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Drew's Mom Ch. 02

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Terry gets what he wants, at last.
7.1k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/07/2022
Created 03/14/2006
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Chapter 2 - The Real Thing

Terry took a drag from his cigarette as he lay exhausted across the bed, his other arm draped across his forehead, his eyes closed. I was idly trailing my fingers through the still warm cum on my stomach and breasts and Ken was in our adjoining bathroom. I could hear the water splashing as he washed.

"Fuck!" he called out. "I'm so darned late for that meeting!" The next minute he dashed back into the bedroom, towelling himself rapidly as his still semi-hard cock swung from side to side. He sat on the edge of the bed to put his socks on. "I wouldn't have missed that for anything, though," he grinned, looking first at me and then Terry."

Terry chuckled and opened his eyes to wink at Ken.

"No need for you two to rush, though," Ken grunted as he got up to slip on his briefs and suit trousers. "I fuckin' wouldn't if I had the time. Today was awesome."

Terry and I grinned at one another and I reached out to tease his soft, wet cock. It had been a couple of months now since we had drawn Ken into our regular sessions. At first he had asked Terry if he'd mind him watching us together but that had rapidly developed into his participation and we had already had some amazingly exciting afternoons. The two of them instinctively worked as a team on me, driving me to some of the most explosive climaxes of my life. Often we would role-play - this particular afternoon they had played two cops, bursting in on me as a suspected housewife drug dealer. The interrogation had been mind-blowing!

"It's just a shame that amazingly sexy wife of yours can't be part of these afternoon sessions." Ken glanced at Terry as he tied his tie.

"I know," Terry sighed, his fingers now playing with my cummy pussy.

"Even better if that son of yours was here, too," Ken chuckled as he put on his suit jacket. "Fuck, you don't know how much I regret missing seeing him fuck Louise." He turned and his eyes lingered on Terry's fingers deep in my cunt. Drew had been over four more times since that amazing first afternoon, but Terry, Ken and I had yet to come up with a way to get all four of us together.

"Hey, but I've had an idea about getting Drew what he wants with Robyn." Terry was suddenly more animated. "That kid SO wants to fuck her, it's now almost an obsession with him." He sat up against the headboard and pulled me closer, his arm round me now and fondling my nipple. I loved the way he and Ken were so relaxed in each other's company, that he felt confident to fondle me like that and that Ken was totally cool about it.

"The other night I got up to go to the bathroom and the house was real quiet but I could hear moans from Drew's room. I thought he had a girl in there and crept across to listen, but then I realised he was masturbating, and near to his climax ... I could hear some of his moans, things like "pounding your wet cunt, Mom ... fucking you deep ... that tight cunt" and all that stuff.

Terry grinned at us. "You know how it is with me and Drew? Since that afternoon, we've been real close, sorta like fuck buddies rather than dad and son. I just opened the door and went in. If he was at all embarrassed at what he'd been saying, I showed it was OK by stroking my cock and taking over my role in his fantasy, urging him on. Shit, when I think of it now, it would have been so easy for Robyn to walk in on us! Terry naked on the bed, writhing about, furiously pounding his cock, me standing at the end of his bed stroking my meat and whispering for him to fuck the hell out of her!" I could feel Terry's cock flexing at the memory and he chuckled again. "No need to tell you, we both came like fucking geysers! Afterwards the poor kid was so apologetic but I reminded him about that first afternoon with you, Lou, and told him how I understood why he felt the way he does about Robyn. I fetched my robe and sat with him for an hour, explaining how I felt, talking through his own feelings and just generally reassuring him. Fuck, I know its unusual but I don't want that kid growing up with repression or hang-ups. He might be 18 but he's a really sensitive kid."

"Anyway," he continued, "I've had this idea and it depends on you two ... if you're willing to go through with it. It's something that gradually emerged as I was chatting to Drew - we ended up having a joint whack-off, working it out. I'm a bit nervous - he's only a kid of 18 after all - but fortunately he's bright. I've told him that it all depends on Robyn not suspecting a set-up, and that it's also up to her reacting the way I think she just might, even though I'm not sure. I just detect a look on her face lately when she notices Drew looking at her. If I'm correct, my boy will get what he wants". He paused. "And what I want, of course!" He grinned at us and started to outline his plan.


"You have no idea how grateful I am to you, Lou," Robyn exclaimed as she stood back and surveyed her son admiringly. "I would never have been able to achieve what you have!" She turned and hugged me and I made sure I hugged her back. Robyn was wearing a tight, white, jersey material top, which not only hugged her fabulous figure but was also cut low to reveal her very ample cleavage. Below, she wore a pair of those loose ladies slacks that were so popular in the twenties and thirties but which were cut to show her curvaceous ass to full effect.

I realised how it must have looked with our huge busts pressed together and looked at Drew over Robyn's shoulder. His face was a picture as he stepped sideways to get a better look from the side. He then saw me looking and grinned widely when I winked at him.

As we stepped apart again, I surveyed my work and was genuinely proud. "Robyn, I think we've re-created the perfect Jay Gatsby ... he's just how I imagined he would be when I first read the book! I think we can congratulate ourselves."

"You mean YOU can, Louise"

"Nonsense. I might have done the cutting but your seamstress skills are awesome, girl!" I chuckled, smoothing my hand over Drew's back and shoulders, pleased at the way the jacket fitted him.

It had been a remarkable act of fortune that Drew's literature teacher had organised a Gatsby tableau as part of a school project - the scene when Jay first met Daisy Buchanan - and that Terry and Robyn, twenty years earlier had chosen to get married in Gatsby period clothing. That night in Drew's bedroom as they lay talking, Terry had remembered that he still had his outfit stored away in protective packaging in their attic. He also remembered that Robyn had mentioned to him how much money I had saved Ken by cutting and sewing many of my more expensive outfits, so when he suggested to Robyn that he was going to give Drew the outfit for the play, she immediately thought of me.

And so it came to be that here we were, in my bedroom, putting the finishing touches to the outfit. Unknown to Robyn, both Ken and Terry were quietly watching from the adjoining guest bedroom. Both rooms were discretely rigged with video cameras and each bedroom had a large flat screen TV, a feature that many of our regular houseguests enjoyed tremendously, as did we, of course, and it was particularly enticing when we swapped partners. Either couple had the freedom to watch the activities in the other room using the camera selection remote.

But today the system was operating just the one-way, and at this point I was wondering just what level of anticipation there was next door. By now I had lost my initial sense of betrayal. When Terry first outlined his plan to us, I had refused to be part of it and it was only when Terry had convinced me that it almost certainly would be in his wife's interests that I had agreed because he explained how he genuinely thought Robyn needed some sort of jolt to release herself from her sexual straightjacket.

He had explained, "I can see it in here eyes, the way she's started to look at Drew. She seems to be looking for something strong enough to break that sexual reserve that has developed during our marriage. Essentially she's shy and just can't bring herself to let herself be herself, especially in front of me because we are also the best of friends. She needs something that's so big that she can't resist. I've tried so hard ... probably too hard because I think she just sees my suggestions as designed to make things more exciting for me. If something else comes at her unexpectedly, I don't think she'll be able to resist and, once she sees she can do it, she'll be released from that fear of just letting her sexuality lead her."

"OK you two," I said brightly as I gathered the strips of material from the carpet, "I'm going to the mall to get Drew that couple of accessories he needs, and a few things for myself. You finish those hems, Robyn. I'll be gone about an hour and a half, so feel free to get whatever drinks you want. I've put a DVD of "The Great Gatsby" in the player over there, if you want to get in the mood for tonight, Drew. I was using it to check some of the details last night.

I grabbed my keys from the table and turned. "Hey, Robyn ... you must be really proud. He's the handsomest, sexiest Jay Gatsby I've ever saw!" Drew's eyes widened and he blushed, thinking I'd said too much. But Robyn, kneeling at his feet, concentrating on the hems again, replied almost automatically: "Yes he is, isn't he! Hey, Drew, keep still." I winked at him once more and grinned, then shut the door behind me.

When I opened the front door, I made certain I closed it noisily, but I remained on the inside. Robyn would never realise my car hadn't left the driveway because while we were working upstairs, Ken had crept down and moved it into the second garage which is separate from the house.

Making sure that the items I'd said I'd buy but had collected earlier were safely in a cupboard in the kitchen, I hurried quietly upstairs again and into the spare room, closing and locking the door carefully behind me. Ken and Terry were reclining on the bed in their briefs, watching the big screen and Ken turned and smiled. "Great acting there, girl!"

I flopped on the bed, emotionally exhausted. My sense of betrayal had returned. "Oh God," I gasped. "I hated it! I really feel wretched about doing that to Robyn. I like her too much to do that." I felt quite tearful now. Terry moved over to me and put his arm round my shoulder and kissed the top of my head. "Honestly, Lou, I wouldn't be doing this unless I really believed that it's something that will change Robyn's life forever. I mean that." He kissed me, his arm round me, and his hand cupping and fondling my breast. "Come on Ken, let's make our girl more comfortable." Ken got up and came and sat the other side of me and the two of them stripped me to my panties.

"You'll feel more in the mood in a couple of minutes, darling" Ken reassured me. I already felt a whole lot better.

We turned out attention to the screen. Drew and Robyn were very much as I'd left them but, as Terry turned up the sound, I realised he'd put on the DVD. That was in the plan, so that Robyn wouldn't hear any little sound that might worry her. She was still on her knees, working on the hems and was glancing from time to time at the screen. Drew wasn't though - he was too occupied in gazing down at his mother's beautiful full tits, the luscious cleavage bulging through the low-cut neckline of her clinging white top. It was obvious that she wore a bra but it was a very delicate one, which showed the contours of her large nipples. "Jeeeez!" Ken breathed as Terry zoomed in on them. Then Terry panned across a little to Drew's crotch and commented: "Great making those pants tight round the crotch area, Lou. Fuck, look at that bulge on my boy! The last time I wore that suit, he wasn't even conceived; now he's wearing it, almost a man, and his dick's making a bigger bulge than mine ever did!"

Sure enough, Drew's swollen bulge looked really impressive where the grey waistcoat was cut back. I wondered if Robyn had noticed it yet but guessed not. I suddenly felt a pang of jealously, knowing that she could soon be touching it.

Robyn was now clearing up the clutter of the floor and then got up and dropped the bits of cotton in the waste bin. As she turned, Drew smiled warmly at her.

"Thanks, Mom. How do I look? "

Robyn was now able to take in the whole picture. "Wonderful, honey," she replied. "Will you marry me, darling?" Drew looked at her for a split second and then took her in his arms. "Yes, darling," he whispered, and kissed her on her mouth.

It only lasted about ten seconds but, when their lips parted, Robyn flushed and drew away, looking down, embarrassed by the kiss.

"Sorry, Mom," Drew whispered. "I was just acting out the scene."

"It's OK," she said quickly dismissing it. When she looked up, her eyes had misted a little and she murmured, "You really do remind me so much of your father on our wedding day, though! So handsome ... so..."

"Sexy?" Drew laughed.

"Drew! Really!" she giggled. "Well, he was very ... I mean, he really was..."

"As I said, sexy." Drew's tone was that of teasing matter-of-factness.

Well.... yes," she said coyly, blushing and looking down and the floor. "He was... he still is... I mean he always has been but..."

When she looked up again there was a tear in her eye. Drew's moment had come. He moved over to her and put his arms round her, hugging her to him. "Mom... What is it?"

"Nothing, darling. It's just me being silly."

Drew stroked her hair gently, murmuring: "It must be something, Mom." He kissed the top of her head.

"No, it's just ... well, I remember how I felt on that day and all I wanted to be for your dad ... and ... well..."

"Well, what?"


"What?" Drew insisted.

"I don't think I've been the wife he wanted me to be. That's all."

Drew hugged her closer, stroking the nape of her neck now. "Mom! How can you say that? You're smart ... intelligent ... and really beautiful." Drew lifted her chin with his finger, looking down into her eyes. "And you raised a great son!" he grinned.

Robyn smiled warmly. "We did, didn't we?"

"So what's the problem?"

"Beautiful is one thing, Drew ... sexy is another."

"I can't believe she said that!" Terry gasped. "She would never normally speak like that to Drew!"

"No, can't you see you were right?" Ken retorted, leaning forward to watch the screen. "It's the effect of the outfit. It's almost as if this isn't reality ... as if she's partly in a story line."

Drew also seemed to be acting out his character part, even empowered by it. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. "But Mom, you are sexy. All my friends think so."

"Your friends...? Your friends actually say that to you?"

"Of course, Mom. It's a compliment." Robyn looked up at him and he brushed her cheek with his lips. "It makes me very proud of you."

"Really, darling? Things HAVE changed! When I was a girl, boys would never have liked other boys say things like that about their mothers." She knew she was talking to her son but was so comfortable in his arms she didn't really comprehend what they were actually doing. Already Drew had kissed her in a way she would have normally considered inappropriate.

"Well, I'm not so sure of that, Mom!" he laughed. "They just weren't so open about it."

"Don't you get embarrassed, though?"

"Of course not. I think you are incredibly sexy, too, Mom."

Terry had zoomed the camera in on their faces and we saw her staring into her son's eyes. "Darling ... you can't ... I'm flattered of course, but..."

"Ssssssh, Mom." Drew wiped the tear from the corner of her eye and then, as she closed the eyelid, he kissed it, and then immediately kissed her lips, gently and sensuously. We could hear Robyn's strong breathing as she opened here eyes, and then he kissed her again, this time with more pressure. Robyn sighed softly and Drew's hands which had been in the small of her back, slid down and cupped the swell of her beautiful ass, and he pulled her against him.

Panting now, Robyn broke the kiss and leaned her head back.

"Drew ... no ...."

"Mom, you said yourself you should have been sexier for Dad. The easiest way is to forget your hang-ups, be more relaxed. These days it doesn't matter. I love you as my Mom; you know that. But I also find you a totally sexy. We're alone ... Mrs Taylor won't be back for well over an hour. Let me help you, Mom. I want to ... I want you to be happy."

" can't feel that way...!"

"But Mom, I do! You must have realised by the way I reacted when I saw your naked breasts the other day."

"Oh God!` No ... no, Drew, you can't...!"

"Mom ...I DO. Can't you feel?" Drew moved his hips against hers as he held her to him and she suddenly realised how swollen he was.

"Oh God, Drew!" Her son silenced her with another kiss, mashing his mouth against hers. He held her tight and firm, resisting her urge to pull away. It was crunch time. The tension in our next-door room was tremendous.

Gradually we saw Robyn surrender. The tension in her arms and legs dissipated, he body moulded against his, and we suddenly realised she was kissing him back. Her hands moved to the back of his neck and her pent-up sexual drive was revealed in the way her fingers frantically raked through his hair.

"I was RIGHT!" Terry hissed. "She does want him! She fuckin' wants him! What did I tell you? Excellent!"

"Fuck yeah, " Ken croaked, riveted to the screen. "Hell, pal, your boy did well - awesome, man!"

Both men had full erections in their briefs. I smiled with relief that Robyn hadn't freaked out and then with pleasure as Ken reached over to play with my pussy as he stared transfixed at the screen.

Drew finally broke the kiss and was now planting soft warm kisses all over Robyn's cheeks as she surrendered herself to him, eyes closed and a wondrous look on her face. Terry panned down to where their hips met and we could see she was moving sensuously against him, feeling his erection rub against her.

"Ohhhhh, Mom!" Drew gasped. "Oh yeah! Can you feel how hard I am?"

Robyn nodded and now her lips sought his and she kissed him hard again, ands this time it was obvious she was inserting her tongue in his mouth.

When they stopped she was panting. She smiled at him. "That was nice, darling," she whispered. She stroked his cheek. "But we have to stop there," she added. "It's got to end and we must never do that again." She looked wistful but determined and we knew that the whole thing was back in the balance. It was again all down to Drew.

But the kid was determined. So, as she tried to push away from him, he held her tight. "No, Mom," he said firmly. It can't end there. You'll always regret it if it does. You'll always wonder."

"Drew.... darling ... let me go, honey." She pushed against him harder.

"No, Mom." He said it so firmly - so firmly that she stopped and just looked at him.

"Mom, I love you and I want to help. I want you to discover yourself." So saying, holding her tight with one arm, Drew slid his other hand up under her top at the back and fumbled with her bra strap. It's as if he knew he had just seconds to make this work - she was still pushing him away from her.

"Drew! What are you doing?" Robyn gasped, but he had obviously got it undone because the next thing we knew he was sliding it up under the front of the halter top and we could see him pull the bra down away from her breasts and he was fondling her left tit. His forefinger and thumb were rolling her big nipple and we could see the pure shock of it make her gasp and tremble. Then she was moaning and her head fell against Drew's shoulder. The boy lost no time. He lifted the halter top up at the back and then pulled it up at the front, exposing her beautiful breasts.


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