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Dreams of Love Ch. 02

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Lina is betrothed to another.
3k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 09/12/2006
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Topain turned sharply from the stable, pulling Linaross toward the castle. She cast a glance back at the poor boy and turned to admonish Topain. But he cut her off by scowling at everyone they met, including their parents. All she did was gape at him, pain keeping her silent. It was as though the Topain in the forest clearing couldn't be with her in the palace. She knew that was for her own protection, but it still hurt. Inwardly, she ached to have him treat everyone with respect and kindness.

He continued to lead her through the large, drafty palace halls. Finally, he pulled her into an empty guestroom and closed and locked the door. Groaning, he pulled her into his arms and buried his face in her golden locks. His hands found the fastenings of her gown and after fumbling with them for a few minutes, undid them. He pushed the silk and lace from her shoulders to her waist. Then he fell to his knees, looped his arms around her waist and pressed his face into the sweet valley between her small soft breasts.

They stayed like that for a long while. He held onto her like a lost man, and she stroked his hair soothingly.

Finally, he straightened, pushing her gown down past her hips until it pooled around her feet. Then, swinging her up, he crossed the room and then laid her down on the large bed. Swiftly, he undressed, watching her. She had sat up and now sat on the edge of the bed; hands folded demurely in her lap. She regarded him quietly, still except for the barely noticeable rising and falling of her breasts as she breathed. Her nipples tightened in desire under his intense gaze. She so resembled a porcelain doll, he faltered, unsure. Worried he might break her again.

:What's wrong Topain?: she said in his mind. He grinned, shaking his head, feeling foolish.

"Nothing, nothing at all," he whispered, crossing the remaining distance between them. Sitting beside her on the bed, he opened his mind to her and her alone. Sliding an arm around her shoulders, he pulled her close to him. Her slim, willowy form molded to his as he bore her back onto the bed.

No longer did she remind him of a porcelain doll, for she met each of his caresses with her own innocent ones. Soon, she had him sweating, his body tense with need. Feeling her slim legs part beneath his, he settled himself between them. Then, thrusting forward, he dived deep into her hot, tight sheath. Nearly fainting from the pleasure, he started moving, marveling at how eagerly she arched to meet him. Soon, she was cresting, her back arched, her body tight and tense as she bit her arm to muffle her cry of ecstasy. And as she collapsed beneath him, sated, he followed, whispering her name in a hoarse cry of completion and joy.

When he started to roll off her, worried he was crushing her she clung to him, keeping him over her and inside her. She opened her mouth to say something, but then froze, her keen ears hearing something he didn't catch yet. He looked down at her, concerned, and then heard it himself. Footsteps were coming their way.

The footsteps were accompanied by voices, one belonging to Marikay, the other to Nursemaid Sora.

"Have you seen Prince Topain or Princess Lina? They aren't in their rooms, and if I don't find them soon, they will never be ready in time for the ball," Linaross's maid, Sora said. Linaross paled at the frantic sound in the older woman's voice and step. But then Marikay answered, shocking them both.

"The last time I saw them, Topain was dragging poor Lina through the palace. That stupid boy has no earthly idea how much more power Lina has than he does. Why, she has more power in her little finger than most mages do in their whole body. It's frightening knowing some one possesses that much power. Poor Lina might be married off to that Adarin, who will surely use her power for his own purpose. I just hope the king will realize that before tonight," Marikay said, her voice solemn and serious.

The two lovers lay still until the voices faded away. Then, without any protest from Linaross, Topain rolled off her, sitting on the edge of the bed. Linaross knelt behind him, wrapping her arms around him and propping her chin on his shoulder. "Did you hear that Lina? More power than a Mage. Unbelievable! And now I know why Adarin was so determined to break up our love. Because he wanted you for himself, and your power," Topain said, amazed.

"Yes love, but that doesn't mean he will get it. Besides, even if I do have more power than a Mage, that doesn't change how I feel about you. Now, come on, get up and get dressed. The ball is going to begin soon," Linaross answered, soothing him. He nodded, and reached for his breeches. When he stood up, she studied him, pride filling her. His body was lean and muscular, tanned by the sun when he worked out in the fields, learning to fight. His skin was smooth, tight, not a sag anywhere. His shoulders were broad and strong while his hips were narrow and muscular. His handsome faced looked peaceful as he felt her watching him. He flushed slightly, glancing at her as he pulled his breeches on.

"Keep that up Lina and I might have to forget the ball. I want and love you so much," he warned, his blue eyes dancing merrily. Linaross laughed, the musical sound wrapping around him. Her laugh sounded so new. When had he last heard her laugh? Not for a long time. Not since he had started to push her away. Come to think of it, her eyes hadn't shined so brightly since then either. Nor had a true smile crossed her lips. He hated the thought that he had done that to her. Vowing to make it up to her, he slipped his shirt on then bent to retrieve her dress. He handed it to her behind his back as he picked up their shoes. When she didn't take it, he turned, confused.

Linaross stood, clad in a beautiful ball gown. More exquisite than any he had ever seen. He swallowed hard as he watched her conjure a brush and purse. Brushing her long curls out, she smiled at him, confident. After slipping the brush into her bag, she concentrated on him. In a second he was no longer dressed in velvet breeches and a silk shirt, but court finery. It was just as exquisite as her gown. He nervously smoothed the ruffles of his shirt down; knowing full well he could never had done that. Not without resting between conjurations. Nor could he have conjured anything so fine. He shrugged and held out his hand. She took it, smiling softly at him.

Together they walked over to the door. Unlocking it, he opened it. Looking out into the hall, he checked to make sure no one was coming. When he saw that the hall was empty, he opened the door the rest of the way. Leading her out into the hall, he walked down the long corridor, dragging her after him. To the people who they passed, his behavior appeared normal. She followed him, looking as meek as ever, but she was constantly whispering funny remarks about the people that they passed in his mind.

He struggled to keep a straight face, but found it harder and harder as the maids and servants that passed looked funnier and funnier in their ball costumes. "Lina! Topain! There you are? I was looking everywhere for you. Lina, your hair! Why is it not up? Hurry to your room and put it up right now," Marikay ordered as she rounded the corner and saw them.

"No, this is how I want it. Down and free," Linaross said, brushing past her tutor. Marikay tried to probe the young girl's mind and was stopped by blocks so strong, even she couldn't breach them. Then, gently, tentatively, she tried Topain and encountered the same blocks. Only few people could hold such blocks up for more than a few seconds. And that was mages. "I wish you wouldn't do that. You know you can't get past my blocks, so don't even try," Linaross whispered.

Marikay blanched. Then, realizing she was up against far more power then she had bargained for, she threw up her own, feeble blocks. But she felt no probing on them. Linaross respected her privacy. "Shall we go then?" Topain asked, offering his arms to the two women. Linaross took it, and then looked expectantly at Marikay. Marikay hesitated for a second before taking his other arm. They walked toward the ballroom, and Marikay felt the mental conversation between the other two. She felt a pang of jealousy but quickly doused it. She'd soon find someone to love. It was just a matter of patience.

When the trio came to the entrance to the ballroom, Topain reluctantly let go of Linaross's arm to escort Marikay into the ballroom. But they had gone no more than two steps when a handsome man came and swept Marikay away and into the bustling crowd of the ballroom. Topain stood staring after them for a moment, wondering where the man had come from before turning back to his love. She stood, waiting for him, an amused smile on her face. He shook his head, knowing that she had conjured the man.

"You little witch," he whispered, walking toward her. She only smiled in response and held out her gloved hand. He took it, kissing her knuckles before leading her into the curtained alcove where they could watch the ball without being seen before they were called out. He watched her silently, longing to take her into his arms and hear her tell him she loved him. But instead, she stood by the curtains behind the throne dais and peeked out at the festivities being held in her honor. He knew that her future husband was out there, standing beside their parents.

:Lina, I just want to tell you how much I...: he started; only to have her cut him off by reaching for his hand.

"It's time my love," she whispered. He sighed and nodded, composing his features into a neutral mask. After living his whole life in the palace and playing by court rules, he knew better than to show any emotion they could prey on. He offered her his arm and she took it before they both stepped through the curtain and into the bright light that surrounded the dais.

He blinked once or twice before his eyes adjusted, listening to the roar of the people who had started to applaud when they saw their prince and princess. Then, to his shock, his eyes focused first on Linaross's future husband who was standing next to Paintin. Adarin stood there, a malicious smile on his face when he saw the disbelief and anger in the two younger people's faces.

"Adarin," Topain whispered, struggling to control the urge to march over there and slam a fist into Adarin's arrogant face. His earlier fear was confirmed right then and there. Adarin had poisoned his mind with the idea his love was immoral and wrong only to try and take that love himself.

:Yes love, I know. You were right. He was trying to get you to hate me. But don't worry, I will talk to Father about this, let him know how we both feel. Maybe, he will call off the engagement: Linaross said, feeling him tense in anger. He relaxed a little, believing in her. Just then, Paintin stepped forward.

"Loyal subjects, may I have a minute of your time? Today, on this fine, wonderful evening we are here to celebrate my wonderful daughter's seventeenth birthday. I don't know what mine, Shelakay's, or Topain's life would have been like if one of my servants had not found little Linaross in front of the castle, her mother nearly dead beside her. As her mother's dying wish, the Queen and I took the poor babe in and raised her as our own. Now it is my pleasure to present to everyone here, Princess Linaross Owlkin, Heir to the throne of our fair kingdom. And her betrothed, Prince Adarin of our neighboring kingdom, Relanin," the graying king said, pride obvious in his voice and stance. The crowd erupted once more into thunderous applause and cheering.

Raising his hands for quiet, Paintin turned to his daughter. Holding out his hand, he smiled. "My beautiful Lina, may I have the honor of presenting you to your future subjects?" he said softly. Linaross smiled back uneasily and reluctantly stepped out of the comforting presence of Topain. Paintin didn't fail to notice the reluctance between the two. The hostile manner of this afternoon was no longer there, instead replaced by a love so strong it reminded him of his love for Shelakay. Taking his daughter's hand, he wondered if maybe he was doing the right thing in marrying her off to a man she didn't know and obviously didn't love. Maybe he would have been better off doing as his father had done and married Lina and Topain.

A servant rushed up, a satin pillow balanced in his upturned palms. On the pillow was Linaross's new tiara that told of her position as heir and princess to the throne. Linaross made as though to decline it, thus declining her rise in stature. But, thinking better of it, took the silver coronet off her head. Almost immediately Adarin stepped forward and took the tiara. "Allow me," he said then settled it on her head. Leaning down he kissed her cheek and whispered cruelly, "Now I have you Princess and I will own you and that power of yours." Linaross tensed, but still managed to keep her smile plastered on her beautiful face. Just then the orchestra started playing.

But instead of allowing the two to start the dancing off, Paintin raised his hands for silence. Immediately the orchestra stopped. "Ordinarily, Linaross and Adarin would be married after the fall harvest, but since she still has to prove herself worthy to this kingdom, she must serve the required three years out in the real world with out the help of my influence or me. After careful consideration, since she is a young woman, I have decided to send one of my most trusted men out with her. So, when Linaross comes back, she and Adarin shall be married," he said. A brilliant thought had just occurred to him. Why not send Topain out with Linaross? If things happened during that time, then he would have no choice but to accept them. But while he thought, Adarin had swept Linaross into a waltz.

Topain watched his father, wondering what he was thinking. Then, movement out of the corner of his eyes caught his attention. Turning to look, he scowled. Adarin had Linaross in a vise grip, and Linaross was pouting a little as she tried to pull away. Squaring his shoulders, he walked toward them, smiling kindly.

"Mind if I dance with my sister?" he asked his former friend. Adarin hesitated, but Topain had spoken loud enough for the people around them to hear. Those very people were listening, waiting to see if this new prince would show the kingdom his true nature.

"Be my guest. I have the rest of our lives to dance with Princess Linaross. After her trial of course," Adarin said, putting Linaross's hand into Topain's. His smile as he walked away was malicious. Within seconds of the orchestra starting up a new song, he had captured the hand of a pretty, buxom peasant girl. Topain sighed and drew Linaross close to him, but keeping her a respectful distance so as not to raise too many suspicions. She matched his steps perfectly, his guiding hand on her waist barely even pressing.

:I hate him my love. I wish he would give up on me while I am on my trial run: Linaross's words barely startled him; he had wished the same thing.

:I know. I wish so too. Maybe he will sleep with some noble girl and be forced to marry her if he gets her pregnant. Dare we hope?: he said. She gigged and nodded.

:Sounds good, though I feel sorry for the poor girl who does marry him. He is so cold and heartless. He cares nothing for love: she said and he had to agree with her. Already he was going over the nobles' daughters, looking for one that would suit Adarin. There were a few who would match his personality perfectly. The music ended and polite applause sounded as many couples migrated toward the long tables full of delicious food. Topain reluctantly released Linaross and after wandering through the crowd, making his appearance, he bade Paintin and Shelakay goodnight and went up to his suite.

Calling his chamber servant, he shrugged off his shirt and breeches. His servant came in, a plate of food in one hand, a towel in the other. "The baths are empty right now milord, if you would like to soak for awhile. Shall I make sure you are undisturbed for the rest of the night," the servant said. Topain nodded and took the towel and food and walked quickly to the baths.

Filling a bath with warm water, he undressed and slipped into the water. Eating slowly, he closed his eyes and sighed deeply. The memory of Linaross and Adarin dancing together stuck in his mind, making him ache. He knew that Adarin wouldn't give up such a beautiful, powerful girl that easily. So he would have to do everything in his power to make sure that Adarin was trapped in another marriage before three years was out. He swore he would save his Linaross from Adarin if it was the last thing he did.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
wrong area

this belongs in the fantacy/sci-fi area not here

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

I loved the story..please continue it!! :]

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