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Drug Trials Ch. 01

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A new drug appears in Hollywood.
8k words

Part 1 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 04/12/2018
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It's back. So you could say I'm an ass for pulling off all the stories, and you may be correct. Circumstances were different at the time. Anyway, I'm reuploading everything! Will there be new content? I don't know. Enjoy!


A year or so back, Curvoma was first being developed. Given the nature of the drug it was most likely not to be tested on animals first, as such the Pharmatech had to reach out for people that were willing to take such a risk and sample the newest miracle drug. In this case, rather than John and Jane Public, the company turned to Hollywood.

There they found many desperate starlets aching to get ahead or get back to some degree of attention in the Hollywood and public eye. Here now where it begins. Megan Fox, the hot actress from Transformers was at a near career low. Her disparaging remarks about her director had made her a pariah in Hollywood, and she was almost desperate enough to star in Lifetime original films. Regardless, she heard whispers of this new drug that was seeking human testing. Saying it could boost her figure over that of her rivals was enough to send her scampering to the office.

After a week of testing, begging, and a backroom blowjob, she had gotten it. She was in the sample of Curvoma, the yet to be released drug that could change models and celebrities forever. Without delay, Megan busted the cap open upon entering her apartment and started taking the pills. Her first dose was a like an orgasm upon the tongue, and though tempting as it was, she restrained herself from taking more of the pills for now. As she was the very first subject, and the side effects were still not yet realized.

As the days passed Megan got the changes she was asking for and then some. Her bust grew tremendously. Her meager chest had annihilated every bra in her drawer, sometimes when she was wearing them. In one particular case her bra had snapped when she was out for a jog. It was a grating run/walk back to her place with her boobs shimmying all over the place. Every step sent the ladies bouncing, her nipples dragging across the thin cotton tank top, intent on showing themselves off and driving her crazy in pleasure. If it was a side effect of the trial drug she didn't care much. Her new E cups were firm, were two bright red inch long nipples that were constantly erect, showing themselves through whatever material she tried to cover them up with, including her most padded bras.

Another week and her hips started to expand. Her waist, already thin by many standards narrowed even more. Her ass, showcased so finely in Transformers 2 now made any pair of pants look they were painted on her. The denim material stretched tightly across the two globes of rear end perfection. Truly giving Kim Kardashian and Coco a run for the money. At this point she even thought herself larger than either of them. One would expect such a large ass to be saggy and full of cheese. But this was not the case. Her ass maintained it's heart shape and firmness. Readily slappable, it was filled with a new found sensitivity. Clearly the drug had rewired some of the pleasure centers, even now slamming her butt into a car door to close it would make her wet.

Yet the experimental drug did still more to Megan. Her black hair had taken on a new sheen, the raven black locks shimmered and shined like a freshly waxed car. Her skin took on a healthy glow. Her eyes were bright and glowing, they were full of passion and not much else. Her lips had puffed out considerably. Much more them Angelina Jolie's, they were constantly pursed. Constantly begging to be kissed or have a cock shoved between them.

There were other side effects as well, ones not expected on by the pharmaceutical company. Megan Fox now had a cock. A very large one at that. At first her clit just protruded more than usual, but it didn't stop. It changed shape as it grew out becoming a fully functional fuck rod capable of sending pleasure to Megan and her lover alike. Its 14 inch erect length bristled with thick veins and was capped by a large head. It was plenty thick, Megan had to use two hands to pump it to orgasm. Speaking of orgasms, she was well stocked with two tennis ball sized gonads. The twin cum factories churned endlessly to create a never ending supply of spunk for her ejaculations. Ejaculate she did; she had experimented at first with jacking off but soon discovered, due to her massive size and pilates, that she was able to take the massive head in her mouth. her mouth watered and lips puckered as the head entered her mouth and was able to reach her throat. Her small hands able to play with her baby makers while her tongue worked it's magic. She tasted sweet, and found the flavor addicting.

Megan was thrilled with all these changes, they just felt right to her. She was sexy, sexier than ever before all thanks to the little pills. She kept them in a PEZ dispenser, always near her person, just in case she needed to top off or needed a boost. It was Hollywood cliché to keep her drugs in a PEZ dispenser, but she could care less. The results showed!

Megan Fox was out and about today, her feet in modest open toed shoes showcasing her red painting toenails, her legs went up to her thighs, thick and healthy, to her ass. All of this crammed into a pair of tight blue jeans. The denim screamed for mercy with every step she took. It looked painted on her lower half to all but the closest inspection. Occasionally a pop could be heard as a thread gave up. Her cock, just one of the unforeseen side-effects of the experimental drug, crammed into a denims. It's large size clearly visible against the material, while her big testicles pushed it up as if to scream out 'look at what she's packing!'.

Her pants were belted, very tightly due to her thin waist, while a simple tank top covered her upper body. Her large breasts pushed out of the neck due to the industrial push-up bra she was wearing. Her nipples still visible thru all the material. Megan's hair was back in a simple ponytail as she made her way down the street, her strut indicative of what she was, a woman on the prowl.

It was late in the evening, and Megan was feeling horny. She had shot 4 loads into her own mouth today, but she was getting tired of getting herself off and was noticing that she seemed to be getting hornier and hornier everyday. Yet, in a place like LA, she couldn't really go anywhere popular without being drowned in questions like, "What's up with the new chest Miss Fox?", or "Do you think your surging popularity has to do with your new body?", or even, "Hey is that a banana in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"

Because of boneheaded questions like this, Megan was currently in a more... Obscure part of town, at a bar where no one would recognize her. She opened the large door and immediately was face to face with a busty blonde server. Megan had almost no choice but to soak in the sight; breasts plumped up by a tight, low-cut t-shirt, slightly toned midriff showing, and a short enough skirt to show off some serious legs and make her ass large as possible. The girl tilted her head and smiled, "Hello, welcome to Tommy's bar, would you like a booth or at the bar."

Megan just smirked and confidently thrusted her large breasts forward, "Get me a table quick sweetie..."

The server was slightly surprised by the gorgeous woman's attitude, expecting such language from the male regulars, but not raven haired women. "O-Of course. Please come this way..." She pointed her to the dim corner of the bar and left her a drinks menu, "So we have-"

The celebrity just put her hand up, "Just get me a sleeve of Bud Light sweetie..."

Again the server was a bit shocked, but turned around to get her drink. Megan sighed back and leaned into the chair, it was time for another Curvoma pill. She fumbled the dispenser and got it out of her pocket to put on the table. Meanwhile though, she surveyed the bar, and was disappointed to see it had the clientele she was expecting. Sure there were a small handful of cute ladies besides the sexed-up servers, but right now, they seemed more occupied in having some after-work drinks then having a random, freaky hook-up.

She ran her soft fingers of the denim covering her crotch. Her cock was always a little hard now, and felt just so powerful all the time, like she could punch holes in steel with it. She sighed as she felt it twitch, every little movement it made felt so good, and she knew her rod deserved the best today, so she surveyed the bar closer to see anything of interest.

"Your beer..." The server nervously said as she placed a coaster and a glass of pale liquid down.

Megan looked up at the busty blonde and gave her another obvious look up and down, biting her lower lip, "Hmm, when do you get off work today?" She spread her legs wide, proudly showing her bulge.

The server went wide-eyed, "Oh I-I'm sorry I don't... You know... Swing that way..."

Megan's grin grew wider, "Oh if you like dick... There will be no problem here..." She gripped her bulge aggressively and adjusted it to look even larger than it already did in the tight jeans.

The blonde just turned bright read and used a serving dish to cover her face, "Sorry!" She ran off into the back, leaving Megan unsure if the hot piece of ass was aroused or scared.

Either way, she picked up the basic PEZ dispenser and popped a pill into her hand. The pink capsule always seemed to glow gloriously in her hand, as if to say that it was the greatest invention of man. She knew that it wasn't supposed to mixed with liquor, but Curvoma was only meant to be taken once a day and here she was taking her third today! It wasn't like bud counted a beer anyway.

She popped the pill into her mouth and took two big gulps of the rather tasteless beer, and swallowed the mixing combination. Immediately she felt a warm glow smoother her torso, making her feel numb, and somehow even more horny. She made a drunken smile as she slowly tweaked her permanently hard nipples, and felt her tits grow ever so slowly. It was never a huge surge of growth for her, but after taking it for long enough, she could feel the subtle growth of her curves every time she took one. She gave a quiet moan as she felt her cock beg for action yet again, but she tried to keep it from growing to its huge full length yet.

Surveying the room again, she did notice someone else had come in alone. She had a baseball cap covering her long red hair, a large pair of sunglasses, a trench coat and long creamy legs. Megan recognized this instantly as someone who didn't want to be identified, which was always fun to see for her as a celebrity herself, the only question was, who was under the disguise.

Seeing the blonde server clearly rushing past the table desperate to not be seen, Megan gave a loud snap of her fingers with a "hey!" which made the server come over nearly against her will. She sighed, "Uh yes?"

Megan gave a smile, "Hey first off sorry about hitting on your super hot body... But second of all, can you order that female over there a nice martini."

The blonde seemed relieved that she was out of Megan's sexual predatory sight and quickly ran to the bar for the order. Megan watched intently as the blonde dutifully came over with the drink to the table, shocking the incognito lady sitting down. She nearly jumped to her feet, until the server pointed right across to her, making Megan raise her glass as a salute.

The redhead quickly walked over and sat down at the booth, "Megan Fox? What the hell are you doing here? How did you know it was me?" The voice was sweet but raspy.

Megan merely gave a hearty laugh, breasts bouncing quite noticeably below her top, "Oh my! I actually had no idea until you opened your mouth... So what brings Lindsay Lohan to such a out of the way bar in LA..."

She bowed her head and took off her glasses to reveal the hazel eyes beneath, "Well I imagine the same reason you are here... Look all I want to do is have a quick drink without every tabloid saying I have fallen off the wagon for the 20th billion time. I would have to go back to rehab if word of these few drinks got out!"

The raven hair beauty just leaned over and pushed her breasts out with her arms ever so slightly, "Don't worry babe. Megan can keep a secret... Lets have a few good drinks together, and talk about the business..."

Lindsay put a finger to her mouth, "Fine, but not too loud okay?"

Megan lifted her glass and gave a horny grin, "To the greatest business and sexy ladies..."

The red head shrugged and decided to join the toast, "To the sexist of ladies!"

Five drink orders went by, and Megan was surprised to see what a light weight Lindsay was considering her reputation. By now her hat came off and so had her jacket as she generally didn't care what was happening. Lindsay spilled a little of her fruity cocktail on her as she ranted, "You... You know what? I just totally paved the road for young child stars like you Megan... So where is my appreciation right?"

"Lindsay? We are the same age you know?" Megan put her hand on the starlets thigh and started to rub.

She threw her hands up, "Whatever! You know you are a touchy feely girl... I like touchy feely girls... Those girls know how to have the best time!"

Megan put her other hand on the red hair and started to twirl it, "Oh yeah? How so?"

Lindsay's drunken smile got close to her face, "Because a girl who doesn't eat pussy doesn't live life properly!" She gave a loud snort with her laugh.

She put the drunken celebrity's hand on her crotch, "Well what if you had the best of both worlds?"

Lindsay rubbed her hand back and forth and giggled, "Oh my! Hehe! Is that like a strap-on beneath? That is so oddly sexy! I mean its weird, but so sexy!"

"You want to see it?"She just gave an excited nod and felt her hand get pulled away from the table. They were quickly pushing on the female washroom door and were inside a surprisingly well maintained washroom. Lindsay clapped her hands excitedly as she locked the door behind her, "Oh man this is going to be hot!"

The other girl just came close to the other girl and spoke in an extra breathy voice, "Oh but... Are you sure you don't want to do some foreplay?"

"Like what?" She was confused on what she meant.

Megan put her hands and gripped Lindsay's derriere hard as she came in for a kiss, and the drunk Lindsay didn't resist as all, even encouraging such an advance by opening her mouth and wiggling her tongue. Megan started to french her aggressively as her hands sneaked down the back of the pants, and played with her ass cheeks. Lindsay let out a gasp of surprise but only gave a horny grin of encouragement.

Lindsay's hands fumbled down her lover and played with the belt. She moaned as she noticed the almost impossibly tiny waist, "Fuck how do you have such a perfect body..."

She let out a moan, "Let me fuck you, and I will let you know what ever you want to know about my sexy body."The redhead just nodded as she dropped down to her knees. She drunkenly zipped the fly down, and reached inside for a plastic phallus, but instead, she pulled and found a 14-inch hard flesh cock bouncing in the open, hungry to fuck. She gasped, "Oh... What? I mean you have a-"

"Shut up and take it inside you bitch!" She cried out as she grabbed the red hair and shoved it down onto her cock, mouth popped open. Lindsay gave a muffle cry as she felt her mouth move back and forth on the cock. Megan panted and gasped at the pleasure the combination of tongue and teeth were giving and used both hands to pump Lindsay's face harder.

Soon it was evident that Lindsay was getting off on this domination though, as her own hands reached down to pop off her own jeans and finger below her thong. Megan finally pulled Lindsay off after a few moments, and Lindsay looked up with a horny grin, "Best... Blowjob to a girl ever... Can you fuck my pussy as hard?"

Megan bit her lower lip as she slowly jerked her steel hard cock, and she nodded, "Present yourself you piece of trash..."

Lindsay just excitedly giggled, "Oh fuck yeah I am your dirty bitch!" She bent over the sink and braced herself with her jeans and thong at her ankles. Grabbing a firm hold of her cock, Megan positioned her saliva soaked cock right outside the quaking pussy lips and slowly pushed the thick dick inside. She gave a weak cry out and bit her lip hard as Megan tried to push as deep inside as possible. As expected, Lindsay was pretty loose down there, but she had never taken a cock like Megan's, so even Lindsay felt like a virgin hole. After getting a good half way inside, Megan quickly thrusted out then back in with a slam. Another cry echoed in the washroom, as Megan started to thrust rapidly, making Lindsay moan, "Oh, oh oh oh oh oh, oh!"

Megan leaned over, keeping the same pace, and pressed her large tits against hers, rubbing them in tiny circles to enjoy the sensation of her sensitive nipples as she gripped onto Lindsay's own breasts, "Say your my bitch Lindsay!"

"Oh... I am your bitch Megan..."

"Say I own you..."

"You own me Megan!"

Megan gave a grin, "Now I am going to cum deep into you, and you are going to cum right bitch?"

Lindsay just gave a nod as she felt the cock in her go deeper and swell ever so slightly. She screamed as hot liquid shot right into her insides, making her feel so sexy that she made such a sexy stud cum with her pussy. As the cock was pulled out, Lindsay slumped to the ground, body overwhelmed in pleasure.

Megan merely poked her with her cock and grinned, "Clean it..." She did so dutifully, licking the cum dripping organ up and down like a pro. Megan continued, "So how would you like a career boost? I was thinking that if you become my little celebrity cock slave, you could help both our careers as I get you off the bad drugs and get you on the good ones..."

Lindsay looked up at the word 'drug' and sexily licked the cock with a look of lust in her eyes, "Mmm would I look more like you?"

"Not as good, but we can get you looking at least back to those 'Mean Girls' days... Maybe even better than that..."

Lindsay moaned at the prospect of gaining some of her status back, "Mmm fuck yeah sign me up. I am your loyal cock slave, wanting to join your rising fame train..."

Megan rustled the redhead's hair, "Excellent... Now how about we get cleaned up and we can have a more intense round 2 at my place."

Giving her cock another lick, Lindsay just excitedly nodded, "Oh fuck yeah to that idea..."

Megan rose up from her bed. Once again everything was in disarray. Sheets, clothes and everything else was tossed. If one didn't know better, they would guess it was a robbery. This however was passion unleashed. The sex between the only true futa girl and her pet. Megan surveyed the damage with a smile. Last night was particularly wonderful. She frowned. My cleaning service is going to throw a fit. Again.

Opted to go naked she walked, no strutted was the right word now, to the bathroom. Since she started her drug trial of what'll eventually be known as Curvoma her hips had enlarged and her walk had taken on a sway that sent her ass cheeks a rockin'. Megan reached into the shower and turned on the water. Leaning back on the bathroom counter she giggled as her ass pressed itself into cold marble.

Everything changed when she started the trial, her looks improved, her attitude improved and now she has an addicted lover. Lindsay was no longer partying all night drinking beer and taking meth. Instead Megan's cock was her new addiction and the sweet cum her drug. It was a much better trade off. The washed out Lindsay was improving, her skin and shape was improving. She would of guessed that her cum was healing the washed out starlet. More likely however, some of the drug was entering Lindsay thru Megan's cum, something she got plenty of. No sign of any growth however, Megan would have to guess her body was absorbing those chemicals before they ever touched her sack. Megan stepped into the shower and let the warmth over take her. Everything that touched her skin seemed to be more sensual now. When she first visited the doctor after experiencing her changes the doctor immediately wanted her to stop the treatment. 30 minutes and countless orgasms later, the young brunette doctor had readily agreed to continuing the study. Even better, she insisted Megan come in twice as often for evaluations.

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