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Dumpster Diving

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She pulled him from the dumpster and changed her life.
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She was dividing the dough into pieces and weighing them in preparation for rolling them out and then letting the loaves rise before baking. She was going to be short. What the hell was she thinking? As busy as the place had been the last week or so, she knew she was going to need more, but her mind had drifted away, thinking of how much she had been in love.

Talking aloud as she frequently did, "I still can't believe that piece of shit cheated on me! Cheated on me for months before I caught him. Why the fuck do you always date losers, Willow? And now I'll have to make another batch of dough! I don't have time for..."


She smiled. Must be Dominic out at the dumpster. But he was usually pretty quiet. She worried that maybe he was drunk and needed to come in and warm up for a bit--sleep it off until the bakery opened later this morning. She grabbed two loaves of yesterday's bread and a box of cookies and hurried into the cold.

She noted how dark it was and the moisture laden air clung to her face as she headed toward the dumpster and made it feel even colder. This was Charlotte. She loved the sun and warmth, but this time of year had way too many cloudy and overcast days for her liking. Yes, it was early November, but usually it was still warmer than this. What a screwy Fall, she thought. Blame it on El Niño they said. Or was it La Niña? Sure. Blame it on something.

As her eyes adjusted she saw two men running away in the distance. She froze. Looked around carefully to make sure there wasn't a third hanging around. Oh, how she prayed they hadn't hurt Dominic. Such a nice guy. Just kind of down on his luck.

She noted the overturned trash cans. No one there. She looked around the dumpster. Nothing. She slid the metal dumping window open and looked in. It was filled nearly to the level of the window. Shit! There was someone in there and they weren't moving.

"Dammit! Why is it always me? All I want to do is make bread and cookies and to be left alone. But ohhhh noooo. Something always happens. I should have just stayed in my shop. Why the fuck isn't there a street light out here?"

As she grumbled to herself, she climbed into the opening in the dumpster and immediately sank to her thighs in rotting restaurant refuse and Lord only knew what else. She gagged. Didn't even want to imagine what she was wading through as her nose was assaulted by a variety of unpleasant scents.

"Why, Lord? Why me? I go to mass, try to be a good girl...Holy shit, this guy is huge. But cute--in a dopey kind of way. Why couldn't it be skinny old Dominic?"

She grabbed him under the arms with his head resting on her chest and with a great deal of effort, dragged him through the debris, turning him around so his head was directed towards the opening, sinking waist deep with every step. It was more like swimming or plowing through the waste than stepping.

She could feel all the wetness soaking through her clothes. She cringed as she felt the moisture reach her skin and gagged again. 'God! I'll never feel clean again,' she thought as she propped his head and shoulders at the opening.

Briefly, she was face to face with him. She paused for a moment. She wouldn't mind waking up to that face. "What the fuck, Willow. He's a druggy in the dumpster? Great future there. Can't wait to see what our kids grow up to be."

Kids! What the hell was she doing thinking about kids? She straddled his head momentarily as she dragged her groin across his face and grabbed the top of the opening and thrust her long legs through.

Graceful...NOT...,she thought to herself. Bracing herself, she started pulling him through the opening on his back. Continuing to grumble to herself, "Lord, I sure hope this asshole isn't dead and all of this is a waste of time. I'm just throwing these clothes out. My dough needs to be proofed....Fuck. I just don't have time for this."

She slowly dragged him over the lip of opening, wincing as she did it thinking about how much this would have hurt if he were conscious. As his body emerged, she put him in a bear hug and pulled him through the opening. His feet popped out, she overbalanced and they both fell to the asphalt. She heard his head hit. "Shit! If he wasn't dead, I just killed him."

She looked carefully at him. That face...I wonder what his eyes are like. What a waste. And those muscles...she put a finger under his nose and watched his chest. "Dammit! He's not breathing! Must be an overdose or something. No blood. No signs of shooting or stabbing," She bent over pinched his nose and gave him three breaths and watched. In the dark she still didn't see or hear any breathing. "Shiiiit! Why me, Lord?"

She breathed for him again, then ran back to the bakery, grabbed her phone and two vials of Narcan and ran back, dialing 911 on her way. "Hello, this is Willow McCormick, I am here with an unconscious person I found in the dumpster. I'm behind the bakery in the alley at Chesterfield and second. I can't talk, I'll leave the phone on. I'm going to give him some Narcan. Come quickly, please!"

She looked at him again. Still didn't see any breathing so she pinched his nose and gave him three breaths. She didn't notice that his eyes were open and he was smiling. He quickly smoothed his face again as she sat up and felt for a pulse.

"Shit! And no pulse. The ass was probably already dead. Dammit!" She ripped his shirt open and started compressions. He struggled to keep from laughing. Three more breaths.

"Okay, mister. Double dose for you. She pulled the top off of the Narcan nasal kits and thrust one up each nostril and squeezed it in. His eyes popped open, he reached out to her, pulled her face close to his and kissed her. She froze for a second, then relaxed. Nice. Then, shoving him away, "What the fuck? No besame! No! No besame. Como see llamo?"

"Me llamo Liam."

"Bueno. Me llamo Willow. Duele mucho?"



"Aqui." He put a hand to the back of his head and looked at it. A little blood. She groaned inwardly. That was her work. Then put a hand to his chest. "Aqui. Mi corazon esta roto."

"What? Your heart what? Su corazon que? Broken? Your fucking heart is broken!"

He started laughing. "Why are we speaking Spanish? And yours is a little rusty by the way."

"I...well, I thought. Doesn't matter. How long have you been awake?"

"Not sure. I think since you were kissing me."

"I WASN'T KISSING YOU! I was saving your worthless life! And then you kissed me? You jerk! You knew what you were doing?"

"Sorry. You were just so beautiful and your lips were so incredibly soft and nice."

"Fuck you! I hope you die. Here come the police or...or I hope it's a garbage truck to load your sorry ass and the dumpster into it. Then compress you into a wad of pulp. I hope you have outstanding warrants or something. And you stink by the way. Jesus! I have to get back to work. Some of us don't have the time to take drugs and go dumpster diving."

"I didn't take any drugs. I got hit in the face when I wasn't looking. Sucker punched."

"Sure, that's what they all say. 'Some dude?'

"What? Wait. Please, before you go, could I use your phone for a minute?"

"Holy shit. I save your life and now you want to use my phone?"

"Yes, please. It'll just take a minute. Or less. Please?"

wiping it off, "Sure, here. What the hell? Can I get you something to drink?"

"Thank you, that would be very nice, I could really use some coffee. Black. But you've already done so much, just the phone. She handed it to him and he dialed a number, then a series of other numbers. "Please initiate stolen phone protocol 775. Please initiate stolen wallet protocol 668. Please schedule appointment at DMV to get new driver's license. Repeat back. Good. Thank you, Jeannie. Here's your phone back." She glared at him.

The ambulance arrived and the EMT's walked over. "Are you Willow?"

"Yes. I dragged him out of the dumpster, gave him some Narcan and he woke up. That's all I know. I don't want to get involved. I work in the bakery right there and I really have to get back to work. Sorry. I can't hang around. I'll be right there if you need anything.

"Oh, and he's a friggin' jerk!" She stormed off pulling her soggy shirt away from her skin and stomping her feet to get Lord only knew what off her new shoes, leaving foot prints with each step as the fluid drained from her. "Dammit! Fuck!"

The EMT laughed. "Looks like you made an impression. So you've had some success with the ladies by hanging out in the dumpsters?" He laughed and they joined him.

"First time. Worked pretty good though, don't you think?" Looking at the door, "She certainly left an impression on me. So, down to business, how can I help you fellows..."

An hour later he walked to the door of the bakery and was eating some of the cookies as he knocked. She looked up, "Go away! Just go the fuck away!"

"I like your new outfit," he said through the glass in the door.

"You asshole. I ruined my good one saving your worthless neck."

He was preparing to knock on the door again when another young woman approached the door. "Get away from the door. I have pepper spray and worse and I won't hesitate to spray your ass. Who are you and what do you want?"

"I am Liam Bradigan and that amazingly beautiful woman in there just saved my life, well, at least according to her. And I would like to thank her by taking her to dinner."

"That girl, right there? My sister?"

"Yes, Willow." She started laughing.

"It could only happen to Willow. Oh, damn. Wait 'til I tell Mom." She bent over laughing. He smiled and watched. She straightened, "Alright, alright, I have it together. Sorry about that, Liam. It's going to be quite a day in the bakery.

"Tell you what, Liam, stand here a moment. I'm Ayla by the way. Excuse me if I don't shake your hand." He nodded his understanding and scraped some additional goo off his arm.


She unlocked the door. "Oh, Willow? There's a very stinky guy out here who says you saved his life and he would like to take you to dinner to thank you."

"He's an ass and I should have let him die. Tell him to go the fuck away and lock the door. He fucking kissed me while I was resuscitating him." Ayla put her hands to her face and started laughing again.

"No. No way. He didn't, did he?"

"Yes! Of all the fucking nerve. Climb in the damned dumpster, drag his heavy ass out, save his worthless life and he kisses me? What the fuck?" Ayla was howling, propped against the counter.

"Oh, Willow." She continued to laugh. "This is just too much! But my, my. He's quite a hunk and 'those eyes are so dreamy.'"

"Hadn't noticed."

"And that chest...why's his shirt all ripped open?"

"I had to do compressions on him. I don't know why I wasted my time."

"Quite a chest, don't you think?"

Willow glared at her. "If you want some worthless junkie, take him. I want nothing more to do with him."

"No, I have my Robbie. But he sure as heck is not built like that."

"And yes, you're an ass too, sister of mine. And then, then he has that dark skin and I figured he was Hispanic or something so I tried speaking to him in Spanish." Ayla started laughing again.

"And we know how good your grasp of Spanish is. Willow, my belly is killing me from laughing this hard. And look! Tears are running."

"But then the ass lets me go on and on and then finally says 'why are we speaking Spanish and yours sucks by the way.' What an ASS! Tell him to go away and get hit by a car or something, no thanks are necessary. Fucking men. Shit! I hate them all."

Ayla went to the door and stepped outside. "Well, Liam, seems you've stirred up a tempest that's no longer in a teacup or teapot, or a five gallon bucket, or whatever. I have only rarely seen her in such a state. So, I would recommend that you go home. You have a home, right?" He nodded.

"Go home, take a shower, get cleaned up, and come back later with some flowers and some chocolate and try again. She will yell, scream and throw them at you, so don't buy expensive ones, and we can try again. What say you?"

"Great. I'll be back later. Thank you, Ayla. And just so you know, no drugs, a wee little alcohol from time to time, and I was actually out trying to clear my head when I was was robbed and pitched into the dumpster."

"You're taking that pretty calmly."

"Just a phone. Just a wallet. Everything's handled so those guys can't use any of it. So no biggy."

Ayla walked back in, "He seems nice."

"Well, he's not. He pisses me off. That cocky, I'm so cool attitude. So sure of himself. Just 'cause he's like all muscle and has those crazy blue eyes...I never want to see him again. And don't you go talking to him. You had no business talking to him.

"You should have just locked the damn door like I asked. Now give me a hand. He screwed up everything and we're so far behind. Who the hell is out that time of night anyway? Certainly not a guy I'd be interested in. And quit your fucking smiling or I'll be mad at you too."

Four hours later he pulled up nearby in his old Tacoma pickup. It was scratched, covered with dents and in spots rust was eating through the doors and side panels. No shine or luster at all on the gray exterior.

He climbed out and reached to the other seat to pick up the flowers and box of chocolates. A Fall mix of flowers. He'd stopped and added some contorted willow branches to the arrangement. He was sure the homeowners wouldn't mind a few branches.

Taking a deep breath he walked in the front door of the bakery. Willow and Ayla looked up. "Well a good morning to you, Liam. You certainly cleaned up very nicely. Love the shirt, don't you, Willow?"

Willow pulled her eyes away from his, "I have more to do in the back."

"Willow, wait, please? I brought some flowers and chocolates to thank for your kindness this morning." He carefully placed them on the counter. "Even if you did take the opportunity to give me mouth to mouth and rip my good luck shirt just so you could put your hands on my chest."

Willow's eyes widened as she turned bright red. Ayla braced for the explosion with a smile on her face. What the hell was Liam up to? He must know by now that Willow was about to pull out all the stops and go bat shit crazy on him. Thank goodness, no other customers were in the shop and there was no gun handy.

Willow started making noises in her throat as the anger built. "Oh, wait just a moment, please. I left something in the truck. I'll be right back." Liam ran out and in moments had returned with a box and placed it on the counter.

In a low growl Willow said, "What the fuck is that?"

"I apologize in advance, but I felt so badly about ruining your outfit this morning that I felt I had to do something, so I purchased, well, I purchased a dress which I think perfectly accentuates your beautiful green eyes and radiant, red hair.

In a growling, barely controlled voice, "You. Bought. Me. Clothes?"

"Well, yes. I thought it was the least I could do. I confess that although I thoughtfully and carefully admired your wonderful figure this morning, I still had to guess at the size. I do hope it's correct. And undergarments..."

"You fucking bought me underwear?"

"Well, no, I was nose deep in the underwear earlier this morning as someone crawled over my face and realized I was in over my head..." Ayla lost it and tried unsuccessfully to smother her laughter. Willow glared at her briefly with a 'you're going to get yours' look.

"I apologize, I suspect yours were ruined as you rescued me this morning. May I assume you've found some alternates or...If you didn't, I mean, I'll be happy to run back to the store and purchase some." Ayla was laughing by now trying to do so noiselessly.

"I am going to count to three. And if you are not the fuck out of my store I am going to knock your fucking teeth out and kick your nuts all the wait to your tonsils."

"But, Willow, surely you don't mean it."




"So I guess this means you won't go to dinner with me?"

"THREE!" She picked up the flowers and threw them at him. He stood there facing her. "Take your fucking flowers!" Picking up the box of chocolates she threw them at him. The box opened and some scattered on the floor. "Take your fucking chocolates!" She picked up the box...

"Let me guess. Take my fucking dress? Something along those lines, Willow?"


"Well, let it never be said that I can't take a hint. Ayla, lovely to see you again. And, Willow, I will spend the day remembering your three attempts to get me breathing again..."

"You were conscious, THE WHOLE FUCKING TIME?"

"Well, yes, but it was that final kiss you gave me that I shall remember most fondly."


"Sorry, that's just not how I remember it." She grabbed a stun gun from under the counter and started coming around the end.

"I'm going to electrocute your ass until your nuts pop off."

"That's twice now you made mention of my genitals."

"Arrrrrgh!" He scrambled to pick up some of the chocolates and ran out the door. "That man is just so annoying. He drives me fucking nuts!"

"I like him, Willow. And look at this dress! It's perfect for you."

"Of course you do. I'm going in the back and bake something. Maybe it will calm me down." She went in the prep area forcing herself to think about what she was going to make. Maybe some cookies.

She looked out the back door and saw Dominic. She was preparing to take Dominic some bread when Liam walked up. What the hell could he be up to? She listened through the door.

"Hi there. I'm Liam. Who're you?"


"Nicely met, Dominic. How would you like to share some chocolates with me? Here, take a couple. Heck, take the box. So, crappy weather we've been having. Do you have a place to stay, Dominic?"

"Several places."

"What about the homeless shelter a couple blocks over. It's nice there. And warm. You get breakfast. Tell you what, promise me you'll head over there this afternoon and I'll give you twenty dollars for some lunch. Deal?"

Dominic had a fit of coughing and spit out a big greenish gob of stuff. Liam put his hand under his filthy coat, "Take a few deep breaths for me, Dominic." He did and started coughing again. "Tell you what. Why don't you and I take a little trip. Stay here I'll be right back."

Moments later she saw him pull up with an ancient looking truck, assist, Dominic in and drive off. What the heck?

Ayla wandered in. "Are you alright, Willow? You seemed kind of upset. What? What are you looking at?"

"That asshole, just shared the chocolates with Dominic, gave him money, then drove off with him in a truck."

"Sounds awful. What kind of person would do such a dreadful thing?"

For two days he brought flowers, she threw them at him, ranted, raved and abused him. He smiled each time, gathered up the flowers and left. No Dominic. On the third day he walked in, "What the fuck did you do with Dominic? Where did you take him? I swear, if you hurt him or anything..."

A sad look filled his face and his shoulders slumped. He looked dejected. "Willow, I realize that you feel otherwise right now, but I really am not the great Satan or the center of all evil in the universe.

"Dominic is doing fine. In fact, I just visited with him. He's in the hospital. I took him there because he had pneumonia. I've worked it out so that he can go to the homeless shelter until I can find more permanent housing for him and the Community Health Center has agreed to see him after discharge so he has a primary care home."

She stared him and softened slightly. "Oh. So what do you do with the flowers?"

"I give them to someone who looks like they need them."


He turned and left and Ayla turned to Willow, "Willow? Why on earth do you treat that poor guy like that? Did you hear what he just did for Dominic? Who the hell does stuff like that? Why?"

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