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Drive-in Blowjobs with my Sister

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Suzanne makes her bro suck dick at the drive-in and joins in.
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Fair warning - there's a lot of male bisexuality ahead because that's the way I like it.


In the middle of the eighties, drive-in movie theaters began fading into near-extinction. In a desperate effort to stay alive, many began showing X-rated movies after midnight. Parents had learned that after a double feature ended, they had to get out of that parking lot quickly before the screen filled with giant-sized tits on the big screen.

Our story finds two friends sharing the front seat of a two-door, 1979 Buick LeSabre Coup. In the backseat slept Gary's sister. Suzanne had begged to see the double feature of horror movies. Gary had not wanted to bring his sister along. He and Mark had a plan for that night.

"Aw, come on, sis," Gary groaned at the idea of Suzanne tagging along. He and Mark Wood had bigger plans than watching horror movies. Mark was convinced that they could stay after the feature films and no one would care. The idea of watching porn on that big screen sounded like too much fun!

"You're only going with Mark! It's not like it's a date night, is it?"

Gary rolled his eyes and shook his head. Why did his sister have to be such a bitch about this? "You're eighteen, you can get in on your own!"

"Oh, right, I'm supposed to go to the drive-in, alone, and watch two scary movies? Are you crazy?"

"I'll take you," Mark Wood said as he strolled into the kitchen gnawing on an apple. Since meeting in a theater class at the local college, Gary and Mark had become good friends. People often thought they had known each other forever.

"Are you sure you want to go with a girl?" Suzanne asked while flashing a big smile in his direction as she ran her gaze up and down Mark. Why not? Mark was hot in an easy-going kind of way. He was slim, had a pretty smile, and was most definitely gay. He was out and proud, which was rare for the time.

"Actually, I go both ways," he said, matching her grin with his.

"Oh, wait! I get it!" Suzanne exclaimed while bouncing the heel of one hand off her forehead. "This really IS a date night, isn't it?"

Gary glared at his sister. It wasn't the first time she had made fun of his friend who just happened to be bisexual. Gary thought that was rude. He also realized the optics of going to drive-in with Mark. If he didn't let her go, how could he explain it? He knew how it would look and she would tease him about it forever. "Fine, you can go," he snapped.

The two movies were great fun, filled with jumps, scares, buckets of blood, and lots of unnecessary nudity. As soon as the credits began rolling on the last horror movie, a parade of cars headed toward the exits. Gary started his car but kept it in park and acted like he was letting the traffic clear before he tried to leave. He knew there would be a long intermission before the porn started. Running his car for a bit would charge up his battery.

"Ugh, go already!" Suzanne groaned before sprawling across the backseat. She had gone all in on the idea of going to the drive-in in the backseat. She brought a blanket, and a pillow, and insisted on wearing her PJs. Now she was going to pout like a kid, too?

"I'm waiting for it to clear out," he told his sister, just sitting and waiting. Suzanne flopped across the backseat, rested her head on the pillow, and was out before the credits ended. Adjusting his rearview mirror, he watched her chest rise and fall with the slow, measured movements of someone who was truly asleep. He couldn't see much of her, but he could see her middle.

"We should stay," Mark whispered after a quick glance in the backseat. "She's sleeping."

Gary was thinking the same thing, but he was more cautious. "What if she wakes up?" Gary turned around in his seat and inspected his sleeping, eighteen-year-old sister. The open top of her PJs exposed the curve of one breast. Had she not even bothered with a bra? She wiggled and scratched at her flat stomach. That little gesture exposed her stomach and the draw-tie of her PJ bottoms.

"If she wakes up, we act like nothing happened and leave," the dark-haired theater student insisted in a perfect backstage whisper that surely only reached Gary's ears. It was the kind of whisper that no one else should hear.

The screen changed to a series of "coming attraction" trailers for other porn movies. Images flickered on the giant silver screen of beautiful women with big hair sucking on giant-sized cocks. The young men sat slack-jawed as they stared at the magnificent explicit views in full Technicolor.

There was a jitter, a jump, and then a title screen as the spell was momentarily broken with the start of the first x-rated feature. As one, both men turned to inspect the sleeping beauty in the backseat. His sister definitely looked asleep. He noticed the top button of her PJs had come undone and he saw a lot more tit than he expected. He tried not to stare and then did it anyway as he tried to make sure she was really asleep. They risk staying for a little bit, couldn't they?

Gary turned off his car and switched to just accessories so they could keep the radio on.

"Yes!" Mark softly hissed, pumping his arm like it was a victory.

Porn is as porn does and it did a lot for our two heroes. In the first scene of the first movie, a lovely brunette gave a very furry guy with a huge dick a crazy good blowjob. When he came, she dutifully caught every drop on her tongue while the camera zoomed in close enough that the average viewer could evaluate her cum-catching skills. She was perfect.

"Fuck, that's hot," Gary said, as he tried to figure out what to do with his hands. He didn't want to hang them from the steering wheel, because that looked and felt weird. He was afraid of putting them in his lap because, after another scene like that, he knew he was going to get hard as fuck. He stole another glance into the backseat where his sister continued to sleep with her top hanging open. He gawked, felt a tingle between his legs, and looked away to watch the next scene as it unfolded.

Mark pointed to the screen. "Hey, she kind of looks like Suzanne!"

"A little," Gary agreed before he knew the name of that porn star. Later, he would learn that it was Stacey Donovan. For the moment, he saw a pretty blonde with smaller tits and big fly-aways to her hair like his sister. She looked like she could do a commercial for Coppertone with her special, girl-next-door appeal and bright, cheerful smile. His sister and Stacey had the same color of golden wheat blonde hair, too.

"Aw, come on, they're both skinny and cute as fuck."

"Yeah, I see it," he said and he had two problems. His first problem was the erection growing stiffer by the moment inside his baggy, loose shorts. He had gone commando because of the heat and because he liked the freedom. His second problem was trying to look at the porn star on the big screen and NOT see his sister, too!

"Oh man, she loves that dick," Mark offered as look-a-like Suzanne bobbed her head up and down another exceptionally large dick. She slurp, swirled her tongue, and definitely sucked on it, too. She seemed to like giving it a long lick up from the base, and then, end with a smile aimed up at her co-star.

"Yeah, she does," he agreed before stealing another glance into the backseat. Had another button come undone? Fuck, his sister's top was gaping open and he could see everything! He gawked at her nearly bare chest as it continued to slowly rise and fall in the deep, rhythmic manner of someone who was fast asleep. He gawked for reasons more than watching her breathing, too.

As he turned back toward the screen, he caught a very rhythmic gesture happening with the elbow of his left-handed friend. He was relatively sure he knew exactly what his friend was doing. He quickly faced the screen while clutching at his hard-on with his most distant hand. Fuck! Was this really happening?

If Mark had been right-handed instead of left-handed, things would have gone in a different direction because Mark would have been able to stroke his cock without drawing attention to what he was doing. Instead, when Suzanne ever so slightly opened her eyes, she saw that slow, steady movement. She nearly lost it and gasped. She bit back that gasp, kept her eyes as and kept her eyes as mere slits. She had always been good at pretending to be asleep, she wasn't going to ruin it now!

"Dude, are you hard?" Mark asked in that special kind of whisper that didn't work as well inside a 1979 Buick LeSalle Coup as it did backstage at a theater.

Suzanne could hear every word and had been listening much longer than they knew. When Gary hadn't moved toward the exit, she hoped they were going to try and stay to watch the X-rated movies. She had heard about them, but she had never seen one - and she damn well wanted to see one.

Pretending to be fast asleep seemed to be her best plan. When he turned off the car again, she knew that's what he was going to do. She fought the urge to wiggle and squirm as the cheesy porn music started and the car filled with the sounds of sex.

"Dude, what the fuck?" Gary asked back in his own version of that backstage whisper. Yes, he was hard. Damn hard, but he wasn't going to admit that to Mark, was he? What if he did? Did it mean anything? Gary felt his hard cock throb inside his left hand. He gave it a squeeze that did nothing to change how excited he felt.

"Aw, come on, man. Don't be like that. We're watching freakin' porn! If you're not hard, there's something wrong with you!"

"Are you?"

"Dude, I'm hard as fuck!"

"No way," Gary gasped. For half a second, he swore he heard his sister gasp, too.

Mark looked in that direction, stared for a second, and smirked before looking back at his friend. "Yes, way! You wanna see?" Out of nowhere, Mark hooks his thumbs inside the waistband of short, shorts and his underwear. In a single gesture, he pushed them past his knees and exposed his hard cock. "Look at this thing, bro!"

"Fuck! Dude!" he gasped, unable to stop staring at Gary's hard-on or how Gary waved it around. The dashboard lights made it very easy to see. He thought of a song about paradise and dashboard lights. He made a glance at the backseat without turning around to inspect it.

"It's cool!" Mark said. "I don't care if she sees it." As he glanced over his shoulder, Gary watched as he smiled, winked, and even blew Suzanne a kiss. "Trust me, dude, she's sleeping."

Without twisting around in his seat, Gary couldn't see his sister's wide eyes. He couldn't see how she had clamped a hand over her mouth to hold back her squeal from being caught. Her legs and feet looked to be in roughly the same place as ever. As far as he knew, she hadn't moved an inch. Besides, he couldn't find a way to pull his eyes away from Mark's hard, exposed prick. Gary squeezed his cock while looking at Mark's cock. Why did that make him shiver like that?

"Come on, man. Let me see it," Mark begged. "I bet you've got a really nice one."

"I don't know," he mumbled, having no way of judging that independently. There were the ones in porn, and then the soft ones he had seen in the showers at the gym. How was he supposed to know if he had a nice dick or not? For that matter, how could Mark guess something like that?

"You know I really do go both ways, right?"

"Yeah, so what?"

"So, I get off looking at cocks, bro! C'mon, let me see yours!"

The amount of discipline it took for Suzanne to remain quiet and still was immense. She squeezed her thighs together because she was getting turned by this. She felt a mid-autumn breeze blow through the open windows of the big car and rake across her tits. She was more naked than she had realized and that idea turned her on, too.

The light of the big screen, the brightness from a large sliver of the moon, and the ambient light from the distant concession stand brightened the gloom inside the car. The added light from the dashboard meant that she could see Mark's big prick standing up from his waist.

"Fuck, man," Gary groaned and he wondered if he was being rude. Why shouldn't he show off his cock to his friend? His cock definitely wanted to be released from his shorts. What would happen if he showed it off? Just showing it off wouldn't make him gay, would it? "You better not ever tell anyone that I'm doing this." He jerked his shorts just past his knees so his friend could see.

"Dang, dude! That's beautiful! It's so much bigger than I thought!"

"We're about the same size."

"Uh-huh, and trust me, dude. You're going to make a lot of people happy with that one."

Gary smiled as he absorbed that compliment and then realized what it meant. That meant that Mark had been with enough other guys to know if his prick was small, medium, or large! Gary glanced down at the cock he knew and loved so very much. Then he glanced at his friend's cock and saw a very similar length and girth.

The differences between their cocks were more subtle. Gary's proud cock was nearly a tube in its consistency of shape from his ball sack to the head of his cock. Mark's equally long cock flared out as it reached upwards until the head rounded it off. Mark's bulging veins stood out farther than Gary's. Their cockheads were similar and they both had circumcision scars wrapped around their manhoods. Gary's did have more of a curve to his prick than Mark's.

"It's so hot looking," Mark added in a sexy coo. "I'm serious, that's a great-looking cock."

"You, too," Gary replied without the sexy coo. "You look really hard."

"Mm, I am. Do you want to feel?"

"What? Fuck no!" he said, startled by the request. He wasn't gay!

Instead of being hurt, Mark chuckled. "You straight guys are all alike."

"How so?"

"You're always so curious to see another man's prick, but afraid of touching it."

"Dude, it's not like that," Gary said, trying to come up with a good way to explain it. "I don't want to turn gay or something."

"Dude. Do you know how many cocks I've sucked?" his friend asked. Gary shook his head, hoping that it was a rhetorical question. "Lots," he reported. "And I still want that pussy! I still want all the fucking pussy!"

"That's cool." He had no other way to put it. He was fine with both of those things. He knew most people thought of Mark as gay, including Gary's sister. But he knew Mark loved pussy, too.

"I'm just saying that if you were ever sort of curious how it feels to touch a cock, you have a one-time opportunity right now to find out and I'll never tell a soul."

"Damn, for real?"

"And you can do anything you want to it. You can squeeze it. You can pet it. Hell, you can even jerk me off if you want."

Gary adjusted the mirror to keep an eye on his sister. As far as he could tell, she was still asleep. He thought of an old rhyme: Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought him back!

Reaching across the center console, Gary very gently circled his hand around his friend's hard cock. He used his "good hand," his right hand, as he touched another man's cock for the very first time. As soon as his hand felt that fleshy tube, he knew he was touching a dick, a hard dick. He also knew it was not his prick. He very experimentally gave it a couple of squeezes before sliding his hand up and down. "I'm not going to get you off."

"You don't have to," he said. "This is nice, too."

Gary considered those words and liked them. He appreciated being allowed to caress him like this. It was interesting. He felt his excited cock tingling, too. It was as if he was touching himself, but not really touching himself.

"Let me touch yours," Mark politely asked, reaching across the plastic divide of the console.

Gary didn't protest. He didn't stop his friend, not even when he felt Mark's hand working beneath his hand to take control of his cock. For a moment, it occurred to him that his left-handed friend was using his "good hand," too. As he felt Mark giving his cock a playful squeeze and several tugs, Gary felt a shiver run up his spine. Fuck, that felt good! What Mark was doing to his cock was different than what Gary was doing in the other man's lap. That counterpoint or contrast is what made Gary shiver.

Very slowly and quietly, Suzanne began to stir. She moved carefully. There was no way she was going to miss out on this!

"Just keep watching the movie. Let whatever happens, happen," Mark suggested.

That felt like a good suggestion to Gary as he watched another pretty blonde riding on a big hard cock. A hard cock like the one in his hand. Like the one in his lap. The one that his friend was stroking. Maybe he would try to get Mark off. Why not?

With both faces facing forward, Suzanne could move with greater speed. Sitting up in the middle of the backseat, she hooked her hands under, beneath, around, and through each man's outstretched arms to capture them in the act while she hung from their individual shoulders. "I told you this was a date!" she squealed.

"What the fuck!" Gary squealed, jumping higher than any of the night's previous horror movies had made him do. He tried to snatch his hand away from his friend's lap before realizing that the way his sister was hanging on his shoulder locked him in place.

After a jump of his own, Mark flashed her a smile. "Good morning, princess. Did you have a nice nap?"

"What the fuck?" she gasped as she saw the hardcore sex happening on the screen combined with knowing she was in a car with two half-naked men. She leaned forward and glanced right and then left. To her right, she saw Mark's beautiful, veiny cock jutting up proudly from his crotch while her brother rested his hand on Mark's thigh. To her left, she saw Mark's hand stroking up and down her brother's smooth, evenly-shaped cock.

"Seriously!" Gary insisted, squirming and trying to work her off his shoulder. He didn't try that hard.

"Seriously what?" she asked, glancing back and forth between the two men. It was so hot that Mark was still pumping on her brother's cock. "Did you get hard at that one chick?"

"Which chick?"

"The one that looked like me."

"Ha-ha," he said with ice in his tone as he tried to pull his shorts up his legs. Mark wasn't having that and wouldn't let him do it. "Dude!"

"Come on, man," Mark groaned. "She's already seen it!"

"And you've already seen these," she said, undoing one last button so her PJs top fell open to expose her breasts.

"Take that off," Mark suggested. He stared as she did. "Mm, you're so fucking beautiful."

Suzanne smiled. That felt good! "You really think so? You don't think they're too small?"

"Bro, your sister is literally half naked back here. Turn around and look."

"I can see," he said, gesturing to the rearview mirror where he had seen every bit of her pulling off her top. What the fuck was she doing?

"Oh, he likes that," Mark told his sister while giving Gary's hard cock a couple of extra squeezes. "He's throbbing because of you."

"Wait, for real?" she asked, craning her neck past their crossed arms further so she could get a better look at her brother's cock. "Damn, bro. You're hot!"


"Mm, yeah. You both are. You should touch him again."

"Fuck you," Gary snarled. There was no way he was going to do that in front of his sister!

"Aw, come on, bro. I've already seen you do it. Do it just for a minute, please?"

Gary picked on her tone and it matched with the way she had begged him to do so many other things throughout their combined lifetimes. Suzanne always had a way of working over her big brother. He would have never seen E.T., the Extraterrestrial if it had not been for his sister's amazing ability to plead and bargain with him. He braced himself to resist her temptations.

"If you do it, I'll let you see my tits anytime you want."

That tempted him while he tried doubling down on his resolve. His throbbing cock gave away his interest. "Ooo, he likes that idea."

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