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Dreams Can Come True Ch. 02

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Mike suspect's Audrey's motives. Elaine: Dom or Fem?
6.8k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/05/2017
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This is Chapter Two of a series that may be written over the next months if people like it. It's a short interlude before the sparks fly between Elaine and Mike, and it gives insight into Audrey's desire for Mike to be alone with Elaine.

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Something happened in Mike and Audrey's marriage ... no, make that someone. Elaine. Lovely, smart, young, red-headed Elaine, one of Audrey's fellow department heads from work. The fifteen-year marriage of Mike and Audrey had evolved recently with the addition of rich, erotic fantasies. One had been Audrey's extreme turn-on of lesbian sex.

She introduced Elaine into those fantasies. Mike assumed Audrey just wanted a focus for her fantasies, and he didn't mind hearing her tales of how the two of them would please him. Her descriptions of Elaine were vivid, and that heightened the whole sexual experience.

One warm Saturday, Elaine stepped out of Mike's imagination and through the front door of their house with Audrey leading the way. They didn't give Mike time to think. They shocked and seduced him. They overwhelmed him with more sex in the next thirty-six hours than he'd had in the past two weeks. Wild sex. Adventurous sex. Loving sex.

Mike got into the swing of things. He found out that Audrey had started an affair with Elaine more than a month before she had the courage to bring Elaine home. She wanted Mike to accept Elaine for one compelling reason: Elaine and Audrey had fallen in love! Audrey still loved Mike so dearly that she would have ended the affair if he insisted, but Mike took responsibility for the affair himself. He was the one who brought up lesbian sex with Audrey in their bedroom fantasies, and he actively fanned the flames during their hot love play.

Then Audrey threw in another twist. She not only wanted Mike to fall in love with Elaine as she did, but she wanted him to date Elaine ... take her away for a romantic weekend ... just Mike and Elaine!

Mike thought about it and agreed. Even if he never fell in love with Elaine, his wife had brought him a present. He genuinely liked Elaine, and sex with her was pretty damned good. He needed some guidance, though.

There was one man in whom he knew the three of them could put their trust and be assured of complete discretion: the pastor of his church, Pastor Lacksticks. They took him to lunch and dumped the whole load on him. The pastor gave careful consideration. There were gay couples in the congregation, but not a threesome. This was new and intriguing. He reasoned out a plan with them that included continuous self examination and counseling as their relationship evolved.

By the end of the weekend, they felt pretty good together, and Audrey was happy with Mike's progress.

Then it was Monday.

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Mike and Audrey seemed cheerful enough as they recounted the events of the weekend that morning. They kidded each other about some of the things the three of them had done in the past two days. What Audrey didn't know was that Mike had a question he was afraid to ask. He needed to work up to it, and he decided that he was going to ask over dinner that evening.

"Honey, let's celebrate our new experience. How about Buckley's for a steak tonight."

"You're on. You make the reservations. Meet you there at six."

All day long Mike thought about how he was going to ask the question. The answer Audrey gave him would have a fairly big impact on the new relationship between the three of them. Pastor Lacksticks had told them to begin journals, but Mike didn't even have the courage yet to write down the question.

Six o'clock and he saw Audrey's car as he pulled into the parking lot of Buckley's. She was waiting for him at the reception desk, and she gave him a big hug and a kiss.

"Let's eat! I'm starving."

She got her usual filet, and he went for the porterhouse. As usual everything was cooked to perfection. About halfway through the meal, Mike worked up the nerve.

"Honey, I'd like to ask you a question about next weekend?"

"Sure. Is it about the reservations for the weekend in Vermont with Elaine?"

"Well, a reservation, sure, but not that kind."

"Oh, Honey, you're not having second thoughts?"

Audrey looked worried that her plan might have hit a roadblock.

"Not exactly. I'd like to ask you about your motivation in sending me off to Vermont with the hottest young piece of ass we ever talked about."

Jennifer laughed, then saw he was serious. She put her fork down and took his hand.

"Mike, like I said, I want the two of you to fall in love."

"I get that, Audrey. I really do. But your sending us away. By ourselves. Do you see Audrey and me in some sort of love, having sex by ourselves if we want?"

"Of course, Honey. Nothing would please me more than to have the two of you so in love that you make love whenever you want to."

"And you ..."

"Me what, Honey?"

"Are you so in love with each other that you want to have my permission to make love anytime, anywhere without me?"

Audrey looked down at her plate. Mike knew he was right. He wasn't angry, but the two of them had promised to tell each other the truth in their wedding vows, and they hadn't lied to each other since. This wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth, either. Audrey was still ashamed that she wanted lesbian sex, not just in a three-way, but alone with her lover.

They were in a quiet corner of the restaurant. They were there on a Monday, and the crowd was light this early. Mike had asked for a table with a little privacy, and there was no one else in earshot.

"Audrey, look at me. I understand that you have a need for Elaine that transcends the three of us. It's okay. What isn't okay is not telling me the whole truth. No ... don't answer yet. I want to finish. I realize that you have unresolved emotions here. You started an affair behind my back, and you feel guilty. You want to sleep with her without me, and you feel guilty."

"Don't. I love you more than life itself, and I know I instigated those new feelings in you. It still feels unreal that you want to make love to another person without me there, or that you were doing it for the last month. You apparently need that sexual outlet, and I'm just glad you finally came to me with it."

"You have my complete permission to do what you must with Elaine. I have only one rule that I'm going to insist on. Whatever either of us does with Elaine, we'll tell the other in her presence afterward. I think it will be sexy as hell, too. No secrets. When I make love to her in the moonlight out by the pool, I'll tell you when we're done."

Audrey was looking at him with an intensity he had not seen in a long, long time. She managed a weak smile, but he knew she was on the verge of tears.

"I'm sorry, Mike. I didn't know how to tell you. I want you two to fall in love, but I also wanted you to start making love to her alone. She said she wanted it, and it would have been a way of broaching the subject of just her and me. I was wrong. I should have trusted you. I'm sorry."

"Honey, don't ever say that again about what happened. I don't know if I would have had the courage to admit something like that right away either. It's done now. In the past. Let's move on."

Audrey was wiping away a tear now. She smiled and squeezed his hand.

"Mike, there's one thing I want to add to your rule."

"Okay, What?"

"Neither of us excludes the other if the other wants to join in. If you want to have sex with just me or with both of us, I won't say no, and I want the same from you. Okay."

"Deal. But sometime I'd like to watch the two of you make love in the moonlight."

"Same here."

They went back to their meals, the mood having lightened up to normal by then.

"Honey, are you looking forward to the weekend? Really? You're not doing this just for me are you?"

"Audrey, you gave me permission to do in the real world what we both fantasize about IIWOS. She's hot and she's smart. With what we just agreed upon, I'm certainly going to like having her around. I'm truly going to enjoy talking with her, cuddling with her and making love to her, and then coming home to tell you all about it with her. Okay? In other words, I'm accepting your very generous gift. I just hope you don't intend to make love to her on Tuesday, because I'm going to wear her completely out for a week."

Audrey laughed and nodded.

"Do your best."

They finished the meal and drove home. During the half-hour ride, Mike thought about the conversation. He had been right about Audrey's motivation, but he just wanted her to come clean. He hadn't wanted her to change what she had planned, and in that he was successful. He was happy about the course of events.

When they both got home they were too emotionally exhausted to make love, and they just cuddled as they went to sleep.

The next day was fairly uneventful for Mike until Audrey called in the afternoon and asked him to meet her at Jake's, a vintage clothing store in Salem. He had an idea where this was going, and he had to sit for a minute after her call for his erection to subside inside his uniform pants.

He met Audrey at Jakes. They went through the inventory, and they picked out outfits for each other. Mike got a gabardine suit with wide lapels, pants pleats and cuffs. He already had the two-tone brogues to go with it, a snap-brim fedora and a number of hand-painted real silk ties. Audrey got a slinky pencil dress with a slit at the back. Jet black velvet with a red bow at the plunging back. She had a bustier that would go perfectly with it back in her lingerie chest. She also had the heels, fully-constructed nylons with seams and a garter belt. Mike found her a minimalist hat with a net veil and elbow length satin gloves.

For Audrey, they picked out an ingénue outfit. It had a pleated gray skirt, a white nylon blouse with a tied bow at the neck and a matching jacket with a bold vee pattern in alternating black and gray. They also got her a red silk slip, hose and a garter belt.

Audrey showed Mike her phone. A reservation screen showed that they had tickets for the retro festival Wednesday at a small local theater, the Orchard House. It played vintage films, art classics and, of course, Rocky Horror on Friday at Midnight. Wednesday was detective noir night, and Naked City was playing.

The two of them were friends with the theater owner, and Adam often dressed as one of the characters in the evening's film. Wednesday, he was going to be Lt. Muldoon. His duty Glock would be left at the house, and he would be wearing his Smith & Wesson Military and Police revolver in a shoulder holster. His badge would be clipped to his belt under the piece to reassure any who saw the flash of gunmetal blue with checkered walnut grips.

They were so into costumes that he had picked up a revolver actually made in the Thirties, rather than the newer Model 10 M&P. Only the bullets were modern. He loaded it with hollow points on the odd chance that he actually might have to do some intimate, personal social work with a felon while off duty. He was an expert shot, and the six shots in his wheelgun plus twelve more in two speedloaders in his pocket were all he figured he would ever need.

Audrey loved to feel the cold steel in the brown leather shoulder holster under his jacket. When the script got nasty in a film, she would lightly caress the bulge under his arm. Sometimes during sex he would tell her about police shootouts, though he had only fired his Glock once on duty, wounding a fleeing rapist who had brutally beaten his victim. There were plenty of stories from his buddies, too.

Audrey said she would take Elaine's clothes to work the next day, so she could be fully dressed when they picked her up for dinner and the movie. They were going to pack a change of clothes and spend the night at Elaine's apartment.

When they got home, the thought of the three of them in those clothes was too much to resist, and Mike had Audrey strip, then put on a vintage red slip. He leaned her up against the wall as he caressed and kissed her. By the time he took off his pants, she was really wet.

He walked her to the small easy chair in the room and bent her over it. As he lifted the slip, he whispered what she wanted to hear.

"Think about Elaine kneeling in front of you. She lifts your slip slowly as she kisses her way up your legs. When she lifts the slip over your hips, you feel her breath on your pussy as I bend you over and take you from behind."

He entered her as he said that and she arched her back with pleasure.

"I'm going to fuck you while she licks your clit from the front. Warm, wet lips on your cunt, licking slowly as I go in and out of you."

Her finger was in her clit and she was in overdrive. Her went faster and faster as he talked, and she began to gasp. Finally, she tensed up and grimaced through a long, intense orgasm that lasted over thirty seconds.

Mike stopped, as every small movement caused her to shudder. She lay across the back of the chair for over a minute before she started to move against his dick again.

"You want to feel her tongue licking your shaft while she eats me, don't you, Honey. Her fingers caressing your balls while her mouth sexually satisfies your wife. After you come inside me, I'll have her lick me clean ..."

Mike pounded her one last time before he shot deep inside her in a profoundly satisfying orgasm.

The cleaned up and got into bed. Mike held his wife tenderly and she caressed his chest hair.


"Yeah, Mike."

"Tomorrow I'm going to enjoy making love to your ... no, our friend."

"So am I, Honey. So am I."

"Uh, does she like a little anal fingering the way we do?"

"That and more, Mike. Her last girlfriend used to use a special vibrator on her. It had one part for vaginal and one for anal at the same time. Not too big, but a little bigger than a finger."

"You talk about it like you've seen it. Uh ...?"

"Yes. She did. I came like I did a minute ago. And there's a thing she does with a hose attached to the tub faucet."

"Yeah, I've heard about that. Intense?"

"You have no idea. I want one in our tub for masturbation, if you don't mind."

"Why would I?"

They chuckled for a bit, and then they were asleep.

Instead of taking two cars to work, they left a little early so Audrey could drop Mike off at the PD. Elaine said visitor parking was limited, so they needed to arrive together. They had their bags packed and the vintage clothing on hangers.

Mike thought about the tryst all day. The weekend had been a surprise, and everything just snowballed over him. This was planned. He was actually going to another woman's home to have sex with her and his wife. He couldn't wait!

Audrey picked him up after work and they drove to Elaine's apartment. She met them at the door and invited them in before she gave them both a hug and a big wet kiss.

She was in the outfit that they had purchased for her, and she made a point of lifting the hem of the skirt and slip to show the black-seamed stockings with the garters at the top.

She posed a couple of times, and Mike enjoyed the Vargas-like effect.

"Very 1940's, Elaine. Well done."

Mike and Audrey changed into their vintage clothes while they decided about dinner. They agreed on something light for dinner, and drove to a local joint that had tapas and salads. They ordered a few items and shared. Mike enjoyed watching the ladies feed tidbits to each other.

They finished in plenty of time to make it to the film. A tradition at Orchard House Cinema was for the owner, Tony diPutti, to call out anyone who came in costume if there weren't too many. He introduced them as the characters from the movie he thought they were dressed as. It was out of the question on Friday for Rocky Horror, but there were only a dozen or so that night. When he'd introduced a few, he spotted Mike and Audrey.

"Hey folks, we are honored to have Detective Lieutenant Daniel Muldoon with us tonight. And with him must be Ruth Morrison and Janet Halloran. Watch it folks, he's a real lieutenant, and that's a real gat he probably has tucked under his arm. Hopefully he'll be able to solve tonight's case!"

That got a round of applause, and the three of them found their seats. Mike had gotten soft drinks and a large popcorn to share. Elaine took a mouthful.

"Holy crap. This is real butter!"

"What else would they serve in the Forties?"

"Oh, yeah, Mike. I forgot."

In the darkened theater, the three of them sat and watched the movie with Audrey between her lovers. She held hands with one, then the other.

After the show, Mike asked Elaine how she liked it.

"Remember that request I had the day we met. Well Lieutenant Muldoon, I'm sure there is a charge you can think of later."

"Happy to uphold the law, my dear."

He almost stumbled when she laid the next whispered request on them.

"And at some point in the evening, I want you inside me while I'm wearing my slip and you're wearing nothing but your shoulder holster and revolver."

It was a good thing they were almost at the car because Mike felt the growing erection against those gabardine pants.

The ladies shared the back seat while Mike drove to Elaine's apartment building. He saw in the rear view mirror that Elaine had her head on Audrey's shoulder and Audrey had her arm around her lover. With the flashes of light from passing headlights, the pair looked like they had just stepped out of the movie they had watched.

Mike felt his face flush. The excitement of what he knew was coming was like a drug. He was getting more and more turned on by the thought of sex with the women in the back seat.

They arrived at her apartment building and Mike put his arm around Elaine as they walked to the elevator. Mike saw Audrey smile at this, and that made him even more excited. He knew now that she wanted him to be alone with Elaine because she wanted to be alone with her sometimes, too. Her smile practically shouted that she was proud she was succeeding with her sexual agenda.

In the elevator, Mike decided to give Audrey more evidence that he was going along with that agenda. He pulled Elaine to him and kissed her hard. Feeling her respond while she was wearing that wonderful vintage outfit started an erection again. She touched him lightly and felt it. She broke the kiss and turned to Audrey.

"We're going to make that thing sing and dance by the end of tonight, Sweetheart."

The elevator door opened and they proceeded to Elaine's apartment. Once inside, Elaine walked to her entertainment center and turned on the stereo. She apparently had prepared a mix of swing and jazz. A Benny Goodman tune was the first, Beyond the Sea. Elaine held out her hand to Audrey and motioned for Mike to sit on the sofa and watch.

Elaine took the lead, and the pair swayed to the music, arms wrapped around each other. Mike was transfixed. Never in his life had he seen anything as beautiful. The ladies danced with Elaine's head on Audrey's shoulder. Both had a dreamy expression, and Mike knew that Audrey was truly blissful.

Elaine lifted her head and closed her eyes. Audrey kissed her lips. They continued to sway to the music as they enjoyed the kiss. When the song ended, Audrey slowly took Elaine's jacket off and casually dropped over a chair. Her hands went to the white blouse, and she worked up from Elaine's sides to her breasts.

String of Pearls had started on the stereo. Audrey began to unbutton the blouse in time with the music. When she got to the tied bow at the top, she undid it, but held onto the two strips of fabric. She pulled them like a leash, and walked Elaine to Mike. Extending a hand, Audrey helped Mike to his feet, and she handed him the "reins."


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