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Zoe & Zanders playful road trip game...
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'Savage Garden!' Zoe shouted with glee, seconds after the music had started. 'That's 7-5 to me.' She said smugly before reclining in her seat to enjoy the song.

Zander took his eyes off the road briefly to glance her over. The pair had been together for almost four years, yet he still loved to stare at her. Their friends had joked they had met at the bottom of the phonebook, the two Z's or Z1 and Z2 as they were affectionally known.

Zoe was beautiful. There was no denying that and Zander still considered himself lucky. She was three years younger than him and with her thirties nearing, was at that perfect age where the innocence of youth was long gone but the excitement of being young still prevailed. Her partying days and promiscuous nights where behind her and Zander could trust her whole-heartedly, however, her zest and drive were only peaking, and Zander had been taking full advantage of her exuberance.

As Savage Garden slowly wound down towards an end, Zander concentrated on the road and the radio.

'Blink182!' Zoe shouted before Zander could open his mouth. '8-5!'

Zander pouted and tightened his grip on the wheel in mock agony. The pair spent one weekend away each month to relax, unwind and rekindle. With both often tied down at work during the week, it was important they reserve at least one weekend to explore, not just the country but each other. Even after four years, Zander still loved to explore her body. His mind wandered off to some of their previous escapades.

'You're heads not in the game today! That was one of your favourite songs!' She teased.

The game was simple enough. With a destination unknown, the pair would jump into Zanders ute early on a Saturday morning, blast the radio and head off in a random direction. With each new song, the pair would try and be the first to identify the artist or band with the winner earning a point. The victor would be the first to score 21 points and effectively, end the game, with the rules being that once either had scored 21, they would stop at the nearest town, book the first hotel they saw and then enjoy their relaxing and sensual weekend away.

It was a game that had allowed them to explore the countryside and with the scores often so close, it usually took several hours before one of them earned the 21st point, resulting in a cheap get-away from home to places unknown. It had been a tradition for over a year now and both looked forward in earnest to the last weekend of each month.

The bonus was, the winner got the right to orgasm first. Yep, the winner of their radio race to 21 dictated the first sexual play of the night to their advantage. No rejection. No argument. Just the right to orchestrate and play out whatever desire was on their mind. This had often led to fulfilled fantasy and debauchery, especially on one occasion when the first hotel the pair had spotted happened to neighbour both a bar and an adult shop.

Zoe had lost that day by the narrowest of margins in their closest game yet. A gruelling four-hour drive that played 39 songs and countless adverts before Zander had taken the contest 21-18. The long drive and hours of sexual tension had well and truly got Zander on edge and knowing he would release himself and his prize early, had been excited to spot the nearby shops. After a couple of drinks and a few astute purchases, he had made Zoe put on quite a show for him that night.

Of course, Zander had lost his fair share too and had participated in many of Zoe's lusty wishes. There wasn't a spot on her body that he hadn't touched, groped or ran his tongue over. Even after so long and so many experiences, the pair competitively took on the game, eager to earn the right to push the sexual boundaries a little further, each often spending the whole month plotting their victorious reward.

It was a game that had kept their love-life fresh and exciting. Each month bringing a new adventure, abode and experience.

'Counting Crows!' Zander shouted, smiling at Zoe who had a confused look on her face after being unable to recognise the introduction. '8-6 and the comeback is on!'

'About time you got back in the game. I was beginning to think you were just going to let me win.'

'Not going to happen. Happy to pull over at the next hotel if you want to forfeit though?' He cooed.

'Not a chance! Not after what you put me through the last time you won.' She laughed, recalling how she had been tied up upon the dining table, her four limbs tied to the four legs on the table and powerless to move as Zander manoeuvred behind her. 'I hate to think what you've got planned if you pull this one off.'

'If I win, I won't be pulling off, that's for sure.' He laughed back, sympathetically patting her on the knee and trying to keep his attention on the road as a truck roared by. 'Besides, I have to get you back for last month.'

Zoe smiled, recalling her previous victory and the sensation of having his tongue flicking over her tightest hole. With the rules being that you must orgasm first, she had exhausted his tongue between both her passages, making him work tirelessly before giving into the tingling. She had mercilessly changed position every time he had brought her close and prolonged her prize for all it was worth.

'Matchbox Twenty!' She shrieked. 'I might be getting a repeat yet!'

'Oh, your ass will be in play alright.' Zander smirked, causing her to raise an eyebrow in response.

'I should have guessed.' She sighed in mock displeasure. Zoe was no stranger to anal and was well aware of the pleasure it brought her partner. They had engaged in the act a few times but with the feeling a little discomforting, it was far from frequent in her own fantasies. 'Guess you better catch up then! It's 9-6.'

Zander responded by slowing down as he noticed a young blonde on the side of the road, motioning for a lift. 'Shame I'm not on 21 or I'd have picked her up.' He said as they drove passed, putting his hand up to defend Zoe's playful slap. 'We've never had a threesome.' He teased.

'If you want to disappoint two people at once, you can always have lunch with my parents!' She laughed, mockingly.

Laughing aloud but without any immediate retort, the two suddenly realised a new song had started.

'Creed!' Zander was the first to recognise the music. '9-7.'

Zander sung along to the tune as Zoe pouted her latest loss, a look that became familiar as the radio bellowed out a succession of tracks that she was unfamiliar with.

'Eagle-Eye Cherry, Panic! At The Disco, Angels Air Airwaves, Bad Wolves, Walking On Cars' Zander recalled them all, one by one, and as they stopped to get petrol for the first time that day, sat smugly in the lead at 9-12.

'Want anything from the store?' Zander asked, peeking in through the passenger window.

'Do they sell lube?' Zoe replied, pretending to be both defeated and depressed.

'I was thinking more along the lines of ice-cream but I can check for you.' He winked.

'Ice-cream will do... Depending on where you're going to put it.'

'Don't go giving me ideas.' He laughed as he backed away towards the shop. He returned with a mischievous grin and Zoe learnt why as he handed her the ice-cream, a long cylinder-shaped frozen treat of about five inches.

'I suppose you're going to watch me eat this.' She smiled, suggestively nibbling the tip. 'I noticed you didn't get yourself one.'

'A mans got to drive.' He chuckled, accelerating away from the pit-stop but watching as she took an inch or two of the ice between her lips. 'Been practising?'

'Seems a little bigger than usual.' She teased, patting his knee and mirroring his earlier patronising.

Zander slammed the breaks and burst into laughter as Zoe was forced forward, the icy treat hitting the back of her throat and causing her to gag. He almost had to pull back over as his laughter threatened to cause an accident but eventually, he got himself under control and avoiding the stare he knew he was receiving, he got the pair back on the road and restarted the radio.

'Linkin Park.' He said, almost immediately.

'Not fair! I had my mouth full!' Zoe protested.

'Don't worry, in a few more songs, it will be full again.'

'I thought you were after my ass?' She feigned sulking.

'That too.' Zander chuckled.

As the song concluded and a bunch of adverts took up the airwaves, the pair relaxed into the next leg of their journey, enjoying the open space and countryside as it whizzed beyond them. Zoe took in the scene as horses and cows grazed in lush paddocks, a seemingly never-ending landscape of trees and pastures.

'We might not even find a hotel out here.' She mused, looking ahead at the vast stretch of scenic highway.

'Keep your eye out for a good barn.' Zander giggled.

'Pffft. I ain't sleeping with no donkey.'

'Relax. It's only your ass I'm after.'

'Oh, you think you're clever.'

'ABBA!' Zander yelled. '9-14.'

'Dammit! You keep distracting me! And how on earth did you recognise that!'

'I'm a man of culture.'

'Showing your age more like.'

'Don't let your mouth start fights that your ass can't handle.' Zander cooed.

'I'll get the next one.' Zoe mused but soon found herself on the receiving end of another flurry of unfamiliar songs.

'Powderfinger, Something For Kate, Keane, Coldplay, Muse, Pink' She beat Zander to only one and with the score at 10-19, started to realise that the weekend she had been planning in her mind was not going to be the one she was about to endure.

The countryside continued to flow as Zander was the first to recognise the new release from the Temper Trap, putting him one successful recognition away from victory.

As the next song began to play, Zoe sat in utter confusion, earnestly trying to validate the tune as the seconds ticked by. Zander sat staring at her with a huge smile across his face.

'You know it don't you?' She said, defeated.

'I do.'

'Go on then.' She sighed, recognising her fate was about to be sealed.

'It's a band called Mat at Gravity. I think they only released one album.'

Zoe grabbed her phone and opened the app that recognised and identified the music. As the screen loaded, she winced in defeat as the words "Mad at Gravity" appeared.

'10-21' Zander smirked. 'That's almost worth two prizes!'

'Should I ask what your plan is or just wait and see?' Zoe said, anxious yet nervously excited. She preferred to win but was far from a sore loser. Zander often pushed her boundaries and she had often surprised herself at how exhilarated she got at trying new ways to please him.

'There is a hint in the glovebox.' Zander smiled.

Zoe blinked, cautiously staring at the compartment in front of her. Tentatively she pulled at the glovebox and the handle gave way to reveal a plain cardboard box.

'It's for you to wear.' Zander said. 'You can put it on now, you know, seeing as I won.' He smiled at her, his eyes gleaming.

'Shouldn't we wait for a hotel?' Zoe asked, grasping the box and giving it a shake. Her mind wondered with the possibility. Crotchless underwear? Edible G-string? Handcuffs?

'The game ends when one of us gets to 21. You know the rules. I'll stop at the next hotel, but my prize starts now.'

'Fine.' She replied, nervous but interested to explore the package. She pulled at the little bit of tape that kept the lid of the box shut and then opened the box to reveal its contents. 'Oh shit.' She said. 'I knew this would be a bad one to lose.'

Zoe stared at the contents of the box, a large metallic butt-plug shined back at her. 'It's huge.' She pleaded, taking the item from the wrapping. 'What exactly do you have in mind?!'

Zander smiled. 'it's to loosen you up.'

Zoe groaned in reply. 'I don't think it will fit!' She marvelled at the device that had several layers all built upon the one below, tapering off into one round piece at the tip. The bottom section had a plastic handle in the shape of a cross that kind of gave it an impression of a shiny, metallic, round Christmas tree. 'You want me to put it in now?'

'Rules are rules.'

'You can't watch, or we'll crash! I don't want the coroner to find half a dildo sticking out my ass.'

Zander laughed at the mental image. 'I won't watch but put it in now and then you'll be ready for when I find a hotel.'

'And then what?'

'And then it's my turn.'

'So, your whole fantasy is based upon stuffing my butt?' Zoe inquired. 'You've done that before, need I remind you!'

'Yes, but this time I plan to finish a little different.'

Zoe groaned again and looked over at her partner. 'How's this end?'

'In your mouth.' Zander said matter-of-factly. The pair had engaged in most sexual acts and Zander had finished in a variety of ways, usually inside her although, occasionally, when Zoe was at her most vulnerable, he had withdrawn and finished on her. He had even gone full porn-star mode and finished upon her face a few times, an act that Zoe never quite understood the allure of. However, in the few times he had entered her rear, he had always finished there, finding her tightness overwhelming and inviting.

'You want to put it in my ass and then my mouth?' Zoe feigned disgust although the pair had watched the odd downloaded movie and she knew all about the new trend. Porn had a way of continually pushing boundaries and seemingly, Zander had watched enough to want to push hers.

'Rules are rules.' He reminded her gently as his groin stirred. As much as he loved and respected her, he also loved to release her devilish side. For Zander, there was nothing more alluring than pushing boundaries and desire and he knew that this was right up there on the verge of her limit.

Zoe ran her fingers around the new device. 'I'm going to need some lubricant to even try to get this thing in.' She confessed, although her heart fluttered a little with both trepidation and intrigue.

'Twist the handle.' Zander replied, a smug look upon his face.

Zoe glanced at him with a raised eyebrow before using her fingers to twist the cross at the base of the toy. A little popping sound gave an indication of the cap separating and Zoe inspected further, revealing the bottom part gave way and concealed a hollow section down the middle of the device. Inside, a little tube of what was clearly lube lay dormant.

'You really do think of everything, don't you?' Zoe responded, taking the cylinder of lube from its hiding place and returning the cap to its original position. 'You really want me to get started without you? There might not be a hotel for miles.'

'A risk I'm willing to take.'

'Fine.' Zoe placed the metallic toy between her legs, upon the car seat and bent back so that she could put her feet up upon the dashboard. She reclined her chair to get a little more comfortable and then allowed her hand to move between her legs, caressing over her underwear and finding herself surprisingly wet in anticipation. A little groan escaped her lips.

Zoe shuffled both hands around her underwear and pulled them off, keeping her short skirt in place to offer protection from any passing motorists wandering eyes. She laid back and settled into her prone position, legs spread with her feet up on the dash. She permitted her hand to run through the fuzzy little triangle that she maintained above her inner sanctum, the only obstruction along her immaculate intimate area.

She reached between her legs and picked up Zanders gift from upon the seat. Using the lube, she squirted a dollop all over the metal, the toy shining and glistening as the liquid pooled over the layers. Zoe, careful to avoid any spills, lay a large amount upon her finger and slowly brought the digit towards her opening. She moved in a slow, circular motion around the outside of her tightest passage, allowing the cold liquid to settle upon her skin. She closed her eyes and gasped a little as her finger penetrated and softly caused her tightest walls to separate slightly.

Zander couldn't help but peek as the gasp escaped her lips, momentarily distracted and ignoring the road. He smiled at his sidekick, her face soft and relaxed while her fingers disappeared under her skirt, hampering his view. He reluctantly averted his gaze back to the barren road.

Zoe enabled her finger to explore, moving in slow methodical circles, preparing herself for the much larger toy. Zoe had experienced anal quite early in her sexual history but with her immature, inexperienced partners, had never savoured or enjoyed the encounters. Zander had always been gentler with her and over time, she had accepted that although it would never be her favourite, it was an act that she could enjoy and even climax from. However, she got the feeling Zander was keen to be a little more unforgiving and forceful, thus, while still in control, she allowed her finger to wander and play, preparing her.

Zoe withdrew her finger and dappled more lubricant, this time placing two fingers at her entrance before delicately pushing forth.

She allowed herself to tease, gently rubbing her dampening lips while her fingers slowly prodded and poked at her compact hole. Eventually, satisfied she was prepared and increasingly becoming aroused, she positioned the butt plug at her opening, clenching her eyes as she gently pushed the metal one part forward, the first layer disappearing between her puckered lips.

Zoe allowed herself to adjust to the sensation, the first layer of the toy no further intruding than that of her fingers previously, calmly she pushed forward, the next layer resisting before granting access, a little plop causing Zander to glance over, the noise again distracting him from keeping his eyes upon the windscreen.

Zoe ran fingers across her pussy, the sensation at her rear causing her body to tingle. She kept one hand upon the base of the foreign device while her other hand allowed fingers to caress and fondle, eventually settling upon her delicate love button, a moan escaping her lips while she flicked over the sensitive mound.

Cautiously she gave the toy a little more momentum, her inner walls fighting the intrusion but eventually yielding and allowing another layer to penetrate. The toy had five levels of girth with the smallest three now buried within her providing a unique and eerie feeling. Not quite pleasure. Not quite discomfort.

'How's it feel?' Zander asked, his attention less frequently upon the road and more upon his softly groaning and masturbating girlfriend.

'Not as good as the real thing.' She confessed, a little hushed.

'I'm sure a hotel isn't far away.' Zander replied.

Zoe looked over and noticed his pants had become stretched, the noise and pretence of her show, clearly having an arousing effect on her chauffeur. She reached over and grabbed the budge between her hands. 'Sure you can wait?'

Zander didn't reply as Zoe felt his erection between her hand, gradually raising her palm to caress the fabric separating her touch from his throbbing skin. Zander concentrated on the road as a car passed by, the opposing driver oblivious to the theatre being played within the ute.

Finding the zipper, Zoe pulled the metallic teeth down, exposing the underwear beneath. She reached her hand forth and grabbed upon his firm member, her fingers finding the front flap of his briefs and briefly allowing skin on skin contact. Zander continued to silently watch the road, his mind and pulse racing.

Zoe undid her seatbelt and using her free hand, pulled him free of his clothing restraints, his thick meat pouncing forward and protruding from his lap. Without a word, Zoe leaned over and kissed the tip of his erection, her tongue lapping at the tiny hole at the top of his phallus.

Allowing her tongue to savour the taste, she ran little rings around his flesh, her dance interrupted when a hand upon the back of her head forced her a few inches down his shaft. A simultaneous moan escaping both their lips as Zoe pushed further towards his belly, engulfing as much as him as her throat would permit.


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