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Dumb Jocks: Graduation Ch. 04

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The story cums to an end. Thank you for following it and hopefully you enjoyed reading it.

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Waking up as the car slowed to a stop, I opened my eyes to see Demarcus running over a road to a fast food store. Seeing that ass jiggle with each step, my prick stirred. I was going to be enjoying that sight a hell of a lot next year, I thought happily.

"You awake, nerd?" asked Rocky.

"Yeah," I rasped in reply.

"Good, we're going to grab some food further downtown then head back to the highway."

The car moved away. With a yawn, I blinked the sleep out of my eyes and saw something on my lap.

Reaching for it, I lifted up the soft garment to see that it was Demarcus's panties.

"Damn, that jock is kinky!" I smirked as my mind went to thinking about him freeballing with his friends.

After some food, we were back on the road and traveling fast. Settling back down to my Kindle and music, the time passed quickly, especially now my nuts were empty.

It was late in the afternoon when we got to Rocky's hometown. Smaller than our uni town, I could see why the footballer was proud that he had left. There were numerous farms on the outskirt and about twenty shops in the actual town. Not a place that anyone would be queuing up to move to.

Hearing people call out to Rocky we slowly made our way through as he responded, joking and catching up with his old friends. Once again, I felt invisible. No one talked to me or even acknowledged my existence. I was a nobody compared to the great Rocky Edwards.

Finally, we got to a house on the outskirts of the town. Pulling into the drive, the two footballers jumped out and left me in the back while they made their way up to the door.

Knocking on it, there was no answer.

"Must be at work," grumbled Rocky.

Fishing inside his bag, he pulled out a set of keys and let himself in. Grabbing my own bag, I followed them inside. Stairs ran up the left-hand side and to the right were two rooms, a living room and a kitchen. It was small, and I was already dreading that I had to stay two nights.

After a quick look around downstairs to check no one was home, Rocky led the way up to the first floor followed by Hunter then me.

"Dad sleeps in there. We'll have my old room and you can have the box room."

"Cheers," I said sarcastically, "you really know how to make a guest feel welcome!"

Turning to look at me, Rocky sighed, "look, nerd, you do this for us and we'll make sure that you're well rewarded!"

"Rewarded with your..." I asked while trying not to leer at their asses, which was tricky as at that precise moment Hunter had decided to do some leg stretches.

"Just do your job well and you'll find out!" finished Rocky, then turning to see what his boyfriend was doing, he shook his head in disbelief before spanking that muscular ass.

Splitting up, we headed to our bedrooms to get them ready for the night. By the time I had finished making the bed, the other two were downstairs and drinking scotch. Joining them, we went over what we would say to Rocky's dad once again.

After two rehearsals and three more drinks, it was close to eight and there was still no sign of the man we had come to see.

"Fuck this," cursed Rocky, "let's get something to eat and we'll see him tomorrow."

Really, I should have known that getting something to eat meant we would meet with Rocky's old high school buddies and a night of heavy drinking would ensue, but I didn't and soon I was six drinks in and the ribs I had eaten earlier were swimming in alcohol.

Luckily, early on in the night Hunter told them all that I had helped the two of them pass a test, and I was welcomed into the drinking circle. Though I didn't say much, I wasn't picked on and ever so often Hunter's giant hand would drop to squeeze my cock.

An hour passed into five and I was completely out of it. When I could open my eyes my vision was blurry and I quickly fell into a semi-conscious sleep.

The next thing I knew, I was being force-fed water and then dropped into a freezing shower. The cold woke me up temporarily and I saw Hunter smirking at me.

"You really can't hold your drink, can you nerd!" He laughed.

Feeling a bit more refreshed, I finished two more glasses of water and then went to sleep. The bed wasn't comfortable but in my state, I didn't care.

My head was pounding when I finally woke up. Fumbling for my water bottle, I drained it and then went back to sleep for another hour before I was busting for a piss. Stumbling out of bed, I rushed to the bathroom. Filling up my bottle on the way back to bed, I slept again having some wonderfully vivid dreams of footballers and their asses.

The next time I woke I felt a lot better. Dropping my hand to my crotch I gave my morning wood a lazy tug when I suddenly remembered the promise that Rocky made yesterday. Wanting to reward them with a big load, I resisted the temptation to carry on.

Picking up my phone I saw a message from Hunter. The two of them had gone for a morning run because apparently, alcohol did not affect them.

Rolling out of bed, I went back to the bathroom and got into the shower. Ten minutes later I was back in my room and getting changed when I got another two messages from Hunter saying that they had met up with some of Rocky's old friends and were in the diner. A final picture message was just of two glasses of whiskey.

Deciding that they wouldn't want me there, I sat on the bed for another half an hour until I got bored and went to explore the town. Getting a map up on my phone, I popped a chewing gum, opened the bedroom door and was ready to follow the directions.

Coming down the stairs I stopped at the bottom step to see a burly man, in a plaid shirt and jeans standing at the front door. He looked like he had stepped off a western film. Rugged and handsome. My legs trembled a bit just looking into his baby-blue eyes.

"Rex, Rocky's dad," the giant of a man grunted while holding out his huge hand, waiting for me to shake it, "he told me that you're the accountant for his firm."

I didn't move. I was unable to as I stared at the muscled middle-aged man in front of me. He was an older version of Rocky. Thick blonde hair was combed to the side allowing his deep blue eyes to size me up with unhidden scorn. It was clear that he worked out as his chest, shoulders and arms were huge and even though I was standing on a seven-inch step he still towered over me.

Swallowing hard, I shakily lifted my hand. Seeing it, Rex gripped it inside his bear-like palm and shook it.

"So you gonna tell me that my son is going to be rich and hasn't fucked up his life by dropping out of college?!" barked Rex, his hand still squashing mine.


"You weren't the one who told him to drop out now, were you?!"


"Well fucking speak, boy!"

He dropped my hand and instantly it throbbed. It took a lot for me not to cradle it and whimper but I managed.

"How about you tell me your name? That's simple enough, isn't it?!"

"Er... yes... it's..." I mumbled trying to think of a fake name so this hulk of a man didn't try and stalk me later.

"It's Rich... Richard um, King..." I finally stuttered.

Rex mentioning rich earlier had stuck with me but I had no idea where the king came from. Thankfully, judging from his snort, Rex had brought it.

"Okay, Mr King, why don't you tell me exactly how this business is actually gonna work!"

Striding into the front room he dropped onto a sofa and waited for me to join him. Knowing I had no other choice, I pulled out my laptop and followed.

I initially thought about sitting next to him but passed when I saw his large frame nearly take up the entire two-seater sofa.

Pulling up a chair I sat close by and put my laptop on the table. Opening up the presentation I had made up the week before, I began to list off all the figures.

Most of them were projections of how the company would do but deciding that I needed to make Rocky and myself look good, I made it seem like all of the numbers were fact.

Risking a glance up while I talked about the price of various memberships, I saw Rex's face frowning as he tried to follow all my financial talk.

"So you're saying my son can make a hundred thousand dollars this year?!" He asked, sceptically.

"Um... no. Not this year. We have too many overheads. Next year though he will do. We already have four men, er, members who are on the waiting list to start and we're putting up the cost of membership. So a hundred thousand is easy to do. Everyone wants to be with him..."

I trailed off and let myself dream briefly of Rocky's amazing body before an animalistic growl brought me back to my senses, "I mean with the ladies, especially the, er, housewives!"

"I bet... he's a fucking Edward's! Women fall at our feet. We're built for pleasure!" The older man boasted.

"Built for fucking..." I said under my breath while Rex continued to brag.

"Well, that sounds okay but he still fucked up by dropping out. He was well on course for getting a good grade."

I smiled in what I hoped was a placating way while managing to hold back a snort of laughter.

"Now that my son's future is sorted. I want to find out what you've got to gain from it! You're too weedy to be a personal trainer and I don't like money men!"

"Oh, I'm not a money man, Mr Edwards," I replied hurriedly.

"Well, in that case, you won't mind if I do a little search on you..."

Pulling my laptop towards him, he typed in the fake name I had given him and pulled up the first result from LinkedIn.

As he read, I crossed my fingers and prayed that he would be satisfied with his search. I hadn't done any research or prep for his questioning, I had been expecting Rocky to be with me deflecting the questions but I was all alone.

"Rich King... it says here that you're casting director?!" Rex said slowly before looking up at me with an eyebrow raised.


I tried to peer over and see what he was looking at. He had Google open with the name I had given him in it.

"Well, this does look like you!" He conceded as he clicked open a picture of a thin man who except for having the same colour hair as me looked nothing like me.

"Let's see what you've cast," muttered Rex.

He took a while looking through IMBd before speaking again, "says here you've done Transformers and Star Trek!"

"Um..." I replied, not knowing what to say.

The pause dragged on and this time he didn't go back to the screen, instead, he waited for my response. I desperately tried to work out what to say that wouldn't invite any more questions.

"Er... I was only involved in a very minor way... I cast the extras," I finally managed to say, bullshitting my way through.

Seeing his bored face, I felt the need to impress him, "I also did the casting for the stunt doubles and now I'm getting trusted to do the casting for some of the main cast."

His eyes raised at that then he returned to my supposed credentials, "whoa! Hold on, Terminator Genesis?!!"

Rex looked at me wide-eyed and I nervously grinned back while nodding.

"Fuck! That brings back memories! I was Arnie's double back in the first film!" He exclaimed and it was my turn to stare dumbly.

"Fuck off!" I blurted out before apologizing.

Holding up his hand as if he understood my awe at his acting experience, he smugly chuckled, "oh yeah! I was his butt when he came out of the time thingy."

My mind instantly went to the scene. It was the scene that had first turned me onto men and in particular muscled men. The way those pert ass cheeks barely wobbled as the huge terminator strode to the biker gang had me pausing, rewinding and watching the scene over and over again.

"Damn!" I breathed.

"Yeah, it was a good time," Rex said wistfully.

Noticing how he seemed to be reminiscing about his short acting career made my devious mind hatch a plan.

"What made you leave Hollywood? Surely you would have been in demand?" I asked, wanting to flatter the older man.

"Women, work, baby... Life..." he replied almost sadly, "and now I'm too old!"

"Fuck off!" I blurted out before apologizing for swearing again.

This time Rex shot me a warning look, weighing me up to see if I was mocking him.

"No, no! I mean that we still need men your age as stunt doubles or even in starring roles. In fact, I'm in the middle of casting for the new Terminator film!"

"Really?!" He said with a big grin.

"Yeah, you watch Genesis?" I asked eagerly, really trying to sell that I was genuine.

"Course', I thought the Terminator surviving for thirty years was genius!"

"It was a decent twist," I replied, "you want to hear the plot for the next one?"

Rex nodded, now totally enthralled in my lies.

"This time Skynet send back infiltration Terminators."

It sounded stupid, though going on some of the plots for recently released films it wouldn't have been out of place. Either way, it didn't matter to Rex. He was lapping it up.

"All of them are told to go deep undercover. So they work their way into the government, military, air force and navy ready to take them apart for when machines arrive. The resistance sees this and decides that they have to send back their own people to hunt them down!"

There was silence as Rex tried to envision the idea in his mind. I could see him acting out some of it before his face split into a big grin, "that sounds amazing. It's like a secret agent film."

"Yeah, kinda. So we need men who are well built and are a similar size to Arnie to portray these infiltration terminators because they can change the face of the robots but not the size."

It was a weak line to end on but there was no disguising that Rex looked nothing like Arnie so I had to think of a reason why he would be wanted in the film.

"That makes sense, I can't wait to watch it!"

"No, no, no," I said, shaking my head.

The idiot had completely forgotten what I had said.

"We're still casting for the roles, Rex and I think you could be in with a chance to be one of the Terminators. I mean you've already had the experience and you've got the body for it," I said, giving me the perfect opportunity to stare at him.

"Ya think?" He asked cautiously, still thinking I was ribbing him.

"Yeah, man! Though we would have to do an audition with you just to make sure you're fit for the role."

"Fuck yeah! I can do that. 'I'll be back!'" he said in his best Arnie impersonation.

"Good one," I laughed before pulling out my phone and pretending to read an email.

"So, we've either got a role with no line and you'll be on screen for about two minutes," I said and looked up to see Rex's unimpressed face.

"The other one, you'll have about thirty lines and you'll be integral to the film. That role will also land you half a mill. Though there is a lot of competition for it which means you'll have to really impress the casting agents."

The older man's face lit up at that and then turned into a frown. While I knew that it was a big role and could potentially put him off, I needed the reward to be big for what I had planned. I just hoped that I had judged the man correctly. I wanted him to be as brash and cocky as his son because if he was then I was going to have some fun with him.

Rex was thinking over it. Even someone who usually strolled through life with unbreakable confidence was second-guessing if he could take on a role this large. Deciding that a bit of flattery would help, I began to butter him up.

"I mean it's totally up to you which one you go for. You can just be a forgotten-about body double or you can be the next middle-aged muscled tough man. Think about it. Liam Neeson is now a major action star and he's got nothing on you!" I smirked and Rex returned it.

"You really think so?" he asked while flexing his pecs.

"Course, they're always looking for fresh actors who are insanely ripped."

"Okay, so I get five hundred thousand and a leading role?"

"Exactly. You'll be in about twenty minutes of the film and end up fighting Arnie at the end of it with another two Terminators. You're also in the very first scene too. It's a sweet gig and bound to bring you lots of auditions."

"It does sound good," he paused thinking, "so, what do I have to do?"

"Right, so you know how Arnie was sent back in time and then stayed to protect Sarah Conner."


"Well, you would be one of a team of six who also get sent back to infiltrate the government..."

"You told me this!"

"Oh, sorry. So you remember there was a scandal involving several politicians embroiled in a sex scandal in the nineties?"

I'll be honest and say I couldn't actually remember any big sex scandals outside of Clinton but I was hoping that Rex would just nod and go along with it and luckily he did.

"Course, politicians are all scum. Luckily, we're going to drain the swamp!"

"Right...," I replied slowly while trying to avoid rolling my eyes, "anyway there was this politician who was caught in a male strip club."

I saw his eyes open when I mentioned the male stripper. He paused as he went over what I had just said before he eventually spoke up.

"Male stripper?"

"Well yeah, of course. You know how shady these politicians are. To infiltrate the government you need to get dirt on your target and the best way to do that is to get close to them."

"Yeah, that makes sense. So, I'll have to get close to the politician?"

"Yep, you're a machine. You're programmed to do one thing and that is to get close no matter what. Find out everything you can and make laws to benefit Skynet."

"Okay..." he said slowly, obviously still unsure about the male stripper part.

"Look, you know how it is with the libtards. You have to have representation otherwise you get cancelled. It is what it is but you don't have to audition for the part. I'm not going to force you. You can just stay here doing nothing with your life and just... wallow," I said nonplussed.

"Wait a sec, I'm just trying to get my head around this. It's something I've never done before."

"You think Arnie is a killer robot? Or fights predators from space? Or is related to Danny DeVito?!" I replied chuckling, gambling on Rex finding it funny rather than taking offence.

A couple of seconds of silence passed and then the older man joined in laughing causing me to let out the strained breath I had been holding.

"Fair enough. So have you got a script for me to practice?"

"Well at the moment we're auditioning people on the strip club scene and that is up to improvisation from the individual. We want to see how natural you are. Make the audience believe that you are actually a dancer and then we hit them with the curveball of you actually being a Terminator!"

Stopping, I waited to see what his reaction would be. I doubt many people had asked him to dance let alone strip for them. Though I pretended to not care whether he did the scene, my heart was pumping.

After lots of sighing and grunts, he finally said, "I'm not sure."

"Hey bud, it's okay. Some people just aren't cut out for the acting life, you know. It's just the way it is," I shrugged, deliberately needling him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa there pipsqueak! I didn't say I didn't want to do it. I'm just not sure what I need to do."

Deciding that I needed to take the lead, I stood and made my way to the window, "okay, let me set the scene. We have the room pitch black except for a light on the corner."

Flicking the blinds shut, I moved to the lamp and turned it on bathing the room in a dull light. Shutting the door, I came back and faced him.

"Right, so, you are sitting by the bar, drinking. Spotting the politician you begin to dance, getting his attention. Once you make eye contact, you then move up to him and seduce him," I said before noticing Rex's uneasiness.

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