She took my wrist and guided my hand between her thighs. Then, she pulled my hand in tight so that my fingers were buried in the very wet folds of her pussy... she'd not worn panties to the coffee shop. She moaned into my mouth as we continued our passionate kiss. When my fingertips flicked over her turgid clit, she yelped; our kiss ended.

"I remember your lips! The feel, the taste, and your tongue in my mouth... from the dream... I remember. I've kissed you so many times before, but... but... this is the first time." I mumbled, so uncertain of... everything.

"Oh my god!" I shrieked, "I just kissed a woman, and loved it." Reality catching up with my nebulous otherworldly dream existence.

"I want to make love with you Joan... please? I need you, desperately, " she said, taking my hand, leading me up stairs to her bedroom.

On her bed, we kissed tenderly. Undressed each other slowly. Licked bare skin, nipples, necks, earlobes, tummies, and stuck tongues in navels, in ears, in mouths, in vaginas. We tasted each other. We marveled in the sweetness of each other's pussies as we sucked and drank the other's cum during orgasms.

Later, lying spent on Margaret's bed with our warm sweaty bodies entangled, I moaned with total satisfaction.

"I remember all that from my dreams. Making love, kissing, fingers inside each other, cumming so fucking hard... loving you," I told her.

"But we still have no idea how or why this is happening. And it's too soon to love me, you don't even know me, honey," she told me. "By the way, I called Lilly yesterday and told her everything. She said she'd blow off her 'date' and fly home as soon as she could get a flight. Probably gonna cost her at least twenty thousand. But, she's worried for me; she thinks you're trying to take advantage of me, somehow. She's very protective."

"Well, I am not! I haven't asked for anything, have I?" I said, suddenly feeling hurt. Tears began welling up in my eyes. "I think I should go... thanks for the tea... and... ahh... and for the sex."

I quickly dressed and ran down the stairs, almost tripping and breaking my neck. I heard Margaret calling to me, trying to change my mind about leaving.

"Joan... no, don't go... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything... please!

But I was out the door and I suddenly realized I didn't have my car - it was parked at the coffee shop. I looked back and saw Margaret standing in her doorway, naked.

"Joan! Please... I'll drive you to your car..." she looked down at her naked body, "shit!... just give me a second to get dressed. Please..."

I had no choice, it was too far to walk.

In two minutes, Margaret came running out with car keys jangling in her hand, wearing flip flops, leggings and a t-shirt (with no bra)... she actually looked really hot with her tits bouncing freely.

I reluctantly got into her car.

"I'm so sorry Joan, please don't be mad at me..."

"I'm not mad... just hurt..."

"It was Lilly... I shouldn't have said anything... you don't know Lilly, she can be..."

"But I do know Lilly, from my dreams... oh my god, I just remembered, she and I have been lovers... Holy shit... lovers for years, even before you... it just became clear to me... oh fuck... let me out of the car, now!" I yelled, as her car pulled up in front of the coffee shop.

"Please Joan, I want to see you again... I need to see you... please!"

"No! Stay away from me... leave me alone!" And I fled from her car, ran up the street, and jumped into mine and drove away, my tears making it hard to see the road.

At home, I collapsed in my bed and slept until dawn. Eighteen hours? When I woke, I was wet again, but not my pussy. My face... tears. My pillow was wet too. I never heard of crying in your sleep, but I supposed I had been.

I'd been dreaming again, too... of Lilly. Of when she left me; of the day she broke my heart.

I felt confused. In my 'reality', I had never been with another woman sexually or any other way (until yesterday with Margaret), I was straight; I enjoyed a big cock inside me as much as any girl.

But in my dream world, I was clearly a lesbian. Or, at the very least, bisexual. I had memories of a past life, and a lover - Lilly, who had left me (but I couldn't recall why) and devastated me when she did.

And bizarrely, my two worlds were colliding. Margaret, the woman I dreamt of first, turns up in my elevator at work... a very real participant in my reality. Then, I remember dreaming of Lilly... another character in my dream world, who turns out to be Margaret's 'roomy' and, thus, also an actor in my actuality.

I was beginning to think I needed a good shrink.

My phone rang, thankfully breaking me out of my quandary.


"Joan, are you alright, I've been worried about you." It was Margaret.

"I'm fine," I lied.

"Lilly is back home. We've been talking since three o'clock in the morning... fighting really. I need you to come over here so Lilly can see you in person. Please?"

"I don't know, I'm really tired."

"Joan, I'm begging you. If she meets you, I know she'll be alright with you, ok?" Margaret pleaded.

I finally agreed and drove back over to Margaret's place. She met me at the door.

"Come in Joan, Lilly is in the living room."

As we rounded the corner, I saw a stunningly gorgeous young blond sitting on the sofa, thumbing her smartphone. I recognized her instantly, just as I had recognized Margaret on the elevator. Suddenly, my knees felt weak and I was trembling slightly.

Margaret started to introduce us when Lilly looked up at me. She leaped up from the sofa.

"Oh my fucking god, Sara!" Lilly shouted. She quickly crossed the room and wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me so tight I had trouble breathing. Tears were streaming down her face.

"I thought I'd lost you forever... I'm so happy!" Lilly said, beside herself with joy.

"You know each other?" Margaret said, sounding very confused.


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