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Driving Miss Lawrence Ch. 06

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Jenns trip comes to it's fun end, but doesn't want to go.
4.4k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/31/2021
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Jack popped his head around the door an hour or so later, and found Jennifer and Angela cuddled up on a couch under a blanket, sound asleep and very contented. He quietly made his way across to the other bedroom and cracked open the door. On the floor was an abandoned harness, with Emma on the bed in a tangle of arms and legs between Debbie and Laura. The redhead cracked an eye open and smiled when she saw Jack.

"Great party Emma, but I think we need to take our leave and get Jennifer out discretely before too many people are around."

She nodded, and tried to extricate herself from the pile of bodies, though eventually Laura rolled onto her back allowing her to shuffle down the bed and greet Jack with a warm hug.

"Better party than after I won my Oscar. Dragged round the after party circuit and ended up in a shouting match with my boyfriend. My ex-boyfriend I should say. Certainly didn't get laid."

They quietly laughed and exchanged a warm kiss.

"I'm coming back to make a movie pretty soon. Would be 8 weeks or so...I'll get my manager to be in touch if that's okay. Also...and I know it's a big imposition but could I stay with you guys, at least for some of the time? Had my fill of hotels for a while."

"I'll check with the boss, but I'm pretty sure we would love to have you as our guest. Just get your manager to talk to Mandy, she has all our details. Plus you've always got my number."

Emma kissed him, then turned to the bed, gently roused the two nurses and disappeared off into the large bathroom. Jack went out and carefully woke Angela and Jennifer, then proceeded to the other bedroom. Inside Gemma lay on her front, head turned to one side and her long brunette locks covering much of her back. Her bum still looked moderately pink after she had exhorted Jack to energetically spank her for being a naughty girl. He gently touched her arm to waken her.

"More? Geez okay Jack but I'm not sure I'll be able to sit down if we do another hour of that..."

"As utterly tempting as that is, we need to be good guests and discretely leave the party before any of the paparazzi get wind that you're here. In Emma Stone's suite...?"

She nodded, but pulled him in for an affectionate kiss anyway, before getting out of bed and looking for her clothes. Elsewhere in the suite the others were doing the same, and before too long, a slightly bedraggled group were ready to leave, though even when bedraggled Jennifer looked pretty amazing.

"I have cars coming to meet us at a side entrance, though the concierge assures me we have no photographers around at the moment. Gemma, I have Georgia meeting you and she will take you wherever you want to go. The rest of us will pile in beside Samantha, and we will drop you girls off at your place."

Jack nodded at Debbie and Laura with the last statement, and with that they said their goodbyes to Emma and left. At 4:30 at least the hotel corridors were empty and they made it it to the lift and the side entrance without incident. Jack shook hands with the concierge and they piled into the waiting vehicles, Gemma blowing him a kiss as she left. In little to no time they were at the nurses flat, and said slightly tearful farewells to Jennifer, who was now in the back seat with her head on Angela's shoulder. The car was silent other than minor chat between Jack and Samantha, who had them home long before the sun was up. Jack thanked his driver before following the ladies inside, where they all headed up to the bedrooms. Jennifer asked for help out of her dress, which Angela merely raised an eyebrow to, but said nothing as they were all exhausted.

Jack had just hung up his tuxedo when Angela came in, her dress over her arm with Jennifer in tow in her pyjamas. A round of good night kisses, and all three were fast asleep in no time at all.

The grey light of winter's dawn was eventually what woke Jennifer. Although still rather early, she enjoyed her moment snuggled between Angela, with her hand down between her thighs, and Jack's inevitable morning erection firmly wedged between her bum cheeks. On another morning she might have done something about that, but following the previous evening's debauchery she had little inclination for sex...just yet. However she had come to the conclusion that she enjoyed waking up with someone beside her in bed, and whilst they might not all have insane sex drives like Jack, or smell as wonderful as Angela's hair did, she figured it wasn't all bad.

She extricated herself from between the pair, and grabbing her phone went to the bathroom. A few minutes of scrolling through mostly enthusiastic reviews of her dress, and basking a little in Emma's reflected glory, and so she shot her a text checking in with her. She got a reply moments later, thanking her for being there last night, and complaining of being a bit sore...well she didn't need to specify. Describing it as her best party ever, Jennifer smiled and sent back a GIF agreeing with her. Mandy was again burning the midnight oil and had checked in with her, doubtless having had a report from her security detail. A bunch of friends commiserating with her...it all felt very normal.

Apart from looking back into the room at the couple who had become good friends with her on this trip, even if you ignored the ridiculous amount of sex that she'd had. In fact it would eventually register as the most sex in a four day period that she'd ever had. Jack multiple times, Angela multiple times, Debbie and Laura a couple of times, even Holly Willoughby twice including one rather memorable time handcuffed and blindfolded. She'd been single for a while and the problem with dating back home is that everyone knew who she was and so she got laid a lot less than she might enjoy, as she tended to be very picky and relied on her growing collection of sex toys. So was this just a wild weekend that she would keep as an anecdote for her closest friends, or might she come back here? She certainly felt no obligation but neither was she in a hurry to run out the door.

"Penny for your thoughts, darling?"

Angela had appeared in her kimono, smiling but curious as to the dialogue obviously going on in her head right now.

"Oh Ange...it's been an amazing, wild weekend with you two and everyone else. But I'm back on a plane tomorrow and all this is over...that kinda sucks. I like you guys, it's the closest thing to having friends in London that I've ever had, and I really like that. Would it be absurd or weird if we keep in touch?"

Angela pulled her in for a hug, noting the tears bubbling up in her eyes.

"Darling what this becomes is really up to you. But I think Jack rather adores you...I know I do. You're fun, honest and say what you think. I will remember our dinner conversations as much as anything when you go home. You have an open invitation here whenever you're in town, but I do hope you find time for the occasional phone call, or the odd text. Just remember we're a few hours ahead, that's all."

Jennifer hugged even tighter, and sighed figuring out what she wanted. At least for now. She joined Angela for coffee after her ablutions, and sat quietly with her phone. She smiled as the breakfast tv shows did their coverage of the BAFTAs including the obligatory red carpet pics. She chuckled as in short succession, the presenter gushed about, Emma and Jennifer's dresses, then proclaimed Gemma as holding up the British end. Jack had quietly joined them at this point, discretely pouring a very large mug of coffee. Angela squealed when a few seconds of coverage showed her and the nurses making their way into the after party.

"I wonder what they would be saying if they knew that three of the hottest actresses ended up at a party all of their own later on."

"Ange baby, we had six of the hottest women in London at that party. Plus a very, very lucky man."

Jack smiled as they cackled in agreement with each other. He knew very well how lucky he was, and probably agreed that if there were any more beautiful women at the after party, he had not seen them. Angela noted the time and rose, saying she needed to go get ready for work.

"You know I could use a hand washing my hair..."

Jennifer quickly expressed her keenness to help with that, and the pair disappeared upstairs. Turning his attention to his phone, noting messages from friends who had also spotted Angela, Debbie and Laura in the highlights and were excitedly commenting. Emma had sent a message thanking him for a wonderful time, and telling him to expect her manager to be in touch soon about her next movie in the U.K., while Gemma had mysteriously got his number and sent a picture of her lying in bed, apparently naked if her bum cheeks were anything to judge, and her lips puckered in a kiss, promising to be in touch soon.

He paused briefly, contemplating the wild weekend that had occurred. He was meant to have been driving Jennifer for a few days, a job that he had looked forward to but could never have imagined it turning out as it did. He'd had sex with Angela, Debbie and Laura, though there was nothing particularly unusual about that. But he'd got to know Jennifer and they'd had some amazing intimate moments. He'd fucked her multiple times, and had also seen (and heard) her have sex with Angela, Debbie, Laura and a memorable time with Holly Willoughby. He'd also fucked Holly, though again that was nothing unusual for him. He'd met Emma Stone and Gemma Arterton, each beautiful and intelligent women. And fucked them, with each seeming to suggest they were interested in seeing him again.

His reverie was eventually interrupted by a New York accent telling him to get his keister upstairs if he knew what was good for him, which made him smile and swell at the same time. He did know what was good for him, and immediately went to the bedroom to discover Angela handcuffed to the bed, gagged but eyes ablaze with passion. Jennifer was fiddling with a harness which Jack soon sorted for her, for which she kissed him on the cheek, then smeared lube onto the swaying dildo and proceeded to plough into his girlfriend, who eagerly thrust up to meet her.

It might have been Jennifer's first time wearing a strap on, but she'd been paying attention on the multiple times she'd been fucked with one over the last few days, and knew what she had enjoyed. She'd also carefully watched Jack at work with multiple women and was putting that to good use now. Angela enjoyed her nipples being pulled and twisted, though not too hard, so she soon tried that, with muffled moans of appreciation confirming her observations. When Debbie was fucking her she used a regular rhythm with an occasional deeper thrust, which seemed to press both of their clitorises in a very nice way, so she did that too. Laura sometimes stroked her clit while pausing her thrusts, and so tried that as well. It was while she was trying the latter for a second time that she felt Jack's cock press against her bum, while his hands cupped her breasts and pulled her nipples, causing her knees to briefly buckle as the wave of pleasure almost floored her. She reached underneath and guided him inside, his length gliding until she felt him pressed against her bum.

He thrust forward and caused Jennifer to do the same. All three of them moaned in unison, and after a little experimentation, Jack was fucking both women in slow deliberate strokes that all three seemed to be enjoying. Jennifer eventually called on him to fuck her harder and faster, which he was pleased to do, which was also echoed by Angela, though mostly through grunts and moans rather than words, the gag still obscuring any attempt at language.

In the end it was Jennifer who came first, the combined clitoral stimulation from the strap on combined with Jack pounding away had her almost collapsing on top of Angela, who could do nothing to support her. Jack recognised just in time and wrapped his arms around her and eased her back, as her body shook with the intensity of her orgasm. He laid her on her side, the dildo slick with Angela's juices, and occasionally quivered as the blonde woman's body still rippled with muscle spasms. Angela was begging to have the gag removed with her eyes which Jack duly did.

"Oh that bitch has been edging me, I need to get a good pounding Jack! Fuck me hard, put my legs over your shoulders and drill me, please Jack, please!"

Jennifer nodded her assent, so Jack did just that. A few more minutes of him in full flow combined with the blonde woman biting on the red head's nipples gave up the desired result. Angela shrieked as she came, her arms tugging hard at the handcuffs, hips thrusting skyward. Jack slid out, his cock covered in Angela's juices, and he began vigorously stroking himself until he started to spurt over her body. Jennifer was determined not to be left out and directed his pulsing cock at her face, with Jack obliging with a couple of spurts landing on her cheek and nose, before she relented and he finished on Angela's stomach.

For a few moments all that could be heard was heavy breathing. Jack's member was slowly deflating, but Jennifer grabbed and sucked him clean in a noisy effort.

"Cuffs please darling...or am I to be your plaything all day?"

Jennifer arched an eyebrow, and seemed to briefly consider it, but smiled and quickly released her. The two women hugged for maybe thirty seconds before releasing each other. Jennifer rolled onto her back and gave a long sigh.

"What's up darling?"

Jennifer paused, took a deep breath and her eyes started to moisten.

"I've had the most amazing time here, with more sex in a week, more incredible sex than I've had maybe ever. But I'm going home to an empty house tomorrow...I will miss you guys so much!"

"We most definitely will miss you. If you don't mind me asking, are you seeing anyone back home? It's perhaps a little ridiculous to ask now, but are you going to miss the company or the physical companionship?"

"The company...both if I'm honest. Dating is so hard as a celebrity, people want to see you because of your fame, not who you are. Plus filming really fucks up any chance of getting to know people. Away for a couple of months on location means a lot of nights alone in a hotel room."

Angela took her hand and gave a tender kiss on a tear streaked cheek.

"I'm aware of your fame darling, of course I am. But not once in the many times we've been naked with each other have I thought 'OMG that's Jennifer Lawrence I'm fucking'. I've only ever been with Jenn, the rather gorgeous blonde American woman with the impressive stamina and a sexual appetite to match my own. I've never been with the movie star, only with the woman. Find someone who makes you feel like that and you've got a keeper."

They hugged once again, then Jennifer wiped away the tears.

"As for you with your horny hormones and ridiculously great cock, I'm blaming you for the best week of sex in my life. If I don't walk in on you eating Angela and having Debbie ride you, maybe none of this happens. I'm pretty glad my hotel room was out of commission or I would never have discovered any of this, or meet you and these amazing women. Thank you Jack."

Jack smiled and all three hugged.

"Now I really need to wash my hair. Truly. Can I get a hand?"

Angela and Jennifer walked hand in hand to the bathroom and Jack soon heard running water, and laughter. He stripped the bed and ran downstairs to throw it in the washer, then noted a couple of messages on his phone. Both were asking him to call as soon as possible, one was from Holly's PA Rachel, the other from Emma. The call to Rachel was to see if there was any chance they could get Jennifer for an appearance on her show that morning, but also they were trying to get Emma Stone who refused to go anywhere without Jack at the wheel. He promised to call back, stuck his head in the bathroom where it did in fact appear that washing was going on.

A quick conversation with Jennifer went from reluctant to squealing with excitement when Jack confirmed he'd been asked to bring Emma. He called Emma who sounded bright and breezy.

"What kept you Jack. Too busy fucking my boo I bet."

They both laughed immediately, though of course it was actually true. Jack confirmed Jennifer was coming with him and that he'd be there as soon as possible. Emma promised to be ready, and Jack then ushered the women out of the shower so he could clean up. Fifteen minutes later and he was knotting a tie when a New York accent yelled at him to get his ass in gear.

He hustled downstairs and found Jennifer and Angela (who by this point had abandoned all thoughts of work and was taking a personal day) dressed very smartly and ready to leave. Apparently there was lunch and shopping on the agenda for that afternoon. Off they set, and Jack quickly got them to Emma's hotel. He pulled up out front only to have Emma promptly be escorted out by her security detail to the car, and so off they sped to the studios.

"...and a big thank you to our surprise guests, BAFTA nominee Jennifer Lawrence and BAFTA Best Actress Winner, Emma Stone!"

The morning show wrapped up and Holly was in conversation with the stars, in between autographs and pictures for some of the staff. Holly found Jack and pulled him aside.

"Thank you so much! That's a real feather in my cap that I managed to get them on the show and not just ten minutes on the press junket. They're fab, great company and looked so relaxed on camera together. Obviously great friends."

"Well it certainly helped that it was for you and not just a random show. I only had to ask once."

"You can be quite persuasive Mr Spencer. I'll make sure there is a special treat for you after fixing this."

Holly kissed him on the cheek and resumed the after show schmoozing. Rachel and Sarah were on hand and Jennifer introduced both to Emma which went down very well. Jack reminded the stars that they had lunch reservations at a rather swanky restaurant, which they'd organised on their way to the studio. A final round of farewells, and they said goodbye to Holly who had a wistful look in her eye. Back in the car, Emma eventually asked the question that had lingered in the air.

"So that's her? The blonde milf with the handcuffs and the blindfold? She seems such a mummy type, but then who knows what you get when you go to the bedroom. Jack I take it you could hook me up with an evening with Holly when I'm next here?"

Jack chuckled and assured Emma that he would make the call for her.

Lunch was a very nice affair, with delightful conversation and Emma's treat to them. They dropped her back at her hotel as she was packing for an evening flight back home. Jack took Angela and Jennifer shopping as promised, and they returned back to the house with an armful of bags and contented smiles. As Jennifer was not traveling until early the following morning, they had a light supper and a quiet evening in front of the tv. Jennifer begged off for an early night, and so after they'd cleared up, Jack and Angela headed upstairs to their room to find their guest in her pink pyjamas in the middle of their bed.

"I didn't want to spend my last night here alone. Is that okay?"

"Well it's the most terrible imposition, but I think we can just about manage."

Angela smiled, stripped and slipped into bed beside her, they exchanged a lengthy smooch, then snuggled up with Angela playing little spoon, though typically the big spoon isn't stroking the nipples of the little one.

"Make love to me Red, send me home with a smile in the morning."

So Angela did just that, whilst Jack had to wait only a little while before being invited to join in. Compared to some of their previous exploits this was a tender night of pleasure, though they eventually collapsed a contented, sweaty pile of humanity around one am, which with a five am alarm gave them just enough time for a morning quickie and showers before being ready to depart.


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