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Drinking with an Old Buddy

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Man runs into college buddy; drinks booze and more.
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I woke up feeling extremely groggy. The room was very dark and it took me a moment to realize I wasn't in my own bed.

This was a hotel.

Where? Oh yeah! - I was in Vegas for work.

I glanced at the bedside clock. It read 2:00. Still middle of the night...

My mouth was so dry...I felt I was drunk.

Did I drink last night? Everything was so fuzzy.

Man, I had to piss like a racehorse. I got out of bed and weaved my way to the bathroom. As I let an endless stream shoot into the toilet, I looked at the mirror. I was nude and checked out my profile. I was in reasonable shape for fifty. The profile showed my belly for what it was -- larger than I'd like. All and all, still decent. Then again, the hotel suite was dark and I was looking at the profile caused by the nightlight.

After what seemed like an eternity, I stopped pissing. My dick felt strange, the skin was kinda dry. I must've jacked off last night and fallen asleep with cum all over it. Whatever. Not the first time. Not the last either, I thought...

I turned to face my reflection, reached out and flicked the lights.

"Jesus!" MISTAKE! SO BRIGHT! I flicked them off and let my eyes readjust.

I turned the water on and bent down to drink from the faucet. Goddam, I was thirsty. I rubbed my wet hand against my eyes to wake up a bit. My eyes felt crusty too.

What was all over my face? I looked up to the mirror. My face felt drawn. Tight. It was as if something had dried there overnight. I closed my eyes and reached for the lights. I rubbed my face and cleaned my eyes.

I've never been a big drinker but clearly I had more than my share last night. I dried my face and returned to the room. The blackout blinds were drawn but showed a line a bright light. I started pulling them up and the room immediately brightened. Confused, I squinted at the view of the strip.

Holy shit! It was daytime... It was 2PM! Whoa, I haven't slept in to 2:00 since I was in my twenties.

My mind was in a fog still. This is why you don't drink that much I told myself. The funny thing was, I didn't even remember drinking...

"Why so fuckin bright?" croaked a voice from behind me.

"WHATTHEFUCK!" I yelled as I jumped back.

There was a man sleeping on the other side of my king bed!

A naked man!

A naked man with a thick flaccid penis hanging there.

What in the actual fuck!

The man was squinting at me with an unhappy expression.

Still standing frozen by the window, I unconsciously leaned in toward him to focus and recognition started peeking through.

"Is that Riley Baker?" That's Riley fuckin Baker!" I asked myself.

"Holy shit! I haven't seen Riley Baker since..." and my memories of the prior night came flooding back!

"Riley Baker? Riley fucking Baker!" I yelled incredulously as I recognized my friend from college. "The fuck are you doing here?"

"Jason Katz? Holy shit, bro! Jase man!" Riley laughed and we embraced, slapping our backs. "How the hell are you".

I couldn't believe I'd run into my ol' bud in a random hotel in Las Vegas! We'd shared many classes together before becoming fast friends back in college. How many good times? How many drunken parties? Wow! So many memories. It was so good to see Riley. Clearly he was also thrilled with the chance meeting.

After the initial greetings, we filled each other in on why we were in town. We were both in for business. I was checking into the Hotel, and he was attending a meeting or seminar or something in the same hotel. We both had to get moving to our commitments but traded info and agreed to meet up that evening for some catching up.

My meeting with Riley put me in a very good mood. We had kept in touch for a while after school but between our growing careers and wives and stuff, we'd both moved on and the friendship was forgotten.

We met at the smallest of the three bars in my hotel. It was crowded -- mostly male visitors to the event I was attending. After some drinks and bar food, we filled each other in on our current lives.

I told Riley that, after school, I had gotten a job for a large insurance firm, gotten married, and had two kids --now both grown. I was just recently divorced and trying to recreate a personal life. I had no girlfriend or anything yet.

Riley told me that he was also divorced but had no kids. When I asked if he had a girlfriend, he laughed.

"No man! I'm happily single. Oh yeah...I'm also bi."

This shocked me for a second and it must've shown on my face.

"Yep -- I just like sex. Women, men... Whatever." He said as he finished his bourbon and signaled for another round. I automatically downed mine too.

"That's not a problem for you is it?" he asked.

"Nonono" I stammered. "You just caught me off guard. I thought..." I trailed off.

I hadn't thought anything, really. Looking back though, maybe I could see it. Riley had been in great shape in school. I remembered that he's also used every excuse to get nude in front of us...or was it just me? He had a long thick dick and I'd just presumed he liked to show it off. Come to think of it, he'd convinced me to get naked more than once...and in front of others too. He was always telling us to join him (without clothes). Were there girls there when we did that? I think so. But, in hindsight, it was usually just me and some other roommates. It was so long ago...I hadn't remembered those moments until now.

Strangely enough, I immediately remembered his cock though. I guess he'd whipped it out enough that it stuck in my deep memory! Thinking back, I realized that I probably did have a secret fascination with it.

Riley's dick was particularly thick and long. Probably around six inches soft if I remember right. It was so large -- not just compared to mine. My cock was a good size -- almost exactly six inches erect but his was about the same size flaccid. He had pendulous balls to match. Also unlike me, he was not circumcised so it had that hood that I found so fascinating. Strange that this was flooding back to me just now -- and so clearly.

I realized that I'd left the conversation just hanging as my mind called up visions of his floppy cock and balls.

"Sorry...I don't know what I thought." I told him. "I'm not shocked. I'm...So you...How long have you been...doin that?" I stammered.

"What? Having sex with dudes and chicks?" he offered with a laugh as he raised his glass. "Well, I guess since just before my divorce, officially. But really? Since forever. I dig women's bodies but I also realize that I love blowjobs -- and men give the best blowjobs. Especially straight men. All straight men are at least curious about sucking cock, y'know. Since I'm not looking for a relationship and find that men like to just have sex more than women, in general, I do tend to hang out with more men."

I raised my glass and drank, happy that he wasn't making this uncomfortable I thought sarcastically.

"Last time I was with a chick was about a year ago. Me and about 4 other dudes took turns with her."

"And each other..." he added.

I stared at him. He smirked.

"You've never been with a dude, Jase? I always thought you had some interest. I remember you staring at my cock all the time."

"Fuck you, man. You always had that big boy out! You were always floppin it around. Of course I looked. It was huge! We all looked at it. Freddy fuckin Jenkins -- star athlete? Remember him? I remember he told me at a party once that your cock was fuckin amazing, dude. We ALL looked." I said as I downed my drink.

"Oh. So you do remember it. I knew it! Methinks thou doth protest too much..."

"Plus", he added, "Freddy fuckin Jenkins? Freddy fuckin Jenkins sucked my cock! More than once!" He nodded his head and raised his eyebrows knowingly.

"Fuck you! No way!" I said shocked. "Six foot fucking six, Fred fuckin football Jenkins gave you a BJ? In college? No way!" I protested.

Hearing that, the waitress eyed us both and dropped off two more doubles.

"Oh yeah. Seriously. He did. Dude, like I said, many straight guys are curious about sucking a cock. When they see mine, I guess it just pushes them over the line... You should try it. -- Shit, I'll suck you off later, if you want. Then you can -- HEY! - "

Riley interrupted his thought and yelled as a group of guys came over to our table. They were obviously friends or colleagues. I nodded politely as they went through the ritual of shaking hands and greeting each other. My thoughts were still with Riley's last sentence. Did he offer to suck me off? And, they you can...Then I can...what? Was he about to suggest I suck his thick cock? A memory of him shaking it's floppy thickness popped into my mind -- in slow motion like a movie.

"...YO! Jason, man!" Riley pulled me out of my thoughts. "Look at 'im. Dude's fuckin a lightweight -- had one Bud Light and now he can't even focus" Riley said to the four men, teasing me.

"Jason is an old buddy from college I just ran into. Great guy."

Riley introduced me to the guys. Apparently, he worked with three of them while the fourth was one of their buddies. It was at this moment that I realized that I was indeed pretty buzzed. I'd had two or three bourbons (Not just one beer like Riley said). I could feel my tongue thick in my mouth as I shook their hands and introduced myself.

"Grab some seats and join us" Riley offered as he looked around the crowded bar for some empty seats.

"Nah dude, come with us." Ray countered. Ray was one of two black guys -- the taller of them. "We picked up this..." Ray showed us a $200 bottle of whisky. "We were going to Uber it to my Hotel and have a few of these and then see what happens. Maybe hit a club or something."

"Yeah! I'm in!" Riley said enthusiastically. "Jase? You in? Jason's in, man." He asked and answered for me.

"And y'know what?" Riley took a drink. "You know what? I have a better idea." Riley was getting loud. I think the bourbons were hitting him too.

"Fuckin Jase has a suite right here! Why Uber it? Let's go up to his suite with that fine bottle and enjoy it. We can figure out where to go later."

Ray, Jose, Tim, and Aaron all agreed and we closed out tab. Jose went to the hotel store and picked up some snacks and other beverages as the rest of us headed up to my suite.

Once in my suite, we set up all of the snacks and drinks. Someone turned on the TV and put on a sports channel. We proceeded to murder the bottle of fancy scotch by doing shots.

Within an hour, I found that I had four new best friends. Booze is good that way. As guys do, we were giving each other shit about one thing or another.

At a certain point, I teased Riley and laughingly said, "Bout time for you to take out that huge fuckin cock, right?" I looked around expecting knowing laughs.

Everyone was staring at me. It slowly occurred to my drunk brain that these guys didn't know about Riley's college habits. Awkward!

I found this thought hilarious and burst out laughing. The guys looked at me, then at Riley. Then they also burst out laughing too. They were laughing at the bizarre non-sequitur.

After wiping tears from his eyes, Riley finally told everyone about his college behavior, which explained my comment about his cock and more laughter followed.

"Whip it out! Whip it out!" came the laughing chants.

Riley then actually took out his cock and balls and demonstrated!

His cock was just as I remembered, thick, uncircumcised, and about six inches long. His balls were large and hung low -- almost down to the tip of his hanging dick.

They guys scoffed appreciatively and laughed while I stared at the fascinating motion of his thick fleshy tube.

"Whoa, man. You got a permit for that"

"Shake it man!" They yelled.

Everyone was looking. I think I was the only one staring. Riley soaked up the comments and attention and asked "Ya like that boys?" as he shook his cock and made it swing like a propeller.

It seemed to me that his cock was getting slightly thicker. And longer.

"Ya ever see one like this?" he asked as he pranced by each of the guys.

"You're gonna poke an eye out!" and "Holy shit, man. That's fuckin dangerous!" the guys teased.

Riley pranced over to my chair and flopped his cock right in front of me.

I stared, fascinated. It was a truly perfect penis. The head was poking slightly through the foreskin. The skin was smooth. The hidden head looked large.

I licked my lips.

Realizing that I was staring, I pulled my eyes from Riley's cock and looked up at him. He met my gaze, smiled, and raised his eyebrows. Then Riley stepped forward, and straddled me. Since I was sitting on a chair, his cock was eye level. Now that he straddled me, his penis was right in my face. I reactively jerked my head back but he stepped even closer and his soft flesh bumped my face. I looked up at his eyes and back at the beautiful cock.

"Everyone's curious" he'd said.

I was drunk and, I realized, beyond curious.

Suddenly, I found myself sticking out my tongue. I had to lick it. It looked so soft. So smooth. I licked the fleshy shaft. I looked back up at Riley.

I just licked a man's dick! A big dick! And it was soft. And warm. I wanted to do it again. I licked Riley's cock from the hanging tip up to his trimmed crotch. I licked again, this time moving the skin-covered head with my tongue and forcing the cock to the side.

God! This was awesome. It was so soft and... suckable. It was calling to be sucked. I pushed the head of the shaft the other direction and then tilted my neck to allow the big head to actually enter my mouth.

I had a penis in my mouth! I closed my eyes and felt it. I pulled my head back and let it almost slide out. Then I sucked it back in. Mmmmmm. It felt right. It felt good. So damn good. If felt my cock get hard.

I ran my tongue around the head and then tried o poke it under the foreskin to touch his cock head. Riley sighed. "Yes! Dude. Mmmmm" he moaned.

Keeping the head in my mouth, I twisted my head one way and then the other. The fat shaft bent and followed.

I let the head slip out of my mouth and stared at the slick wetness. I sucked his dick and that was my saliva.

I reached out, grabbed his shaft, and let its weight register. It was heavy -- heavier than I'd expected. It was heavy and warm. I squeezed it lightly and then tighter. With the tight grip, his cock grew noticeably. I squeezed it again and now the core was harder. Now the soft skin slid against a hardening core. I squeezed it again and began sliding the skin up and down. This was a natural motion. Holding this penis made me want to slide it like this -- to jerk it off! I was jerking off Riley's cock. Riley fuckin Baker's cock was in my hand.

I realized how long I'd wanted to do this. I had hidden thoughts of his cock in my mind for years. Now I had it in front of me. I had it in my mouth. I was going to suck his cock. Fuck! I was sucking his cock.

I slid my lips over his penis. It was harder now. Longer too. I slid down over the head and tried to go down the shaft. I slid up and tried again. I reached my hands around and grabbed his ass to try to pull more into my mouth. I got as far as I could and grabbed the shaft where my lips met. I wanted to see how far I'd gone. I slide off and saw that I'd only put about 4 inches in my mouth. There were about four or five to go! What a great cock! I'm really sucking this monster cock!

I slid my lips down his shaft again and tried to go further. I gagged and pulled off, leaving a sticky trail of saliva stringing from my mouth to his cock.

I looked up at Riley and noticed that the other guys had gathered around and had been making comments. I did not hear them. I wanted to suck this cock! I wanted to make it cum! Would I swallow his cum? Would it be gross? Would he give me a facial? I was excited and grossed out at the same time. I had never been so horny in my whole life. I unbuckled my belt and pulled my pants down. I was so hard. I slid my lips down his cock again as I released my own cock and started jacking off.

I slid up and down and few times and then licked around the foreskin-covered head. I slid the skin up and over the head and sucked the bunched up skin into my mouth, playing with it and feeling its soft texture. I wanted to bite and chew it but knew, obviously that I could not. I slid the tip of my tongue into the skin and around the head beneath.

Riley moaned.

I circled the head, under the skin for a while and then swallowed the head again. I pulled the skin to expose the head and back up to cover it. The foreskin was fascinating. I slid it down again and ran my tongue over the exposed head. Riley moaned again.

I closed my mouth over his cock and slid down until passed my previous mark by about an inch. I slid up and down and kept my lips tight. How much could I take? I wanted it all in my mouth. I wanted it in my throat. Could I do it without gagging?

I slid down again and tried to force it deeper into my mouth. I gagged and tried again.

I was vaguely aware of some of the comments the guys were making.

"Holy shit, look at him go to town on that monster!" "Me next!"

I tuned them out and tried again. Each time I'd hit a certain point and then gag. I could go no further. I tried another time, sliding my wet lips down the slick shaft. The head hit my throat and I gagged again. This was as far as I could go. I was about to pull up when Riley grabbed the back of my head and pulled me to him. His cock pressing against the back of my throat made me feel like I was choking. I instinctively tried to pull away. Riley pulled me tight and then, still gagging, I felt his cock suddenly slide further into my mouth. Riley held kept sliding deeper into my mouth -- into my throat! I fought and pulled away -- I was choking.

Riley finally let me go and I immediately jerked my mouth off his cock. My nose had been in his trimmed pubes. Riley's monster penis bounced in front of me, covered with spit and slime from my mouth. I panted for breath and wiped the tears from my eyes. I looked at this wet cock I was sucking. It was so hard. It was about nine inches long and about two inches wide. So thick! And his balls! They were bigger than mine and hanging low. I wanted to lick and suck them.

Riley grabbed the back of my head again. I looked up at him as he guided my head back down. I got stuck again and he pushed me through. Once more, I gagged and felt a slight "pop" as his cock slid into my throat.

Riley held me there, gagging, and started moving my head back and forth. Only about an inch of his cock was exposed before he pulled me back to him. He did this for what seemed like an eternity and then finally let me pull off.

Once again I wiped the tears streaming from my eyes and stared at his long sloppy cock. It was perfect!

I held his shaft against his belly to have access to his balls. I licked one and it bounced away. I licked the other. I stuck my tongue between them and rubbed the root of his shaft with it. I sucked one huge ball into my mouth and pulled away gently. I did the same with the other. Then I licked from his balls up his shaft to the head.

I looked around and saw that the other guys had taken off all of their clothes and were surrounding me while stroking their cocks.

Ray stepped forward and positioned his hard penis at my mouth. It was as long as Riley's but much thinner, about as thick as mine. It was very dark, much darker than Ray, I noticed.

Jesus! Was I about to suck off all of these guys? They apparently thought so.

I opened my mouth and Ray slid his dick past my lips. I was sucking a second dick! I was sucking a BBC!

"Mmmm" I murmured as I let my tongue explore his foreskin and his cock head. I grabbed the shaft tightly and went down on him. It felt so good in my mouth. I loved this. I loved sucking cock! Why had I waited so long to try this?


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