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Duchess of the Mats - BJJ Threesome

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A jiu jitsu training session turns into hot, sweaty sex.
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Brazilian jiu jitsu is one of the most popular martial arts these days, particularly among people who train mixed martial arts. I'm not bragging when I say I'm pretty good at it. I've got a second degree on my black belt and have been training jiu jitsu for about twenty years, plus I was a high school and college wrestler before that. So, I've spent a lot of time on the mat. But I'd never had an experience on, or off, the mat like I did with Stasia. In a funny way, it only happened thanks to the COVID pandemic, so I'm actually sort of grateful for the lockdown, though most of it sucked.

During the pandemic, all the jiu jitsu gyms shut down to prevent spread of the infection. Some schools tried to do online classes, teaching technique to people over Zoom, but that was so intensely boring most of us bailed out on that. Instead, lots of us started training underground, in people's garages and basements. That's actually how Brazilian jiu jitsu started in the United States, with folks working out on mats in garages, until the sport got big enough to fill up dojos. Now, it was a return to our roots, but we had to keep these training sessions mostly secret, to avoid people getting in trouble for not complying with masking and social isolation rules.

Stasia is a blonde, blue-eyed woman in her mid-twenties, with the body of an Olympic gymnast. I actually think she was a gymnast, before she started fighting. I usually see her working out, and she keeps her long blonde hair in a tight braid down her back. She's been fighting in MMA for a few years, and has an impressive record of wins, though she hadn't broken into the big leagues when we had our encounter on the mats. A few years later, some other female fighters had Onlyfans sites, and were posting porn and erotic pictures. Stasia never did, though she definitely could have, she was hot and sexy enough.

Anastasia fought under the nickname "The Duchess," apparently a joke about Anastasia Romanov, the Russian daughter of Czar Nicholas. I had to have that explained to me. I laughed when I heard it though, because it showed how Stasia could laugh at herself, and she wasn't all stuck on herself. Honestly, it was her humbleness that really made her an attractive person. When you had her attention, you had all of it. Those piercing blue eyes would focus on you, never wavering and you knew you had her full attention. It was really kind of intimidating, her focus, and commitment, without being arrogant or anything.

At the time of this story, she'd been training BJJ for a couple years, and I think she had just recently gotten her blue belt. She'd been kickboxing for a lot longer, and so her fighting had been mostly focused on that, but her coaches got her to start training jiu jitsu to improve her grappling. Stasia is a dedicated athlete, and she put everything she had into her training. Before the pandemic, she was coming to every class she could, and doing private sessions with instructors. It was paying off - her technique was improving quickly, and she was becoming much more comfortable on the ground, with her legs spread and someone on top of her. I had no idea how comfortable she was like that.

Look, in jiu jitsu, you have to get really comfortable with close contact. With another guy, you're sweating all over each other, you're grabbing their body and they're grabbing yours. When a guy rolls with a female, generally, the guy tries to be respectful, make it a safe and comfortable encounter for her. Yeah, you're up close and personal, and you might end up touching her breasts or with her head in your crotch, but if you make it a sexual thing, she has every right to complain, and I've seen people get kicked out of schools for being inappropriate. Our school even prohibits instructors from dating any students, because it can create lots of drama. So, even if the woman is smoking hot, like Stasia, you really learn to turn off sexual thoughts during the match. Especially because if she's a fighter as good as Stasia is, if you get distracted by seeing the outline of her nipples through her rash guard, you can get your ass kicked and end up getting choked out when she takes advantage of your wandering attention.

Honestly, I'd been confused by my feelings towards Stasia. She's not really my type. I've always dated more curvy brunettes, who are more girly-girls. No judgment otherwise, it's just always been who I gravitated towards, in attraction. Stasia, and most of the other women I train with, I genuinely regard as more like sister warriors, than sexual interests. Maybe that sounds weird, but I just tend to view them more on their skills and intensity grappling, and compartmentalize any sexual interest, But I'd find myself checking out Stasia on, and off the mat. She posts some real thirst-trap pictures on social media, and I'd check them out. Not stalking or anything, but I definitely found her attractive, but out of my league.

Since the pandemic started though, I really hadn't seen her much, in our underground training sessions. I'd heard she was still training though, and from the pics she posted, she was definitely still in shape.

Out of the blue, Stasia texted and asked me to come train at her house, in her garage, on a Wednesday night. I hadn't been able to train that week, so was happy to get some mat time. She mentioned she'd asked a couple other guys to come, but only one beside me was going to make it. Jason is another black belt, but also an instructor in our school. Jason is good, and he and I have had some epic battles on the mat.

Stasia's garage was just a one-car garage, and the mats she had spread out were really just big enough for one match at a time. This was August, so it was still pretty warm at night, but we closed the garage door part of the way, for privacy because Stasia said her neighbors were nosy, leaving about a foot open, to let fresh air in. Since it was her house, I had a first match with her, just a warm-up roll, with lots of movement, and no submissions. We started in gi, both wearing kimonos, and just got comfortable moving and flowing. Jason sat on the side stretching. After the timer on Stasia's phone went off at five minutes, Jason stepped on the mat and he and I had a first match while Stasia watched. She turned on music, a rock soundtrack, for us to listen to while Jason and I trained.

It went that way for a bit, back and forth round-robin matches. When Jason and I were rolling with Stasia, we would both insert coaching and some instruction to her, teaching her moves and pointing out attacks she could use. The one of us sitting out would coach her as well. Stasia has always been hungry for learning jiu jitsu, so she was really focused and enjoying herself.

After about thirty or forty minutes, each of us having had about three or four matches, we took a break and stripped off our gis, down to shorts and rash guards, to train nogi. Our school is pretty formal, and requires people to train in gi and learn it, though many schools just focus on no-gi training. As an MMA fighter, Stasia usually trains no-gi. When she took off her kimono, I realized she wasn't wearing a bra under the silky spandex of her rash guard shirt. It was a light blue, and I could see not only the outline of her hard nipples through the fabric, but realized the shirt was even slightly see through so I could see some of the color of her dark nipples.

I caught myself looking, and glanced up to see Stasia watching me. I smiled apologetically, and she just lifted her eyebrows, and shook her head while smiling. I could almost read her mind, hearing her say "Boys!" in her head.

We all drank some ice water that she brought out in a pitcher from her kitchen, and talked for a second. "This is really great," Stasia said, "It's like a two-on-one private black belt instruction session! Thanks you two."

"I'm just happy to get to train. Since the pandemic, I'm only getting in one training session a week, if that," Jason replied, and I agreed.

When we started training again, now doing no-gi, our matches started getting pretty intense. I tapped Jason with a rear naked choke from his back, after a pretty intense scramble. He got pissed, because he really doesn't like to lose. While I rolled with Stasia, he took off his shirt, complaining he was too hot, and used a towel to dry off. By that point, we were all dripping with sweat. While training with Stasia, she went for a triangle on me from guard, arching her legs up behind my shoulders, capturing one arm and my head in a figure-four of her legs. My face was buried in her crotch, and for a brief second, I didn't resist, but just enjoyed the moment. As I breathed in through my nose, I realized I could smell her pussy, a sharp, tang of sweat and sex. I've always loved the way a woman's sex smells, and find it deeply erotic. For a moment I wondered if Stasia was turned on, or was this just the smell of her exercising?

Stasia and Jason rolled next, while I toweled off the sweat. I figured if Jason could take his shirt off, I would too. I went into Stasia's house to use her bathroom, and walking by her bedroom, I noticed there was a pretty sexy 12 by 14 black and white photo of her hanging on the wall. It was next to the bed, and positioned so it was almost the first thing you saw, walking in to the room.

In it, she was nude, turned away from the camera, looking back over her shoulder in a classic pose. Her hair was untied and fell in a straight sheet down her back. Her back was well muscled, with great definition in her shoulders. Her butt was muscled, but round and full. I could only see an edge of her breast, and I scanned the room to see if there was a companion photo, showing her from the front, wondering what her tits looked like, bare.

Her eyes, grey in the black and white tones of the photo, stared directly into the camera, with that intense, incredibly focused gaze that I'd seen from her before. Looking into those eyes, I suddenly found myself wondering if that's how she looked during sex, staring intensely into your eyes while you penetrated her. "Whoa," I said to myself, as I went to the bathroom and took a leak. I found that my cock was almost hard, and I honestly had to relax for a minute, in order to piss.

When I went back into the garage, my jaw hit the floor - Stasia had taken off her top too, and her tits were bare. She saw my stunned expression, and laughed. "What, I can't take my shirt off too? It's just a guy thing? Fuck that man, free the nipple!"

I laughed as well. "Hey, I'm fine with it if you are." Inside, I was frankly stunned. I'd just been wondering about her breasts, and here they were, in front of me, bare, sweaty and erect. Her breasts weren't large, but they were perky and just like the rest of her, were beautiful. Her nipples were hard, and stood out dark against her light skin. When she turned away, I saw a large dragon tattoo on her back, a Chinese dragon in reds and purples. The tail of the dragon went down her back and into the shorts, where I imagined it wrapped around that beautiful ass I'd just seen in the photo in her bedroom. "Hey, great tat. Is that new? You didn't have it in that photo you've got hanging up in your bedroom."

Stasia looked at me in surprise. "Oh, you saw that photo? I didn't mean to leave it out."

Uh-oh I thought. "It's a beautiful shot. I didn't mean to intrude, I just saw it through the door when I went to the bathroom."

"It's okay. If I was shy about my body, I wouldn't be topless in front of you both." He laughed and cupped her breasts with her hands. "I took that photo after my divorce, when I was trying to start feeling better about myself and my body. My ex really fucked with my head and I had a lot of shame about myself. I got the tattoo after my first big win in professional MMA." She smiled at me, "Ok, enough talking, let's roll. Maybe you'll be distracted by my tits and I can beat you."

I've been with plenty of naked girls before, but never wrestled them, unless you call sex wrestling. It was a very unique experience. I really couldn't stop checking out her tits. It got even more interesting when I pulled guard and let her pass into side control. I couldn't see her breasts now, but sure could feel them rubbing against my side, both of us so sweaty that her nipples slid across my skin like we were both greased. My hands slid across her slippery chest, and I felt the flesh of her breasts beneath them, her nipples hard beneath my fingers.

I really was distracted, and Stasia kept going, first up into knee on belly position, where her knee was planted into my solar plexus, and she arched up while controlling my shoulder with a straight arm. The arch did very interesting things to her tits, pushing them out prominently. With her above me in that position, it was sexy as hell. I heard Jason whistle appreciatively. I think Stasia may have blushed, but who could really tell, we were all pretty red-faced from exercise.

Stasia then slid down and went into what's called north-south position. It's where the bottom opponent is flat on their back and the top fighter is on their stomach, in line with the bottom opponent but legs facing away. It's almost like a 69 honestly, but only head and upper torso really connect. As Stasia slid over my face into the position, her breasts went right over my face and mouth. I actually felt her nipple against my lips for a second. And I felt my cock starting to get hard. I opened my mouth slightly, and just for the briefest second sucked on her nipple, my tongue touching her hard nipple. Stasia didn't say anything, but gave an extra little squirm of her breast against my face. I'm not sure if Jason was watching, or knew what had just happened.

Stasia tried to submit me with a choke from that position, but I was able to roll out and escape. A few seconds later, the timer went off. "Well, we can't do matches with topless girls at the school, suddenly I'm glad for underground rolling in garages!" I said. Stasia and Jason both laughed.

Stasia and Jason rolled next, and at first it started like a normal match. Then, I noticed Jason's hand was on her breast, playing with her nipple. Stasia grunted in frustration, "That's not a legal move!" she said, though her tone sounded like she wasn't actually upset.

"Oh, I think we're into lots of illegal move territory now," Jason replied. Stasia was on her back, using her feet on Jason's shoulders to try to keep him from passing. Suddenly Jason's hands dropped to the waistband of Stasia's tight shorts. In a single quick yank, he pulled them over her hips and down her legs. Before I knew what was happening, she was in just a tiny thong.

"Oh my," slipped out of my lips.

Jason grinned at me. "She's been wanting this. Look, can you keep a secret?"

I nodded, eyes on the nearly nude beautiful woman sprawled out on the sweaty mat.

"We've actually been kind of dating in secret for a while. Because I'm not supposed to date students. And it turns out that our Stasia is pretty kinky, and has never had a threesome. So we set this up, to see what would happen."

I looked at Stasia, she looked back at me. "Really?" I asked.

Her eyes never left my face, as she arched her hips up, and slid down her panties. "Really..." she breathed.

My cock had never really stopped pulsing since I'd seen that photo. While Stasia and I were rolling, seeing her tits had me at more than a semi, though I never got all the way hard. It did now. The idea of fucking Stasia, even sharing her with another guy, was something I didn't even consider turning down.

I know lots of guys think threesomes with another guy are somehow gay, even with a girl involved, even if the guys never touch. There's a lot of overt, spoken homophobia and gay jokes in jiu jitsu. But really, we're guys, rolling around sweating with other guys. The guys get very comfortable with touching other men, even if they're not having sex with them. Though I'd never been in a threesome with another guy, it didn't bother me. And the thought of fucking Stasia, after so long thinking about her, felt like a fantasy come true.

I pulled down my own trunks, and my cock popped out. Stasia's eyes were on it, much as my own eyes were on her beautiful pussy, glistening and wet, bare of hair. Beside her, Jason also doffed his fightshorts, and put his semihard cock to Stasia's mouth. Her eyes still on me, she opened her mouth, and began to softly suck on the head of Jason's dick. As he hardened, he began to move his shaft in and out of her mouth. Stasia's beautiful blue eyes never left mine.

Stasia raised up from the mat, keeping Jason's cock in her mouth, until she was kneeling, with him standing beside her. She reached out her hand to me, and as I moved towards her on the mat, her hand encircled the base of my dick. She pulled me to her, and as I drew close to face, she lifted her mouth from Jason's flesh, and engulfed my own hard penis. Her hungry mouth sank deeply down my shaft, until I was buried in her throat, her lips pressing against the base of my cock. Her piercing blue eyes gazed intensely up at me, and I knew I'd been right - there was that same focused look, now filled with an erotic hunger.

Jason and I stood there in front of her, as she bobbed up and down, first on my cock, then on Jason's. Her hands encircled each of our dicks, keeping us in place in front of her as she got her fill of us. I could tell how turned on she was, as she moaned, going from one dick to the other. Sometimes her eyes closed, like she was savoring a delicious meal, and other times she stared up into our eyes, her own eyes twinkling in a naughty delight.

After a few moments of this, I pulled away from Stasia's sexy hot mouth, and knelt beside her, taking hold of her shoulders and laying her back on the mat. While Jason knelt beside her head, continuing to thrust in and out of her mouth, I began to kiss down her body. I sucked on one of her hard nipples, while my hand cupped her other breast. I took my time this time, as opposed to my earlier, all too brief taste of her breasts. I could taste the salt of sweat on her body, and felt the muscles of her stomach under my lips, as I kissed the six pack of her abdomen.

Under my gentle touch to her thighs, Stasia's legs opened wide to me. Her sex pink, glistening wet. Her lips were already open before me, when I lowered my own lips to hers, and began to tongue her. I tasted the scent that I had smelled earlier, as I swirled my tongue on her lips. I felt her hand on the back of my head, pushing my face harder into her sex. Suddenly I felt her hips lift, her thighs encircled my shoulders, and I found myself back in the same triangle submission I'd been in before. But this time, no fabric separated my face for the sexy flower of her vulva. I couldn't see, as my head was pinned between her legs, but I heard Stasia laugh and say, "I saw you smell me before. Now you can taste me!"

Stasia's legs held my arm and shoulder, one leg around my neck. I dove into her sex, licking and sucking. With every caress of my tongue, her thighs squeezed harder and harder. I felt like it was a mad race between us. Could I get her to orgasm, licking that wet pussy, before she choked me out with her thighs?

I'm not kidding, my blood was starting to pound in my head as I licked more and more frantically at Stasia's pussy, concentrating on her clit which I could feel swelling in my mouth. I started sucking on it, swirling my tongue around the nub, then sucking it into my mouth. I could hear her grunting around Jason's cock, her pussy becoming wetter and wetter. I started seeing stars in front of my eyes, and heard a growing buzzing in my ears, which I knew were a sure sign that I was genuinely close to passing out, blood to my brain cut off by the muscles of her thighs squeezing my neck and shoulder. Suddenly her hips lifted off the mat, arching into my face, her thighs flying open as she came. Her body convulsed against my mouth for what seemed like minutes as I continued to gently lick and suck at her sex. The stars in my eyes and buzzing in my ears subsided as blood flow returned.


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