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Driving into Miss Daisy

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Healthcare reform at its very best.
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Monday, March 16, 2015

Jeremy Holcomb's trembling index finger finally managed to push the doorbell button. Sweat was pouring down his brow. He didn't know why these first meetings made him so nervous. It wasn't the homecoming queen he was calling on, just another run-of-the-mill dying old lady.

Also, he still wasn't used to these solo calls. He usually let his partner do all the talking, but with healthcare reform, they could no longer afford to send two hospice nursing techs on each of these visits. Besides, they really didn't need two sets of eyes. It wasn't as if anyone was going to rape a 107-year-old lady, at least not anybody in their right mind. As for the Kevorkian effect, shit happens. Everybody looks in the other direction. It was the new way of the world. No one should be subjected to eternal pain. Plus, his employer's actuarial calculations indicated that it was both cheaper and easier to treat a dead patient than a living one. Thus, no harm, no foul.

The old biddy finally buzzed Jeremy in. As he opened the door, his nasal sinuses were immediately assaulted by the smells of potpourri and Pine Sol, the undeniable aromas of death. Jeremy stepped into Daisy Watkins' dimly lit parlor/living room, closing the door behind him. She was seated in a wheelchair of some sort in the center of the room, facing Jeremy. It was much too dark to make out her features.

"Ms. Wa-Watkins? I'm J-Jeremy, your new hospice t-tech."

"Well, don't jus' stand there in the dark, sonny! Come over heah so Ah can see you."

Jeremy took a few steps in the direction of the wheelchair-ridden old crone, and accepted the arthritically-gnarled claw she offered him. He even gave the old witch a slight bow and kissed her proffered talon. This was after all the Deep South, and the old lady probably still fancied herself a debutante at an antediluvian ball. She gestured toward the chair beside her wheelchair, and he sat down.

"Well, mah o mah, aren't you the gallant one," she said. "Much bettah than that last tech, Cindy-what's her-name."

Cindy Perlmutter was one prime time sanctimonious bitch, Jeremy thought. However, he just smiled at Ms. Watkins; one had to be a team player.

"You don't need to call me Miss Watkins," the old bitty said. "Daisy will do jus' fine."

"OK, Daisy, may we get st-started?"

"Why mos' certainly, my han'some young beau," she said, holding out her arthritic (but nonetheless painted and bejeweled) index finger to receive the pulse-ox clip. The old lady sure knew the routine. Jeremey took her temperature with an ear probe. When he asked her for her age, she told him 71. Based on the birthdate they had on file, she was a mere 28. Must be a typo, Jeremy thought. He would chase down the error later.

As he helped her to the scale, she wrapped her arm around his like a Southern belle being introduced at the cotillion ball. Her fingers ran up and down Jeremy's bicep in (possibly feigned) admiration of his strength.

When he got her back in the wheelchair, he did a quick blood sugar stick in her left index finger. Her pulse was 93, a little high for a homebound old lady. Then he got out the sphygmometer to measure her blood pressure. She bent down as he put the cuff around her arm. She had the mammoth breasts that many old ladies seem to acquire late in life. She also wore the ruffled low-cut nightgown that such ladies invariably seemed to sport, and her humongous breasts looked as though they were about to spill out of her gown altogether. She leaned against him as he velcroed the cuff in place, and he could feel the softness of those ancient hooters against his arm. A few beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and he could feel the pounding of his heart.

Daisy could feel his admiration, the virgin desire in his eyes as they roved over her gigantic tits. His pulse rate now dwarfed hers, and his fingers were trembling as he removed the cuff from her arms. "150 over 91," he told her. "A little h-high."

You ain't seen nothing yet, kid.

"Go ahead," she told him. "You been starin' at 'em long enough. You can touch 'em. They won't bite cha."

"I could lose my j-job," he told her in a trembling voice.

"Hell kid, yo' a hospice tech, fo' Christ's sake. McDonald's pays more that what y'all make. Have you evah even felt a woman's breast?"

Jeremy shook his head. Never felt a girl up, or kissed one's lips, or held one's hand. His whole body was shaking, and his virgin shaft was already at full salute.

"Ah see that you want to, very much," Daisy said, her eyes indicating the raised flagpole beneath his standard issue hospital blues. "Go ahead, kid. Ah won't tell anyone. Ah need it worse than you do. Go on, you can touch 'em. Ah don't mind. They're smooth and soft. Just like a young girl's, only much biggah. It ain't like our necks, honey. They don't feel like turkey wattle; they're as soft as a baby's skin. And they ain't like our faces. Ain't no liver spots under this gown, honey."

Faced with Jeremy's trembling reluctance, she grabbed his hands and placed them on her boobs. "Now don'cha be such a scaredy-cat. Go on, work 'em, child. Work 'em hard, and work 'em good."

Jeremy grabbed one of Daisy's melons in each hand and squeezed them as hard as he could. He rotated them around, and he could feel Daisy's hand travelling up his leg. He hoped he was not going to come right here and now. He could do better than that. He knew he could, but it wasn't going to be easy. It was worse than a full bladder. The urge took over his whole body. Nothing in the universe was more important right now than pouring his seed deeply within Miss Daisy Watkins. He looked down at her soft white hair as her hand climbed further on his leg, almost reaching his tortured balls.

"Take 'em out," she commanded, "or Ah'll stop this." Her hand went motionless on his thigh, and Jeremy immediately grabbed her boobs and liberated them from the prison of her flannel nightgown. They were luscious, tipped with fully-erect rose-colored nipples and bigger than Jeremy had ever imagined boobs could be.

Her hand resumed its journey up Jeremy's shaking thigh. "Keep movin' 'em, honey. Squeeze 'em and move 'em hard."

Jeremy obliged, squeezing her mega-knockers as hard as he could, grinding them as her hajj-walking fingers reached the mecca of his balls. He gasped as her fingers raked his balls like a kid running a stick along a picket fence. He hoped her hand would go inside his thin hospital pants, but it was not to be. Instead, she ran the fingernails of her right hand up and down the length of his yearning, but clothed shaft, her thumb pausing to torment the sensitive skin that lay just below its hood. This was the moment he had dreamed of, day after day, year after year.

Daisy stroked the hood of his cock, running her fingertips from his phallic eye and down the hood over and over again. Jeremy strained, begging for release, but each time her teasing hands denied him. His boner was like a tent pole in his hospital blues, and she ran her fingers up and down its length, prolonging his agony. He squeezed her boobs as hard as he could, and she whispered, "Suck 'em baby. Suck 'em lahk there is no tomorrow. Drink me, baby."

Jeremy obligingly grabbed her left boob and lowered his mouth upon it. He ran his tongue around her erect nipple, and grabbed and squeezed her right boob with his other hand. She gasped in pleasure and began to rake her fingernails up and down the length of Jeremy's throbbing shaft.

He closed his mouth over her boob and began sucking it as hard as he could. Sucking it as if she were the good mother he had been denied throughout his life. She grabbed his head and pressed it against her as hard as she could, as if he were the last and only connection to this physical world she was leaving. Her right hand closed around Jeremy's tortured cock, still encased in his hospital pants, and she began pumping him in earnest.

Jeremy felt as though his head was going to explode, and he began sucking her tit with all his might. Her nipple erupted and Jeremy eagerly sucked her warm milk down his throat. Must be an hallucination, he thought. Septuagenarians don't lactate. Unless the world is even stranger than he had ever imagined it was.

Her coiled right hand gave Jeremy's throbbing shaft four brutal pumps, and Jeremy's cock exploded inside his hospital blues. It was an ecstasy beyond anything he had even imagined was possible.

Jeremy Holcomb knew that he was now owned by Daisy Watkins. He would do anything she asked of him.

He looked down at the spreading pool of darkness on his cotton pants. "Oops," he exclaimed.

Daisy smiled and said, "Ah expect that's the result of mah ministrations. Ah could give you a pair of mah late husband Beauregard's trousers, God rest his soul."

"Th-thanks, ma'am, but that w-won't be necessary. Puke and most other bodily fluids are an occupational h-hazard in my line of work. I have seven pair of clean t-trousers in my van."

"Well then, thank you kindly for brightening an old lady's day. Au revoir, mah gallant young man. Ah trust Ah will be seeing you soon."

"You're on my new panel of patients. I'll be back tomorrow, for sure. And the day after that, and the day after that," Jeremy said, stroking her soft white hair. "I will always be back." Jeremy placed his medicine case over his cum-stained crotch and walked out into the blinding sunlight.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Jeremy Holcomb's heart was pounding again, and his fingers were trembling as he reached for Daisy Watkins' doorbell button. When he finally mustered the gumption to push it, he experienced a shooting pain in his index finger. When he held up his finger he could see no swelling or discoloration. Must be a hairline fracture, he thought. Needless to say, it wasn't going to stop him from completing his appointed rounds, and especially not this visit. A team of wild horses gone postal could not pull him away from Ms. Daisy Watkins.

Daisy buzzed him in.

She was sitting in the same wheelchair in the same dark and dusty greeting parlor as yesterday.

"Why hello there, Jeremy. Mah gallant hero has returned! Ah hope Ah was not too fo'ward yesterday aftahnoon. Ah surely wouldn't want to cause you any discomfut or complications in yo' chosen profession."

"No, ma'am. I lo-loved yesterday. In fact, I thought about it all n-night. You see, I ain't never been with no girl before, and what you d-done to me was really nice. Really nice."

She again offered him her arthritic claw, which he bent down and kissed. Her skin seemed much moister today, and that wasn't all. Her long white hair seemed to glow, and her complexion seemed much clearer now. Must be the lighting, Jeremy thought.

Her hand traveled up Jeremy's arm and squeezed his biceps in anticipation of the medical testing that she was about to receive. Jeremy gulped.

"Handsome grown man lak you, ain't never been with a woman," she said. "That's a shame. A cryin' shame. Well, we are gonna hafta' fix that, you and Ah. Fix it every which way we can. All naht and all day, if we have to.

"Yo' gonna penetrate me in evah hole Ah got. Ah'm gonna do things to you that you nevah in yo' wildest dreams imagined were possible," she whispered in his ear. She ran her tongue and lips over every convolution of that auditory organ and took his earlobe in her teeth, tugging it. She then ran her tongue up and down his neck.

"First though, we gotta get yo' silly tests out of the way," she whispered and dropped her nightgown to her waist, revealing the gigantic udders that Jeremy had so recently nursed upon with the fury of a newborn calf. Could it be possible that it had just been yesterday? It seemed like a lifetime ago.

His eyes wandered from her offered neck, down to her throat, over her ivory breasts, down her white tummy to her bellybutton, and then even lower to the patch of white hair that nested between her thighs, a siren calling to his lips and his already throbbing shaft.

He opened his medical kit and reached for the sphygmometer. "No, we did that yestahday," she said. "How about this one?" she asked, pointing at the stethoscope.

Jeremy obediently took the stethoscope from his bag, put the earpieces in and pressed the cold chestpiece against her left boob, and gave a listen. "Sounds clear," he told her.

"Ah can only assume that yo' fingahs find the same on the other side." Jeremy grinned sheepishly, only now realizing that he was squeezing Daisy huge right tit with all the power in the left hand. He quickly withdrew it.

"Ain't y'all fogettin' sumthin,' dahlin'?" Daisy asked.

"Oh r-right! Your back," Jeremy said, and bent Daisy over his knees to listen to her lungs. His eyes roamed from her frail white neck over the delicate bumps of her spine to the delightful crack in her ass. He placed the stethoscope against her left lung and took a listen. He jumped as Daisy hauled down his pants and plunged her mouth over his rock-hard and throbbing shaft. It was a sensation he had never experienced before: engulfment by a wet, hot and hungry orifice. She slid her inner cheeks up and down the length of his phallus, lashing it with her eager tongue.

He felt her soft naked boobs on his legs, and he ran his fingers up and down her spine from her ass crack to her neck. He held her head tightly, feeling the softness of her hair as she bobbed up and down on his shaft, which ached for the release that her cruel mouth still denied him.

Her left hand traveled up Jeremy's leg, sending shudders through his body as she gripped his balls, juggling and squeezing them. His hands moved down the sides of her body and slid under her legs to find the soft patch of white sprouting above her nether mouth. He buried his fingers within her, and her body arched in unexpected pleasure. Her mouth began to ride his cock more furiously, as Jeremy's fingers explored her clit, cunt and ass. She quivered at her multiple penetration, sucking his shaft even harder, and then she squeezed his balls like a tube of toothpaste.

She came in a wave of shivers just as Jeremy erupted in a torrent of hot, young, deliciously human cum that filled Daisy's mouth completely. She eagerly swallowed every last drop. After they lay still for a while, she sat up, cradling Jeremy's head against her naked, dripping breasts.

"Now you have drunk me, and Ah have drunk you," she whispered. "Tomorrow, we will drink each other, all of each other. Mah time is growin' nigh. It has to be tomorrow."

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Jeremy's heart was throbbing as usual as he pushed the doorbell button for Daisy Watkins. Fuck the tests. He was just going to make up the numbers today. She buzzed him in, and he stepped into her parlor, which was unexpectedly empty. It was even darker than yesterday.

"Ah'm in heah," Daisy said in a rasping voice.

Jeremy stepped into her bedroom. Daisy was covered by an elaborate blood-red quilt, her head resting on one of the many laced pillows aesthetically placed on her bed. She lay in a bed of roses, their thorns inviting but at the same time threatening. There was no evidence of any nightgown on Daisy's body.

"Jeremy, honey, would y'all mind openin' the window. It's gonna get pretty steamy in heah," she said.

The room felt kind of frigid to Jeremy, but an Antarctic mountain could not keep Jeremy from what was about to happen, and so he obliged.

"Bare me," she whispered.

Jeremy picked up a corner of the quilt and folded it away from Daisy's body, exposing it completely. Her skin seemed to glow, and Jeremy felt his cock rising once again in his hospital blues.

"Strip yo'self," Daisy commanded.

Jeremy unbuttoned his shirt and cast it off, pulled his tee shirt over his hear, stepped out of his shoes and shook his trousers down his legs. He pulled off his jockey shorts, his shaft springing free in all its throbbing glory.

"Even those," Daisy whispered, indicating his socks with her eyes. "Ah want no barrier between our skin."

Jeremy stepped out of his socks. Now only thin air separated his naked body from the glowing flesh beckoning him on the red satin sheet.

"Eat me," she whispered.

As a teenager, Jeremy had been an avid reader of the issues of Cosmo his psychotic mother had discreetly placed around their apartment back in Oklahoma, just one of her constant attempts to entice him into her chamber at night. As a result, he knew that by "eat me," Daisy was not referring to a cannibalistic feast such as that enjoyed by the Donner Pass expedition, but merely wanted him to munch her crunch, gnash her gash, all strictly in the cunnilingual rather than the culinary sense.

She spread her glowing legs to beckon him, and Jeremy's mouth was on her cooz in a New York nanosecond. It tasted sweet, almost like honey, and Jeremy was soon lapping her mound like a bear devouring a beehive. Her arthritic hands reached down to seize his head, pressing it more tightly against her as Jeremy's tongue explored every nook and cranny of her well-practiced granny crack. His tongue worked over every convolution and fold of that complex orifice, occasionally darting into the deeper canyon from which all life springs.

She took Jeremy's hands and placed them on her massive boobs, which Jeremy obediently squeezed and kneaded as he continued to lap the center of her being, setting her body on fire. Her hips rose and then plunged, driving her clitoris hard against Jeremy's mouth. He seized that lonesome bud with his lips, pulling it back and forth as he ran his tongue along it from side to side, listening to Daisy's screams as he worked her harder and harder. She suddenly grabbed his head, crying out as her body trembled in ecstasy, a tear streaming down her face as she held Jeremy's head tightly against her.

They lay that way for a few minutes, motionless and listening to the sound of birds singing outside the open window. Then Daisy arched her pelvis, grinding it into Jeremy's face as she wrapped her legs around him.

"Fuck me," she whispered.

"I th-thought we were going to drink each other day," he said.

"All in good time, honey chile. All in good time. While you're still inside that there yearnin' young human body of yours, you should experience at lease one good fuck. It would be a shame if y'all missed out altogetha'. There will be plenty o' drinkin' time later. Are y'all in some kinda rush, mah handsome young beau?"

"I s-sorta knew this might take a spell," Jeremy stammered, "so I cancelled my next three appointments. I hope they'll be OK without me."

"Bettah fo' them to go through them Pearly Gates soonah rather than latah, don'cha think?"

"I never looked at it that way," Jeremy said. "Th-thanks, that helps a little."

"That's what Ah'm here fo', honey chile. Now, climb up momma and spear her lahk a rainbow trout."

She opened her legs, and Jeremy climbed up her body, stopping to drink the golden liquid chi energy that was now pouring from the nipples of her massive breasts as if she were a broken fire hydrant.

"Oh, that's so good, so good," she said, grabbing his head and pressing his open, hungry mouth tightly against her massive hooter. She felt the golden flow leaving her body and entering his. They were becoming one being, one soul.

"To the business at hand, my young beau," she said. "Fuck me. Take that rod of yours and shove it into mah burnin' cunt, befo' it's too late. Do it now!"

Jeremy hauled off and rammed his throbbing cock deeply into her birth canal. She cried out and threw her arms around him, pressing his naked body tightly against her as he thrust into her again. She moved her hands up to his head, licking his ear as Jeremy shoved his burning shaft into her over and over again.

She traced her sharp fingernails down the sides of Jeremy's body, and then down his thrusting thighs until she reached his balls, feeling their motion as Jeremy pounded his way in and out of her, shaking her body like a rag doll.


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