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Driving Miss Vorderman

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Jack drives Carol Vorderman & gets entangled with Holly.
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*The "Driving Miss..." stories feature Jack Spencer, a 52 year old man who through a genetic fluke following treatment for a urological condition was gifted an 11" cock and a physical enhancement that results in him producing significantly more male pheromones than normal when he's aroused, which result in lots of very horny women in his life. To find out more read the "Modified" stories, however Jack is back in the UK and working as a high end chauffeur. These stories start a few months after he returns home*

Jack was enjoying a still half asleep moment. He had no rush to get up that morning, as he wasn't needed before noon where he'd been told he would get instructions for a pick up at Heathrow. He was sure he still had plenty of time to chill out, but recognised the now familiar ministrations of his...well he wasn't quite sure what he would describe his relationship with Debbie, a nurse that he knew intimately through his recovery from the treatment for his urological problem. He was cured, but then unexpectedly his cock doubled in size. Despite extensive investigations into what had caused it (and to try and repeat it), the large pharmacology company had been unable to replicate his growth with another patient, so for now he was a 1 in a billion freak. Not that he objected, nor did Debbie. After a month or more investigating the causes in America with him, they'd returned to the UK and even though there was 20 years of an age gap, she still saw him on and off for a recreational evening's fucking.

She knew that she would have to be out the door before 7:30 to get to her job at the local general hospital, but that was 90 minutes away and they could do a lot of fun things in that time. Debbie's shoulder length blonde hair and large firm breasts made her the kind of woman that turned heads in any room. She'd spent the previous night with Jack after a glass of wine and a nice home cooked meal, followed by a lot of energetic fucking, which had seen her cum at least half a dozen times. The combination of Jack's enhanced cock, combined with his excellent oral skills meant their sex life was always very fulfilling. He almost always woke with an enormous erection, and Debbie was in just the mood to take advantage of it, and was riding him hard that morning.

Jack knew it was Debbie on top of him, but he still delighted in opening his eyes to watching her fuck herself silly on his member, and he always found the sight if her large breasts bouncing in rhythm to their fucking to turn him on. Debbie also knew that, which is why she loved being on top. Ten minutes of energetic hip thrusting and nipple twisting had Debbie cum loud and long, and Jack followed seconds later pulsing large amounts of his cum into her. She rolled off and lay, her chest rising and falling while she caught her breath. They kissed, and held each other closely as their orgasms subsided.

"I reckon that we've fucked more than 30 times together, and that never ever gets boring." He smiled at her, thinking he could never become tired of her beautiful, perky and erect nipples.

"Time for a shower?" Jack knew she was going to work and wouldn't allow her to show up smelling of their busy evening. She jumped out of bed and headed to his bathroom, and in a few seconds he heard the water running. Naked (any kind of sleepwear was redundant when Debbie stayed over) he walked into the bathroom, and saw Debbie with her hair slicked back and hands busy soaping her body, and his cock responded with a decent semi erection. Not wishing to annoy her, he didn't say anything and stepped in to start washing himself. Debbie asked him to soap her back and bum, which always got a response from him, so when she turned around, he was pretty close to a full on erection once again. She thanked her stars that she'd found him and that they were regular lovers, as it was just about impossible to wear him out. Despite ejaculating 3 times the night before and once this morning, Jack was ready for more.

Debbie decided to treat him this morning to one of his favourite sex acts, with a soapy tit wank. Jack could not describe how amazing her flesh felt wrapped around him, he just knew that it always got him off and good. The combination of the sight of his cock sliding between her tits and the sensations brought him off once again, Debbie happily having him spray her tits and face. She looked dirty and innocent at the same time, but swiftly rinsed off and finished the shower. Stepping off into his bedroom wrapped in a towel and smile, Debbie got ready for work. She now had a few personal items at his place, including an all important hair drier and some make up. When Jack emerged a few minutes later she was busy with her hair, though the sight of her naked had him responding all over again. Knowing that she had to leave, instead he pulled on a robe and made some toast and coffee, which she happily scoffed when she got downstairs.

"You're an angel Jack." That amused him, as he'd often thought of her as his angel, but knew she appreciated him making a little thing for her before she ran off to work. She picked up her overnight bag and kissed him, then shot out the door. He sat watching the morning news and sipped on a large mug of coffee, while happily replaying last night in his head. His phone pinged and he realised it would be his instructions for that days pickup. Airport pickups were usually a nuisance, however today he was collecting from their VIP area, so didn't have to worry about parking too much,

A little later he dressed in a dark grey suit, white shirt and yellow tie. It wasn't a uniform per se, but the chauffeur company encouraged smart dressing from their drivers, and Jack didn't mind too much. The traffic wasn't too bad that morning, and the only outstanding question was who he was collecting. It wasn't uncommon to not be told until a few minutes before the client was due to arrive, so there would be no opportunity to allow unscrupulous drivers (and Jack most certainly was not one of those) to tip off the paparazzi. So he showed the access code for VIP on the phone to the security guard and waited in a lounge inside.

Over time he'd got to know a number of the other drivers casually, and they chatted to pass the time waiting for their clients. Jack's phone pinged again and he got his instructions. He was collecting Carol Vorderman, a TV celebrity in her late 50's famous for the Countdown programme. In recent years however she'd become better known for a string of appearances at award shows and glitzy parties, showing off a body that would look great on a woman 20 or more years younger. She particularly enjoyed flaunting her cleavage in a series of spectacular dresses.

Today however when Jack met her she was wrapped up in a calf length coat, large sunglasses and a woolly hat, and barely recognisable. He was holding a sign with Mrs Jones (an agreed pseudonym) which she saw and walked towards him.

"Good afternoon Mrs Jones, my name is Jack and I'm at your disposal. Please let me have your luggage and I'll take you to your car."

Jack smiled, as much out of habit as often the VIP travellers treated their drivers with disdain, however he received a smile back, and they made small talk about her flight as they walked to the car. Jack opened the door and offered his hand to help her in, and she paused briefly, before removing the coat and throwing it inside the vehicle, removing her hat so that her auburn hair fell to her shoulders. She was wearing a smart dress, however the hem of the skirt stopped about 6 inches above her knees, and was showing a fair bit of leg.

"Thank you Jack."she took his hand and demurely slipped into the large Audi, and he closed the door once he was sure she was safely inside. He couldn't miss the scooped neckline, which showed enough cleavage to be interesting, but not enough to be risqué. Loading her cases in the car, he got behind the wheel and confirmed they were in fact going to Bristol. Programming in the destination, he told her they'd be there in a couple of hours.

"Did you have a pleasant trip Mrs Jones?" Jack knew full well who it was, but the protocol was to use the pseudonym until told otherwise.

"Yes I did thank you. New York is wonderful this time of year. But I think you can call me Carol, that's enough cloak and dagger stuff." They both laughed, and they slipped into an easy going conversation. He discovered that she'd been there to speak at a Maths in Education conference, and there'd been a rather nice party to attend as well. They were flying through their journey, when her phone rang. There followed an animated discussion and she looked flustered after the call.

"Is everything okay Carol?"

"Oh it's this stupid awards dinner I forgot about. I've to go and do a speech and present some trophies at a Civil Engineering organisation. Tonight. In London." At this point they were almost back in Bristol, so no point in turning around.

"I need a new dress or else the press will have a field day, plus I've no time to organise hair or anything."

"I might be able to assist. I have some acquaintances that ought to be able to get you something to wear, plus I know they have good beauty contacts as well. Shall we get your cases into the house and let you organise a few things, while I make some calls." 20 minutes later and Jack walked back into the house, with Carol shouting him to join her in the kitchen, where she had made coffee.

"So, I may be able to help here, I have a friend who owns a boutique up in London who has wonderful dresses and should be able to get you something new and interesting to wear." Jack showed her pictures of some of his friends at a formal dinner they'd attended earlier in. The year, and they all looked fabulous. She arched her eyebrows approvingly, swiping through a few images.

"Next she has been able to have some of her connections come to the store to do hair and makeup for you. I promise you won't be disappointed. All you need to do is grab a few things and shoes for the dinner, and we can head back up so you can pick out something to wear."

"Aren't you supposed to be finished now? I only booked you for the airport transfer."

"All taken care of. The boss likes to make sure her special clients are looked after, and she was quite insistent that I pull out all the stops for you. I'm at your disposal to make sure that you are looked after in London and safely home, whether that's tonight or tomorrow, your discretion."

She nodded at him, then got her own phone out and made a 10 minute call, returning to inform him that she had organised access to a friends flat for the evening. In less than half an hour they were back on the road to London.

"You said earlier that the boutique is your friend, not your bosses?"

"It's kind of a long story, but I know Carlotta quite well now, and she does amazing work, from swimwear and lingerie to full blown Oscar gowns. Has to be seen to be believed"

Carol laughed, and wondered what she'd let herself in for, but as Jack had been a complete gentleman, she hoped that it would go okay. Worst case scenario she had another dress in her bag that she could use, but really didn't want to unless she absolutely had to. She quizzed him on how he came to know her, but he politely avoided the subject.

In no time at all they were back in London, with Jack pulling up outside a good sized shop, with a simple sign and frosted glass over most of the windows. Apparently you didn't window shop here, which intrigued her. As soon as he pulled up though, two women were outside to greet her. Actually one went and gave Jack a lingering hug which suggested more than just a casual acquaintance, while the older women introduced herself and ushered her inside.

Appearances were deceptive, as Carlotta's boutique was undoubtedly for the discerning shopper, and she had a wonderful range of ladies clothing that took Carol aback. Once inside she immediately set about measuring Carol, while the younger woman now took notes. A third woman came out to offer a sandwich and beverage, and at that point she realised she hadn't eaten for the better part of 12 hours! Devouring the sandwich, Carlotta spoke to her and got a sense of what she wanted for that evening, and off they went into the private changing area.

The younger woman remained out front, and as soon as the others had disappeared, grabbed Jack and indulged in a long familiar kiss.

"This is an exciting surprise Jack, I didn't think I'd get to see you until Thursday."

He grinned at her. "The woman needed a dress, and in a hurry. Where else would I go Audrey?" He listen to a half English half Italian lecture as to what to have expected if he hadn't come to see them.

The doorbell chimed, so Audrey unfurled herself from Jack's embrace and answered it, ushering inside 3 young women and a slightly older man. They made to an area at the back of the store and set up.

"Hair, nails and makeup." Jack thought he might have recognised the man from one of the celebrity magazines he'd thumbed through at one of his interminable waits, but was not bothered. Carol on the other hand recognised him immediately and there was an air kiss celebrity exchange. She looked at Jack thoroughly impressed, and let herself be pampered for the next 45 minutes or so.

It was approximately an hour before Carol was due at the ceremony, so there was enough time to run to the friend's flat and deposit her things. Jack carried the case following her and just arrived as the door opened. Although stood there in a tee shirt and jeans, it was unmistakably Holly Willoughby greeting them. She pointed Jack towards a bedroom, and he deposited the case and her dress in a protective carrier, showing nothing outside, so Jack would have to wait to see the final ensemble.

He politely went to go outside, but Holly insisted he wait and got him a glass of water while they waited. They quietly chatted, and Jack realised that she was actually much prettier in person than on TV, with her smile and delightful curves. The plain white tee shirt did nothing to hide her nipples, and with the flat pleasantly warm it didn't seem likely that it was because of the temperature. Jack did think he detected a hint of arousal, and wondered if her and Carol might be more than just celebrity friends.

There was a shout from the bedroom, and Holly went to see her friend. Jack sat calmly sipping on his water, wondering if he should excuse himself and leave, but after almost 15 minutes, she appeared with Carol in tow. Amongst the gifts that Jack received from his treatment was a sense of smell that had permitted him to know when a woman in his presence was aroused. He was getting that right now, and from them both. Whilst Carol had been coiffed to within an inch of her life, and looked fabulous in a plunging neckline blue satin dress, her nipples were like Holly's and firmly standing to attention. Holly's tee shirt was now untucked whereas earlier it had been neatly inside her jeans, and jack also noticed that the zipper was lowered.

"You look fabulous Carol. If you wish to be there on time we shall have to leave shortly, but at your discretion of course." Jack's own body was responding to the hot scene in front of him, his cock twitching inside his trousers, which as they were bespoke tailored, had left adequate room for such an eventuality. He also thought he saw a hint of moisture on Holly's cheek, which he guessed was probably courtesy of Carol. He knew that Carlotta had fitted her with some of her lingerie, so that Carol would look a million dollars in or out of the dress, and reckoned that Holly had given her some oral pleasure while he waited in the other room.

"Time for us to go Jack. My darling Holly, thank you so much for putting me up at short notice, and I'll see you later?" Holly's face beamed a huge smile at Carol, and wished her a pleasant evening. They made their way back to the car, Jack carefully lifting the slight train of Carol's dress, and helped her into the vehicle. Off they set for the large and expensive London hotel where she was due to present. There was little said during their journey, though he thought he saw his passenger playfully adjust her dress and tweak her nipples, which Jack assumed was designed to get his attention. It had, and more importantly, got his cock interested again, but as they drew close to the hotel, he tried to focus on getting his client safely into the venue. Jack approached the main entrance and spied a group of paparazzi.

"We've got a selection of photographers at the entrance Carol. I can take you to another door if you want to avoid them." Jack knew the location fairly well, and could discretely get clients in and out of the place as required.

"No darling. I feel a million dollars right now. Carlotta is a genius, and i am going to make sure that this dress makes all the papers and magazines. Give me a moment then open the door for me please." So Jack did just that, and with cameras flashing, Carol emerged from the vehicle looking pretty fabulous, and with her nipples pressed firmly against the satin dress, though Jack understood she'd carefully played with them to get them in just that state. Once she was clear, he took the car round the the rear of the hotel where he knew he could wait during the evening.

He relaxed a little in the rear seat, and picked up his phone. He'd a few messages to respond to, including his boss who wanted progress reports on what had occurred along with confirmation once she was safely tucked up in her destination. Playing some music, he set an alarm so he could take a nap. It had after all, been a busy day and he wasn't expecting his passenger to call for him for another couple of hours.

Jack's imagination was running riot after what he thought had gone on earlier, especially with the wholesome Holly, who appeared to have a wild side to her. He awoke to his phone ringing, which he quickly answered. Carol was done for the evening and asked him to collect her, so he suggested she go to the side entrance where she could discretely leave. Jack often had celebrity guests depart events with different companions to those they arrived with, and so discretion was the norm for this part of the job. He did note that she'd been inside for a little less than 2 hours.

Meeting her at the door, Jack checked for unwanted observers and helped Carol into his car (minus any additional companions) and after confirming a return the flat, he set off. His passenger was busy with her phone, and was giggling away. He enquired as to her evening, assuming the good mood was was indicative of a fun time.

"Unbelievably dull. These things are what helps to pay the bills, so you turn up and show your tits to the paparazzi and that gets you a round of new events to go to. Very little to entertain me tonight Jack, so I thought I'd get back to the flat nice and early. It's been a long day."

He smiled at her and was about to complete the drive in silence, when he was aware that Carol was right behind him and had her phone extended in front of him with her long bare arm. Jack inhaled her scent, not recognising the perfume but identifying a definite state of arousal. He briefly checked the phone and was treated to a short video of a naked Holly busy masturbating with a large dildo, loudly expressing her pleasure.

"Are you trying to get us killed? That's pretty distracting you know." He was laughing as he said this, with Carol pleased that she'd shocked him.

"Isn't she hot Jack? I saw the way you looked at her earlier, I see the way lots of men look at her. She plays the doting mother and housewife to perfection, but in the right company she lets her inner submissive nympho out to play, and does whatever I tell her." Jack was shocked and he wasn't. He'd done enough driving to know that public persona and private reality were often very different, but Holly was unexpected.

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